In Egyptian text, RA [RE] comes into being by
overthrowing APEP who is a form of the Great Mother
That particular pantheon of the Great Mother and those
particular beings that used to rule in that particular time – that became what
is known as the underworld and the dark side and that is the FEMININE energy
So the original aspects of what you call the Satanic
realm is basically the overthrowing of the FEMININE realm – and that is basically
your Church which is Male dominated, your Mosques which is Male dominated –
systems that basically was for this particular creation after the FEMININE realm
and that is what they are referring to the ‘Father’ – the QUEEN of the SOUTH is
going to rise up – just look at the floods, she is waking up
Any Male deity that’s the all-supreme deity is the
subordinate deity – know this because the Male deity that you have been
worshipping as a supreme deity is not, just look at his followers today
That is the subordinate deity and his name is ZEUS
JAYZEUS [JESUS] HOVA [JAHOVA] JEHOVAH is one of his avatars down here
You were handed sum thing and you just accepted it – all designed
to supress the divine FEMI9 and that time is over now and is why many are catching
h3ll right now, whether your Christian, Catholic, Roman, Church of England or
Muslim because you’re praying to sum thing that is not in balance
The Female is nothing but obedient to her husband and
placed in the kitchen and if she even looks at sum one else, she is a who*e –
she is a dog [bi*ch]
She is not allowed to share the spotlight with the so
called Patriarchal
But what is really interesting about this Micky Mouse set up
is, if you go to a 6ether is-it-really Jew [is-rael] they laugh at you especially
the 9ethers because in their hierarchal priesthood set up, the Goddess share
equal billing with the Gods, even their most devastating villain they have in
their Hebrew [Habiru] Nibiru pantheon they have and that is Lilith [Lalibela] and
at the end, based on Hebrew or Hebraic folklore Lilith becomes exalted to the
throne of heaven, even in Hebraic they tell you, you don’t curse Satan because
one day Satan is going to be the angel [angle] of light – this is what the
Rabbis and Imams, religious clerics learn, that the ultimate energy is the
return of the SHAKINAH KACHINA [SHAKINAH] SHEKINAH [KINAH] which is what, a
FEMININE energy, that is it and in KHMT its MAAT or SEKMAAT [SEKHMET + MAAT] in
Husband – Hus from Haberdasher which means quite a few
things but one is dealer of small articles of trade by a Haberdasher and band
is from the wedding ring place on her left hand and second finger which there is
a main artery that goes straight to her heart – Wife from the word Life because
he is contracting [marriage certificate aka contract] her life force energies
These two images are showing the same thing
Lilith is her 6ether Jew Bible name but her real name is 9ether Jew [Lalbela] Lilbela
Lilith is a divine woman who they hushed over – they are
scared of her and so they should be – they tried to trick her and make her
sleep with a Golem and she fu9k you because she knew that would go against the HuMans
[HuMins], you wouldn’t have been able to see the difference between android and
real HuMins had she not done ths - the military will start rolling out and that is for the Matriarchal energy to be reinstated for we are running out of time, Puff Daddy [P-Diddy] and Clive Davis, at 92 that tramp will not be able to get away with what he did and he will be exposed bringing everyone out into the open, its not really about Diddy, its the ones he works for, we are waiting for Diddy to start singing - go to Lalbela [Lilith] I do - find out what she likes, colours+ and break bread with her
Warriors - Cyrus [Sirius] Cyprus who was shot by Luther - ENKI and ENLIL - the forces of the night - just trying to get back home
Everything you've been going through, you where attracted to, don't waste time thinking about where you went wrong, just decide on what you want and just hold on
APRIL #Special - I know the lyrics word for word [verbatim]
You have Pareidolia
HAHA - and why did the British farmers change the shape that nature intended the pickle to be - why does he play 'God'
The council have installed a ramp for my 89 year old neighbour and it looks like the queue for the fu9king Pepsi Max - unquote
6hrs a day for 4 years they say to create this special garden [g-arden] arden [eden] electric den
Old technology
Organic does not mean natural
Mutant food for mutant humans, this 'food' is a chemistry experiment and MacDonald's owns Pret - food is over, check out the uploads below - what else does MacDonalds own, who owns MacDonalds
You used to get money for turning in glass bottles - if plastic is found in plastic bottles containing water then you have plastic in your body
War is coming
Man lies
Manifestation [Manifesto] - the correct word is Magi [i-magi-nation] - for the word Manifestation implies Man, whereas we don't see man in Nature - [Man-in-festation] festation [nature]
That was the original Mix-Tape
SOL [Smile Out Loud]
RS2000 #Special - this car in 1979 £2,800 and today £35,000
OSHUN rules over the sweet waters of the world
OYA is the ruler of the winds, the whirlwind and the gates of the cemetery, her number is NINE which recalls her title of YANSA or Moher of Nine in which she rules over EGUN or dead - she is also known for the colours of Maroon [Brown-ish - Burgundy] flowery patterns and NINE different colours - she is a fierce warrior who rides to war with SHANGO [CHANGO] - sharing lightning and fire with him
