Sunday 9 June 2024

Revenge Fields

Those seeking revenge for sum one who did you wrong, let it go, men 'forget' women 'remember'
One thing about life [CHI] whether you do right or wrong, Universal Law of KARMA [KAA.MA] MAAT will take its place, we had a misuse of energy out here, a lot of mistrust of energies, not just to her but in general, many people misused their energy, their intention with their energy, I could list things that many, including me have done, but you can weight [MAAT] that up yourselves what you have and what you have seen others do and what they are capable of doing because you are to self-assessment yourself [self] cell 

KAA.MAA is revenge, with the timeline that we are in KAAMA is being dispatched instantly or next day delivery, Uber style, we also have those coming into KAAMA - and that can be from this world into the spiritual world and once again when you come back down into the physical world it will be waiting for you [cycle, sum people in this cycle from day one started off in KAAMA from their previous life or lives because sum people cannot stop catching KAAMAA, but in this particular cycle, timeline, many are receiving revenge aka KAAMA]

Timing is key - if anything comes up let it go, if you think of sum thing and it gets to you, work on that to let it go, reverse anything that comes into space - your in a different space [place] now, if anything >> 'remember' what they did and 'forget' <<< that is balance - the balancing of energies 

Female and Masculine - use what they did has a reminder of why you don't have them in your space anymore - your doing sum thing different now and things will work out, level out, accordingly, you are to stay on your PTAH and focus on your lane only, your attraction is what is coming into your space because that is what you want and that is positive 

We are in MAAT energy fields which are KAA-MAAT fields, so there is no escaping her fields, how you will wish these were fields of barley with Eva Cassidy, have you ever been slapped in the face or seen sum one get slapped in the face, these fields will be filled with slapped faces, payback was always going to be a bi9ch because of the amount of KARMA being built up and this must be released 

Do not add KARMA to KARMA - we are in the KARMATIC [MATIC] MAAT.IC cycles, revenge fields are cycles that you are here to end, balance your way outer here, forgive and file [mem-ory]  

S-he walks among us and in he-r we trust, she is always t-her-e to save us but we must go to source, we are self-correcting the frequency and this frequency is balancing out and self-correcting those who are operating out from the heart space aka you - when you 'know' better, you have to do better, if you are on the hit list and know you have KAAMAA you can still do better, absorb your KAAMAA and continue to put out good because after all, she wants us to learn and not burn after all this is a learning zone, there is no right or wrong only awareness which is consciousness aka is your light on or off - learn and earn or learn and burn, has always, the problem is 'Choice' 

MAAT [Universal Law] is asking us all, do you re-mem-ber, like EYE said, she [KAAMA] is walking among us

All these 'Gods' have a bellybutton and this means she made these 'Gods' - she makes KINGs[NEGUS] and QUEENs[NEGUSTI] so, who is really the 'God' out her-e 

Its heavy out there and really quiet at night, every now and again you get a sense of sum thing incoming, its in the AIR [LAW] a complete system crash is impending - use your EMotions has a guide, a navigational system to lead you to your destiny which is your destination 

Nice one 

Take your passion and make it happen

Ancestors [anceStars] are here, they are lingering in the spirit realm which is also here 

EMotions are for navigation in this phase, use your senses, take a knee, what do you sea, smell, hear, feel and EMotions, what is the EM around you - you must be selective in your EMotions with others, that word selective is another word for electric, Sol-ect [El-ect] Soul [Electric] 

THYROID [THROAT] when you were in the womb you had Gills to breath, this is your THYROID which is NEXUS to your CHAKRA which is your central nervous system - your throat CHAKRA is now in play for what you speak must be truth [MAAT] and it will be the truth because it came from your HEART CHAKRA 

So my thing is, what is prostate cancer 'pro' means positive and 'state' means condition+ a positive state??? - where is the cancer coming from if you are in a positive state 

No one is in a 'race' with anyone, this is called 'racism' which is a HuMan [HuMin] trait, not a 'God' trait and is only found on earth [KI] think about that, all them crafts above us scanning us, watching us, observing us, listening to us, what do they really think of us, sum of them may hate us, isn't that what we are doing, in order for balance of love and hate 'energies' the world must come to and end - the only 'race' that you should be entering and thinking about is making it to the finish line in Technicolor - full 'colour' spectrum 

Thailand - don't you think the SKA looks like an ocean 


This was in Algeria and not once did you hear anyone shouting anything about 'god' or any words that they use - they know now

Guatemala, USA, Mexico  

Crafts are in the SKA 

This happened in the AM - 10s of 1000s or 10s of millions of souls, vessels, ships+ coming through for hours 

Its my window, I can't stand the rain
Window [soul] eyes 
Rain [weather] w-eather [aether] ether [waether] 
9ethers control the weather 
Earthquakes 'fault lines' its your fault 

7.89hz [8hz-9hz] - that is BES in the middle of the AZTECA device - we are hitting over 144hz+ 

The Schuman blacked out during the last 48hrs+ and the Russian Schuman shows spiking 

Equilibrium [Balance] sum one posted this 8.6.2024 

2012 image - you can see that triangle shape in the middle, the SUN is 'black' so if they didn't use this camera we wouldn't be able to see this shape, purple is plasma - that could well be a 'cloaked' craft coming through the multi-dimensional portal, but that would have to be one big mothership to scale with the SUN, however we do know that the SUN changes diameters and is not the same SUN in the four corners of this planet and the one under the dome with us is a hologram, and the one above the dome called the North Star and we have an inner SUN [earth] 

 2012 saw the reintroduction of NIBIRU who came from SAHU [ORION] and [3] main crafts that came in around the same time NIBIRU returned back into this SOULAR system - a decade on+ and was have seen much more with more to come - time is speeding up or is it creation is speeding up, we are drawing closer and closer to whatever reality beholds the user for 2012 was just yesterday right, it was a moment ago for you can still remember 2012 'it will be a decade before they realise they are in an Apocalypse or leaving one'  

With the first clip what was those two objects in the SKA, one after each other and the lady on the phone in the 1930s, how about they had cell phones then rather than a time traveller 

'Subterranean base' and you wonder why Mexico is being burned out 
Yum Yum in Turkish means cannibal and in English means delicious 
This was 2009 and today you know she was right, many more people continue to disappear 

Big up that lady - you see where it says 'we love animals' we will all be punished for disrupting the 3 main kingdoms that were created before the humans  


Leave water if you can out for animals, if you have a window ledge, balcony+ so the birds feel safe, fill up daily or so and they will see what you are doing, Magpies for an example along with Ravens [Crows] have a mind of a 7 year brain capacity - there are places around the world where sum have no water and there are places around the world who are inundated with water - no water means no life [CHI] 



The dad just realized sum thing about his son - I bet you he'll be sent back to Iraq for the rest of his schooling - look at the dads face - he'll blame the West 


This picture always gets to me, sum one posted it again yesterday, its her birthday and birthday girl her parents saved up to purchase fizzy drink and a cake and sUM other items and check birthday girls reaction, respond, that little girl is made up and so AM I - sUM one in that family has a bad leg and you can see that they don't have much but they have a lot of love, more than what sUM might have with those who have much - extremities shape the person, character, shapes the energies 

Things to be thinking about, records left is stone

SCOTA[SCOT]SCOTLAN - the rest of the building is buried underneath the ground, at least 7 stories, became St Enoch station - rebuilt from 1890s - what was this place before 1890, it was already there but what was this place before - TARTAR - TARTAN - what were all these prisons [UK + USA] and stations before and who built them and how much of the planet was covered by the mud flood 

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