Thursday 6 June 2024

Updating Prophecy

The SUN has been pulsating for a long time, we have seen footages of the SUN flickering, flashing, pulsating and I myself I have seen this with both eyes and my first eye

Ever since the SOULAR eclipse the energy of the SUN has changed the energy on the planet – with the SUN pulsating this basically vibrates the 3rd eye –

Inner-stand that your consciousness is an orb of light which is your ETHER state which works in tandem with the energy of the SUN – Megatron ‘CUBE’ sucks up massive amounts of energy ‘microscopic waves’ – Carbon [melanin aka ether sits in Carbon] is the building blocks of all civilisations and this is a time of KARMIC retribution, whether you speak it, whether you act it+ we are at a time where the ETHER is being activated by way of MAGI [Manifestation]

That SOULAR eclipse was the ‘black’ SUN letting off purifying energy to the SUN simulator aka opening up the doorway to take you to interstellar gateway, the higher dimensions

There is a spiritual SUN that is outside of the dome that is called the North Star [Polaris] – then we are under the dome, the SUN and Moon which is linked to the energy extraction Matrix using fractions of light breaking off from the spiritual SUN outside of the dome – which when the SOULAR eclipse brings in the HAPI [HOPI] final and 9th sign which is the KACHINA before the Great day of purification

The truth [MAAT – KACHINA] anytime you speak ‘truth’ the truth has an octave vibration that works in tandem with the SUN and when you inner that its all nexus [connected] to light – alphabetical symmetry of light – you have an octave vibration that is nexus to the SUN [electrical] by way of magnetism, ancient languages are highly magnetic, they are electrical languages and hence why sum Magi [manifest] and sum don’t Magi [manifest] and we are seeing more and more people using octave [tonal] languages – it’s a pulsating energy from the SUN that nexus [connects] you to the ETHER, anything that you think, anything that you speak, is going to Magi [manifest] faster [4]5D+ than say 5 or 10 years ago – we have negative and positive energies colliding and all depends on what vibration the user is projecting out in this simulation 

We have 6 planets that are in alignment right now which happens every 100 years and we are in the KARMATIC fields in 2024 [8] which is the eight year and we are going through Karma retribution – we had the 9 pillars of light over the SKA of Japan that was posted and during this time Japan was also asking 9ether men to procreate with their women for $75,000 for they know the SUN is breaking down the genetics of the weaker races, Darwin was solely speaking to his kind when he said survival of the fittest, hence why Prince Harry and Megan have a child – the SUN is breaking down the recessive genetical traits of those who do not belong to the planet or are not from the planet – this is the delineation between the 6ether and 9ether

The pulsating energy of the SUN is a certain vibration in the energy on the planet and is also working with our reproductive organs and mental faculties, sum people are being switched off [offline] mentally and physically, many of the MtDNA is being switched off and this is not just from this decade, all the way from when Viagra came out to which Viagra is nothing but Melanin – but they knew their kind was being switched off hence IVF [IUI] – I saw a Ladybird the other day, just one and I saw one Bee, I haven’t seen anyone pushing a pram [stroller] the 6ethers are at extinction levels, Coroner that word comes from the word Corona – the SUN is trying to kill you, while these energies are mutating you from the inside out – you need a Chakra system to process these energies and you need Melanin [ETHER] for this is an Alchemy process

Last couple weeks and into now were have seen huge amounts of SOULs come to this planet, the SUN is a multidimensional portal, interstellar vortex portal that is taking us to the higher Stella gateway with the firmament breaking down in increments so these fractions of light [Gamma] radiations hitting the planet transversing into the 5th dimension civilization hence the drive to merge humans with cybernetics, transhumanism because they know the mental faculties in our spiritual gifts works in tandem with the pulsating SUN – because technology locks down DNA called the Silver key which is the Lu-nar light [Lu-cifer] lock – Elon Musk – Starlink, Neuralink 

God is the highest extension of the mind which uses the elements in matter to express itself which if your connected to cybernetics, you won’t be nexus to your Godhood power by way of the mental stargate which is all nexus to the energy of the SUN and they know the planet is transmuting into a 5th dimensional civilization by the way the SUN is operating in fractions of light with the star outside of the dome – we have been a 5th dimensional people before, you can see the ruins around the planet along with the records – we are at the stage we were the last time round – you could hear sum one thoughts before, they never spoke, we used telepathic communication, kinetic energy is being reinstated by way of the energy of the SUN which in turns works with our spiritual gifts which in turn works with our sexual power

