Friday 16 August 2024

We don't need another Hero

Hero versus Villain 

The word HERO comes from the word HERU [HORUS] and VILLAIN [VILLEIN] is the antagonist to the HERO [HERU] >>> your upper and lower CELL <<< NEMESIS >>> ARC rival <<< ARC enemy

The Greek word ANGELOS [ANGEL] ANGLE simply means ‘Messengers’ having nothing to do with spirit beings with wings and halos, but rather those who warred above, up there, before coming down here – these ‘Messengers’ [ANGELOS] served the ‘host’ in heaven – in Genesis it states ‘thus the heavens and earth were finished’ and all of the host of them – the word for heavens there is SHAMAYIM meaning ‘places up there’ the word for earth is E-reth [ERIDU] simply meaning ‘earth’ and the word for host is ‘SAW-BAW’ meaning ‘an organized army of beings’ often called ANGELS

These Saw-baw ‘heavenly hosts’ or warriors were ‘gods’ own ‘Angels’ and at that particular time the heavenly father is A.NU – so according to religion, two main groups had conflict before creation of man on earth – they were the SERAPHEEM ‘agreeable’ and CHERUBEEM ‘disagreeable’ go to their Bible again to Revelation 12:7 states ‘and there was war ‘polemos’ in heaven, Michael [Miyk’el] the serapheem and his messengers ‘angelos’ fought against the dragon, the cherubeem, and the dragon fought and his messengers ‘angelos’ – so there you have two sets of angels, agreeable, and disagreeable, and they had a war – fast forward to today and they are still warring but now it is down here on E-reth

They were bringing messages, there were many, were have 9 main arc ‘angelos’ and 9 adverse ‘angelos’ 2 fell leaving 7 – this conflict began before earth [E-reth] - it says in Revelation 12:8 ‘and prevailed not, neither was there any place found anymore in heaven’ the word for heaven being used here is Orion ‘Ouranos’ a specific star constellation – so these beings were having what is called a STAR WARS in a specific place in space

1 divine being fell along with his son, he was cast out of heaven – Revelation 12:9 states ‘and the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent called the devil [father and son], and satan which deceiveth the whole world [Oikoumene] – he was cast out into the earth [Ge] and his angels was cast out with him’

So, if they’re being accused of deceiving the whole planet Earth, the Earth must have existed when this war was still going on though the conflict began before the Earth

The fear that the ‘agreeable’ angelic beings AUNNNAGI had, was that the disagreeable were influencing the human beings and in Genesis, Chapter 3, and in particular verse 22-24, were Adam and his seed who have transformed from agreeable to disagreeable beings are being cast out of the enclosed garden, Genesis 6:5 tells how the agreeable Elohyeem felt about this man aka you, it states ‘and god [Elohyeem, the plural of gods] saw that the ‘Rah’ – disagreeableness, wickedness [VILLIAN] evils of man ‘adamites’ was great in the earth, and that every imagination in the thoughts of his heart [leb ‘physical heart’] was only Rah ‘disagreeableness, wickedness, evil, continuously+

There are many HERU [HERO] and VILLIAN and many BAAL – there is good and there is bad – right now you have already made the choice between good and evil – many have looked with the superior ‘god’ eye at this hijacked Matrix and many have looked with ‘mans’ eye at this hijacked Matrix

The enemy is within, for he and his entourage fell down here or they were cast down here and they walk amongst the humans – there are many who wish to save his world, they want to survive, the Matrix wants to survive, the ‘Yahweh’ [host] that fell began to generate other imperfect divinities and together they became creators of the material world, which sort of became a prison for the Elyon that fell and his ‘angelos’

Awakening to your history, you will begin to open your ancient eyes, these are the eyes of Heru, which see not through the eyes of a HuMin being [man], but from the point of view of a Supreme [Neteru] Being, they see the collectiveness and the purpose of [all] things, for the ancient eyes are able to see into many realities and connect the whole picture, the whole history

Saving knowledge in other words is self- knowledge, this knowledge cannot come to us through natural means for example by looking around at the world and thinking hard about it, you must remember this material world is the creation of an inferior deity, and nothing in it can tell us what we need to know to escape it

