Friday 14 June 2024


The Yoruba deities and there are other deities ‘Gods’ who say they don’t really like HuMins [HuMans] and in the first clash of the Titans were Zeus says I have never met a HuMin unless they wanted sum thing, HuMins [HuMans] tend to only come to spirits when they need sum thing

TRI to do sum thing and how you get the return is do not look for anything in return

Many access the spirit worlds wanting sum thing and is the only time they access these fields because they want sum thing, like the child [grown adult] calling their parent or parents asking for things and that is the only time they call their parent(s)

HuMins [HuMans] always want sum thing, TRI not to ask for sum thing or want sum thing, the server [NU] responds to what you feed her

You are to automatically set yourself up on their realm where they are and things will be provided

Do things and want spiritual things to happen, expect spiritual things to happen, you want that, you want any kind of spiritual things to happen, you want to look for those, you want to expect for spiritual experiences to happen

Monetary streams will be given unto you if you do sum thing and leave it alone, spirits watch us, crafts above you are scanning you, the Universe is responding to, Laws attraction, while you are waiting be in alignment because what you want and need and desire are three different things and the Universe will always give you what you need and not what you want or desire, what you did from the heart will be rewarded according to your deeds, you are being judged on your energy and what you did with you energy in this life [CHI] only, things that you need will be given unto thee, going to spirits and asking for things pisses them off, these spirits are also ‘Gods’ like you – do things and leave it alone and stop waiting around like your waiting for a check to be cut – do it and let it go, that is how things come through to you 

It’s a mindset, what you need to do is place yourself among them, you don’t want to be a lowly subordinate HuMin [HuMan] just asking for things

Your incentive and your sincerity is to look for spiritual things to happen and be HAPI about those experiences that come through for you, spiritual experiences are way higher than looking for monetary gains, because monetary, prosperity will follow anyway, that is what many do not realise, they seek monetary first rather than spiritual gains – spiritual gifts ‘gains’ is the gateway to monetary gifts ‘gains’ – expect spiritual things to happen and get HAPI about that, trade with spiritual energy and in that way you align with the ‘Gods’ who are spiritual

So, you the JEDI [DJED] MA-STAR are on the right PATH [PTAH] if you are doing this for the spiritual experience, sum things are given unto you and they may not be in the same package that you ask for but its what you need and not want, if you do not receive it means you are not ready to receive or you have had that ‘energy’ already, be in alignment while you are waiting to receive

The way forward for me was being stripped of everything and starting back with nothing but gaining everything, I can only speak for myself, but many of you would have experienced spiritual things that was for you because you do things from the heart, because you do things without an expectation or a want in return – do things from the heart and leave it alone, the ‘Gods’ know your name already and will BLISS [BLESS] you 

We are talking about an ecological spiritual system, so break out of the methodology of how we used to receive things in the physical - so take it off the mind and things will start happening    

In this particular time, the best way to appease the ‘Gods’ and appease yourself because you are one of the ‘Gods’ is to look for spiritual things to happen or have happened, think of the times that you have said, that was lucky or I had sum good luck, that was a bit of good fortune+ you needed sum thing and out of nowhere sum one giving you sum thing+ there are many things to list but when you get things like that, know that you are on the right PATH [PTAH] 


Most of these crafts this week are over the USA+ 

Crafts in the SKA 

Weather systems, supercells are motherships 

USA [SKA] - this craft is scanning below hence why its just sitting there and not moving

Weather cells - Super cells are motherships 
Nebraska [USA] 

Mexico - that could well be sum thing, plenty of quasars, laser-ish, I thought a ship was switching on, starting the engine - there was reddish flashes in the beginning - crafts in the SKA   

Latvian SKA - what is casting that reflection on the water 

Ravens 'Crows' have the brain capacity of a 7 year old - that was #Deep - the Raven knows you extended [saved] his or her life 

Anywhere you see or hear the world 'wild' replace that word with 'natural' for example, Wildebeest, wild-beast, this beast creature, animal, is living in its natural habitat - Wild Rice, what so wild about it, the only thing wild down here is the behaviour of the HuMins [HuMans] they are the ones who still need domesticating - there is nothing wild in the animal kingdoms that along with the plant kingdoms make up nature, the HuMins [HuMans] are an addition to the planet and need the other two kingdoms to survive, not the other way around - these 'dogs' hunt in groups for strength in numbers 

The second dog is smart, see his eyes switch from left to right on the second attempt and check the focus and he got it - once he knew they were not giving him sum kind of treat, he got it  

We were mislead on how the plant and animals kingdoms work - just because a bird cannot send an email or a dog wash the car, they can communicate in sum form or fashion - most of the language is really 80% of body language, all language is 80% body that is what he was reading [Aura] 

Discharging from the SUN and what is that coming or going into the SUN, there is a lot of shooting going on up there and last image right that craft has its beam [laser] on and this is one of the ways how they ignite the SUN - 

