Sunday 2 June 2024

System Analyst

You have devices in your body that can come online 

The intellectual level can only be taken to a certain point – then you have to cross into the spirit level, the word Scholar are two words welded together, the word School and the word Solar 

The spirit level requires ‘con’fidence in what is around you because you don’t have religious doctrine and things like that to go by, its only your own experience [programs] simulation in these particular things 

What is occurring here are your powers [MtDNA] RNA [DEA] DNA upgrades+ are coming online and all you must do is pay attention to the small things for they are the small things that are going to aid your activation based on your level of ’con’sciousness 

Number one, you have to get out of fear of what the Matrix [society] says they are going to do to you, what the 6ethers say they are going to do to you, what the European said he is going to do to you, who are your government, sum people are dead anyway so let them do it, their energy was already dead, but when it comes to your ‘con’scious self [cell], whenever you 'con'template what he might do to you, you might actually be giving him power by invoking those things on you and you’re protected from all that 

Quit giving your energy away and this is on all levels for yourself, the society [Matrix] is depending on your energy to fuel it and this requires fear, which is to fuel you with doom and gloom and this cuts your power base against those who don’t have any power for they have run out of power and his power is fear and if he can get you to believe he is still in power he can delay your power 

They are in a mess and they have no power, we are in June 2024 [2025] 6 months in and look around the 3D world – who is really in charge out there, Biden the clone or Trump the Porn irregular dealings, Putin – is he even here or alive, what about Sunak, who is leading their 3D – where are the 6ethers today, the King Alfred Plan [KAP] 

The KAP was put out by the US government and they gave it to the 9ethers in the USA which was a dossier line-up of what they were going to do to the 9ethers and those 9ethers put the KAP into their psyche meaning that they never had to set up any of these ‘con’centration camp because they knew the rule

They know there are devices in the 9ethers body that will come on immediately when the race is threatened for extinction – that is sum deep sh9t right there, that the 9ethers have an in-built mechanism, devices that switch on automatically when threatened as a race

The East Indian government found out in 1975 when they started studying the Chakras and Kundalini, Tantra, Shakti+ the government came in and offered grants or allocated funds to study the Chakra system and Kundalini - Chakras are alien implants graphed into the ANUNNAKI 9ether offspring - the word Kundalini or Khudalini(s) is a Naga root word that was originally from the Yoruba tribe aka Alkebulan [Africa] and was called [Osumare] and then taken to KHMT [Egypt] Khami and called the Uraeus and then transferred to the Andamanese Indus [Muurs] [Bey][Al][El], this is from the Ka-Orisha-systems – all the Spiritual/Soular Energy Xchange was left in NAGALAN [INDA] because INDI is huge and they only found the data in the last 100 years so they could only smash a certain amount up – the Beatles went to INDI in 1968 and Woodstock was 1969 – there is no mention of the Chakra system in any 6ether European literature at all because they do not have a Chakra system which are alien implants from the ANUNNAGA to their offspring, the 3rd eye is a Quartz crystal and many of the 6ethers have a calcified 3rd eye – 

The Chakra system is also called the Seven Souls of Re in Egypt and the Tree of Life and the Kabbalah

So, the government started to study the Chakra system and their ‘con’clusion was that the Chakras and Kundalini and 3rd eye+ when you are threatened for extinction, the 9ethers Chakra comes online and they call this the ‘Fire Starter’

The truth is your not going to be lined up and marched into ‘con’centration camps – the mystery here is to let you think your going into a ‘con’centration camp to keep you in fear – what he does to you [6ether + 9ether] is covert – what can he do that he hasn’t already done to you – the KAP was put out by the government so that you could respond to it – I wrote about the KAP and I also thought with the NWO [New World Order] being implemented this was what is happening but from 2020 [20]20 we can see its not going to happen to the 9ethers and besides 10s of 1000s of crafts are in the SKA scanning below, the 9ethers have backup – he has his fear but cannot do nothing because you know what time it is – all them crafts, fighter ships, fighter carriers, ANUNNAQI mercenaries, Lars, I’m busting to see sum action, we have seen sum footages here and there but if the 6ethers try and do sum thing in the USA or Africa it would be seen by all, the response, in the USA they still have the 9ethers in custody - the 9ethers now know what they are capable of doing

When the powers that use to be would do things they would never announce, the KAP was taken from a novel that a European wrote and the government likes what he had written – it was a sci-fi novel which they made a policy and give it to the 9ether to keep them in fear, they cannot do nothing because the 9ether Magi [Magic] is now stronger

In order to get this Magi to work you cannot succumb to the fear of what the government is going to do to you for they cannot do nothing because you have devices in your body that will come online when the 9ether race is threatened

There are several metabolic endorphins in your body that switches you online 

Goosebumps are your leftover primordial alert system, your body does this, not you, if sum one goes to punch you in your face, your hands automatically raise up to protect your face, your body does this, not you - your Collarbone is designed to break so that you are not left paralyse, your body does this, not you, you hands and feet go wrinkly when in prolonged time in water and this is so you can grip more easily underwater, you body does this - not you 

When you 'know' better, you must do better 

Normal from 2009 but you can see in 2024 its different, the red and green are coming out of the poles of this planet and is filtering into this planet as the dome is opened 

From 2012 when NIBRIU was reintroduced back into this SOULAR system you can see they have been edging closer an closer while the 2012 [2021] frequency looped out and here in 2024 and NIBIRU is collecting all the energies coming in and penetrating the planet and pushing it straight back into the planet and this is a 24hr operation - all that red is the dome getting hit constantly 