Your sexual biological fluids is your cosmic fuel for astral travel – seamen [semen] space is made from water which is liquid crystal and is to why you need to be watching who you are sleeping with and if you are touching the rainbow [masturbation] MA-STAR-BAA-tion] you will go blind aka your 3rd eye will shut down – you can’t spill the cup of Hermes and Hermes [Tehuti] Thoth is Melchizedek, they want you to spill your cup of Hermes because when your cup is not filled you will stay trapped in the 3D construct of the Matrix – you are leaking out energy and cannot astral travel and you need your sexual fuel to travel which works in tandem with the SUN and our spiritual gifts which is a trilateral nexus – sexual discipline – seaman retention – hence why we have a lot of sexual proclivities, it started on Tik Tok and then onto sum thing called OnlyFans, average women letting loose on the internet+ all part of the sexual themes we are seeing out here – young people are also being targeted, porn sites, abbreviations XXX is not a coincidence because it is the X gene that is acclimated to our spiritual gifts, its not a coincidence they call it X-Men remember wombman is XX while men are XY and the Y is a broken X

The more intense the SUN gets the more power is going to be given to Carbon body and the more its going to dematerialise the recessive genetical trait to the beings who are on the planet who the 6ethers, their genetical properties are going to fail and this includes all the beings who should not be in this SOULAR system, artificial races, species will be deleted – 6ethers dissipates into nothingness – whereas 9ethers are in a state of evolution – 9ethers energy is nexus to that SUN and they know this

Carbon is the building block of all civilisations, so they have to extract their energy, extract their vitality, the intense SUN will also increase your sex drive [power] especially for women and theirs is an Orgone energy – when your sexual energy is intact and you control it because you are not subjugated by the EMotions of the Matrix system – when you can control your sexual energy, you can control the weather [w-eather] eather [aether] ether for her energy works directly with NTR [METU NTR] –

They know we are converting from the visible light spectrum of the energy of green [WAJI] by converting to blue and blue is the great purifier – by not connecting to the outside forces and outside simulations, you have to control everything around you – you cannot become a Jedi MaStar until you MaStar self [cell] in this realm by way of detachment and if you cannot detach from certain foods, certain forms of distractions, the list goes on+ will make it harder for you to access the interstellar gateway of the mental [Men means mind] tal [ital] means ‘pure’ stargate – you must be aligned and working in tandem [conjunction] with the planet

Your S.E.X [SOUL+SPIRIT]ENERGY[XCHANGE] is a magnetic power and when you make the S.E.X you are leaking energy, especially with those whose either is lower than you for example sexing a 6ether and you are a 9ether – when you leak energy you have different people usurping your energy, a 9ether can charge the 6ether but she – the 6ether, cannot charge you back which in turns makes access to your spiritual gifts limited – the Kundalini is both a sexual energy and soular, spiritual energy – you are exchanging with those with no soular energy [EM] to return

These beings, whether they are agreeable beings or disagreeable beings, the ANUNNAKI + NIBIRU – these beings who come from the 19th galaxy from the planet RIZQ – they talk about how the energy extraction Matrix will be upgraded by way of the Mothership because the Mothership has its own SUN system – where this Mothership has a trilateral system nexus with UTU, AFSU and SHAMASH also known as ATUM, ATUN and AMUN which is also in correlation to Blue Star Kachina – all pointing back to the Tri-Soular systems that work with our physiology – the [3] SUNs, yellow, red and blue, that is nexus to planet RIZQ that is nexus to the 19th galaxy aka the 5th dimension – the plasma acceleration works in conjunction with the Carbon [melanin sits in carbon] body and is a form of magnetism – the 9ethers get their energy from the SUN aka Superman received his energy from the SUN hence why he has a Serpent in a pyramid on his chest – which is connected [NEXUS] to your Kundalini [Tantra] Shakti [Serpentine] that works with your CHAKRA system, so you need to be in alignment to receive these light codes from the SUN who is being fuelled by Sirius – these beings, whether you want to call them the ANUNNAKI, are upgrading this dimension, call it a soular, spiritual upgrade, they are upgrading the ETHERs - the primary colours ‘energies’ on the colour ‘energy’ wheel spectrum are Blue, Red, Yellow, Green

