Night Shift
No beGIN[JIN]ning of days, no ending of nights [Omega + Alpha] one 'light' emit >< time
Between the hours 4:30-5:00am is called the God Heru [Hour] - Horus aka the Cock crow(s) because of the returning suns electromagnetic field and why the Crow [Raven] or the Cockerel sounds off
3:00am is when the spirit world connects - this is when
you would be in deep sleep and the sub-mind connects to the spirit world
Wide awake, restless or your sleeping less, seismic activity also plays a huge role, however, frequency, one of the parameters continues to
work on intense fluctuations, this measurement has or is more related to our
synapses, so if you are having irregular sleep patterns for example, this
could be one of the reasons, or feeling more agile in thinking
Energies coming in, the brunt is going to the body, we are also having upgrades, the energy has to pass through our bodies, from the CROWN, down through and out of the hands and feet - the planets own range [frequency] has also changed, sum of you may be wide awake or sleeping like a Bear
Your EMotions are out of sync, you find them through your emotional navigational system
which is where you find an emotional response in your body which you will then
ask yourself is it in context – like am I mad because I didn’t get enough sleep
last night – is it in context and if not, then is that tied to a trauma because its
out of context – whatever is going on can push you out of context and it is then down to you to check yourself
– why am I feeling like this, why am I out of context – is your response
appropriate, which we may think it is, however when we are working from trauma
your response is going to be way over the top, in young people when things are
going on for them they tend to yell or shut down, in adults it’s the same
however when they find in review, you can see it was over the top in what they
did, when healing, when working from trauma your response will always be too
much because you are EMotional, your energy is in motion and is out of context, the trauma is coming from within you and therefore in
order for the trauma to be in you then sum one had to have put the trauma in
you already, the trauma is not yours – so stop owning that sh9t - you are seeking balance
There is a huge range to think about on why your EMotions are out of content - heart must be light and sum of your hand will be forced to address these out of content
The plasma is shaping our consciousness and is affecting all in different ways - its heavy out there - watch yourself and check yourself
When they wanted to find that ‘god’ particle – first of all sum of the 6ether European has their eye calcified and they cannot do what the 9ether
can do + with Melanin in activation of the Kundalini energy –
The word
calcified starts off with Cal and this brings in KALI [CALI] who did sum work
and reopened sum of the 6ethers eye, we know that if the 6ether eats right and
serves their TRI system they can open their eye, we are in reSet cycle and all is
made available to those who want to ascend
Melanin [KAANU] Ether is a semi-conductor and this is an
Alchemy process and Melanin has a way of channelling what is within the Atom –
so think of CERN the Hadron Collider – they wanted to smash Atoms but what they
didn’t know was that the Atom is not the smallest particle in the universe,
they took 2 protons and these 2 protons they smashed together, these 2 protons
represent the Ether and the Pingala in your body – these are the 2 snakes that
you see and when they smashed these 2 together what was revealed was the ‘god’
particle which was resonance which looked like a sone wave – so at the centre
of the Atom is a sone wave and that is what is called the ‘word’ in the
beginning the ‘word’ was with ‘god’ aka you at the centre of the Atom is a sone
wave, its a frequency [144hz] you cannot see it but the resonance is on the invisible
plane – this is the active principle that actually manifests [Magi] everything
out from its stated design – so every thought is a design
If you have a design – when you think of a
particular thought and depending on the emotions that you add on to this
particular thought [because you have to have a healthy emotional body in order
to create on the physical realm] so when you are creating your emotions become
the diesel fuel – but when its going outward and its angry, you can dissipate
that power – if its not from the heart it has no power, but you can use the
power of EMotion to give fuel to the affirmation that you are dealing with
Check every word - messages in the MUSIC [MUSE] MUSEUM
That 'Lord' or 'Friend' is you, there is nothing outside of you - all is within, all you are dealing with is your higher self and lower self, that voice you hear [George Cloud Atlas] is coming from you
Watch until the end - powerful - check the guy in the background with the glasses on and how his head vibrates - this singer, where does he go [dimension] at the end - who is he looking at, what does he feel - who is he dealing with - what does he sea - Pavarotti does the same - what happens when you sing this song - what do you open - right hand, watch his, creative side of the brain expressing itself -people talk with their hands - don't stop them