June 8th 2024 discharge was the strongest since 2017 which is 7 years apart and if you have been reading these posts you know what that means - read the patterns, signals and symbols+ the data is there and NTR is letting you know in advance before the M9.9 or higher comes in, the planet is activating through these consistent strikes - many people are going offline 

Things in space 

Last couple weeks we had two planets and here we go again  

Advanced technology for when and who for, when the US were in Afghanistan for a decade they had tested over 10,000 different robots and had more than a 100,000 troops based in Afghanistan - who have they been preparing for, they left Afghanistan in 2021 [2012] its WW3 for them which is also a space war - this is the war we had last time with A.I at the controls, but this time they inserted the antivirus aka YOU [NEO] 

Nebraska - check the design 

Italy ??

People clashing in the streets over no water - Algeria 

From CHILE to Miami [Florida] USA + worldwide 
'flash' floods can dump huge amounts of water in a couple hours - all coastlines will be going 

Around the world the water comes in - remember the word Equator just means Equal or comes from the word Equal which means balanced amount and when we hit that number it will be BINGO - the Equator line is like an elastic band and can only stretch so much and what if an Asteroid comes in right now, wherever would be submerged indefinitely - the planet has been taking in a lot of water

SS-witzerland gets hit 

Tornado touched down in the UK [Wales] 11.6.2024 - in the UK 

Plasma messes with the CROWN [MIND] PURPLE HAZE [RAIN]
Is NTR playing, crafts where in the SKA, that backdrop looked like the SKA MECCA had sum months back, what was glowing, that rainbow is a reflection from a portal, the end of the world is made in CHINA, they are getting battered, heat and all types of weather systems, why, you should take this personally, systematic and methodical, they are eroding you slowly

Ashtar Command have many of their fleets by the Himalayas grounded which is near CHINA, in the movie 2012 they left from CHINA/HIMALAYA - there are many of the disagreeable, negative beings dotted around the planet hence why we have 10s of 1000s of crafts in the SKA and war-planets in and out of this dimension - the SKA in this footage looked like the SKA in the movie War of the Worlds - do you know the Apocalypse already started or that we are in the middle of an Apocalypse or have you been watching all this time 2012 [2021] and know we are coming towards the end of an Apocalypse that is going to get fortified

Time is speeding up, nope, creation is speeding up  

The SUN, MOON, STARS are under the DOME with us - check the colours and shape of the graph

Because of the Firmament no one can leave, the Dome, Van Alan Belt, Ozone Layer, EMF+ because of the Dome no one can leave, this house is sealed, the Reptilians cannot leave, Greys, all the mixes, entities, creatures, humans+ no one is leaving, we have 10s of 1000s of crafts in the SKA at any given time patrolling, they are there because there are beings here with their crafts on this planet, they are going to have to make a break for it, this planet is heating up and there are ANUNNAKI mercenaries already on the ground searching for them - the only way out is through the SUN and ORION [SAHU] which is why we are seeing shooting going on up there, the ISS is fully loaded and so the Chinese and Russia must also be armed, there are many nukes, secret weapons, weapons of 'mass destruction' above the planet and on the planet and inside the planet, indeed lots going on, this house is sealed and we are here for the entirety  


There is no Choice when you 'Know' sum thing 

Space is to be treated like a deep ocean [water] liquid crystal and all that dwells in the deep ocean we find in space - behind the SUN and NIBIRU is the spirit realms 

Sprites [Elves] 
Kuragangri Mt [CHINA] June 10 2024
Look how low they are - image flipped - check the colours - they are around a couple miles+ 

Sprites [Spirits] on Jupiter that are 200miles tall 

Wiltshire [UK] is near Glastonbury - Avebury 
9 planetary bodies - I thought this configuration was for around October, before their 3D Matrix election - maybe this symbol is for October or earlier 

This symbols is huge and on the ground facing up so that when the satellites come over they can scan the barcode, either a satellite or a craft can scan the symbol from above, these symbols are left by those that control this planet and are located on the planet ley lines aka Chakra system, nervous system - fibre optics - they are only found in specific areas in the UK and France+ 
The Reptilians and Greys and their bases are nearby these areas - they say in Wiltshire alone have had 380 symbols [crop circles] since 2005 and they say are worldwide but are mainly found in the UK 

Where it says, backtracking, he means counter clockwise - has in the planet was rotating in a spiral number 6 and now she is rotating in a number 9

Check that loop out - power, vortex cable

Check the shoreline SKA 

Philippines - signs and symbols in the SKA 

The colours 'energies' of the SKA - RED IRON OXIDE

They were not endangered 100 years ago - the real list is the endangered HuMin [HuMan] list, many don't realise that we are at extinction level 