Michigan [USA] taken 31.5.2024 and means we are still lit 

Australia and Nigeria on the right - check the colours 

1859 Carrington event 

We had 6 SOULAR FLARES [CME] from the 1st June to which is reactivating the light show between now into the 6th June and means this light show will be more intense than the last show in May - the science guy is talking bullsh9t, we have a strike coming that will shut down and they know this - mass hysteria must be controlled - the Carrington event is incoming again - that first picture is from Hawaii, aurora borealis just means north and south, when we see the light show in all four corners of this planet it will be show time - the difference between 1859 and 2024 is that it would shut down the 3D world   

June 3rd 2024 - they say we have a planetary alignment - we take energy from these discs - they will be shooting up there, at these planets - at the energies 


Italian Schuman 

Read all data in CHAKRA energies - RED is in the field - check that multi-coloured strike and below its looks like we had 13 of these strikes over the last 24hrs+ 

Canadian Schuman 

Check those codes at 4,000hz and 8,000hz 
SCHUMAN is being converted back to the original settings of single Masculine and Feminine instead of double Masculine [SCH] SHU + MIN [MAN] now it is SHU [AIR] + TEFNUT [MOISTURE]
MtDNA [MITOCHONDRIA DNA] is being switched off for many and on for other 

Crooked man walking - Singapore, lighting hits the planet - ground, soil and the gems, diamonds, redirect the plamsa to where she needs it the most and the gold stores the power for gold is a conductor of energy 

Grand Canyon [West Africa] TAMERI [USA] those are funnels coming from crafts above 

Texas and Colorado 
A rare storm Impact in Colorado and 15hrs later the hail still hadn’t melted
This is the biggest hail storm in recent years
Denver Colorado witnesses to hail and Texas
**We were all outside a few houses from our house and suddenly the storm came the hail was huge fell will be speed we hid as we could*** no warning given and means it wasn't on radar until it formed in seconds - like they said, suddenly the storms came 

USA - Oregon - these spheres, circles are not out of boredom, these chemicals are being pumped out in coils 

EISCAT 3D [HAARP] DEW + SKA heaters worldwide 

1million chickens go overnight, were they GM - or what? 1million chickens
A lot of things are taking place over Illinois, Kansas, Denver, Nebraska, the Bible Belt, since the eclipse and all them hurricanes, storms touching down  

KANADA - Cotton wool clouds, the yeast is rising 

The SKA has fallen NEBRASKA - look how low the SKA is - dimensions are closing 

Top image is from Italy and the bottom two are from New Hampshire [USA] 
Crafts in the SKA 

NYC [DRACO HQ] crafts in the SKA 

What is going on here, we can see that 

Cloaked crafts are sitting in the SKA and they are low to the ground 

Huge structure over Texas [USA] the end part is black, like solid, mass 

Taken over South Carolina [USA] notice the spheres move - portal symbol 

Cornwall [UK] second SUN - NIBIRU

Behind NIBIRU and the SUN is the SPIRIT [HOLOGRAM] world - check that out 

Ukraine - sum thing getting laser, plasma blasted - there is a 'black' object on the left that lights up with each strike 

Sum one is getting shut down - that part about the bodies, we don't all have the same bodies and she is missing Melanin which absorbs radiation and it is in specific areas that are being stretched out, burnt out, remember when your body has a virus the body heats up to produce more red cells, as above, so below

 That was interesting about Leviathan and we can see the head 

Scotland - see the Dragon facing downwards 

Himalayas [Him is laying] Her is laying - that is deep - yes he is right, history repeats itself ONLY to those who do not know the history - the giants are here and the ones laying dormant are reawakening 

Oh that is bad news - milk made from semen from men in Starbucks - MacDonald's use flesh for their ice-cream - what else - Burger King is closing down, there is no more Beef [Cow] 
Milk is for the Calf and those with Cow DNA  - too much is going on 

That rock, Mt, where was that plasma coming from, was it the rock itself or from the height they were at and that location, this mount is in AL GHOR [Saudi Arabia], you can see the purple plasma [EM] 
That shower curtain, when he pulls from right to left you can see long brown hair, it looks like female hair  

Australia another land beside, that was interesting, there are maps without Australia on it - that woman her reality shift is not natural at all, you should not being listening to those types of sounds especially before sleep - that Tesla crash is happening a lot - check those shape shifting objects - what was that tail end from but the torso part doesn't look right, she said it smells so its rotten flesh and means sum length of decay, looks grey - that 'lady' Jinn was also shape shifting - whatever is in that guys yard is looking straight at him, looks like goat ears - we are in real time people looks of different things taking place around the planet and world   

The SPHINX is in the middle [centre] of the planet - NIBIRU travels are light speed 

The DRACO are ENLILs other family not ENKIs 
Right angle and compass vs two inverted pyramids
Read data as energies  

IRAN is founded in 1979 before 1979 IRAN is part of SUMER and in SUMER [IRAN] they had an ETHIOPIAN delegation in SUMER [IRAN] called the PERSIAN - the SUMER had the SASANIAN empires - all this that you are looking at is from their culture and not the 6ether Arab Muslim Iranians you have today - that globe alone contains 34kg of solid gold and 51,000 diamonds, emeralds, rubies and sapphires - made for Ethiopian royalty   

Right image is from Columbia - sum one added the red, but you see where the black circle is, you can see cut blocks in there, this was a huge structure that was melted, whatever weapon hit melted the stone, rock and AZTLAN [South America] + TAMERI [AMERICA] is WEST AFRICA - where the Horn of Africa is Somalia and Ethiopia was the basin of INDI [INDIA] KUSH 

Coconut oil heated and Bee honey and petrified tree or rocks 

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