Thursday, 31 October 2019

Karma Movement

Watch your Karma [Ka-Ma] these are your [actions], for every action there is a reaction, Karma is the consequence of your actions, the consequence of your negative actions.

There are Universal Laws, there is the Law of Ma’At and when you go against the laws of Nu and Ma’At then there are consequences, you can do what you want to do, you have creative will, but there are boundaries in which you can operate out here, its not so much the thoth, it is the action of what you do, no matter how small or what it is, karma manifests itself in many ways.

When you agreed to come down here you agreed on your parents and everything that you choose has to line up with a specific bloodline of people who are already going through what you’re going through to sum degree, say you are incarnated into a family who do not love, you may be the one to come in and overcome this problem, you will be the one to love and break that cycle, you may be the one to decide to break the cycles, maybe they are drug-addicts and you may be forced into this situation and decide, no, you won’t be that person, may be the family is cursed and you are here to break that hold [generational curses].

So, say your heart is broken, was not your fault, the person that that happened to is dealing with karma and so are you, both are dealing with karma, everything negative that you experience is dealing with karma, hence why sum experience a lot of bad things and sum do not, sum people have never had their heart broken and sum do, certain things are happening to certain people because its karma, karma can affect you directly even though the source may not be you or is you, sumone that dies of cancer, but you feel the pain, the karma, you could have been a thief, you stole sumthing, or you like money, chances are you are going to be incarnated into the 3rd-world or people will just steal from you all day long, it works like that, cause and effect, for every action there is a reaction.

Saturn deals with karma, Saturn will kick your ass to make you learn, number 8 [justice], he makes sure you get yours, your house must be in order, if not you have another cycle coming up.

No matter what, the karma-debt must be honoured in this life or the next cycle, the debt will need to be paid.

When you don’t know yourself you won’t know who you are or remember who you are, the more conscious you are the more you know who you are, karma is real and is waiting for you for your actions that you gave out until you know thyself.

What goes around come back around, 360 degrees is a sphere, its round.

The lifestyle you live is the Karma you consent to, learn to love yourself completely, you have no idea how powra-full the mind is until you learn to live for the transformation of your temple, the renewing of your mind and the expansion of your light instead of the transition to your tomb, the decomposition of your body and the contraction back into.

 So, its mental so it’s based-on consciousness, the problem has been consciousness, 7 levels of consciousness or 6 and we go into the 7th heaven.

Inter-personal consciousness
Life consciousness
Sub consciousness
Super consciousness
Magnetic consciousness
Intra-personal consciousness
Infinite consciousness
Each are related to the 7up chakra system.

70’s Movement

Flower [Indigo] Crystal [Rainbow]

Agreed contracts, first of all, stay away from the nu-age people and nu-age words, know who you are not what they tell you, so, decade babies, energy was different back then, every 10 years different energies came down here, we started to notice the difference in the 1970’s.

Groups of children [energies] were sent to Ki and around the 70’s a psy-chi-atrist started to become aware of these children, she noticed that certain children had a colour in their bio-field [aura] that has layers, they were being incarnated with type of colour in their arua, their life force was Indigo, and that the children had special gifts, the government knew about them and brought in terms [labels] to call them and medicine to dumb them down.

Truth is these Indigo children were so advanced that education wouldn’t sustain them, middle to late 70’s into the 80’s, before them was the flower children, they came here from the 5D, they came here to be the beginning of sumthing, they were incarnated around the civil rights and hippie power moments, these flower children were here to rebel against the system, the flower gave birth to the Indigo, they exhibit Indigo and come from around the 5[6] dimension and they are more like the Sem[hearer, listener] priestly, royalty and have come down here to destroy the system full stop and change all to nu.

Indigo children are in their late 30’-40’s and late 40’s right now and they are spread out in the matrix, their off-spring are grown up and its interesting that they are here while the world is in the middle of a change, in a transformation, the indigo children are rebellious.

The Indigo came in all races, music was key at that time for us all, the Indigo are here to set the world up for the rainbow children.

The crystal children started to come here around the late 80’s to the 90’s, and are more advanced than the Indigos, today at 19-21 and 30-years old they are already Ka’A graded, they are already spiritual.

They are here to rebel but are also here to help push the change back into the Ka’A movement.

The Indigo is to change the system and the Crystal are to continue the change and regulate the change, these Crystal children will become great examples later on in life Crystal comes from the word Christ [Christos] aka Karast.

