Wednesday 14 August 2024

Off the beaten path

Strikes from deep space are being felt on and, in this planet, deep impacts, indeed the universe, she is responding, a lot of activity is taking place, around us, above us, below us and ultimately in us

For the last decade at least, the frequencies have been changing, with the reintroduction of NI.BIRU in 2012 [2021], and in the wink of the eye from RE[RA] in 2011 for Venus [Inanna] Lahmu and here now, in the recycle year, the reSet year, we are experiencing cosmic energy, rays hitting the planet, repeated over each year until now, where we are now [moment] 

This is a mind-altering stage when comprehending what is taking place, this is a cosmic event that is shaping the outcome of this transition, this planet is being hit with energies that no man knows where it is coming from, this is a first, ever recorded, and has you know the key word at the moment is unprecedented or fundamental, that means, a first

One of the biggest galactic and cosmic events in history is currently taking place on this planet at this time 

The Universe, she [Omega]is responding
Uni means to-gether, to-gather and verse means against

The route frequency of this soular system is 216 and was running at 440hz to which we are returning to the universes own design which is 432hz

New Age

The all-seeing eye of Re

A long time ago in this universe for the purpose of greater self-exploration, self-gratification, self-expression, prime creator brought energies and essences of life, an extension of its-Cell-f into this universe and endowed those extensions with the gifts that they had

Four of common radius for the eye of Re

When there existed just one transcended, completely unknown and unknowable divine being, who was exclusively spirit, nothing material about him

In eternally past, this divine being generated other divine beings out of him-Cells-f, has personification beings out of his own characteristics

He was eternal, and so eternalness itself came into existence has its own divine entity

He thought about himCell-f and so his thought came into existence has a distinct being

He was alive, so life came into being

He was all light, no darkness, and so light came into existence

He was wise and so wisdom became a divine being

Sum of the divine beings themCell-s, in pairs generated yet other divine beings
Eventually the heavily realm was filled with such divine beings

Prime creator said to these extensions of it-Cell-f, go out and create and bring all things back to me [source]

Right eye of Horus
Double tetrahedron [know what it looks like]

New Age

All this took place before there was any universe, there was only a divine realm, but a cosmic disaster occurred, one fell from the divine realm

One of the Elyon(s), fell from the divine realm, leading to the generation of a different kind of divine being, one that was not generated from the divine realm but from outside of it
[Elyon translates, these beings – like ANUNNAKI]

This was shaping an imperfect being, called by different names

Ultimately, he is the creator god of the negative race, this Yahweh [72] did not know that there were others, he had never been to where they had been before, the divine realm, he ignorantly proclaimed he was god, he simply did not know that there were far superior, supreme gods than him in power and knowledge, these superior beings had dwelled where he had never, the divine realm

Yahweh began to generate other imperfect divinities and together they became creators of the material world, which sort of became a prison for the Elyon that fell

HuMin bodies [Khat] were created to house sparks of the divine being

Yahweh and Neb both mean Lord, Yahweh, Elohyeem 
[title, rank, there were many, sum positive and sum negative]

This brings us to earth; this is not the ultimate creation of the divine one

Sum of these gods are master geneticists and designed various species, sum animals, and sum created humans without light, conflict arose

That is why light is information, these entities beam out light, and earth became their territory, earth is a trap for light and so earth became a territory

Earth became a certain frequency band; they rearranged the DNA and kept the HuMins and HuMans broadcasting at a limited frequency band

This frequency feeds them, and keeps them in power, they keep Ki at a certain vibrational frequency, while they create e.motion-al turmoil to submerse themselves in it

There are beings who honour life before everything else and there are also beings who do not and do not understand their connection to life


The goal is to allow the divine spirit [sparks] that are scattered around humanity to escape this material world and to become reunited and to return to the realm in whence they came

Ascension will bring about when you burn the truth, who we are, where you came from, how you got here and how we can return

Saving knowledge in other words is self- knowledge, this knowledge cannot come to us through natural means for example by looking around at the world and thinking hard about it, you must remember this material world is the creation of an inferior deity, and nothing in it can tell us what we need to know to escape it