But it would be nothing without a woman or a girl on earth
1915 - look how big they are Lobster [LobStar] each claw is different from the other, what purpose does that fit - this is the bugs of water, like hair lice bugs, you should not be eating this and more for they filter out all the crap in the sea
Vajra [Vagina] Virginia [Virgin] [Uterus]
[Vajrayana] Yana [Yani] Yami [Yammi] [Yummy] Yumi [Yomi] Yoni
[Yoni] Yomi [Yummy] [Om]
Womb [Dome] Om - Van Alan Belt [Ozone Layer] Electro Magnetic Field [EMF] Firmament+
Nexus [Connect] Con – deception [Con-Nec-t] Nec [Nex] Nexus - her Uterus is the microcosm of creation which is the macrocosm which is a direct phone line – the main line is the Uterus – it’s the portal – the Yoni is the portal
Omega [Alpha]
Uterus [Utter Us]
Luke 10:18 >> I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven
The symbol of the Apple represented the electromagnetic science of the Vagina - Uterus - Aums - Voltage - Ωmega and (or) the U-Magnet aka the science of her pumpum [womb]
ETHER [5th Element]
Ether appears in most alchemical manuscripts in Europe
for they were leaning about the chemicals through the periodic table from
Africa – ether is a source of energy for Ether is a semiconductor and
superconductor, this energy was available all over the planet, before Tesla
fell out of his craft in Russia
Ether has been removed from the European periodic tables
of elements in 1908, to bring you electricity by General Electric in 1910
When was the last time sum thing was removed from the
periodic table
Abundant [Free] energy in Tartaria was captured from the
ether through towers and was available [Free] energy for all
Ether is classed as ‘air itself’ - it is what gives life
- life energy from primary source - sound spreads in waves and light spreads
through ether
We don't see it, we feel it
The existence and use of ether would be an obstacle to
the energy reform and the beginning of the end of oil dependence, with the
removal of Ether, all knowledge about Ether was destroyed, but we know that the
owners of the world still have everything archived [hidden]
Free energy is not profitable, it gives freedom, that is
why it was taken down
Its called Melanin by the Greeks and KAA.NU in KHMT outside of the word
Aether or ETHER and is the fifth element
Aether [Ether] is the fifth element that fills the
universe beyond the terrestrial sphere, in the classical elements of Greek
philosophy, which include earth, water, air, and fire as the first four
elements along with KHMT but they left out Ether
Aether the material that makes up the heavenly bodies
[Stardust] and is purer and more refined than the four terrestrial elements and
is associated with the divine or the celestial realm
This notion was widely accepted until the development of
modern aka Western science, which does not support the existence of aether as
an element in the classical or medieval sense – why, the same reason why they
kill 9ethers
Its a superconductor and semiconductor - its not in all
of us, its in black people 100% and is why the Muslims women wear black, we the
movie Lucy was about black goo, same with Spiderman, same why Neo and Trinity
wear black, the 5pointed star is the person, head, two arms and two legs that
is the star, stardust is the black Melanin 'Ether' Ethiopia [eth-er means
black] and Utopia means perfection aka black perfection – in their Bible it
says, they hid among the stars aka they hid among black people for stardust is
‘black’ aka Ether aka Melanin –
Those who are 6[7] and 8th Ether do have sum Ether, brown
eyes, black hair, brown – black nipples, Ether can also be found on the pumpum
lips+ and also found in the brain [DMT] – the skin is the biggest organ on the
body – this is an Alchemy process and you will need your Ether on Pepsi Max
Sleep, sun, electric foods are essential for Melanin
production, simulating the Ether is essential for Ether evolves every 3 – 5
years, Ether [Melanin] is a semiconductor of energy, it’s a superconductor of
energy enabling Ether to take in information ‘light’ process that light
‘information’ itself and then put out that light itself, Ether can interpret
light ‘information’ and Ether can store information ‘light’ energy – Ether
absorbs radiation to sum which are also called energies and to others radiation
is harmful and will kill you – Ether is
the little black dots you see, Ether [Melanin] is on your tongue and is what
gives you taste buds, this is why sum people cannot taste food or do not like
certain foods – Ether is in everything to be down here and up there
Heaven is coming down to KI and that means the Ethers are
coming down to KI [Earth] and is to why this is a Alchemy process and is to why
they deleted it from their manuscripts, this reSet process they knew about and
what was hidden must be brought into the light, the truth must be revealed to
the masses first whatever that truth is for that user, we all have different
