Thursday, 31 October 2019

Karma Movement

Watch your Karma [Ka-Ma] these are your [actions], for every action there is a reaction, Karma is the consequence of your actions, the consequence of your negative actions.

There are Universal Laws, there is the Law of Ma’At and when you go against the laws of Nu and Ma’At then there are consequences, you can do what you want to do, you have creative will, but there are boundaries in which you can operate out here, its not so much the thoth, it is the action of what you do, no matter how small or what it is, karma manifests itself in many ways.

When you agreed to come down here you agreed on your parents and everything that you choose has to line up with a specific bloodline of people who are already going through what you’re going through to sum degree, say you are incarnated into a family who do not love, you may be the one to come in and overcome this problem, you will be the one to love and break that cycle, you may be the one to decide to break the cycles, maybe they are drug-addicts and you may be forced into this situation and decide, no, you won’t be that person, may be the family is cursed and you are here to break that hold [generational curses].

So, say your heart is broken, was not your fault, the person that that happened to is dealing with karma and so are you, both are dealing with karma, everything negative that you experience is dealing with karma, hence why sum experience a lot of bad things and sum do not, sum people have never had their heart broken and sum do, certain things are happening to certain people because its karma, karma can affect you directly even though the source may not be you or is you, sumone that dies of cancer, but you feel the pain, the karma, you could have been a thief, you stole sumthing, or you like money, chances are you are going to be incarnated into the 3rd-world or people will just steal from you all day long, it works like that, cause and effect, for every action there is a reaction.

Saturn deals with karma, Saturn will kick your ass to make you learn, number 8 [justice], he makes sure you get yours, your house must be in order, if not you have another cycle coming up.

No matter what, the karma-debt must be honoured in this life or the next cycle, the debt will need to be paid.

When you don’t know yourself you won’t know who you are or remember who you are, the more conscious you are the more you know who you are, karma is real and is waiting for you for your actions that you gave out until you know thyself.

What goes around come back around, 360 degrees is a sphere, its round.

The lifestyle you live is the Karma you consent to, learn to love yourself completely, you have no idea how powra-full the mind is until you learn to live for the transformation of your temple, the renewing of your mind and the expansion of your light instead of the transition to your tomb, the decomposition of your body and the contraction back into.

 So, its mental so it’s based-on consciousness, the problem has been consciousness, 7 levels of consciousness or 6 and we go into the 7th heaven.

Inter-personal consciousness
Life consciousness
Sub consciousness
Super consciousness
Magnetic consciousness
Intra-personal consciousness
Infinite consciousness
Each are related to the 7up chakra system.

70’s Movement

Flower [Indigo] Crystal [Rainbow]

Agreed contracts, first of all, stay away from the nu-age people and nu-age words, know who you are not what they tell you, so, decade babies, energy was different back then, every 10 years different energies came down here, we started to notice the difference in the 1970’s.

Groups of children [energies] were sent to Ki and around the 70’s a psy-chi-atrist started to become aware of these children, she noticed that certain children had a colour in their bio-field [aura] that has layers, they were being incarnated with type of colour in their arua, their life force was Indigo, and that the children had special gifts, the government knew about them and brought in terms [labels] to call them and medicine to dumb them down.

Truth is these Indigo children were so advanced that education wouldn’t sustain them, middle to late 70’s into the 80’s, before them was the flower children, they came here from the 5D, they came here to be the beginning of sumthing, they were incarnated around the civil rights and hippie power moments, these flower children were here to rebel against the system, the flower gave birth to the Indigo, they exhibit Indigo and come from around the 5[6] dimension and they are more like the Sem[hearer, listener] priestly, royalty and have come down here to destroy the system full stop and change all to nu.

Indigo children are in their late 30’-40’s and late 40’s right now and they are spread out in the matrix, their off-spring are grown up and its interesting that they are here while the world is in the middle of a change, in a transformation, the indigo children are rebellious.

The Indigo came in all races, music was key at that time for us all, the Indigo are here to set the world up for the rainbow children.

The crystal children started to come here around the late 80’s to the 90’s, and are more advanced than the Indigos, today at 19-21 and 30-years old they are already Ka’A graded, they are already spiritual.

They are here to rebel but are also here to help push the change back into the Ka’A movement.

The Indigo is to change the system and the Crystal are to continue the change and regulate the change, these Crystal children will become great examples later on in life Crystal comes from the word Christ [Christos] aka Karast.

The Rainbow children started coming here around the 2000 mark, they are advanced more than the ones before, these children are exhibiting high levels of intelligence and the internet is covered in what they are doing, their aura is rainbowed, a full colour spectrum, they are already hardwired into saving the planet and are Ka’A graded, and they have no Karma.

Not all children are special, we have more and more rainbow and crystal children on route, these children are here to reside in the world that the Indigo set-up, and will continue to push the positive energy, a lot of people think the world is getting worse, it is to go through chaos to get to order, the world is just upgrading, there are seasons to things and there are things that are taking place that has never happened before, she is in a state of great change right now.

Sum of these rain-bow children are [gods] in the flesh and have returned to lay down the ma’star keys, to be great teachers [Sem]s, Ka’A leaders, the government knows who these children are and had tried to slow them down with the mass vaccinations that they pushed.

Be careful out here, its deeper than these words light-worker and star-seeds, all words by the nu-age people, they are full of sh9t, know who you are, go within. 

375 rare metals [9 ether skin] 50 are rare golds and 50 are rare koppers [Nub-Gold] Nubian
375 minerals
375 crystals
3 x 375 = 1251 = 9

The 144,000 is within us.

The Wadjet [eye] is in the shape of a diamond and is made of solid Quartz.

Stock and Bonds
Live-stock [cattle] and Bonds-bondage [Hu-Min]
Tic toc

Pangea is a Greek, its Lemuria [Le-Mu-ria]

2/3rds of us [Nubians] have to go, wiped out, you’re holding us [144,000] back. 

Alignment in December and we have [11.11]. 

The Afurekan trilateral root word #UTL became #UTLA adding the vowel A.
#UTLA in Hebrew is #ATLA and when you add the Arabic word for 2 or more which is and then your #ATLA becomes #ATLAND and if you add the Greek symbol for 2 #ATLAND becomes #ATLANDS.

Now you know where Scot-land, Ire-land and so forth get their names.

Then in 365 because PLATO introduced ATLANDS as #ATLANTIS which means the 2 vacation lands coming from PaTaLa UTLA.

The 2 Vacation Land was Afureka connected to the Americas north and south before the continental drift.

Plato came to Afureka [Alkebulan] and got educated about Pangea [Greek word] and Atlantis.

Atlantis (America) capital is Atlanta hence why today its recorded name is the USA, it is forbidden to refer to the USA has America.

Electromagnetic pulses

Seen over Australia, follow the radius inland and see what is there.


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