Wednesday, 9 October 2019



Astral [Astro] taken from the word A Star [Ishtar] a star, the word Astral is referenced against anything that is outside yourself is astronomical, celestial, related to the stars, space, things of that nature.

Astro projection, you have thoths right, so your thoths are astral, so when you start to project your thoths [at the rate of 477] onto sumone else, that is astro-projection, so whatever your meaning, thoth, reasoning, your thoth pattern, your mentality, the moment you start to project that onto an external person, place or thing, object, star, celestial body, outer space, then you are astral-projecting.

We are in 2019 [2020] vision year, all that is hidden is revealed, and many are on their Ka [spiritual] ptah with many who may not have been on their ptah in the last 3-4 years, this activation is in waves.

Astral projection and Astro travelling, on the internet you’ll find many testimonies and with them come different concepts about traveling and projection, we all travel and project, sum are at different levels, with many that you can tell haven’t learnt this through inheritance but they learnt through conversation or a book, they actually learnt what [Astral Projection] is from sumone is and now consider their experience to be similar to whatever they have been taught.

We all astral project and we all astral travel, this is not sumthing that is nu but is for many in this nu age, sum people can project a lot further than others.

Many of you will have the elements [air-water-fire-Ki] within you giving you range, and a lot of alignments and arrangements, you’ll become logical and rational and so your projection level may not go as far with a person who has a broad imagination, now with a person who is not rational and logical and they are just into daydreaming and imagination, they might astral project to far that you lose them.

You have to be in-between, you have to balance things, its always good to add a bit of rationality and logic aka, left brain energy [yang] to level out your surroundings, aka the right brain energy, the Femi9 energy.

Technically, we are all astral-projecting, depending on your range, certain Ka(s) project further but it takes a wise Ka [spirit] to know how to project in general, not to far and when they are not projecting enough, too left brain, to logical or to down to Ki.

Have you ever sat back and thoth of sumthing and then you thoth of the whole scenario and then you played out sumthing in your head, you even put yourself in that scenario as a character, now you just astral projected because you had an image that you just projected, the astral realm, the mental realm, where are your thoths at << we have to call that the astral realm, who projected that >> because no one else had that thoth but you, you projected that thoth.

Once you turn that thoth into image and have imagery, once you turn that image into motion then you have motion picture and when you start to play out that thoth, then you are traveling, has a Ka, you got in that spaceship and BOOOM, you jumped into that thoth, into that dream and started to experience it, moved through it, aka moving through it >> traveling, moving, motion >> you replaced experience with traveling, you are inherent with that image now and you are moving through it, so when you daydream, when you have a thoth in your head and you start to play it out [think about what you think about, can be from sexual to money, to a country+] whatever image you project, the moment you start to play that out, your astral travelling.

Deeper, here’s the thing, your Ka is your space and your space becomes your state of being, how that frequency is vibrated, your Ka starts to create forces, consciousness, light that becomes the state of awareness, so we can become consciously aware of sumones space, so based upon a person astral projection, this lets you know that this is a physical representation of where this person is at spiritually in their state of being and what they are consciously comfortable with, so if your around sumone who is constantly projecting negative thoths about you and them, that lets you know where they are at spiritually, they are in the wrong space, the third space because that is what they are comfortable with.

Those that have the same situation, over and over and you notice that they are starting to like it and the moment that you put them in a situation that they are not comfortable with and the experience, then you then become a problem, that lets you know that you cannot help them, as a Ka that is just the space that they like to be in, that is the state of awareness, the level of consciousness, that is their thoth patterns, their spaceships and the astral projections that they are going to keep on creating, you should not be traveling in their astral projection because that light is going to start projecting on you from them and you are going to be seeing those same shapes and forms.

Think of the yin and yang symbol, how they divide but merge, in and out, the first thing that is on your Ka is your forces, your consciousness, your lights, the chakras that you create, your will powra that you create, your soul-ar system, your light body, your masculine energy that you pushed out first to be in the femi9 realm, this is what makes you three, your soul, mind and body and you control, you have 7 senses with what you feel and think in there too.

Your Ka is without form or shape and is in space, don’t let no one shape you.  

There are sum dreams [visions] that are not meant to be spoken about, they are for your own knowledge and simply are not meant to share.

We have these people out here that have had dreams and thoth that they needed to go and warn sumone, do sumthing, prevent sumthing from happening that was shown to you in your dream,  you go to modify what has happened and the vision [dream] self detonates in your face.

The result was this person was angry at you or that you were unbale to change or do anything about the dream with that person, sumtimes you are actually going to jeopardise the ptah-way by opening your mouth in the first place.

Sum visions, messages are not meant for you to intervene, they were shown to you for other reasons, like just to simply be aware, if sumthing is being shown to you that sumone is doing sumthing negative it’s just for awareness purpose only for your own benefit.

Grandmothers are not talking to much; they are reserved and take the time with knowledge.

Emotions are energy in motion, they come across you and keep on going unless you keep on holding onto them, let the feeling go and keep the data.

Let the dream manifest first to get your perception and then you will get the message, the real message.

Man-in-festation, he is not.

The dream-world is the easiest portals to connect with our ancestors, sum of you will get this world [realm] mixed up with the 3D world because you don't know the difference, the dream-world allows you to gain warnings, messages and pointers in a world full of sh9t, 


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