By abstaining from S.E.X you accelerate the plasma upgrade – you also have fuel for astral travel – its all about magnetism, this is how you upgrade the plasma acceleration which is what we are seeing in the form of Gamma radiation – which works in conjunction with your sexual energy which is your spiritual, soular energy also called EM – it sounds simple but many do not have that discipline

Disc-ipline is Mastery [what discs] Ma-Star-y Masturbation [Ma-Star-Ba-tion] Mastery is a form of equilibrium [equal] means balance [Ba] lance [lanca] 

Equilibrium in itself is your ‘Godself’ GodCell towards your balance which is zer0 point energy, that is the reSet – you reSet by using your EMotions as a navigation system – you don’t let your sexual EMotions subjugate you – and this is where many fall short, because of the EMotional aspect

9 gases that work with ETHER, Carbon, Lithium, Sulphur, Helium, Hydrogen, Xenon, Argon, Radon and Krypton, think of Superman, he came from the planet Krypton – all these are forms of gases and are a form of GAMMA radiation that works with the body, there was a time your skin was WAJI [Green] which was the potent activation side of Melanin [ETHER] – the GAMMA radiation ‘energy’ works with the 9ether physical structure – these 9 gases can cause creation or destruction

6 protons 6 neutrons 6 electrons equal Carbon which is 6 on the element chart the spiral again
9 Noble gasses [Noble 9 Ether] [6+6+6=18] 1+8 = 9 

We have a configuration of four gas planets [disc] that will give off those 9 gases around October right before the US election and ETHER has the ability to cause destruction or it can spark creation which nexus [connects] them to the magnetic field of the planet – ETHER and the 4 elements of earth, water, air, fire – who are the four Horsemen of their Apocalypse which is the same thing, when you have those four giant gas planets [disc] in configuration around the planet will cause a fallout on a huge scale – the planet is upgrading and must go through a birthing process which 9 months of labour is not a smooth transition and the planet is in a state of transition and she is not comfortable, she has to transition by way of ETHER, by way of the 9 Noble gases

ETHER is thought ‘Thoth’ form, ETHER is compressed energy to where it creates physical matter – whereby you are able to speak things into existence and was first in existence and is faster than the speed of light because light travels at 186,000 miles per square feet, so ETHER is ‘thought’ forms that turn into matter by way of physical matter by trapped photons, aka trapped light 


ETHER is your thoughts – thoughts projected within a simulation – the binary code of the Matrix which is a dualistic paradox that works with 0s and 1s – with 0 being a representation of divine FEMI.NINE energy which is the w-Om-b of creation aka dark matter energy, then we have the 1 which is a representation of photons which is a representation of the physical state and the Masculine state of a man hence we reside in a dualistic paradox that works on a mathematical sequence of 0s and 1s 

The ETHER itself, when we speak things into existence – whether we speak it or think it, its all connected to the ETHER within the simulation – its all NEXUS to the SUN

They say you are not supposed to drink H2O and instead be drinking hydrogen-based water, and get your water from the fruit - Oxidation [Oxygen] breaks down your genetic codes – hence why many 9ethers had WAJI skin and through Oxidation their skin went brown - water is liquid crystal and this is why we age – this pulsating SUN is going to age many for the wrong reasons but sum won’t age – the planet is going back to where people lived for 1000s of years, we have to go into a crystalline state and this could be 20 years, 100 years from now, but it has to happen, reSet is the upgrading of genetics

The MENtal stargate is activated by you separating yourself from the conscious energy grid of the three-dimensional world – everything in the third density is subjugating the mind, you have to get away from the Lunar energy and use your EMotions as a navigational system and use the material plane as a form of evolution aka use the Matrix to escape it – you could use this so you don’t need outside simulation – use the material plane, world to separate yourself from the 3D world – use it to maintain your energetic space because your space reveals what is going on with you mentally and spiritually, your room is a mess, you are a mess, even with women and hairstyles, different hairstyles are letting you know what she is doing with all them things on her mind, protect your energetic space for that same energy EMbarks upon real life situations, this is why you should make your bed when you get up in the morning because subconsciously it will make a world of difference   