You need to know this, for the comic energy is at its capacity levels, the living reality is re-entering and merging with your dimension

Awakening to your history, you will begin to open your ancient eyes, these are the eyes of Heru, which see not through the eyes of a HuMin being, but from the point of view of a Supreme [Neteru] Being, they see the collectiveness and the purpose of all things, for the ancient eyes are able to see into many realities and connect the whole picture, the whole history

You hold the history [hiStory] of the universe within your physical body, what is occurring upon the planet is literally the mutation of your physical body, for you are allowing it to be evolved to a point or it will be a computer that can house this information

The firing of the coding [energy blasts from the universe aka Nu] and the realisation of your identity will become overwhelming intense, reason being the evolving RNA [DNA], which holds the codes

When you have 12 helixes of the RNA [DNA] in place those helixes will begin to plug into the 12 Chakra system, vortex centres, loaded with information that you must be able to translate, you will need to step up into whatever realties that you enter, because you are a member of the light family, sum of you are entitled light worker, healer aka Mekaba, this is your purpose

Cosmic rays sent by the prime creator and the original planners penetrated the planets shield, they bombard Ki, however these must have receivers to receive them

We have had protonic energy upon the planet Ki, she is being cleansed, washed by protonic energy

Proton energy is the highest form of light, highest form of light that can manifest physically is protonic light, this is atomic level

The whole soular system would be going through this high radiant belt of light

Meditation is key connect, Prayer is key

The process has begun, all living things will emit light, it’s in your hands, body, trees rock, all particles are emitting light

Darkness will cease to exists

For those that understand the principles of Metaphysis of light, this matters greatly, light is not sum thing that helps you see, and not just a sensual thing, light is connected spiritually, to spiritual development, en-lighten development, purity, sanctuary, will move, upgrade, DNA, biology, conscious upgrade, all change, the Mekaba changes

These creative cosmic rays, reciprocal rays will create chaos and confusion for sum

The ultimate tertiary in a society is not control by martial law, it is control of the manipulation of consciousness through which reality is defined, so that those who exist within it do not even realise that they are in prison, they do not even realise that there is something outside of where they exist

Merkaba, chariot of light, chariot of spirit, the preferred transportation vehicle of the Supreme Beings [you], the higher order, they are spin vortexes of light, the HuMin body, the frequency of the body can be accelerated, it can be spun into a vortex of energy so that that it ultimately it Magi [manifests] its 7 coloured rainbow light, the perfected HuMin is the HuMin that has transformed themselves into pure light, pure love [EM]

Merkaba is another name for your soular body, light body, the Merkaba allows oneself to travel anywhere, instantly

The vibratory nature of this soular system is rapidly changing during this completion and we now have the poWAR to MerKaBa travel and return to our source

We are spiritual beings, or a Baa [soul] currently here to change this monkey sh9t, having had a HuMin experience

In the beginning, you were a fragment of the creators’ infinite consciousness that was broken off moments ago as a soul - as an individual unit of consciousness

You were given a simple mission, to go away and experience all the different types of realities and existences known to the universe, learn and advance your knowledge and wisdom and eventually you can return home to re-join at the divine realm, the source, after having a complete innerstanding of all that is

On a personal as well as on a global level we have been feeling the effects of Venus bringing forth significant events to adjust our feelings of love and femininity FEMI9 - all the planets [discs] are FEMI9

This applies to both male and female just as the Ying and Yang does 
[the male is just the aggressive part of the female] 

Things will be stirred up again beckoning us to reflect deeply, knowing where we need to go and what we need to achieve prior to the closing of the time frame

Also, more 9 ethers, 6ethers [lightworkers] aka Merkaba are emerging and more than ever people are seeking out this type of healing energy

You might want to add this to where energy will envelope everything and everyone

The Elements

Hand-in-Hand goes the elements of creation

Eye been purified by Water, set ablaze by Fire, and resurrected by Earth, and raptured by Air, allowing my Baa to rise to the poWRA of its Ether