The Rainbow children started coming here around the 2000 mark, they are advanced more than the ones before, these children are exhibiting high levels of intelligence and the internet is covered in what they are doing, their aura is rainbowed, a full colour spectrum, they are already hardwired into saving the planet and are Ka’A graded, and they have no Karma.

Not all children are special, we have more and more rainbow and crystal children on route, these children are here to reside in the world that the Indigo set-up, and will continue to push the positive energy, a lot of people think the world is getting worse, it is to go through chaos to get to order, the world is just upgrading, there are seasons to things and there are things that are taking place that has never happened before, she is in a state of great change right now.

Sum of these rain-bow children are [gods] in the flesh and have returned to lay down the ma’star keys, to be great teachers [Sem]s, Ka’A leaders, the government knows who these children are and had tried to slow them down with the mass vaccinations that they pushed.

Be careful out here, its deeper than these words light-worker and star-seeds, all words by the nu-age people, they are full of sh9t, know who you are, go within. 

375 rare metals [9 ether skin] 50 are rare golds and 50 are rare koppers [Nub-Gold] Nubian
375 minerals
375 crystals
3 x 375 = 1251 = 9

The 144,000 is within us.

The Wadjet [eye] is in the shape of a diamond and is made of solid Quartz.

Stock and Bonds
Live-stock [cattle] and Bonds-bondage [Hu-Min]
Tic toc

Pangea is a Greek, its Lemuria [Le-Mu-ria]

2/3rds of us [Nubians] have to go, wiped out, you’re holding us [144,000] back. 

Alignment in December and we have [11.11]. 

The Afurekan trilateral root word #UTL became #UTLA adding the vowel A.
#UTLA in Hebrew is #ATLA and when you add the Arabic word for 2 or more which is and then your #ATLA becomes #ATLAND and if you add the Greek symbol for 2 #ATLAND becomes #ATLANDS.

Now you know where Scot-land, Ire-land and so forth get their names.

Then in 365 because PLATO introduced ATLANDS as #ATLANTIS which means the 2 vacation lands coming from PaTaLa UTLA.

The 2 Vacation Land was Afureka connected to the Americas north and south before the continental drift.

Plato came to Afureka [Alkebulan] and got educated about Pangea [Greek word] and Atlantis.

Atlantis (America) capital is Atlanta hence why today its recorded name is the USA, it is forbidden to refer to the USA has America.

Electromagnetic pulses

Seen over Australia, follow the radius inland and see what is there.


Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Shifting Triangles

Ba'A[Ka'A] and Khu and Khat

October 13th and the Moon [SIN] KUN.GA, the deathStar was on full power and for a few days after, since then i have been feeling drained, not right with the Khu, so many thoths, the energy has changed once again, the universes kodes have changed.

Meditation is nu, no more part-time, full flip mode, Ki has tilted to the south, so watch your eye-view, it may be off.

Mentally drained, the old knowledge we are finally letting go, the nu frequencies, nu energy shifts are forcing us to process, people are tense, their energy is real high and you have to protect your energy out here, this full moon and the rest that have happened has negative energy, people have a lot of built up energy and are releasing, the portals are completely opened, there is negative energy mixed in the air, the last 3 months have been intense but this whole year was about balancing yourself, filing and processing and what you need and what you want, unplugged, the frequency forced us to balance the energies, balance ourselves and to go pro, for those that have the call.

The bloodlines are calling you, these are the last ripples that we are feeling, these are the frequencies of our past and present and future, move with the energy, use the force. 

Time no-longer exists.

We are shifting out of one energy and into another, retrograde is making the pressure harder, reflection, focus and change, you have to, you cannot change reflection, are you aware of things, place, location, at this stage there is no messing about or you get left behind down here on the 3D.

NI.BIRU is forcing the issue.

The higher-self [Sakhu] is real close for many, in the ashes and our of the fire.

Use your natural senses and gifts, watch the Khu and what you are taking in and what you are giving out.

The changing of the guard, this is the exchange of poWRA. 

Your soul is searching, it can hear and feel the calling, we all have a calling that you agreed to a long time ago, the magnetism is calling us to magnetism or Magi to Magi, self-guiding beacon, we are returning home.