He is most often represented by a double headed axe
NYC is DRACO HQ - have you seen the movie Cloverfield - that bi9ch must come up - what is that, its huge, why did it come up, what is that black goo solid but not looking thing - how comes the masses are not going crazy at that
Leviathan has 6 siStars making 7 in total
Bill is asking who to do sum thing about it, the weather [w-eather] w-ether] ether is controlled by the 9ethers and they know this, who do you think they are asking - the SUN is trying to kill you - the planet is heating up to kill the virus, when you have a fever your body will heat up to produce more red cells to level off the white cells, he wants you to talk about climate change, global warming to keep that in the psyche of the 9ethers who don't give a fu9k because they have Melanin [Ether] and can absorb the heat, the SUNs rays - they can absorb radiation - Bill is obsolete and redundant
So they say Argentina is in the South and Argentina is normally 57F and here they say the sea froze over, is Argentina in the South or actually in the North, the map they use is it upside down - hot and cold weather - who is doing what out here
Check the heartbeat of the planet - look at the oscillation at the 50hz
Look at the PURPLE [UV] energy signature and WAJI [GREEN]
They call this the SONOGRAM - SON [SONG] SONE [SOUND] which is tones, vibrations, acoustic, frequency, they are taking a picture of the sone and converting into these graphs - where is this sone coming from, where is this sound of life [OM] ON coming from
Tasmanian - check the colours 'energies'
Puerto Rica - it is impossible for the SUNs rays to do this so sum thing else is in the mix here
Hungary - where are those rays coming from
Images from Australia and Southern England
Thailand - reflection or there is a city floating in the SKA
From one highway to another cloud highway, this was taken in the USA, that driver can obviously see it, this must be terrifying to watch - that is the general idea
See the MIR [pyramid] type shape and is it in front of the SUN??
All them 'black' spheres are raindrops on the camera lens that is a craft in the last image disrupting the plasma, heavy plasmatic backdrop - those two sets of images are coming from the Balkans
U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of 'Black' light
coming from cosmic rays that come from outside of this SOULAR system
Changing you from the inside out [molecular structure] these are detoxifying energies, pink and red deletes 6ethers and is the energy colours they fear the most - you need a CHAKRA [SHANKH] system and MELANIN to process in this final phase
Why now, the SUN is being replaced by 'man' and his machines, why do you want to limit the amount of sunlight reaching the planet - this is an Alchemy process right to the end
Heart attack - 29 year old athlete
In 2000, the CDC came out with central repository/database for Cancer [Cain-cer] statistics, so they knew it was coming, SARs [ASARU] pharaohs curse - what happened in 2000 and what will happen in 2024, you can see the pattern, who is most at risk here - in 2001 the DOGON also did the SIGI ritual - they have left out things like brain tumors+ what is causing the Cancer to jump like this from 1970 and the DOGON also had a SIGI in 1969 - the British government have entered a 4 year deal with funeral directors, what will the USA and Australia do - in 2022 the JR doctors in the NHS went on strike and during the pandemic the British government gave them a round of applause and here we are 2 years later with them still on strike or striking while we are in one of this countries biggest heat wave?? this is all by way of design
A cartoon written and produced by 6ether Jews - the same people who wrote their Bible and told us all from their Bible that they are the chosen ones, I'm not saying this is not going to happen, but the source is not sum children's cartoon - reality [reel-ity]
From £100 to £30 and no one is interested, festivals are also shutting down despite Glastonbury, many artist are not getting booked no more - certain music genres are from the 3D world and that world is no longer functioning [shell] and we are seeing the shift in consciousness - rapid growth - music for the soul is what many are searching for, music for the heart for the heart must be open, this band is Girls Aloud and is a girl band, so their audience would be all men or all women [girls] it would be mostly women [girls] and it is the FEMI9 energy principle that is being reinstated - we are dealing with energy only in this phase and the energy is speaking Aloud - soul music or no music
So - Noah, how did he get the Koala Bear from Australia that is only found in Australia into the Ark, how did he get the Tiger into the Ark, how did the Lions not devourer the other animals - how does two of each [male and female] produce offspring and who do they mate with ?? people still believe in this Monkey sh9t - you can see the difference between 'man' and 'God' she doesn't make mistakes when telling the truth - what is your truth, that is the mystery here sunshine - we are in the era [ear] of the knowing, the era of believing is in the 3D world [word]
