Thursday 20 June 2024

Midnight Run

Your Spirit [KAA] is [Electricity] and your Soul [BAA] is Magnetism = EM [ELECTROMAGNETIC]

Your EMotions create the Magnetic field, what you hate you attract, what you love you repel, the reality is trying to bring balance in the physical realm = we have to live outside of the physical, outside of Magnetism – things to think about, I’m just talking from one mind to another

Sum wrote this is where all the tax payers money goes??
Compassion has no price #Special - real duty of care  

The death of Katherine sent William into flip mode D – she sparked the change for ‘freedom’
-isn’t that what we see her doing now 
Lilith siStars, Eve’s daughters, NINTI mothers
There is no such word as Feminism [Feminist] or Femininity, she can only be her 

Ayra Starr - 32m
Tyla - 29m
It is also the first time that two female artists have more listeners than men - check that shift, what are these women signing about, consciousness is shifting - what are women listening to and why 

20 years old 

Cat [Ka-t] whiskers are called Vibrissae [Vibrissa] which is Vibration, aerial, antennas, sensory receptors – in Chemical terms, means a very fine filamentary crystal having greater strength than the bulk material


Scotland craft 

Germany craft 


Check that out 

Check the SKA [backdrop] 


Signs and symbols 

All around the SUN 

Crafts around the SUN [portal] 

Schuman takes a hit 

They used the word 'rare' 

Four dead after M5 earthquake hits Iran [Kashmar]

Water wars, this time its between Mexico and the US to which neither side will win, tensions rising but it will not be about immigration  

Under an 80-year-old treaty, the United States and Mexico share waters from the Colorado River and the Rio Grande, respectively, but in the grip of severe drought and searing temperatures, Mexico has fallen far behind in deliveries, putting the country’s ability to meet its obligations in serious doubt, but we know you cannot give what you do not have

Farmers in Texas have no water from the lack of rain in Mexico, even threating Mexico, why, does Mexico make water   

NTR is shutting down this planet, that is the LAW [LAND] AIR [WATER] best pray to that ‘God’ of yours, from 2012 NTR has been letting you know what time it is – this shut down is not just for the USA and South America – other places where the 6ether Europeans reside are also being shut down
Millions+ are at risk for the SUN is also trying to kill you – huge weather systems are heading towards what was known has the USA + Mexico

NWS forecasters expect that much of the Great Lakes, including Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio, as well as surrounding states, will see “major” and “extreme” heat risks on Tuesday, leaving people without adequate hydration and cooling systems susceptible to heat-related illnesses – many of these ‘Great Lakes’ are manmade and have 9ether people and their belongings buried in these false lakes that will be dried out so everyone can see why they are being forced off of the land that their forefathers raped, murdered for you - if they get a EMP strike over there and parts of the grid go down that means no A/C and that burn out 

More than 1000+ die in Mecca as temperatures exceed 50C – reports of treating more than 2,000 people for heat stress - the SUN is trying to kill you - India, Mexico+ burning up  

Kim Jong Un [clone] and Putin sign a deal because they say Russia badly needs munitions, it is Ukraine and NATO who are the ones who are actually low on ammunition - why, who are they fighting, you've had billions already 

May 10th 2024 super storm electrified this planet [epidural], the planets natural electrical circuit was lit up, the very air you breath is thus electrified, those with EM also lit [charged] up like the ‘Godfather’ Cosmic rays, plasma ejections change the conductivity of the planets electrical power 

They're waiting for their mother to bring food for them but obviously the mother was killed
Listen, every time you fight sum one, you are also fighting their dependants
Don't be the reason why sum one is in pain
Don't kill sum one else's dream just because you don't agree with their ideas, words have power, they can bring either life or death
Instead of discouraging sum one, support them with encouraging words, because in the end, you're not going pay for their bills, don't be the reason why they quit on their dreams
-Sum one wrote that

That was like watching a movie, only 7mins+ long 

i-robot is already here 

That thing they found on the farm is manmade and was shot down - you can see it is burnt, where is the rest of it, more than a satellite - this upload was messy, not sure the theme but has always the footages is what we want to see 

  Sum of the clips we have seen before - you watch the footages for yourself - that cat was flipped, its head was pushed down by a force because cats don't just somersault - the Ukraine clip is showing a portal and indeed many crafts and beings came through, there is a portal under Ukraine - those examples are different 

On Monday [17th] I looked at the time and it was 1:12am and the date said Wednesday 19th on my laptop - the date had jumped to Wednesday - I know the laptop was fine because I had used it before I had left out that day, once I saw the time go from 15:53 to 15:55 - what is going on 

 30 different species found - look at the dome, not normal, its filled with spikes+  

China – the secretive state – check these pyramid-shaped ‘hills’ – loads of them 

Collecting waves, dispersing waves, centre mass - why do they seem the same in design

The 6ether Arabs are getting burnt out for lying and stealing and digging up the living, you are going to be punished on every level 

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