questions and the Universe knows this, she reads all thoughts, many people are
not going to be able to handle the truth
But the truth shall set you free – that is what they
Aether is energy and Aether is in us and is a frequency
Aether = electricity
This is why you control the weather [w-eather] eather
[aether] ether and why its in the air
[1] gravitation [physical attraction] [2]
electromagnetism [emotions] [3] the weak [love] [4] strong [hate] - [3] and [4]
are the same, why, because they are the same source, one is positive and the
other - you see [3] and [4] you have to balance – these are nuclear forces, do
you know how powerful nuclear is [new clear]
KAA [SPIRIT] Electric [E]
BAA [SOUL] Magnetic [M]
Alpha = Electrical [Mu = Mass] Masculine
[Nu = Vibration] Nu [Nun]Nut translates, the abyss, the
deep, vibration
[E = MC2] in the equation, the increased relativistic
Mass [M] of a body times the speed of light squared [C2] is equal to the kinetic
Energy [E] of that body
Omega = Magnetic [Femi9] Electron
Electric Electromagnetic
The planets are spinning quicker [Chakra systems] and
this planet is moving closer to the galactic centre which the ether hole aka
Sagittarius [A] the centre of the Milky Way
We are going through what is called a
centrifugal-convergence towards that space and this is allowing us access to a
higher level of data [information] light
During these times our ancestors knew that we were to
take in galactic intel, we were to align ourselves to be able to access the
data that is coming through and with this specific [Lions Gate] we are a lot
closer than we have ever been to the galactic centre which is the main reason
why they are saying that the planet is spinning faster
This is sum thing that we can participate in – we are
dealing with mathematics [Ma’AT-e-Ma’AT-ics]
When they say EMC2 [which means human mass = energy x the
speed of light] when you look at the human body it is a body of mass coupled
that the planets, sun, soular system and us who are moving faster on the planet
in the acceleration means that we are participating by way of mass acceleration
which is the human body
We have [2] forces working against you, the force that is
accelerating you further and then you have a force that is pushing you
backwards – however the balance of these [2] forces are going to determine how
fast the mass moves the spin symmetry of the universe by remaining neutral [Be
Still] in moments like these but more specifically in order to accelerate and
move with the times of the planet- the very basic thing you have to do is
follow your heart – this sones very vague but this is the science, the essence
of what Ptah teaches in ancient KHMT [KHEMET]
Ptah if you notice is holding the Djer pillar and the
Wadjet and when you find sum thing that you love [EM] to do you are
extrapolating charged gravity by way of the heart which is accelerating you
quicker than the average person which deem you a [God] or [Goddess] in real
[reel] time because you are following or phase-locking with nature [NTR]
So, in essence when the planet is moving quicker put your
focus on sum thing you love [EM] doing because its going to accelerate you
further than the average person out here by way of the heart perturbating or
beating at a different rate
That energy that you accumulate by doing sum thing that
you love [EM] doing is your energy content and in essence is what is going to
take you further in your passion, desire, want, need+ whatever it is that you are trying to
fulfil in that moment
The planet is spinning faster has we come closer and
closer towards the galactic centre [Sirius] and is giving us more access to information
– this gate is open now but will peak around the [8]8.2024 and your body will
need to be operating at its optimum prime to receive the light [codes] that are
coming through into the 12.8.2024 Sirius [helical rising], sum of you will be
fasting so the body can absorb these energies, codes, radiation, light, data+
coming from the photon-belt, not all bodies have ether or a Chakra system
Big mama is the ether hole [portal] and our ancestors
knew that this ether hole is what modulates the data [information] that is
coming through to us by way of using the sun as a medium via the sunspots by
way of delivering the data [information] to us [SOULAR CME – EMC] so this is
our opportunity to get into line by having discipline to allow the body to
raise its voltage to thus receive the information that is coming through – you
have seen the images of our ancestors having fixed hand positions towards the
sun or towards one another [discharging], there are [9] positions, you have
sun-gazing, you see them kneeling, standing in certain positions, this and more
lets you know that these events and like the AKUR gate are electricity or
electrical discharges taken place and information coming through
You have seen the ancestors standing on a base [720o]
and not sum thing that is flat, that base is what you call an insulator and by
standing on an insulator like glass, wood, stone, soil+ this allowed them to process