High-five to those who became alive, by awakening their all-seeing-eye

Go in Hotep [peace] and let peace guide you home 

Gravitation = Love
Electromagnetic = Light
Implosion = Meditation
Expansion = Expression
Polarity = Balance [Yin-Yang]
Spin = Manifestation
Space = [Akashic Records]
Vacuum NRG = Prana, Chi, Life-force
Holographic = Omnipresent
Fractural Feedback = Karma
Particle (lat- pater) = Father, Masculine
Matrix (lat- mater) = Mother, Femi-nine
Event Horizon = Continuous Creation
Black Hole = Heart
Vortex = Chakra [Wheel]
Equilibrium = Enlightenment
Nun = mc2
Singularity = (God) higher, Most-High

The Elephants are led by a female, so to the Orcas, Hyenas, Lionesses, the Queen Bee  

Manifestation, imagine walking through the plant kingdom, this would be our backdrop and not concrete jungles - this is where we would fester in thoughts, your imagination increases, each plant, flower, tree+ are letting off frequencies - when we look at NTR [NATURE] we don't see Man in there, Man means Mind, Man is not in festation - the word is Magi which is in imagination [image] imagery
- colours [light] sound   


Meaning ‘guardian’ or Mother Nature – Ma-other METU NETER [NETU] 
MA is water, which symbolizes the womb 

If you look at the phonetics of the word NURTURE, you can hear NATURE, they stem from the same root word, yet man is considered a part of NATURE and he is not 

Who nurtures the baby, she does, man based on the meaning of the word nature does not belong, you must ask yourself, were beings here before nature or was nature here before the human being – the meaning is self-explanatory 

The word nurture is to breastfeed, which is key signature of a mammal, and a man does not breastfeed its young, which puts him in the manifestation of nature, not the manifestor of nature, which is the mother – the mother is the only nurturer, she is ‘God’ she grows each being male or female in her womb -
Man is not in nature for she doesn’t need him


Na Ta Ra, which means ‘watchers or guardians, spiritual beings who can personify 

This prehistoric tree has been on this planet for 200million years - they are shrines 
 Kenya is in big sh9t for allowing this to happen, all have died and now you have no connection - 

Within 9 days of each other 

Sundance - there is a difference between 'local tribe' and original tribe, they are not from TAMARE [Africa] and are from TAMERI [America] 

Ms South Africa [ABZU] ok then 
South Africa was founded in [1910] 1961 and before that ask Holland and Britain and what was apartheid was all about and how many 9ethers were murdered 

This seedless watermelon has been outside for over a week now, nothing ate it, all I can find is a couple of beetles and a dead fly on it, not even the raccoons - the food supply is poisonous garbage

Why are they doing this, because meat has run out - food has run out - cannibalism is already up and running in the North - they have plastic rice out here+  

In the beginning they did use the Labrador to mix in with the Pitbull - they also use the same Labrador for guide dogs - we know all animals are conscious on sum level and that soldier made it because those coins slowed down the bullet 

Mobb Deep


That must have been sum tremendous pumpum to what to do that - love [hate] will have you do sum fu9ked up things 

I had thought they needed another one, here we go, check the title 'hero' they are really fu9king with the British public, this guy is Muslim or Muslim looking, but he is a hero today 

Jesus is coming, Allah [Mohammed] returns – no one is coming to save you, not even your government

Muslims v Roman [Church of England] Catholic - there have been 8 Crusaders wars with this being the 9th - that is their war, let the religious lot knock themselves out 

Freemason aka free the children of Mary [Maryland] it is the 9ethers Mason [Masem] Moors who taught the 6ether Mason - all this is to show a show of strength because they are being dismantled, going blatant is because they have everything to lose and nothing to win 

PARIS [PAR-ISIS] they know that France is a Matriarchal state and this is their stand to usurp her energy  

Hmm - I wonder why - Carnival started because of knife crime – what happened to Kelso is exactly what happened to Steven Lawrence – knife crime – nothing to do with robbery, is it because the 9ethers use the knife all day or is it the tension like they say, what is wrong with black and white people, they don’t want to live together or can’t live together or won’t live together or are jealous of each other – are they even in the same class has one another

