Monday 19 August 2024


SOS [Save Our Souls] is really [Save OurSelves] you have to save yourself because no one is coming to save you, if you don’t save your Soul then you will after you expire here be reinserted back into the Matrix  

Extremities shape a character, extremities shape the soul, you need extremities in your life or you wouldn’t have had the ‘want’ to succeed – to do better, not everyone has a soul, the soul + spirit are Nexus [connected] and separate on your last breath

There is a lot of re-makes, re-edits, things from the 70s, 80s, 90s+ whether music or things from these consecutive years [decades] party themes, raves, festivals all geared towards the 80s+ 

Nostalgic [sentimental] senses + mental 
Re means to blind, Re means to bring back – what is noticeable is that this is right across the board 

We have a clogging of the system going on, there are many older people still hanging on to energy that is not there anymore and this is a strong indication that the 3D energy has run out and no one is creating anymore – the young people are but there is a gulf between them and these older energies 

The energy is separating us all and those who do not merge onto the superior energy are folding and many are just doing that, in so many ways, people are saying goodbye to what was a special timeline 

    MADONNA [MAAT + DON] DON [DUN] means 'black' hence the term 'black Madonna' whereas the 9ethers translation is 'young maiden' 

Check that out - its all over her body, look at her boobs, that must have hurt - the colour of her hair, did she do that between her legs because sum women be cheap like that - your a man, how long would you be alright with this - seeing this over her body regularly - its art and looks good-ish 
Sum times things like this are an indication of what is going on inside 


Tribal men, you mean religious men, they all felt that - in Italy they retuned all the instruments left by the Moors and all the instruments in India are from Ethiopia [Kush] and they too play them at the wrong hz - Bob Marley said, when music hits you, you feel no pain - they all lifted their right arm, hand, creative side - these men have much to experience [learn]  

You voted for him, all those that participate in the 3D energy goes down with it 
We are crashing your system 

Here is a photo from Melbourne's Women Will Speak Event in Melbourne today, look at how many police have to protect women from speaking for man with dicks pretending to be women called Drag - these trans activists and their cohorts are violent men who would physically attack these women if the police weren't there to stop them

Try this monkey sh9t where men love women, were men don’t deal with men parading has women, Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed once, today his cities are everywhere and must be destroyed because NTR didn’t not create them, how do we have transgender aka defects in the human mantle frame, who is giving birth to homosexuals, paedophiles, necrophilia, zoophiles, tranny with no fanny, how do they breed and still be here, many dislike women because they hate their own mother, tell 9ethers women and chicken is only to be replaced and they will tear this monkey house down once and for all, try that in London, sum where like East London, or sum where like Brixton – everything they are doing is in principle however the 9ethers have yet to agree to this, I want to see a 9ether child confused about their gender, I want to see the tranny go to hurt a 9ether woman – Kendrick  said, they are not like us and we are not like them – this sh9t will be removed from this planet

They are still HU-MAN [MANKIND] but not quite HU-MAN – the word is HU-MIN [MIM] HUE-MIN [MIM] which is HEAVEN 9ether [ADAM] KADMON and the other is BEAST 6ether [ADAM] ESAU

There were MEN sent for this particular timeline to protect her for its not just inverted MEN there are Muslim MEN, backward MEN, Roman MEN who are 2,000 light years behind the 3D version world – there are MEN who have been traversing the timelines – life time after life time hunting her down until here, this 7th root MAN that we are leaving, he will kill her here – the FEMALE is under real pressure like never before – not just from religious MEN but from inverted MEN

You can be homo, pedo, nerco, zoo, tranny+ but not on this planet, if you think they are human, go with them, but you don’t stay here, 9ethers have yet to agree to them being here, yes there are also 9ethers that do all the above, take them with you when you leave - the Matriarchal will be reinserted 

We have 2 suns [binary] but it will be 3 for we are a trinity system 

The reflection is coming from the dome 

The person that posted this said this was taken at midnight, you cannot tell nowadays, alpha + omega, not beginning of days, no ending of nights – white core holds all [7] light spectrums