The only list we want is those on Epstein list, many are scrambling around, going AWOL because of because, its a start, Epstein is in a padded room, they only need him for access - many animals have been wiped out and numbers continue to fall, the Panda Bear is now cloned because the last ones died out a while back, many animals are now cloned just like HuMins [HuMans] and any animals are making a comeback?? cloned - the HuMins [HuMans] are at extinction levels 

SPAIN is also withdrawing the 'Golden Visa' for the British - looks like Spain has had enough of the British and want them out - the British are being evicted from their own country and aboard - the Romans are going down, their empire is being dismantled 

The clone doesn't know what to do with music, I thought the clone was downloading but I remembered when Hillary the clone when they dropped the balloons and the clone didn't know how to react, the same thing here - check its facial features - between sum one wearing a mask and the clone they are just about holding on - Biden was removed a while back - they are dealing with the whole Epstein thing, Biden had an ex US military underwater submarine base that Maxwell had an licence to operate the submarine - we are talking decades of unrevealing, they want names, even though it is the FBI investigating it is also with Galactic members and those from the Federation, like the Arcturus, Pleiades and Andromeda military who are part of the FBI higher ranking officers [beings], like the ones who brought in Tom Hanks [Rockefeller] they had on these certain badges 

Sum of the children are royalty, kings, queens, princes, princesses, oracles, priestesses+ they know who they are, its way bigger than Biden but in the 3D world he is their leader - this Wendy House is going to crash in real time and it is the fallout that everyone is trying to minimize  - while this is going on we have not seen nothing from the King of England or the future Queen of England because they are dead - many celebrities are also dead and it is the clones and those wearing masks that are out here covering - the higher beings that are here do not care, they are following protocol and will each cycle [day] increase the superior light that is altering the projection in this dimension, you have never been more conscious than ones before, what - there was others??? 

That was deep about Faviola - she is on the planets negative field and not in heaven, they said that she is there to guide the man to heaven, nope, the man could well be the son whose family set up the camera, Faviola transferred over in 2018 and depending when this footage was taken lets you know that she is not in heaven and she is here on the planets negative field, that was deep and the mother confirmed that was her, take comfort in knowing that Faviola is not walking the field alone, might not be the son but sum one who is with her for they walked off together and she is local - that was deep - not all have a soul and sum are different kinds of beings, offspring+ these children regardless need to be returned to source and renewed, that picture of the girl by the tree and in the background the shadow figure, these children need to be set free and part of this comes from the crashing of the Matrix and the reSetting of the planet - setting yourself free in turn is setting others free 

That child in the water, and the mother and child under the car and that last footage with the baby and the police officer 

Transgender watch the agenda, they still think that they can wipe women from the face of the earth, you are gravely mistaken - there is one rule, if NTR did not create it she will destroy it, if there is no SOUL present in this SOUL-AR system it will be deleted - the 3D can only instruct and not lead - big up Ms Watson, speak up more, we want more from the females, she is going to be reinstated in full glory, keep pushing her and she will fight back, violence, physical, mental, spiritual, verbal+ against women and children, against girls is forbidden and there are consequences [con-sequences] sequence [KARMA] of events leading to your punishment - Lilith became more powerful because she stayed in the spiritual realm and did not incarnate in a HuMin body - the female is going to come together and lead us out of this Monkey mess - protect the female at all costs, like your 'life' depended on it - Lilith siStars are here and Eves daughters and NINTIs mothers  

SOL [Smile Out Loud] 



Handle your business 


The WEF have said that they are stop excavating this ancient site that was covered over and not buried meaning whoever left it was either in a hurry to leave or where coming back to still use it, that is an 9ether Australian man with the same symbol, letting us know that both the Aboriginals and Ethiopians where both in TURKEY[SUMER] SUMERIAN - the thing they have been sitting on this site since 1963 and started digging in 1995??? hello, what else is going on here - why stop now and what have you been doing here in all those decades 

Runways for VIMANA [flying machines] 

Tartaria Wi-Fi cities - the other half of these buildings are under the ground and where we see the main door or doors are actually window arches  


Architecture - look at that - [hair] hari [hare] haru [heru] grows in a spiral number 9 - your hair is part of your nervous system which is your Chakra system, your hair is an extension of your Chakra system and does not grow out of the top of your head or from the scalp but from the Crown, your central nervous system [fibre optics] passes up through your neck and nexus to the brain which is your CROWN Chakra - your hair are antennas - receivers - the darker your hair the more ETHER you have

Shania McDonagh 
16 when she made this portrait using a pencil [wood element] 

The Moth is the night time Butterfly 

SRI LANKA - the same beings that built the bridge between INDI and SRI LANKA created this water run off device 


Orissa [Odisha] Orisha [Odessa] Odia [Odin] 
Shogun [Ogun] 
Shango [Chango] Shang [Shan] Han [Hun]
XUAN DI translates 'black emperor' show us, you've been sitting on this for a couple decades 
Records left in stone - you can see the colours still present and check the hands and face, these are African soldiers going to the spirit world  

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