ETHER extracts everything in third destiny so when we see these crafts cloaked, ETHER absorbs all electricity, so for a craft to cloak itself all the energy is shut down – the craft can extract all electricity from the third destiny 

So we have so many things going on with the electrical gird, devices, satellites, internet coverage, power+ these crafts above have the ability to shut it down, just like Chernobyl the crafts were over the HAARP site for a certain amount of time, minutes and controlled the radiation ‘energy’ by reducing the harmful electricity, ever since the eclipse we can see there is a lot more glitching and that glitching is on so many levels – GAMMA RADIATION aka ETHER [AETHER] by way of the SUN has the ability to manipulate the grid system which goes back to the pulsating SUN, your going from green [WAJI] to blue which your purify yourself by activating the throat Chakra [blue] from green to blue, its an ascension process and then you get into the Ultraviolet [purple] spectrum, the CHRIST [KARAST] consciousness – when you speak truth that purifies the body – when you speak truth that purifies the ETHERs – when you speak truth that purifies the planet – that is the blue star Kachina, you are an extension of the blue star Kachina

WAJI [Green] is the energy of evolution – Krishna is Shiva and Shiva means [7]
G is the seventh letter of the alphabet which is also where you get the colour Green
G for God [7] represents God and God is your CHRIST [KARAST] self [CELL] CHRIST consciousness, your Christ consciousness and is activated by your Olfactory nerve and your Olfactory nerve is the spirit of Melchizedek [the Green One] and the spirit of Melchizedek is TEHUTI [THOTH] HERMES

Rapha’el [Emerald tablets] GREEN [HEART] CHAKRA [AB] ASARU = OSIRIS = GREEN


We have a light show that should be starting or started by the time you’re reading this – we have an alignment of 6 planets that happens every 100years – and we have a super earthquake alert in the USA by Lost Angels [Los Angeles] the last outpost – energy lingers [3] days is 72hrs [7+2=9]
The world economic forum said the grid will shut down within two years
If you are 9ether in the USA you should be near mounds, these sites have high frequencies and are online and great for spiritual activation, many of these places align with Orion [SAHU] 

10 years ago I don’t remember seeing the SUN and Moon out at the same time, so when you see the SUN and Moon out at the same time that is a form of balancement – everything is going back into its original balance ‘factory settings’ the Moon is what subjugated the spiritual energy on the planet and so GAMMA radiation is breaking down the photon ‘light’ spectrum that works with Saturn and the Moon + Dark Knight satellite which is the simulation which is being exposed – the simulation is short circuiting, its glitching, its malfunctioning, its crashing

So you know with the rest of the people ‘masses’ are they ready for extra-terrestrials, people will not be ready, we are being forced to upgrade ourselves on a mental level and the majority are not ready for that level, this Grey theme and Reptilian theme is the only theme they have promoting, people are not ready for 1000s of different beings, they are not ready for that type of energy – there are those still in monotheistic religion, Jesus, Allah, Lord, Mohammed, E.T ?? they are not ready at all – but you know that is not a coincidence, Jonah 3:4 it says in 40 days NINEVEH shall be overthrown and NINEVEH is another title for America and America is Mystery Babylon – so 40 days after the SOULAR eclipse the Vatican puts out publication guidelines on how to handle ETs and they know the ‘black sun’ April 8th that was projected in this atmosphere saw a new energy presence on this planet and above this planet – you have to be mentally ready because its going to break many peoples mind wide open

Metatron cube is the Hexahedron that sits on top of Saturn and Saturn is a gas planet and the rings of Saturn creates the holographic projection that works with the Moon which is the Lunacy [Lunar] cycle which is the spiritual cut off that took us away from our spiritual abilities from the true SUN and the true SUN is breaking down the holographic simulation, the energy extraction Matrix the Moon is usurping your energy [energy in motion] EMotion and the SUN is reverting you back into balance aka the Great reSet

We are not all the same, you have those with spirit [6ether] and those who have spirit and soul [9ether] 6ether dissipates into nothingness – we are at extinction levels


The Watchers, these Watchers where the Cherubim, the Cherubim become the Nephilim – the Nephilim are one-third of the galaxy that was projected to the planet and they matted with the daughters of men and the daughters of men are the Canaanite [Cain] and the Canaanite in Revelation 17:17 the evil Reptilian gave power to the beast [Cain] and the beast is the Canaanite – all this is in alignment of the 6,000 year purification period, so the 6,000 ends in 2024 [now] and the KARMIC shows this Wendy House is starting to fall down – the book of Kha Nowk [Enoch] is talking about extra-terrestrial life, Mermaids [Merman]+  