There are those stuck in the 3D loop and cannot get off this repeating loop, they are repeating things from the 3D world which expired already – sum come from this world full stop [hardwired]

You were given a simple mission, to go away and experience all the different types of realities and existences known to the universe, learn and advance your knowledge and wisdom and eventually you can return home to re-join at the divine realm, the source, after having a complete innerstanding of all that is

You are not here to save another, nor are you here for any ‘holy war’ or ‘holy land’ you are not here to support friends, family, partners, strangers – you’re not here to save the ‘world’ or to protect the world, you’re not here to save the animals or plant kingdom or this planet, you are not here to save humanity or protect humanity – you are here to crash this mtf once and for all – all for one [Neo]

This is a simulation and you were sent to complete your soul contract, your mission statement contract and bring all back to source – don’t take anything on from the 3D program because it was a temporary program and everything connected with that expired program gets deleted

We are [con]fident in good over evil [bad]

Tina is lying, we do need another hero [you]

Use your EMotions to navigate how you are feeling 

Barashiyth [Bara – Sheeth] translates procreation 

Genesis as a word in Greek implies ‘the very beginning’ the word Genesis as a Greek word in itself means ‘origin’ or genealogy – in the Greek language Genesis is Gennesis [Ghen’nay-sis], from Genos, Ghe-nos meaning a particular kind or kindred; and also Gennao ‘to pro-create’ of a father, but by extension of a mother, to be delivered of or to regenerate, conceive or be born, however in Hebrew the word Genesis is Barashiyth, which comes from the root word Bara, meaning to reconstruction or reconstruction – Barashiyth is a replenishing and repopulating of a selected part of the planet earth by a selected and bred stock or tribe of people

Genesis – Gene [Genealogy] and Isis, meaning ‘the genealogy of Isis’

Be-gene or Genn [Jinn] 

In the beginning [beGin-ing] beJin-ing] begot - we are at the beginning of a reSet - all change please - last stop 

Radiation comes from the Latin radiare, radiat- meaning ‘to emit beams’ from radius ‘ray’ from whence they get the word ray, as in sun rays – the sun, true sun is ‘ether’ the true dark existence in which all light and chaos was born and this radiation formed a rapidly expanding sphere called ‘the primordial fireball’ the symbol of the Iris of RE[RA], the ball of fire as the Eye opened from the world of supreme balancement, darkness, to let in the light to create the images, thus the symbol of the sun with rays or the eye of RE[RA] – this is the birth of your sun 

SHU + MIN [SCHUMAN] which was double Masculine – but is returning to the original settings which is SHU + TEFNUT which is single Masculine and single Feminine – Shu is light or fire and Tefnut is water or moisture, as a male is a dry creation and woman is a moist creature


Time zones – the Reptilians interfered with our time zones hence why they kept altering the calendars and shifting time, adding moments and keep removing moments, leap years and the likes

To deceive you they gave you a ‘second’ before a ‘first’ – you should have a ‘first’ before you get to a ‘second’ – and we don’t – its not 24hrs in a cycle [hour] – if you were asked the shortest period of time, you would refer to a ‘second’ and there are 60 seconds on one minute

As you can see minute is MIN, the deity Spirits (Sprites) s[NTR] of fertility and Miniature – so the miniature should be before the second

The word Miniature is from the Italian miniature meaning ‘illumination of manuscripts, small painting’ from the word miniare, meaning ‘to illuminate’ from Latin miniare, meaning ‘to colour red’ from minium, meaning red

Miniature is speaking about the red glow of the rising sun RE[RA] in TAMARE ‘Egypt’ thus it would be first, then the second event would be the appearance of the sun RE[RA]

So, a minute would be the first and a second would follow

We had been tricked, deceived out time, as the tick and tock of the clock – they never teach you about the space in between, which is time, that is the first 

Distractions taking energy extractions 

Hug amounts of plasma [purple] rein down over Croatia - check those repeated light sources and in the middle are crafts disrupting these plasma strikes in cloaked cloud cover 