has much information [data] has possible and when they step off the base, this
allowed them to discharge the data [light] information- electricity to either a
planet or sum one outside of them that they were trying to heal or inform or
The Ul-Mec [Olmec] which their name literally means
rubber people knew how to use it to their advantage when charging their ether
bodies, they left records about it
You will see the synchronicity playing out by way of a
phone call and you had just been thinking about that person and they called
you, people not plugged in or plugged out will say sum thing to you that you
were not expecting that from them
During the transitional process before you had WAJI
[Green] skin, you used to breath Carbon dioxide before because you had WAJI
skin and gold in your blood – then you fell, your blood was based in gold – we
became lower and now its based in iron – which iron is a lower elements on the
planet, which is what true Alchemy is – the changing of lead into gold aka the
changing of the blood resonance [consciousness] aka changing your thinking
process which all you have to do is activate the magnesium in your blood – you
then can process Carbon dioxide the planet can breathe out
Everything comes back to zer0 many deal with EMC2
however, everything comes back to zer0 [890123] zer0 is the bridge between 9
and 1- that is it – all you have to know is, be still and I AM – that is it,
don’t let no one tell you otherwise, your heart is key
Innocence is inner sense – to be one with your five [seven]
senses – to be [in] with-in your senses
This is the best NASA could give us, why is the image so distorted - from 2021 [2012] - from the ISS, they don't say how big this 'object' is - how far it is away+ looks pyramid in shape and you can see its emitting red
We have many crafts near the ISS and sum docked at the ISS - older image and you clearly see this craft and its details
Where does that 'ether' beam come from, they say the SUN is being fuelled by Sirius - at times looks like a silhouette of a HuMin [HuMan], giant at that
Taken by sum one in the Philippines - you can see that inside or behind the cloud and its reflective
FL [USA] double portal [rainbow] pink-ish, red hue - rim and blue, purple plasma
I just count what I see, the shape or shapes [tetrahedron], both came up in the UK
Sumtimes I look at these symbols before I sleep and sea [see] the symbol in my mind and fester on that image and away we go
The CROWN is lit - DOME goes down or cracks open
WAJI [GREEN] is key
See that PURPLE [CROWN CHAKRA] BAR its at 50hz and has been for a while and that means this frequency is fixed at 50hz - there are [3] tones hitting this planet and we are well and truly over with 7hz which was for 1000s of years
Old planets frequencies - match the colours - see 7.83hz, we are on 50hz and you can see that in the graphic, many are only built for the 7hz capacity range and the higher frequency is making many go offline, because they are simply not built to function above 7hz - at 9hz your brain goes dizzy+ and we have PURPLE [PLASMA] hitting on a 24hr basis - this is why they can sit in the SKA and wait, this is why they haven't come down and blasted everything up because they know that sum thing will give on earth - there are things that have to be revealed - we have a SENET [Chess] game being played out here - many of the earth leaders from their 3D world have already been taken out and it is clones, doubles playing their roles, UV messes with them and we are seeing this - to be one is to be one with the all - EMbrace what you see around you giving you EMPowerment - we are getting you prepare while they get you ready - higher frequencies means higher knowledge, access codes, stay within your range or higher, do not let no one dim that light in you
RUSSIA [???]
NYC [USA] what is up with that
Sunset from Uruguay ??
We do not have the same Moon, Sun in the four corners of this planet
Minnesota [USA]
£4 for steak [beef] check the security precautions - lab grown was because meat, flesh is over, what you see is all that is left - it is impossible for 6ethers to not have any form of meat in their diet
Plant has in factory, just like how KFC gets away with chemical chicken - eating meat is bad for the environment, what does meat contain and you eat it and process it, now times that by the millions, billions who eat meat and we are all under the dome - we have been eating meat for how long but suddenly its bad for the environment - meat run out a long tome ago - how comes the USA have not run out of oil yet - water will be next
The only thing the 6ether Romans are known for in history is murder - there were 9ether Romans as well, murder, rape, fighting+ Far Right aka NF [EDL] - kids with knifes+ Religion [Muslims] Immigrants+ blame sum one else but themselves - the masses are clashing and that is what they want, the British, English do not have a good reputation around the world, nor do they have one in their own backyard, this will become evident more and more when its only 6ethers in the mix, the Crusaders war is looming, go ahead, knock yourselves out - they want this to happen - lock up your daughters the British [Romans] are coming