I do not care for the HuMins [HuMans] 6ether or 9ether for I know more now - but I do care about the Female and children I care deeply for this planet, plant and animals, I was one of those who wanted to be a Vet when I was younger - there is no point in saying this was because of his owners, this is a reflection of the collective, just like how many will go down for their forefathers mistakes, when you know how this simulation works down here you will know what we are dealing with- look how they left him outside the house in that condition for several months, we are done with stupid uploads like this, repeating cycles that we want to end once and for all, while the 3D world goes to war there are others who are writing a different future 

I was one of those dildos that fell for this - I had a paper round job at that time and was at school and actually thought this was for real, little did I know it was bullshi9t, he received a KBE for pulling this off - they made £114million [$140million] from us with 'do they give a fuck if its Christmas, does anyone when they are hungry' - so I had my dreams shattered thinking they would help Ethiopia which at that age I didn't even know where that was or what Ethiopia was or the history - I just saw the images on tv and was hurt, flies on their faces, food+ same like today and today we now know the truth about Africa 

NTR is pissed at CHINA 

Check the England footage, see that above the Sun before SunSet, Yeovil is in South England aka North England, the map they use is upside, this planet is upside down 

M5.5 [M3.5] SYRIA 

Tornadoes, hurricanes forming just like that and are rewriting man’s take on how, what and when 

Why, because the planet us upside down, Uranus spins on its underbelly - they may say on its side or is it because of the reflection, we are looking at a refection, or its because of the dome - why does your brain have to flip the image you see [sea] upright before the mind catches on or 

is it because there is no spoon 

Sum one lying 

NTR said you will not reside in comfort for your reminder on this planet 

Chile was founded in 1818 - this is AZTLAN [South America] 

The microwave is not safe because it uses non-ionizing radiation, which alters DNA and causes cancer This radiation heats food by shaking water molecules aka rearranging them, affecting their chemical structure, in addition, the microwaves are designed to have radiation leakage - manmade electromagnetic radiation

Pay attention to the SKA [SKI] SKY] 

UK [ENGLAND] broken, jagged horizon 

Parabolic ball they call this - that 'black' sphere 

We do not have the same sun or moon in the four corners of this planet and sum don't even have a sun, where is this NASA [ESA] 

[7] light spectrum - white [bright] holds all [7] 

Uber eats, Deliveroo [owned by Amazon] – delivery services make sense now, don’t come out of your homes or you can’t come out of your homes because the sun is trying to kill you – Water Air Up aka flavoured [artificial] water, which was either to hide the taste of the water + encourage people to drink water especially during these hot changes – Spontaneous Combustion many people are walking around in shorts and t-shirts from dust to dawn, the heat is coming from the top and bottom, from the ground upwards, the plasma comes in and hits the core of the planet and comes straight back up, the ground is hot, the roads, pavements are hot, late at night I see people walking the streets, well into the late AM – those without a Chakra system or Ether cannot process what is harmful radiation to them but are energies to others – those without ether [brown] eyes are heating up the most, those without Ether are heating up and heating up without being able to discharge any excess energies and so making them overheated - Heathrow airport is in a place called Hounslow which is in South England, South England is actually North England 

NASA [NOAA] cut the feed for 10hrs straight - what went on that they didn't want us to see - the sun is in full mode and is triggering - see that line, this could be a craft that went through real fast and we are looking at the delayed energy signature of that craft or this is a laser from say the ISS or one of their satellites because there is a war going on up there that will become earthbound for the spiritual world is to merge with the physical world 

They shut down the Schuman models 

See were is says Kp9, we are at Kp8 - get ready 

The DOME [FIRMAMENT] EMF [VAN ALAN] OZONE LAYER+ buckles - huge hit and the CROWN of the planet is lit - very strong with an increase coming 
Your molecular structure is being changed from the inside out - you are mutating - red is the energy signature to fear the most, because with a SOUL in this SOULAR system you will be deleted

