Monday 24 June 2024

Gross Misconduct

MAAT - Justice, that which is Straight, Chaos, Order and Balance 

This plaNET is at the end of a long cycle and during this time, this plaNET acted like a Zoo, a biological game reserve and Botanical Garden – this plaNET offered ‘life’ in the Spirit and in the Flesh to those who spent time on this plaNET – this is a SOULAR system and you need a SOUL to be here and to vibrate from

This plaNET divided HUE-MAN [HU-MIND] HUMIN [HEAVEN] – ANIMAL MAN [BEAST] – from MAN and MANKIND [ A KIND OF MAN BUT NOT QUITE HUMAN] and from the CLONES, SYNTHETICS, by giving them places to live on her surface, and for those who are advanced they gave them a place to live in her inner body – and it is said the two should be distinctly different but we will give a place of abiding to both - that 'time' has expired and NTR is destroying anything that is artificial to this planet and SOULAR system - stand back and get out of the way - this Wendy House must be dismantled 

So real 'reel' 

Ogdoad the Dogon called them Nommos [Nomo] Numo, the Yoruba referred to them as Ogrigwabibikwa, the dwarfs who changed [shape shifted] into reptiles, the Greeks used Dercito, for fishtail humans, the Mesopotamians [Sumerians] use Dagan, half man half fish; the East Indians say Takshaka, king of the Naga [Anunaga] Anunnaki

They are human ancestors, which explains why humans have gills while in the womb, like a tadpole, and a tail, webs between their fingers and an inconstant need of an emergence in water, or the intake of water, or they dehydrate, at their armpits, there is still traces of the wings

The Ogdoads, also called the Malayket Bahri ‘River Angels’ from which the Mermaid [Merman] stories came about – also called Dogri

This is why there are so many pool houses and aquatic houses, subterranean bases around the planet

They are also called the little green people in Ireland [Iruland] Orisha [O-rish-a] I-rish [Irish] Rishi [Risha] also called the Leprechaun, Elf, Ghoul

Frog comes from the word Trog [Troglodytes] – Amphibian – they resided by the Nile River and the word Toad comes from Og-doad [Toad] Frog [Trog] 

Orissa [Odisha] Orisha [Odessa] Odia [Odin] Ogdoad 

How to tell the difference between the reptilians and the Ogdoad is the reptilians eyes slit over whereas the Ogdoad eyes flash over [like the Predator in the movie]

The twins are INANNA and ENKI and the evil one is ENLIL and we also see ANU

Kermit the Frog – Kermit [Khemet] KHMT – the Chief of KHMT is Osiris [Asaru] the ‘WAJI’ [Green] one - the top image shows the DOGON 'fish' symbol = selfish [self-fish] cell-fish - they are ancient human aquatic ancestors 


2020 image - see NIBIRU cloaked and only lights up - the rim - when the SUN triggers 

Check the SUN and match the shape [symbol] with the SHEN [SHENU] 

Sweden SUN-SET - ok then, and how does the SUN spilt into 3 sections and there are no clouds 
Its light by 3:30am with the Moon and SUN out at the same time, the Moon is on a 90o angle from the SUN = balance [BAALance] TRI-ad [earth, sun and moon] 

Sum thing or things came through 

Bottom right - craft with beam on that is used to trigger the SUN 

What is up with the SKA - is that a letter S or the number 5 - what else can you see in there 

3 bows [spheres] portal reflections 

Its light by 3:30am with the Moon and SUN out at the same time, the Moon is on a 90o angle from the SUN 

Blackouts, reboots+ multicolored strikes - check the colours 

England heat alert for Wednesday, the entire area of England they said, and they also said the young are most vulnerable, they mean the young and old and those without Melanin, stay out of the SUN 

The meat [flesh] being used is the COWs tongue - 85% of people are substituting steak for COW tongue, why, because meat is running out - in all races you will find they eat sum nasty sh9t but be the living sh9t to them - the KAU [COW] is sacred - you are not supposed to eat the KAU 

 Cocaine [Co-Cain-e] 

There are sum things that people will not tolerate or accept 

Evil is not bounded by 'skin' 




They said that this building was built in 1915 but yet there are images of the same building from 1910 - the 6ether American European is lying

When a Twix was 16p in 1987 and now in 2024 can cost between 70p and £1

Pap-yrus [Pap-er]

TA-MER-I [MER] MIR [MAR] 'Pyramid' 

Global network 

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