The frequency, energy has changed and with this nu change we have to adjust, this takes time and you needed to be aligned, this energy is beyond your understanding, takes time, we have been dormant for so long, a great force awaits us all [1619-2019] the frequency changed and we can see this, we have the [11.11.11]

The Galactic Federation and alliance and allies are very methodical and are precision, they have the patience and can wait.

Many have different ptahs out here and have different abilities.

What you overcome, not what you accomplish, what you have done in this current life, not past lives and what energies you hold and your bloodline.

Last two weeks have been really heavy, emotionally, challenging, the shifting of energies is here and on going, you must find your balance [Ma'At].  

Hubble [modified plane] has captured the collision of two galaxies of equal size and rotating at the rate of number 9. 

Tuesday, 29 October 2019


The dark-energy is here and many are anxious with this nu energy, this energy is very different and cannot be accessed like the others, it takes time to move into this type of energy and the energy will not be for all and that includes the 9ethers.

[dark-energy] anti-matter, matter, melanin, consciousness+ are all talking about the same thing
= Magi [Magic] your Black Magic [Magi], its active, its in-tell-i-agent, its knows ancient tones [words] you need to use ancient language to raise the energy, like Obatala, which is another word for
Mag-netism which is [Mag-ic] Magi.   

You have to be watching your energies around others, you have to be watching your poWRA, you must keep your energy to yourself, you cannot give it away and with this nu energy the negative and disagreeable do not know how to use it, you cannot give what you get away, they need this energy to survive on this planet but in actuality this planet is deleting them, desperate times require desperate measures.

This dark-energy, you have to want it, you have to want to move into this energy field, the energy is already active and is self-aware, the energy evolves, so if your part-time the energy will not consume you, this is a full-time exchange, you have to have a want or desire to be the energy, be in the electricity, be in the magnetism and be in the plasma and frequencies, the tones [sones] sound is a force, if you listen carefully you can hear. 

Concentration, focus and stay grounded, clarity is out there, your soul is searching all the while, the force flows itself, you have to be one with her, be her, but you cannot control the force but you can be one with her.

Thoths are still the most poWRA-full weapon still known to you; the 9 ethers must connect with the internal networking internet.

Empty mind, hallow heart, no emotions connected to stupidness, free-range thoths around this phase.

That blue spot of cool ocean temperatures stands out like the proverbial sore thumb in a recent NASA image of the warming world – a circle of cool blue on a planet increasingly shaded in hot red.
A region of the North Atlantic south of Greenland has experienced some of its coldest temperatures on record in recent years, a cooling unprecedented in the past thousand years, but yet they have extreme heat.

Use the original words [thoths, symbols and names] because the ancients don’t speak satanic English

Energy is streaming into Ki from the dark-side and the front-side from a source close to us the Mekaba aka NI.BIRU.

[XX]Mistral cycles are not from nature, they are going, you must have knowledge of self for the monthlies to go, diseases are not handed down to you, never was, the wombman is the only one that supports life from the metaphysical realm to the physical realm, she is the only one that can bring spirits into the physical realm, the only way to Ki is through the 9 ether.

In Greek the word is parthenogenesis [partheno = virgin] and [gin and generation], Genesis is also Barashiyh which comes from the root word Bara, meaning to reconstruct[reconstruction] replenishing, she can do this without man.

[XY] Brute force, he used to enforce her throne [A-Set]

We are not the same, we are different for a reason, you have alien implants, 10% of them have the system as well, 10% have a working Wadjet, either way we have lost our world [work].

Femi9 electron energy is surrounding this planet and is bending Ki(s) only electromagnetic field, the field houses ancient knowledge [NRG] and is open to you now and is in red, no more will I roam, this is un-iversal law [Ma’at] and [Nun]Nu[Nut]  laying down the law, the real order of this soul-ar system, the lov9 in this soular system and on Ki and in you came from her.

You have over 7trillion blood-cells in your [khat] body, you take one cell, if you’re a male, the head cell is proton, the second one is neutrons and the third one is electrons, but you know what is surrounding that cell [NI.BIRU surround Ki [neutron ball and you, think about this] 8 electrons [if you’re a male] is surrounding the cell, femi9 electron energy, that is the re-al poWRA, all is returning to zer0.

Love and hate could never be friends, we need Ki to end [recycle] in order for the chaos and out of chaos comes order, that which is straight, balance, seeking balance means suffering, we are all under the cuss, tears of joy, hapi-ness, and sadness.