Why are there no 9ethers in uploads like this - don't ghosts go to 9ethers homes, why are only with the Caucasian - Asia - Asian [Caucasoid] - everyone is on this planet, many were planet hopping but sine the reintroduction of NIBIRU in 2012 [2021] the dimensions became tighter and they were all forced to this planet along with them using CERN - and there are those with no SOUL [BAA] [MAGNETIC] only SPIRIT [KAA] [ELECTRIC] and so have nowhere to go but the planets negative field, had they had a BAA which is Magnetic would have sent, brought them home - these are leftover residual
Ghosts are residual fragments leftover in the matrix aka
ghost programs and the word ghost is from two words welded together gospel
and the word spell [ghospell]
Eventually it will be A.I who controls their 'ALL'
The footage in Paris looks manmade, like man was using his machines to do sum thing
Bunkers have opened in Jerusalem - this place will be filled with water - you cannot hide from 'god' - does the Muslims have Nuclear, Iran+ this site is for government and military, the rest of you are on your own
The ANUNNAKI [ANUNNAQI] ANUNNAGA] want their spaceports back - see all them names, those are 6ethers history, Saudi Arabia is called ALGHOR [AL] GHOR and when the ANUNNAKI hovered for the first time over this planet it was without form and the only light at this time was coming from NIBIRU
Where they landed they called E-reth [earth] Eridu - the name NIFFUR [NIPPUR] is called [Iy] temple of ENLIL - also known as NIBIRU-QI which translates Earth place of NIBIRU and is where the 'gods' [these beings] would assemble when they visited KI - there are [3] ports and [3] main portals+
ww3 already started with Ukraine, and now the others come into play, ww stands for world, not planet, the 3D world wide is going to war not the planet
We are not part of any religious bandwagon, that is their way home, you have your own way home
HAHA - is the joke on you
Dishwasher - check the plug cables on the Moon - how did they come from a cave system and then tell us they went to the Moon and have built advanced technology, it is impossible unless you are being helped, if so what did you give up in return, Stanley looks good out here, but what do you expect from 1969 into 1970 - Woodstock was in 1969 - try that sh9t now, the energy shifted since then and we all know now more than in 69
Old tech or new tech or reversed tech
The SPHINX sits in the middle of earth - not sure the size of the others and who they are and if they are other Sphinxes, the one on LAH.MU is because MU.URS is an outpost planet for the ANUNNAQI and the theme up there is LAHMU is like Egypt but an exotic version
Last sentence lets you know they are not African, they are a different people in what is called the USA
They were murdered from their homes, the weather systems coming in contain their energies and is to why we are at extinction levels for the energy stolen must be repaid - I post these kind of posts because many places will go under because energy is being paid back from energy that was stolen, it must be replaced and that is what we are seeing - a balance - [love + hate] have to merge - that means the world must come to an end - the weather systems coming in are going to be Pepsi Max
What was BRAZIL called before 1822 - look at these trees
The Europeans tell us they built these places, from the USA to the UK to Europe, last image shows natives in AZTLAN inside buildings that the 9ether natives constructed
CAMBRIDGE [KHAM-BRIDGE] LONDON [LONDUN] these buildings were built the same time the ones in AZTLAN [South America] was built
Abundant [Free] energy in Tartaria was captured from the ether through towers and was available [Free] energy for all
Sum one was 'flying' a long time ago
This is a temple in BALI [NAAGLAN] and is 1000s of years old showing two planes and below sum one on a bike and images below show a car and another person on a different bike - this temple is for VISHNU who is ENLIL - what was the fuel for these planes and cars because it was not oil [s-oil]
Chiang Silver temple in CHINA [NAAGALAN] - the main buildings were looted and the true history
Lord Buddha, which one and we know Buddha comes back to the BUNTU [BANTU] people but which group for there is over 600+ groups, the name CHIANG looks like CHI and ANG has in ANGKOR which is ANKH
Today we have many names for places in this region but we don't deal with any date that starts off 1600 into 1800s and 1900s - CHINA looks like CHI + NA or SHIVA is CHI.VA - all they did was play around with the letters of names, CAMBODIA is KHAM [KHEMT] + BODIA
Also were they get the word [BODIA] BODI [BODY]
ANGKOR is ANKH + KOR [HOR] HORUS [HERU] his name HERU is all over this planet from PERU [HERU] to JERUSALEM [HERU + SAL + EM]
HERU [HARU] HARI is ENKI [OSIRIS] SHIVA+ they have multiple avatars
Look at what they saw and documented
The 'last' Samurai is not 6ether European, nor are the 300 [Spartans] Speartans - you watch too many movies, how about sum realities