Thailand - what is going on here - look at that shape [right side] 

What is inside and what is up with the right side - that is a little to straight to be just natural 

Iowa [USA] 

Kansas always have activity there - Kansas is the centre of the USA
Spirits [Spites] intelligence

Images from USA [TENNESSEE] 
Sum one wrote they are portals - who is taking these images, how high are you and were did you take from - America is West Africa - the Mississippi river and Nile river are same river, so Tennessee to me sounds like Ta-Nehisi [Ta-nee-hee-see] which is another name for Sudan [Nubia] 

SPAIN - check my man on the left - it is at that moment he knew - we are fu9ked 

RUSSIA M7 [50KM deep] minutes later M5 hits FRANCE – there will be more and aftershocks 
It was water 'floods' the last time and this time but it will be 'fire' [plasma] that ends all ends 
The mud-flood is coming to a place near you, eviction orders are being served 

Crooked man walking the land - RUSSIA M7 [50KM deep] left and bottom image and at the same time one of their volcanoes went off 

Check the EMF [dome] buckling, CMEs hitting the planet, you can see two hitting - the SUN has been ejecting since the 14th and they are coming in now [18th] with more being sent in between 

Check that, plenty of energies, match them with the Chakra system 

Check the last 3 days, check each energy signature - hitting 80hz+ multiple times, 70hz, 60hz, 40hz+
Old codes that are now redundant for we are over the 7.83hz which was for 1000s of years and means all those whose capacity was fixed at 7.89hz are going offline aka Ultraviolet [Ultra- violence] Violet [Purple] CROWN 

Shields up

Why is this important because we have an economic downturn coming whereby the power [grid] will be switched off for around 30 to 60 or 90 days and you will have to survive, whether they will be able to turn it on or if it will ever come back on is another story, but this guy could be the difference between dying and living – Hollywood have made unlimited number of movies with apocalypse themes, end of the world+ for a reason, they are manuals – guides+

They think they can leave and fu9k us down here, no Sir, you stay with us for this house is sealed, many of their crafts are sitting grounded on the Himalayas hence why there is a no-fly zone over there, in their movie 2012, were did they leave from – the Himalayas [China]

They are right in front of you, shape shifting - the world is in big sh9t 

Stay out of their 3D world that is crashing 

Be of the world but not in the world 

Cane [Caine] Corso – used by the 9ether Roman [Roma] who were the Etruscans [Trojan army] Troy -this K9 is an Italian breed from the 9ether Italians - the 9ether Romans, Etruscans had locks, braids 

The 'middle east' does not count because nature didn't create it and it will be washed over when the 6ethers will be forced out of there and Egypt and Saudi - there is no such thing as Asia minor or Asia major 

AZTLAN [South America] 
Those people are inside their own buildings looking at the Europeans 


The British came in and wiped their entire village out and stole these two from their mother has babies and burned down their settlement and brought them to England with everything they had stolen and this is why there will be no love lost when places like the UK or South America [AZTLAN] disappears during a landslide or is washed over – weather systems have been amping up over the last decade and in the last 4 years since 2020 and are all fuelled by ancestral energies, their mother, grandmother+ are all in the mix – eye for an eye – Creasy Bear [Man on Fire] at the close of any cycle all energy taken must be replaced, restored

They say this is a 1,500 year old ceramic statue [3rd image] of a Maya [Mayan] Ulmec [Olmec] astronaut with removable helmet that was found in El Perú-Waka, Guatemala [AZTLAN] – we have seen so many examples of them using Vimana(s) flying machines – so even if this was put together, it is not that farfetched from reality, the British was the last into AZTLAN and it was the Spanish who coined the nickname INCA and told the British that name from the original name MANDINKA [DINKA] INKA [INCA] when the British came in and saw ‘black’ people riding around on Vimana(s) they slaughtered everyone in that village [settlement] and took everything and destroyed what was left, they stole to babies and brought them back to the UK – they were pissed that they had arrived in AZTLAN [South America] to find yet again ‘black’ people and them flying around on flying machines [levitation] while they were still on horses and carriages + and tell us they built all these ancient structures