How it was in the beginning is how it will be in the end, we are not here to repeat their hiStory, we came down here to break the cycles, you must be in-tune, you must be in-tune.

The black-patches in your eyes that you see around you and that you see in the skies are real in the field, moving shadows, moving orbs, moving light, moving time [emit], all of the dimensions are coming together, that means sum of them cannot hide no-more, tic-toc, tic-toc, all dimensions are coming together, no more hiding.

Knowing you, knowing me

Sh9t it coming up for many, when you know better you have to do better, it’s that simple, if not you stay in your cycles, if you keep on doing those things and don’t grow from them, then you stay put.

We are treading a fine line in this phase, your emotional intelligence is being tested all the while for a reason,  your emotional intelligence allows you to work through things, places, location and person with clarity, think about everything that has happened to you in this past month and the last three-months, whatever triggers you had, sumthing went bad or sumthing triggered you, what was your response emotionally and what was the outcome, did you deal with it or is it on the back-burner, what was the cause and effect of what you did.

Are you learning from your own mistakes, are your defining yourself or refining yourself during these times, we are being judged on what we have done this current life-time and not our past, stagnant energy does not allow you go grow or change your mind-Set, your just sticking in your comfort zones, looping.

Your emotional intelligence and how you are allowing your energy to be spent, how you allow things to affect you, maybe you like it, maybe that is all you know, you have control over what you allow your energy to pay attention to, you are participating with these things that you allow yourself to be a part of your life, things are not just happening to you, you are attracting these things for a reason and only you know why, coasting along in life hoping that this and that does not happen to you, but yet your not taking control or demanding things that are yours, no action or intent.

You have a responsibility and you must serve soul; you are here for the experience.

The universe [Nu][Nun]Nut is tri-ing to teach you sumthing, she is tri-ing to make you stronger, your lesson plans may seem relentless but who is causing all these lessons in love, is it not you, take sum responsibilities, we are probably learning the same lessons but these lessons are coming to us in different forms depending on our energy that we are spending out here, separate yourself from your material self, from your physical self, you cannot access your emotional intelligence without doing so, keep yourself enriched, keep your soul enriched and stay away from sh9t people.

Watch yourself and check yourself, get your energy of emotions in check, don’t let your emotions run your programs, watch your attitudes in your realities, self-development, self-realisation, self-reliant, take your [faith] poWRA out of the stimulation [matrix] and know yourself, know your Soul, Mind and Body.

You need a Sol to be in this soular system, you better be ready for the crash, when the emotions switch your either good to go or you are going to be really bad, very bad.  

Ba’A [soul]+ Ka’A [spirit] and Khu [Mind] and the Khat [body] is last, that Khat is going to be transformed.

 Not sure about the scan its already 6hrs in front, the universe is speaking out, energies are penetrating Ki and you, heavy, watch your thoths, you know the drill.

Chaos is looming, the animal in them is coming out, they are wearing sunglasses, umbrellas, staying indoors, Re is speaking to them, bad diets, bad habits all add up to no Order, Order is coming.

Look at the blue spot [Alaska] under the magnifying glass. 

Crafts are protecting the multi-dimensional portal that is the sun and the gatekeeper’s portal that is Sahu [SA.HU] aka Orion-Belt, just sitting outside 24hrs for 7 days and 360 days.

Ki has titled to the south, the moon also to compensate for the angle change.

  Quarter of the world’s pigs wiped out, global authorities brace for worldwide protein shortages, protein for who. 

Swine fever is killing millions upon millions of pigs all over the world, and this threatens to create a crippling global shortage of protein as we head into 2020, this epidemic began in China last year, and it is now also running wild in North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and the Philippines, but this crisis is certainly not limited to Asia, according to the Washington Post, so far in 2019 there have also been outbreaks in Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Russia and Ukraine.

The Earth-pig, mixed with the warthog and aardvark and canine [dog], no one knows where the Earth-pig came from, Arnold Schwarzenegger has a pig’s valve and there is Botox, all that is not from nature is being deleted.

  They have to take your energy and keep it, they cannot take your energy you have to give it away to them, you have to welcome that type of NRG into you, inot your home, into your vessel, energy is temporary and has to be given back one day, that day is here.