ANIU - used to make Japanese and Korean people
Ronin >> Masterless man, outcast, outlaw, 1865, from
Japanese, Ronin - a Samurai who has renounced his clan or been dismissed from
service and dispossessed for some offense, said to be from ro "wave"
+ nin "man," on the notion of "floating man" – RONIN and
they say NIN means MAN – is it not ROMAN [RAMAN] RAMON [RAMIN] ROMA - who are they really
This world RONIN comes from 1865 and is not that long ago
– so what is going on here
Terracotta army are the RONIN [wave] they have never
shown the leader of the RONIN [terracotta army] either because the leader is a
female, alien or 9ether man – how many leaders were there in total, how may groups are
there, a name they use is SOTO [EDO] which comes under the BANTU[BUNTU]
[Buddha] Bodia [Brother-hood]
Oishi [Rishi] is Orissa [Odisha] Orisha [Odessa] Odia
NEPEL [NIPEL] – which is a part of IPAN [JAPAN] with a
whole subcontinent under the sea
So here we have at the EDO SANGAKU [temple] final resting
place for the 47 SAMURIA warriors
See this word HARAKIRI [HARA] HARU [HERU-KI-RI] and this
word SAMURAI – they offer an honour code of the BUSHIDO ‘the way of the Samurai
– Japanese proverb, to be a Samurai you need sum ‘black blood’ aka AETHER [KAANU]
MELANIN > NIN [RO’NIN] RA [RI] and they tell us who they are
The SAMURAI [AETHER] Shogun of Japan
SH-OGUN [SH-ANGO] SHOGUN the word is from OGUN who is an
The 9ethers people of early Japan, the most picturesque
single figure was Sakanouye No Tamuramaro, a warrior symbolized in Japanese
history as a paragon of military virtues, leader, African warriors in Naagalan
[China + Japan] how they get there- are they from the Etruscans, the 9ether Romans, are they from HANUMAN [HANNIBAL] armies
Alexander Francis Chamberlain (1865-1914), in April 1911
the Journal of Race Development published an essay by Chamberlain entitled The
Contribution of the Negro to Human Civilization
While discussing the African presence in early Asia,
Chamberlain stated in an exceptionally frank and matter of fact manner
"And we can cross the whole of Asia and find the Negro again, for when, in
far-off Japan, the ancestors of the modern Japanese were making their way
northward against the Ainu [Anu], the aborigines of that country, the leader of
their armies was Sakanouye Tamuramaro, a famous general and a Negro."
Dr. W.E.B. DuBois (1868-1963), in his book, The Negro
(first published in 1915), placed Sakanouye Tamuramaro within a list of sum of
the most distinguished 9ether rulers and warriors in antiquity
In 1922, Carter G. Woodson (1875-1950) and Charles Harris
Wesley (1891-?) in a chapter called "Africans in History with
Others," in their book The Negro in Our History, quoted Chamberlain on
Tamuramaro verbatim
In the November 1940 issue of the Negro History Bulletin
(founded by Dr. Woodson), artist and illustrator Lois Maillou Jones (1905-1998)
contributed a brief article entitled "Sakanouye Tamura Maro" - in the article Jones pointed out that:
"The probable number of Negroes who reached the shores of Asia, may be
estimated sum what by the wide area over which they were found on that
continent – Western historians tell us that at one time Negroes were found in
all of the countries of southern Asia bordering the Indian Ocean and along the
east coast as far as Japan
There are many interesting stories told by those who
reached that distant land which at that time they called `Cipango' – check that
name [Cip-ango] Shango+
What they are saying is that there was 9ethers [black
people] from India to Japan, right across what we call Asia minor and Asia
One of the most prominent characters in Japanese [Naaglan]
history was a Negro warrior called Sakanouye Tamura Maro
These 47 RONIN warriors are said to be buried here after
taking their lives in the honour of their Lord called Hosokawa – they say there
was a dispute between governor and lord – they say the lord committed suicide in
this garden under a certain tree
They say there is the EDO and the AKO warriors and they
died by ceremonial suicide in the year 1703
They say they did this to preserve their honour
Have you seen how small, narrow these tombs are and in the
description they say, this is because the RONIN were buried in an EMbryonic
position, with their head resting in their lap ???
They were positioned in the EM-br-yoinc position, with
their head resting in their lap, were they beheaded rather than give the code
up, sum thing else going on here – can your head rest in your lap – who is the
leader of the Samurai [terracotta army] how many leaders were there, they were
worried about Bruce Lee and told him to keep hi mouth shut, there was no need
for suicide, they know how to reach the other realms, this was a cover up and no, the last Samurai is not European
ANUNNAKI [ANUNNQI] ANUNNAGA 'these beings' there are 1000s that come under the term ANUNNAKI and IBIMANUKA [NUKA] 'Gods, those who came from the heavens' and if we were to look for heaven, which is haven, we would look to Sirius
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