Angkor Wat records the main Tsunami that is coming, the temple also records the 9ethers going into slavery and the ships used, all in records - all in Vietnam and this lets you know why the USA went into Vietnam, that war was over a decade, the Vietnamese spent that time underground, when the USA went behind enemy lines into Cambodia, when the USA 9ether soldiers went through these rural villages, the people would drop to their knees because the people thought the [Gods] had returned when the 9ethers soldiers came through in 1955, they also had to re-write the medical journals because up until that point they had been telling everyone that the pineal gland was calcified when in actuality it was the 6ethers eye that was calcified, the 9ethers were the main fighters towards the end of that war and during their autopsy the functioning eye became apparent

Angkor Wat [Ankh-gor] is the biggest temple in the world, Cambodia is Kambodia is Kham-bodia is Kamite [Khami] and the entire people resided in the temple, that is 750,000 people, which London was 1,300 or 13,000 at the same time 

Temples are abodes, you have your home, that is an abode, you have our body, that is an abode, you have to keep your temple clean, I’m not talking about filth, I’m talking about energy, and you have energy that is projected and this is what attracts energy, this is your dwelling place and must be kept clean at all times

There are certain energies and force fields that scientifically are around you that you can use that are not from the physical aspect, do not rely on the physical world for is going and going to be replaced by the holographic realm which is the spiritual realm

Do not repeat his story [history] >> Angkor Watt records the main Tsunami that is coming – how can they record a Tsunami that has already happened that is coming in 

Denderah [Dendera] Dendur 

This is part of the HETU which translates temple, tomb, adobe, coast, isles+ that was once in KHMT but now sits in a NY museum

The Muslims allowed history to be taken out provided the artefact met the criteria, which was that it was broken, so anything found broken could leave Egypt, that means break part of sum thing and it could be sold on, this part of the HETU has been sitting here in NY since 1978, all 800 tons of it

Denderah [Den-De-Rah] which translates House of Zodiac which was a mapping centre, satellite navigation control centre

You need ETHER to be Nexus [connected] to the Dendera

Heh-Heru [Dendera] Hathor [Atheer] is the equivalent to Lakshima and inside the [Iy] temple is a device that is over 90,000 years old- and in that device, we see Tawaret [Tiamat], the Hippopotamus NTR with breasts which is the Great Mother, there is nothing that predates this concept 

This alone crushes the patriarchy aspect of [God] being a man, in the middle of the Zodiac is a wombman

Dendera [house of the Zodiac] mapping centre with a 90,000-year-old device with the GPS built around the device, the temple today is not the original Het-u [temple] 

The Celestial Great Mother’s, Het Heru and Ast-Auset Mir (Pyramid) Temple of Denderah’s 13 sign Zodiac (13 = matriarchy) celestial arch, 90,000+ year old, is represented by a disc
12 houses and the 13 is hidden

Even if you didn't have the Mother love, its already within you - your emotional state will determining what codes you will receive - this 144,000 is a Masonic Biblical code and has nothing to do with what is really going to happen, its 12 x 1200 which equates 144,000, the Zodiac [Denderah] 12 house seats is telling you it needs a certain amount of them [144hz] on a certain frequency, the 144,000 is a range, is a frequency and the code means, thou sent one Angel [Angle] but they use 144,000 as an anagram >> 144,000 Chakras at the CROWN   

Horoscope is Horus-scope 
Al [El] = Element

You need Melanin [Ether] Kaanu to be Nexus [connected] to the Dendera [Zodiac] and this is why many are not the house sign, star sign, energy sign because you don’t have ether, this is an alchemy [Al] El [CHEM-Y] CHEM [KHEM] CHEMISTRY [KHEMET + MISTRY] MYSTERY 