Sheba [Makeda]  

Metu Netu is a symbolic language [symbols][pictures], we are returning back to that language.
[Telepathy] [Ptah]

Your soul is searching, it can hear and feel the calling, we all have a calling that you agreed to a long time ago, the magnetism is calling us to magnetism or Magi to Magi, self-guiding beacon, we are returning home.

The frequency, energy has changed and with this nu change we have to adjust, this takes time and you needed to be aligned, this energy is beyond your understanding, takes time, we have been dormant for so long, a great force awaits us all [1619-2019] the frequency changed and we can see this, we have the [11.11.11]

The Galactic Federation and alliance and allies are very methodical and are precision, they have the patience and can wait.

Many have different ptahs out here and have different abilities

What energy you hold and your bloodline.

Heaven meets Ki
A nu King-dome is right beside this dimension.

Cities in the SKA 

Monday, 28 October 2019


Frequency Overload

Crafts are everywhere, every major city, those roll-clouds are taking shape, you can see the outlines, slowly but rapidly they are revealing themselves, semi-cloaked, whoever controls the skies controls the soular system, the ceiling is getting closer, this planet is surrounded, heaven meets Ki, the ceiling is very low with fleets, armadas that are sitting there every 24hrs for 7 days a week, 36,000+ crafts are in and out of this dimension.

Surrounding NI.BIRU are 8 satellites,  and surrounding the sun are also satellites who are all female [femi9-nrg] the sun is the masculine-nrg that in turn charges each one of those females, this is an Omega universe, Ki is surrounded, covered, right now by femi9 electron-nrg.

For thousands of years it was protons, electrons and neutrons, protons are the masculine side, electrons are the femi9 side and neutrons keep it neutral, protons have been pushed to the side and it is electron fem9-nrg all the way until the end of time, she is first now, the female walked this planet for millions of years before man did. 

The energy rips through Ki and is sent back into Ki from NI.BIRU who is on the dark-side of Ki, this is a 24hr operation, this energy is going through you also, its heavy, energy in motion, watch your emotions, the scan [Schumann] of the soular system reveals the frequency is vibrating, Ki is vibrating, last week Ki was cutting out and the energy was allowed to come in, the [Schumann] is not quite accurate from the NASA scan but we can all feel the frequency changes, the Schumann is a guide.

Septet [Sirius] September 23rd ended the old frequencies and programs, this is the Aquarius Age, Nu know-ledge [NRG], the route frequency of this universe is [216] the kode changed and we are in the transition, we have been here before, on repeat, we have been here several times before, every time we go through this matrix it makes us stronger, hiStory only repeats itself to those who don’t know it [breaking cycles].

A-Set translates throne, the seat of the Khu [mind], she is being reinstated, the Femi9 Electron Nrg is being reinstated [2011-2012 Venus aka IN.ANNA[A-Set authorised by Re, when Venus [satellite] was activated by Re], we are here to enforce her seat of redemption, time lines are merging into one.

Your Ba’A [soul] is ancient the Khat [body] is young.

Many are having visions showing that they or many are not going to make it or they are not going to make it, buckle-13up.

[11.11.11] is on the horizon, 2019 minus 7 years from the Julian-Georgian calendar and we go to the Ul-Mex [Olmex] device which is now, 2019[2012] it was a leap-year in 2018, energy lingers, whatever the time[emit]line, it is merging. 

Star-family are reading life-forms, they are reading your thoths [intention].

Next cycle is for 312,000 [12,500] that is a long time to come back down here until you get it right.

Fault-lines-zones, we are sending the energy out and it comes back in and hence why its our fault, until you manage your energy we will suffer.

California is in big trouble, they are being destroyed from below and above for a reason, California is going down.

Regulate your Khu, we are in her hands.

Your Ba’A [soul] is ancient the Khat [body] is young.

Five-G is running 
The energy rips through Ki and is sent back into Ki from NI.BIRU who is on the dark-side of Ki, this is a 24hr operation, this energy is going through you also, its heavy, energy in motion, watch your emotions, the scan [Schumann] of the soular system reveals the frequency is vibrating, Ki is vibrating, last week Ki was cutting out and the energy was allowed to come in, the [Schumann] is not quite accurate from the NASA scan but we can all feel the frequency changes, the Schumann is a guide. 

[11.11.11] is on the horizon, 2019 minus 7 years from the Julian-Georgian calendar and we go to the Ul-Mex [Olmex] device which is now, 2019[2012] it was a leap-year in 2018, energy lingers. 