Once we get them in all four corners of the planet it will be show time AURA - aurora borealis just means south and north – were is west and east 

Read all data [information] in Chakra energies  

Meteorites, asteroids+ incoming - many are shuttles, pods

Thailand and we are seeing this [them] in Mexico 

Huge ship, with probe underneath - THAILAND 

Star family are sitting in the SKY [SKA] SKI and are ready when you are 

Hollywood, up to no good 

The truth on all levels, same like when flight MH17 carrying 38 Australians who were about to release the cure for AIDS[HIV] when their Malaysian flight was shot down 

It is forbidden for the 6ethers to go into space - this dimension was sealed a long time ago - they have only been to the lowest part of the SKA - the ISS and satellites are held up by helium balloons and all ground satellites point up and the SKA satellite point down to earth and all they do is bounce the signal off of the DOME - Mankind is a kind of man but is not quite HuMin [HuMan] - the leap was for the mixed beings  

We have [3] ice walls, these ice wall technology was introduced when the virus broke out aka Europeans and the dome was created to seal in the virus so they didn't spread to the other lands outside of these ice walls, these lands outside house our br'others and siStars and they are not enslaved, you are, these walls went up to protect the lands, people+ from the artificial races [6ethers] 

The Mexicans build a motorway next door to the European American border - smart move - 

Athens on fire 

We have had huge amounts of 'fireballs' meteorites, asteroids come in from Japan to Portugal to Australia+ these are camouflaged shuttles that spilt upon entry normally into three sections, you will always see an ejection - these shuttles are carrying personnel, logistics, technology, weapons+

Where are all these tires going, think of all the tires used during testing, think of all the other races like F2 and Nascar+ those tries dumped are in Kuwait, Florida [underwater] and Colorado - there must be billions around the planet, billions and billions dumped 

We are crashing their Matrix - we cannot follow the monkey brain anymore 

I had this Irish girlfriend once and she said never go out with sum one who has no lips - they are not to be trusted at all 

Skin bleaching - you will be swapping places with others 

Testicles are ovaries, testicles for men and ovaries for women – all they do is drop for a man - what is he or she or he-she talking about 

Sum one wrote this and posted it

“Afrobeats is a very great genre but all African artiste are singing about womęn, s£x, money lifestyle and nothing more." Buju Banton
Renowned Reggae artiste, Buju Banton has criticised Afrobeats as uninspiring and failing to uplift people across Africa.

"Afrobeats is not uplifting Africa nor freeîng the minds of the people. Tell me one afrobeats song that can uplift us! Kenya is sufferîng, Sudan, South Sudan, South Africa and many other African countries are going through crisîs. But which one of these afrobeats songs can I relate to that will uplift me and make me believe that I'm in a strugglę, and we're gonna gonna be better in the strugglę and even though the strugglę is hãrd, we're gonna overcome. Yes, the artistes are making money, but what would be said of them when they're gone? When they couldn't use their music to uplift their people. All afrobeats artiste are singing about is "My first date", "My first love", "My first s£x", and nothing more."

Reggae Legend, Buju Banton, challenges African artist to use their music to speak for Africans.

What is he talking about, has he done any of the above, didn't you do a decade in prison for being involved in a cok9 deal in Miami - I haven't read that about any of the afrobeat artist - what are you wearing Buju, but what struggle, you’re not, too many old people still talking, the youth are not waiting on you guys, they have seen the movie the Harder They Come and are getting theirs before the planet mash up, disappointing comments, Bob said why not help another man, Africa has been supporting everyone for too long, old people deal with struggle but the youth embrace the struggle and move on, they don't have a slavery mentality
>>> Yes, the artistes are making money, but what would be said of them when they're gone? When they couldn't use their music to uplift their people <<<
He is talking about himself, Bounty, Beenie, Sizzla+ - part time Rasta, look at his suit and his Rasta suit - the energy has shifted on the planet and consciousness - we are at 144hz - you need to show love to your br'others and siStars and stop holding one another down

Stay away from RacCoons 

6ether founding fathers, not 9ethers founding mothers
We want this monkey mind deleted from this planet 

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