Terrence Howard
He is bringing alternatives to the table

W-Om-B [D-Om-e] S-Um [Owm [Aum] Om [Y-Om-i] Y-On-i] 

This is the SUN during the April eclipse 2023 with pink and purple plasma
The SUN is not 93million miles away 

Taken from the USA - first image look how blue it is up there, the ones with the arrow stayed stationary and the other black circles are lens flare - second images same - check the core of the SUN, white core, yellow rim, red hue, and first image is white core, blue rim - these images were taken one after the other and the difference was zooming in 

Why when the SUN discharges plasma all of shapes discharge like the shape of an eye, an oval eye and the other EYE [YE] YEH] YAH shapes, shields, spheres, with the last image showing an eyebrow 
Watching you, watching me 

Reflecting portal 

Laser, quasar shooting going on up there, the ISS is armed

If the sun is above the plane, the shadow would be on the ground but why is the sun under the plane causing a shadow on the clouds – the sun and moon and stars are under the dome with us, the planes reflection is coming from the dome [firmament] ozone layer [EMF] van alan belt+ all the same thing 


Crafts at the South Pole [Scotland] UK 

Kalifornia [USA] cloaked craft 

What is in those funnel cloud tunnels, highways - like crafts, pods, shuttles, logistics+  

Kansas[USA] SKA is an ocean - image flipped  

Blocks to where 

Last 48hrs [72hrs] first graph [Schuman] shows system going offline 
Spiking - huge amounts of energies penetrating the planet and you, we start to see the plasma hitting the planet in the graphs leading into the 6th June but we have had the SUN triggering and means more is on the way, the dome will be cracked open and places around the planet are going to be roasted  

Check the SKA - we all have a different SKA around the four corners of this planet 
Red and Pink deletes and Purple 

That lighting came out of the volcano in Mexico and there is a gap between the volcano and point of discharge - who is controlling the weather [w-eather] eather [aether] ether out here - China, Japan, that lighting actually hit that person in Moscow, you should take that personally, they were already looking up at it??? all the forces of NTR are playing a role - tornado rips through South Africa [ABZU] NTR said leave 

Water is coming in around the planet - this is Germany - we had the last time around, it will be the flood again but all will be ended by plasma 'fire'

Politicians killed in Mexico since the start of 2024 [6 months]
It was one of the worst presidential run ever
30 candidates dead
11 candidates kidnapped and 77 threatened
Mexico is burning up and the underground city Dulce base 'Raccoon city' instability, chaos 

The Royal Aquarium in Westminster, London. Built in 1876. Demolished in 1903 to get rid of the free energy – rebuilt in 1876 and demolished in 1903 to hid free energy, Wi-Fi – this mud flood wasn’t restricted, half this structure is underground 

For who, and who is controlling them - these are test plates, they already walk among you 
Both these movies came out in 1984 which is only 40 years ago - they were between 40 - 60 years in front of the 'world' that they created which is to merge and has already 

Sum thing did come down - they say several lights fell to the ground but they look like they climbed down sum thing and got on sum thing that moved like a Kangaroo or Horse 

If the car is there why can't you see it 

I wonder why they said ship, is there more to this footage and maybe the camera was actually being monitored hence why they followed the light or last light leaving, but they seemed to climb down sum thing 

There are many beings but there are superior beings, dominating beings, the invasion already happened, we are not with the Greys or Grey mixes or the Reptilians or Reptilian mixes  

This would make sense why they have the movies Alien, Predator and Prometheus -  
They were already using these types of vehicles on Mars in the 80s

Check height against humans 

Ntchr [Neter] 

This track will not take 11mins of your life [CHI] but give you 11mins of your life back to you, released in 1989 [1+9 = 1 [1+8+9=18] 1+8 = 9 and what a shift it was for the energies were shifting every decade or so - listen carefully to Carolina who is on the vocals - you can hear the Kundalini, Serpentine in her voice - I purchased this track in 1989 - close your human eyes  

There is a snake on this tree trunk - can you see it 

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