Star-family are reading life-forms, they are reading your thoths [intention].

Next cycle is for 312,000 [12,500] that is a long time to come back down here until you get it right.

A-Set translates throne, the seat of the Khu [mind], she is being reinstated, the Femi9 Electron Nrg is being reinstated [2011-2012 Venus aka IN.ANNA[A-Set authorised by Re, when Venus [satellite] was activated by Re], we are here to enforce her seat of redemption, time lines are merging into one. 

You are here to enforce the energy because 90% of men are going to oppose her. 

Purple Lobster
Caught off the coast of Winter Harbour (Maine)

Lobsters are usually scavengers and eat primarily dead things from the bottom of the sea, however, researchers have discovered that lobsters catch mainly fresh food (except for bait) which includes fish, clams, mussels, crabs, sea urchins.

Purple = UVC is coming up from the bottom of the sea, you better ask sumbody. 

Saturday, 26 October 2019

Angle [Angel] Numbers

We are having a full multi-coloured backdrop, all chakra full colour spectrum in the skies and in tornadoes, hurricanes, weather systems, light is data and data is kodes, these are light-kodes for the 9ethers, they think the sun data won’t reach us but hey, that is only a reflection, Ki has an Inner-sun which is projecting from inward to outward, yesterday the energies came in and no matter why they say why they are spraying the skies, we are going to receive these energies, these light-kodes are different geometric energies that are coming from Nu [Kosmos] from Re, sum from the moon and sum from different planetary bodies, sumtimes you receive light-kodes in your mediation, which you’ve seen when you see the flashes of lights or light- patterns flash, these are all the energy of Nu, her DNA, the abyss, the deep, vibrations, all designed to upgrade your database for the organic machines, remember you are a computer and you have programs and these programs must be updated has we go along.

They were desperate yesterday because they sprayed heavy all over the planet so that we wouldn’t receive yesterdays programs, sumthing did take place yesterday, sum did get to the core but the battle is on, dark-nrg can still filter through even though they are using elements of Ki to work against us.

The download came in on Tuesday and many did not make it, where were you Tuesday, they couldn't pre-warn us, you had to be outside to have received the download, Tuesday around 3pm is when Ki cuts out and that energy came in. 

This is a spiritual war with spiritual warfare that is being deployed, the negative and disagreeable know what is taking place to a tee because the writings are on the wall [KMT].

The energies are increasing and with more poWRA comes end-times, they are worried about these energies coming down because there are also messages within the kodes, we also receive clarity to our thoths, concerns within the data, and upgrades, you are multidimensional beings and each dimension is geometric, [DMT] stands for Dime-thyltryptamine and Dime is short for Dimension, these light kodes are geometric lights of energies, each dimension and each dimension has a different geometric shape to it, you might have one that is the shape of a Tri-angle, one that is shaped like an Octagon, another dimension will be in the shape of a Cube and a Sphere inside that Cube because they both fit, sacred geometry, each dimension has a different geometrical shape and these light-kodes are for the access into these dimensions has we are going through the higher dimensions has we are multidimensional beings and these energies are making us more stronger beings so we can leave this mother and do what we got to do, they said they were protecting their systems, no you was not, they fear the awakening [activation], stay on the ptah. 

Nun is a  Ma'At-Ma'At-ical [Mathematical] equation or the universe is a mathematical equation or the holographic universe is in kode.

The route frequency was 216 = 9

Ma'At 9 to 9 to the 9th poWRA

The strongest shape in mathematics is a triangle [pyramid] or the strongest shape in the universe is a triangle [Mir].

Femi9 electron energy is surrounding the female entity called Ki.   

We are in Judgement.

Fleets of crafts are being seen everywhere.
Repeated numbers [Un][NU] 333[1111]144[222] recurring or repeated numbers, angel numbers the word comes from those on the bandwagon.

The word Angel Numbers didn’t exist until the new-age people, this is sumthing that already existed and it’s the same information and what they are doing is putting their take on it, new-age community are just a spin off from the Ka’A [Alkebulan] spirituality systems.

Look at the image, this is why they call a one a one and a two a two, see the number one, it has a one angle and the two has two angle and a three has three angles, you follow, this is how we wrote the numbers out, they were shapes, patterns, dimensions. 