A huge amount of meteorites, asteroids entered the planets atmosphere during the last 4-7 days

Spirits [Sprites] Spiritos 

ATUM [ATOM] Atomic energy are linked, both depend on wind or air as energy to exist, and this in ancient time was called beath, sum called it Prana, others called it Hayah, it was simply wind or Rawuh as in Ruakh or Ruh which in time becomes inscribed by theologians and philosophers as Spirits [Sprites] Spiritos, which is wind, breeze, air is wind and breath and that is life [Chi]

Inhale [exhale] – the word Hale means ‘free from infirmity or illness; sound’ from Middle English, from Old English hal, meaning ‘health’ which then brings in the word Hail [Halie] – Hail Caesar or Haile Selassie or Halley’s comet  

Deep space should be treated like a deep ocean and all that dwells in the deep ocean with find in deep space, space is made from ether, from liquid crystal [Moya] water  

shield's up 

Explain that monkey sh9t 

Sum thing swiped past on the left - we have CMEs coming in and tomorrow+ 

You can hear the turbulence from the EMF – sounds like wind or windy but it’s the EMF ringing from being hit from all the CMEs hitting, more on the way 

20hz [33hz] 61hz [71hz]

We are hitting 80F in the UK - in 2022 we had 107F - they are saying we are hitting 68F when the mercury levels says 80F - stay out of the SUN because the SUN is trying to kill you 
The UV [Ultraviolet] Purple index says 5 for the UK - ok then - the SUN is triggering up there with hours and hours missing from the data 

SHU + MIN [SCHUMAN] which was double Masculine – but is returning to the original settings which is SHU + TEFNUT which is single Masculine and single Feminine – Shu is light or fire and Tefnut is water or moisture, as a male is a dry creation and woman is a moist creature


All these old viruses, diseases, call them what you want - the sun is trying to kill you, SARS from the Pharaohs curse and that Chief Pharaoh is A-SAR-U [OSIRIS] 

Look at that craft going to dock at the sun station and right after its like they tried to shoot at it 

The ANUNNAKI want their planet 

Just a small % of what is going on out there 

When the Titanic [Titan] sank onboard was millionaire John Jacob Astor IV - the money in his bank account was enough to build 30 of these ships – at that time 50% of the worlds wealth was on that ship with the wealth in Rothschild Banks, anyone with a will had those their wealth was to be left to, was also on that ship, like their children, the Titanic was billed the Titanic because nothing could sink it, at that time the Titanic was an engineering feat, a marvel in the industrial age – but an iceberg sank it to which this has never happened before or after the Titanic sank – they sank that ship to fund the world wars hence why they have never raised the Titanic which would show the blast entry point of a torpedo – they also made money from making a movie about it and turning into a love story and having pieces, artefacts in museums exhibitions, and you can go down there+ they say the band was playing while everyone kept a dignified stance despite the ship sinking – we will never truly know how these passengers must have been feeling, the Rothschild wanted them dead not alive so what would be the point of saviours, if any did, then how long did they live before but they suddenly died, it would have been a lot easier back then to wipe sum one out – all this money funded Hitler's wars
This war that we are entering will not be based on wealth but rather health, for we are at extinction levels and once again many want the human to die 

55 years ago today
August 15 - August 18 [1969]
Sum of your grandparents were 21 at the time 


This student is aware, conscious, look at what he or she chose has their topic – not sure what year this student had this test or question, imagine you are the teacher or examiner and you resonate with the answers, chain of thought, do you mark them down or mark them up, do you take them to side one day and explore that topic, answer or do you past them by after seeing them and say nothing but like them secretly

9/11 gave them 10years [10mins] in their time machine by sacrificing 4,000 people hence why 2012 went to 2021 [10 years] which 2012 and 2021 are the same year [frequency]

2012 was the expiry of slavery [400 years] + 100 + 12 [512] = 2012 with the turnaround 2021 – yes it was on Bushes watch [4,000] people in those towers just for 10 years

2022 [6] 2023 [7] 2024 [8] leap year for sum 2025 [9] 2026 [10] there is no number higher than 9 with zer0 being the bridge between 9 and 1