This does not mean only 9ether women, every Uterus and Mitochondria are the recipients of the source code by nation, the first nation or the ancient ones are those dark [d-arc] mothers – those ‘black’ Madonna’s, its 12 daughters of ISIS [ASET] that represents the other ethnic groups around the world and they are all different hair textures and skin tones – their Big Mamas will receive source codes the same way 9ether women and men will receive theirs, its that the 9ethers will get more source codes [data] because they have a stronger connection to both creation and earth [KI], they are operating by the addition of the higher carbon density which is the primordial Moon or D-arc matter of the Great Mother and is why they get the most data first because they are tied more closely to creation first   

ASET is the first of the siStars who are heir to the throne, and second is HET HERU and the Male side is HERU and on the Female side it is HET HERU, she is next in line and then it is SEKHMET – SEKHMET can overrule HET HERU if SEKHMET is coming in based on WAR for she is a WAR priestess, but if she comes in during peace time it will be HET HERU because HET HERU is a peace ‘goddess’ – they all have different functions and during the Golden Age cycle, no one will just rule, those seats are titles for the next in line sequencing of the hierarchy – all those we see in Egypt, Sirius, Ra, Tehuti+ these are titles, and they are represented, most of the time, by a Totem animal and sum are humanoid type with magical implements from the HEKA associated with that energy as well

Fukushima [Fu-KUSH-ima] Kung-Fu [Fu-Lak-SHIMA] 
Lakshima [Lakshmi] in Pompeii [Italy] Etruscan  - anything smashed is a natural signature of the 6ether Europeans, romans and greeks+ 


13 Female figurines found in caves near the Italy/France border [Europa] made from steatite [soapstone] between 19,000 and 24,000 years ago – check the date – that is nearly two cycles ago [12,000 x 2] these would be 9ether wombman because 6ether women came in the last 6,000 [quarter] of the moon cycle  

13 is key - there are 13 ‘churches’ carved from the rock, from the top down which is a signature we see in the MIR [MER] pyramids and structures in INDA [INDIA] from building from the top down, each one of these HETU [Churches] are the Dendera [Zodiac] these structures were carved from the inside out and this is advanced architecture – the western world calls these places Churches and that name came later – ‘Ethiopia’ is the NTH [9TH] gate in Alkebulan [Africa]  
HETU means ‘temple’ house, isles, coastlands, abode, church 
Ethiopia is two words Ether + Utopia which means ‘black perfection, a name for ‘Ethiopia’ is Abyssinia, both Sudan and Ethiopia are one place, upper and lower Egypt, which Egypt was also called Aksum, Lalibela who her name in their Jewish Bible is Lilith [Lillith] La-li-bela 
Are these not dildos –  

This building was already there before 1928 and you can see most of its is underground already 
Essen Train station - Germany 

Mississippi [Miss-ISIS-ippi]

Those that remembered were electrocuted and put into asylums and deem ‘mad’ they will not be able to electrocute us this time because we remember, MAAT had been asking us if we remember  

Buried Archways Under the Eiffel Tower
This 1888 image is a fascinating historical photograph showing a section of the Eiffel Tower during its construction

One intriguing detail in the photo is the area highlighted by a red circle, which reveals what appears to be the top of an arch, partially buried beneath the base of the tower

This architectural feature is not commonly associated with the Eiffel Tower's well-documented construction history, raising questions about what might have existed at this site before the tower was erected
The presence of this arch could suggest that the land on which the Eiffel Tower now stands was once home to a more ancient structure. This idea aligns with the theory that many famous monuments worldwide, including the Eiffel Tower, were built on top of or in the remnants of earlier, possibly much older, constructions. The arch's design and construction materials may hint at an earlier era of architecture, possibly predating the modern era

The site of the Eiffel Tower may have originally housed a star-fort or similar fortification, a type of structure commonly associated with the Tartarian Empire—a civilization that was erased from history because they were 9ether structures, and a massive flood event, sum times referred to as the "mudflood," buried much of the world’s earlier architecture, leaving only the tops of these ancient structures visible

The arch seen in this photo could be a remnant of such a buried structure, hidden beneath layers of earth and subsequently incorporated into the foundations of the Eiffel Tower