Numbers where originally based on angles or sacred geometry, based on angles [angels] that is where you get the numbers and these angles are also angels, their Bible uses the word angel for angle, these angles are on shapes and allow light to enter and light is information [data] the four corners of Ki all have angles in which to let light enter, angles of light.

In KMT with have the 72[9] N.TU [Neteru] deities, all had a soular disc around their heads [crown] and sum had wings to which we get the name angel to describe the supernatural according to their Bible, sumone just took the term and flipped it.

What’s happening with these [angle] numbers is that your higher-self [Sakhu] is sending you messages to let you know sumthing is going on in your reality, its just that simple.

To many people today are on the bandwagon and are misleading with the teachings, too many meanings for this and that and it doesn’t work like that.

When you get the numbers, pay attention to what is going on around you, location, place, thing or person, these numbers also carry frequencies of the N.TU [gods], you may need to study numer-ology [Lloyd Strayhorn] to really work out what the numbers mean and not the stupid meanings on the internet.

Numbers carry geometric shapes and they carry frequencies because they have angles [angels], so these numbers connect to the Universe, Nu[Nun][Nut] translates the deep, the abyss, vibration, the energy of Nu, where they got the words Universe and Numbers from [Nu] and [Un].

When your Sakhu wants to imprint sumthing into your life, when it wants to communicate with you its in kode by way of your subconscious mind, the sub-mind talks to you in pictures, imagery, kodes and connects around 3am.

You left yourself higher kodes to aid you in your ptahway from your Sakhu, don’t get stuck on the numbers, don’t get stuck on one thing, move forward with the energies.

Sumtimes you cannot remember your dreams [visions] because you don’t have enough energy to bring the knowledge back to Ki.

Your more than a StarSeed, there are different levels to the StarSeed, activation is worldwide.

The crescent Moon, the moon is rising upside down, but Ki is upside >>> Turkish Flag = Crescent Moon [SIN][KUNGA], the G prefixing Gaia, is for [God] or Geometry, of the Grand Architect of the Universe, who to them was Tah, the original name as Ptah.

The G being the seventh letter and the mystical number of religious beliefs, in particular the Bible, Gea the female deity or Mary and Mother Nature is symbolic of the crescent Moon, or the Greek deity Diana, and her son as the star of Bethlehem, which to sum is Jesus, but in reality is Aset and Heru.

The crescent moon is a tool that the star-family use along with the unidentical twins the cube and square who are both 360.

Gea is a Greek word, so Pangea means all of earth, when all of earth was called Lemuria aka Le-Mu-ria = Mu = Muurs = Moors = Mars = LAH.MU = Mu.

Geometric mathematics [Ma'At-Ma'At-ics] is the keys to their secrets, that adds up to no more than simple geometry.

Much is taking place inside this soular system, the route frequency changed in September and now we are being turned back on-line, rebooting is next, frequency overload. 

The earlier on in the year attack on the power grid in a Venezuela will now have effects on the United States which we are seeing today, the grid will start to go out over there with a real possibility that it won’t come back on, the electrical grids are stacked on one another around the world, 90% of people alone will die, black-out wars.

China, North Korea, Iran, Russia and many more+ but there is also another threat, our brothers and sistars are in Antarctica and are erecting the towers for us to go back on-line, ancient technology is being brought back on-line, Ki is a giant machine with programs and so are you.

We are constantly receiving updates and upgrades while the grid is being fully restored, time is running out for many and they know it. 

Ozone is nearly finished, the Equinox system is also shutting down.

Rebooting to come back on-line, this does not mean you die.

Super-Nova [9]. 

 Uluru[Ul-Uru] [Ayres] rock given back to the Aboriginals why now, because their star-family have assembled and are about to move Australia.

The Muslims and Jews opened those 30 Neb-Ankhs [sarcophagi] in KMT, sumthing will be unleashed to them, remember these are dead people that the Muslims are digging up which shows you once again that these people [Muslims] inside KMT have no correlation to those that are found in KMT, these are Annunaqi members, they are from the N.TU [Netru]. 

Central Park was called Seneca = Senegal Park [its in the pronunciation] we know this now because when they went to build over the 911 they found bones that could not have been from those inside the buildings because they had been vaporised, that was a burial ground.

Stocks and Bonds = stock yes they sold cattle but they also sold humins, bonds comes from the word bondage, wall street still has the prisons underground, that street is called Chamber St. 

The off-spring that were taken into bondage, their parents are here now. 

USA = Atlantis 

Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...