You see that date 5,000 - the Western world uses the 3,400 - 5,000 bracket and cut everything before that and this is because this date 3,400 is when the 6ethers started recording their history [hiStory] when their ice prison thawed out - for 6,000 years, one quarter, which is of the Moon cycle [which has ended] where water and the beings of the water, reptilians, serpent people, who have mixed in their blood with you were in control and have been writing your narrative is over - we want truth [MAAT]
NPC - CLONE - ROBOT - the one he says is the normal human being is not, she is still doing the same thing only not has pronounced
He said 'might' be living amongst us while using Harvard for creditability - they will only promote Steven Spielberg Greys and they will only promote the Reptilians, the upright Lizards - the Newscaster is one - check this guys uploads, YT have deleted one of his accounts permanently recently because he is on point
Those two robots are all designed to get the HuMins [HuMans] ready for disclosure, these humanoid robots have been here from the start, the Japanese theory only applies to HuMans - cognitive dissonance is a set of beliefs and the HuMans have belief systems - using words like phenomenon doesn't cut it and Fa-Ta-Moor-Gana [Fata Morgana], what goes on with the light spectrum near the horizon - eyes don't lie - remember that, whatever you see [sea] you saw
Ghosts programs on the planets negative field, leftover energy residue - they say the camera doesn't lie
Important uploads - that last craft in the opening footages in the cloud was filmed over Ukraine with the two lights like eyes - with the Watermelon it doesn't stop there, they have done this to rice, garlic, avocados, carrots, chicken+ there is no more food left and we are eating radiated food from the warehouse and GM food, cloned food, keep in mind that in places the snow is plastic and doesn't burn when lit, when them women are preparing the food you cannot help but see them plastic 'silicone' nails in use to prepare food, can you imagine what type of dirt gets trapped on plastic that they then use to prepare food, we are in year two of failed crop losses and they already knew this hence your 3D 'silicone' printed food - that guy with the weather [w-eather] [w-ether] manipulation is called Magi [Magu] Magic aka 'black' ether Magic - we have seen in HAITI them do the same thing, pull back the river, I have seen other uploads, Chi [Che] is your life force energies + EM [Electromagnetic], if you go to Tibet in the temples they have 9ethers on the walls and the modern day Monks can only achieve so much because they lack Ether - Bruce Lee, Jet Lee and know this, this guy Jesusthelivingsun is the real deal - this knowledge does not come from modern Monks, many are coming online
Monk [Monkey] the new breed of Lars [Lares] called Simians 'a breed of Monkey' whose Urat 'female ruler' was Zirah and Ura 'male ruler' was Shitar, had inherited from their superior parents the gifts of intellect, the chief was called Lard, then became Lord, the maStar Monkey or boss, this is where they get the modern term Monk from - who is Hanuman the Monkey King - the word APE comes from the word APEP
That beam in San Francisco, why doesn't the person filming look up with the camera and what are the others looking at and filming, the beam does not look advanced
Why is Kenya being disrupted [recolonize] and Bolivia attempted coup
NIBIRU the NU KING-DOME around the SUN that NASA call the trappist system - they knew in 1989 through eco-location that NIBIRU was on its way, they even put the system [Kingdom] on one of their monetary papers
Banana fibre to clothes - those deemed the 3rd world will be here after earth
ZUMA [NIGERIA] ancient tree stump
The planet has been here for a very long time
6ether Arab Muslims have been in KHMT for 900 years and that time has expired - the real pharaoh has unleashed SARs [ASARU]
Buck [American dollar] dancing for a Buck or Tap dancing or Irish dancing which was called Morris dancing which the word Morris [Maurice] Moor-is [Isis] comes from Morocco [Moor-occo]
Sore bi9ch - what kind of rule bending do you want - its in her DNA
African military or combat training gave birth to the Olympics
And on MARS [MAURS] MUURS] MOORS [LAH.MU] and in the oceans, they are planet wide, this is architecture brought to this SOULAR system - they have us looking at Egypt only, yet SUDAN [NUBIA] have more than Egypt and we do not look at the USA or CHINA - they have a MIR [MER] ZIGGURAT in SPAIN and FRANCE also - no Imam or Rabbi or preacher or any religious cleric can tell you what, where or how but can tell you other stupid things
Anastacia, Anastacia, holy Anastasia, you who were borne
by Yemenja, our mother, give us the strength to struggle each day so we may
never become slaves, so that, like you, we may be rebellious creatures may it
be so - Amen- Popular prayer to St Anastacia - the figure of St. Escrava above image
Yemenja [Yemen]
VOODOO [VOODON] VODUN - they were forced to wear iron mouth pieces or masks because they could speak your death, they would make men drop and die
Lilith siStars, Eve's daughters and Ninti's mothers+ all fueling the FEMI9 ENERGY principle - they are speaking Aloud, you are going to see the FEMALE government step up that represents the Matriarchal energy, how it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end!!!!!!
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