If this interpretation holds, the Eiffel Tower would not merely be a triumph of 19th-century [if that was when it was rebuilt] engineering but also a symbolic structure built atop the remains of a much older and potentially forgotten civilization, the idea that this arch could be evidence of an ancient star-fort lends a sense of mystery and depth to the site, inviting further investigation into what might lie beneath one of the most iconic landmarks in the world

There is an Eiffel Tower in the USA, what was France before – who is ISIS [PAR-IS] PAR-ISIS – the tower is an antenna, radio receiver reversed engineering

Point being is that who truly built this worlds architecture 

You can see were Adidas took their stripes from 


NIKE and she was female - when sum one died in the Gladiators show would leave wreath - look what they did to head - inverts who hated women  

 If this is a tune player [record player] then what is he holding a speaker, hand held Wi-Fi device walkie talkie, morse code is moorse code, what language were they speaking if it is to send a voicemail, is it video connection as well – was it to speak to the HuMins [HuMans] who maybe had the language because these lot had 3rd connection and also used telepathy – they must have found loads, why not show us – remember HMV with the little dog and this same KHMT device

Orissa [Odisha] Orisha [Odessa] Odia [Odin]
O-rish-a [I-rish-a] Irish
O’ leary [O’risha]
Risha [Rishi]
DON [DUN] mean black – example – Donegal or London or Macdonald 

While Aset [Isis] sits on the throne [mind] in KHMT her siStars, cousins, are sitting on thrones throughout Europe – Europe from the 9ether [NTR] Europa [Yoruba]

Europa is commonly associated with a bull; this doesn't make a lot of sense if you do not know KHMT history – the Bull [Baal] KAU

She was a [Phoenician Princess] and Goddess whom Zeus the Greek God fell in love with because she was so beautiful, so he changed himself into a bull and carried her off to Crete [Greek Island]

Europa is the Greek version of KHMT [Egypt] Hathor [A-theer] Athena
Europa's father is the Phoenician King Agenor of Tyre

King Agenor was born in ancient Egypt (Kemet) to Poseidon and Libya, this would make her the grand-daughter of Poseidon

The word Europe comes from the Greek word Erebos which translates ‘dark’ which then brings in the word Moor [Muur] Maur [Maui+ Moorish meaning ‘dark’ aka 9ethers aka ‘black people’

Edwardians, Tudors+ 

So, Europe is going to get fu9ked, that is Turkey which is in Europe, France, UK [Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Cornwall, England] Germany, Spain, Portugal, the list goes on and on to the break of dawn, and the reason is because the Yoruba are connected to source aka those sitting in crafts above you, those fuelling the energies hitting this planet and in weather [w-eather] eather [aether] ether - systems [hurricanes, storms, tornedoes, cyclones, hailstones, flash floods+] these systems are from crafts, including plasma strikes [lighting] and the 9ethers on the ground control the weather [ether] which means they control these crafts who sum of these crafts are non-manned and sum are by siStars – we have a set of people going to war for sum thing that doesn’t quite belong to them, from Europe to what they call the holy land

Land is going and land is coming, new land, the Antarctica gates are open, land has expanded, this planet expanded [dimensions] when NIBIRU was reintroduced back into this soul-ar [ar – arena] system and is not the size NASA showed you, she is the size of Jupiter or else she would have folded a long time ago under NIBIRU [magnetic] pull [force field] – its all got to go, everything was temporary, records for this very timelines, just to remember who, what and when

History or your story, what eye are you using, your ‘god’ eye or your human eyes, using two instead of one, the ‘god’ eye is able to put all the pieces together and see in 360o  

You are writing my story, in your own words [sound] we had seven simulations to get you here, using your five [seven] senses and emotions to navigate your final entry –
is it a mystery [my star] ma son ry [ma son] ma sem [mother + son] ma’other + sun – your star, what light [information] does it hold, what do you hold 

Clicking on the internet to picking cotton is one fibre industry – A.I is causing mental illness 
Not all 9ethers were enslaved - they have a illustrious past, present and future 

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