There is no more energy to usurp, from 2020 [vision] more access codes were unlocked and today we have never been more conscious has a species 

Rhasidat Adeleke of Nigeria Origin but Irish citizen now holds all the Irish National Records for Women in the 100m, 200m & 400m – you can be black when they need you and a Nigg9 when they don’t need you – can Irish women run can European women run – why do you need blacks to run for your country but are also called immigrants at the same time – did France win the world cup in Football with French players or African players double standards, in the movie Saving Private Ryan, the opening scenes captivated the audience but they failed to show the 600 soldiers they left on that very same beach to be slaughtered by the Germans – isn’t that a bitch - how many Africans or 9ethers are running for a Europe country 

This guy Dylan Mulvaney makes tens of thousands mocking women, he promotes Tampax, sports bras which are for women, these are Drags which is short for Dragon [Serpentine] men usurping from the feminine energy - this monkey sh9t must be deleted - Drag also means to move sum thing aka energy 

No one cares, the problem started with you - this girl is mixed race, issues with mix race and inverted races within the 6ethers - we want all this deleted from this planet - how did we even get here 

Victorian lives, check this ‘mother and children’ in the 1900s – I don’t think the mother is even alive in this picture, look at her posture and around the neck, she is being held up by a stand, it was common to take pictures with their deceased back then, hence the eyes not being opened and her leaning as the arm is propped on the chair to hold up the baby’s head, the toddler looks disturbed and using the mailing service to post their children, were are the parents - look at these children's faces, how do you know the mailman isn't a nonce, if the 9ethers had not domesticated the best they could how would the 3D world look today  

Iranian history to a country that was only founded this side of the century, 6ether Muslims should stick to their own history which is Mohammed, 40 virgins [Paedophilia] and talking, abusing your wife, partner, slave and stay the fu9k out of 9ethers history, what monkey wrote this bullsh9t

Samaritan is Sumerians – called Gorgon in Greece and in KHMT they are called METUSIA [METU-SIA] MEDUSA and they are birthing priestesses from METU NETU [MOTHER NATURE]

I couldn’t be bothered to breakdown what this dildo wrote about 9ethers history – Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria+ all come under Mesopotamia which is Sumerian which is Babylonia which is Typhonian+ which is all the same area and before any of the Caucasoids Caucasians were created

Helen [Athena] are 9ether wombmen, so is Medusa – the snakes are locks for they had braids, locks

A mining company applied for a patent for the process for preparing Adrenochrome for Riker Laboratories, which is owned by 3M – Adrenochrome is children’s blood, they need copper to activate dried adre0cHome – what have you learned since 2020 [vision] fu9k all, this is linked to their underground babies farms and your worried about Muslims and racism – this is were kidnapped victims - sex trafficking, people for organ theft – are being stored, they cannot just kill the person because the organs will start to die 

Many worried about the economy, their way of life, friends+ YAWN OUT LOUD - we want this taken off of this planet - take all your practices and go sum where else are iron out your species because we are done with dealing with the monkey mind 

We want their Matrix [society] to be deleted from the inside out even if it means that sum of us will have to be the sacrificial lamb 

We want truth 

Check the mother at the end, she shape shifted, that was not the camera 

So, this is a temporary building for the world's fair 100+years – very temporary aren’t they, these buildings were already in TAMERI [America] before the European America got there

When they were rebuilding the pantheon, a tornado came and knocked it down then they had to rebuild it all over again, inside are huge ancient doors and an enormous golden statue of Athena [Hathor] Atheer – look at the images when they were first rebuilding – looks like an attic of sum thing much larger below – there are many, many MIRs [pyramid] 

Dome [Firmament] Van Alan Belt [EMF] Ozone Layer+ all the same thing – translucent shield 

They say this toy car is 7,500 years old and this means that 7,500 sum one saw a car in order to model this toy from TURKEY [TUKISH] KISH [KUSH] 

Hari Hari Krishna
Heru [Haru] Orisha [Rishi]
Hare [Hari] Heru [Haru]

The story of the little 'black' boy in India - Nagas [Naagas] Nigg9s in India - little black 'blue' boy

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