Thursday 8 August 2024

Open Window

8.8.8 [8.8.2024] 

The Lion's Gate [888] Portal is the opening of a galactic gate [Sirius] that delivers high-frequency energy, allowing us to rebirth our spirit energy aka this is the accelerator 

Superior Sirius Nexus [connection] - Sirius angle on the Sun changes - Leo 'heart' energy which is peaking [888] which causes your consciousness and emotions to be more focused in the heart, more nurturing and more empathy and for and towards other - now we have had since 20[20] more energy on the way into 2024 from 2020 which is twenty-twenty vision and 8 years back was 2016 [9] and this Nexus that is coming will be more - renewed interests - in the UK we can see the race, religion disruptions which causes division, to divide, gender+ all being brought up in the 3D because the number one Astrologer is the Vatican [NASA] they know how the energies shift and they need to counteract, many people heartstrings will be pulled, falsely, in an attempt to usurp your energy, things are going to take place in phases, patches, places will start to shut down, electricity will also be shut down, take Ukraine which is at war, while the rest of the world carries on, same principles

They had in the USA a real problem getting their soldiers to fight in the modern day because many of them do not know what they are fighting for or disagree on the reason, consciousness has shifted greatly in the last decade and many want peace regardless of gender, race+ the usual reasons, and this is what they don't want, the masses to become soft, hence the disruptions in the UK and around the world, the Olympics - no one is interested in - themes not working+ the masses are conscious now, even at sum level that maybe a decade they were not, the children born after 2000 are advanced in the sense you cannot teach them about religion, they are advanced to know when sum thing doesn't make sense but did to their parents or grandparents decades ago, your people talk about spiritual attainment 

We have a 'rare' [888] portal and the alignment will be the strongest and so you will be the closes to your higher self [cell] and to the most 'high' primary creator - you can quantum leap into another version of our higher self  - many will there for this is a collective exchange - things on your mind that you want to change - many of you have unlocked from the Matrix, however you can see there is still much to play out, we have yet to agree to certain things and this outcome in still in y-our hands

If you have a heartbeat, pulse+ and feel there are things that must change, say sum thing on that day [888] about things that you are passionate about, you have been down here long enough and have seen enough globally to know what needs to change, be protected, you will also have access to your higher self and can [4] into a better version of your self - there will be a lot of people there, many of us all share the same thoughts, just iMAGIne how powerful that exchange will be  

Wherever you are in the world [planet] say sum thing for you will have the power to change so much by thought - the negative and disagreeable know this code [888] is coming up and they also will be there, there will be distractions - by thought [mind] through the bridge [throat] backed by the heart - our thoughts are being read, they are being scanned, the server can only feed us what we are thinking, as above, so below, your must 'know' 

Your thoughts are operating in water [MOYA] and that is why your minds eye seas [sees] - there is a difference between 'believing' and 'knowing'

That moment when the Cat realises who he or she truly is 

Who are you 

'Get away from the walls, this is a warning'  

Access to data is out there, you have to go source, not the other way around, you have choices that you have to make on what you want has 'knowing' 

Reversed engineered technology - free power 

Last month 

Alaska floods, coming in a foot higher than last year 

Flash flooding aka dumping water and plasma strikes 


BRAZIL - same like in KANADA couple days back 

Read all data in CHAKRA energies - match the colours [energies] 

We are not in vast space or that CME would have spread outwards - only up and down, look how the rays come from the sun and connect with rim only?? how if we are in vast space 
Second time in has many days the sun triggers dislodging the NASA camera 

Those are cubes, sum are in a fixed position 

Top images are from BRAZIL with the KAU [Cows] shows an ancient symbol which you can see again in the last image, 1941-1947- seated Asante chiefs wearing Abotire, the traditional Akan crown, and Kente cloth at a durbar in Kumasi- present day Ghana and check the symbols 

We have continuous CMEs 

That first footage over NYC - that craft looked like 5 sections making up that craft, the US military watched them on radar 

Huge craft on the right passing over the Moon 



NIGER is 1 year [coup] 
Kingdoms are separating, Kingdoms divided  

While the North [UK] erupts - trauma kits - digital ID+  

The Cactus when they bloom, flower - contains the radiation which you are to pick and discard 
4G + 5G next is 6G which is only a couple years away 'projected' 

A.I image or sum kind [Mankind] of Man [Man means mind] the Blueprint to Mankind reworked and called the Terminator - they are already walking among us 

Serena Williams 2024 and 2015 
Her child was conceived [35] through IVF [IUI] and her sister - brother is still a virgin at 40 - both were born male 

The European has been playing 'God' for far to long, this is why his world is coming to an end 

A river at the bottom of an ocean [Mexico] and the waters do not mix - the result of Hydrogen sulfate

KENYA [MT ZION] aligns with the GIZA [SPHINX] and SAHU [ORION] Sirius - MT ZION had a face on it back in the day just like the SPHINX - MT ZION is not just sum mountain, its an Asteroid, called Asteroid [A-Star-oid] when in space and when the Asteroid hits the ground is called a Meteorite 


That was #Deep 

Read the comments, there are different levels to consciousness

 Portugal just means new port, Barbados is 4 hours away from Africa 

His explanation on the doll called 'uncanny valley effect' was a joke, like the word Pareidolia  

The Great sink [London] 1858 River Thames - and in Paris [PAR-ISIS] 

Ok then - using Chinese to beat the Chinese 

Concept - there is a lot of old being made new, retro now becoming modern - the energy is over - we have used all this energy and now we must upgrade [evolve] 

I thought that was Tom Jones 

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