Sunday 28 January 2024

Rapid Growth

The ones who get it are the ones we are moving forward with, we are leaving the Sheep behind and gathering the Lions to move forward, we are done with waiting on the others – it is the ones that remember and recognise their soul purpose

You are here on purpose and not by accident or is it random or just ‘believing’ in the same thing with each other – no you are here to participate in the process of transformation ‘humanity’ is transforming and will play out in the form of ‘Chaos’

Uranus [Uranium] goes direct – all the planets [discs] were spiralling clockwise [death] and now they are spiralling counter clockwise [life] so we have Uranus and Pluto which are in higher dimensions mixing up the energies, this means the planet is in a higher space – Uranus is the disc of revolution, of electricity, you can see what is going on, it is so clear right now from the USA [UK] – in Europe and in the Middle East+ it is clear that the volatility is going to ramp up – 6ethers ‘Europeans’ know a crash is coming for them

Those who have a role to play will have a bigger role to play to sit with the spiritual realm, what do you mean, we are here operating in 3D and in the 3D you can see there is damage files, corrupted files, there are corrupted people, people switching sides, polarization with those agreeing this and them agreeing that+ when dealing with the spiritual realm, we don’t have to content with all that, we are just working with spirit, we are just working with a clear vision of what we want and are coming together to bring that light into the spiritual world – once we are able to bring that light into the spiritual world, it is going to translate into the physical world

Do not let the news or the 3D dictate your outcome, we are not waiting for the 3D outcome, yes you can see what is going to happen but that is their narrative, that is their outcome, not ours, we are part of the collective consciousness, the collective mind, the collective energy and we can shift the vibration to how we see fit – this has happened before – before I had this page, I had another page and we used to come together for collective meditation and that was to get the masses in training for collective meditation, many people were doing this around the world and here we all are – when we need sh9t to be addressed the masses are coming together – the Age of Aquarius is fully in process and the truth is coming out and so will the fallout which will be volatile

All those ‘black’ rappers crashing down on one another, all them children and actors - the Pedos, the list goes on and on, dog eat dog, we do not care about the fallout, we want the truth to be exposed, what do you think is going to happen, we are not interested in jail time, people will smash things up, black people are just waiting for a reason to smash this place up

We are more powerful that what we think we are, yes, the physical violence must take place, all that spent energy must be released but there are those who are working behind the scenes

When you are called into Medi [mediation] go in, you may have things on your mind, you may want to share, you may want to upload or you may require sum downloads, when you need clarity, go in, when you feel that you want to Nexus [connect] go in, your thoughts are way more powerful than what you think right now, there is mass meditations taking place, many are doing live meditations, try and meditate with those who have Melanin, for we are in the 4[5]D and the 3D as expired – this is a alchemy process – they will also need to have a CHAKRA [SHANKH] system which are alien implants graphed into the ANUNNAKI [ANUNNAGA] NAGA [NIGGA] offspring only, no more of this we are one and love one another, stop with that bullsh9t, the 6ethers [Europeans] cannot take you into the 4[5]D – the Schuman is well over 7hz which that is their capacity whereas the 9ethers capacity is over 144hz, do not have sessions with those that are ranked lower than you, I am having sessions in the collective consciousness and do not engage with those who do not have a Chakra system or Melanin aka Europeans because they are all in the 3D whereas I am in the 4TH 

Things will become more and more intense thus you will need to be more and more intensified

We want heaven on earth and not h3ll on earth, this is the vision, this is the outcome that we want   

Go into the silence, we know what is going on, we know we are working with the unseen and not working with the seen, the voluntary and involuntary 

The news outlets are designed to 'buy us in' they are designed to pull on heart strings, they repeat adverts that play on your mind, consciously and subconsciously+ all designed to get us to create their reality, people go to work and come home and sit in front of another cube and create another reality, fu9k them for they play no role - we know what they are about, when 2020 came in that was 20/20 vision, we were all given the same energy and today in 2024 many have just plugged back into the system, fu9k them, stay on task, sh9t is going to ramp up and you cannot go backwards to go forwards, especially with people, listen to spirit when dealing with people, many say they are on a spiritual journey or that they are spiritual or that they are the chosen ones, please do yourself a favour and move along, move away from these people 

There are different levels to consciousness and there is a difference between being aware of sum thing and 'knowing' sum thing, like them spraying the SKA is not consciousness, that is just being aware 

We have natural disasters and we have manmade disasters, nature has been giving you warnings since 2012 - now she will be upping the ferocity, however because of the vibration you hold, you will always be safe, trust me, just do what you are doing, nothing happens before the time, and besides, you will be where you are supposed to be, when people get taken out by whatever it is, I don't need to pray for them because I know that was supposed to happen that way  

Divine [diva-ne] deva-ne source is always with you when you are Nexus with her and we will always be guided exactly to where we need to be by source so that we are going to be safe, do you have what you need around you, well then, just keep the Nexus 

You are here to assist the people around us, as they arise   

So that is one, now think of a billion or trillion making that sound, why did they track the Cicadas from 221 years ago, we have other cycles involving the Cicadas [Cicyles-adas]  

Baby Ichthyosaur [Reptile] Dinosaur washes up in South Africa [ABZU] - if that is a baby, where is the mother and father, who is cloning out here or are they still here 

They have been here for over 1.5 million years 

None of these stones, crystals can heal you if you don't have a certain body type  

Obsidian [Oregon] TAMERI 
Not everyone has a CHAKRA system, that is a huge part of the 6ethers 'Europeans' none of these stones work on them 

Suns rays coming from right to let with the planet in the middle of that black sphere, check the colours which is sound, these are light codes that penetrate you and the planet, NIBIRU is on the left of this planet collecting all the energies streaming in and then redirecting the energies back into the planet magnified because NIBIRU is our magnetic sun - all the red is the FEMI9 principle energy surrounding this planet 

You can see the Turquoise strikes in the SCHUMAN [SCH+ MIN] MALE + MALE [double masculine] which is now SHU + TEFNUT [MALE + FEMI9] single masculine and single feminine - to make Turquoise is blue and green - also you can see the Moor-se codes 

AL [USA] Fire in the hole 

Those are codes in the resonating frequencies of this planet and you 

Spiking all the way into 800hz+ and 1000hz into 140000hz - you can see there are multiple signals, frequency codes in the SCHUMAN [SHU+TEFNUT] 

Stimulate your brainwaves, arousal, break it up at times, take in music, but sum thing different, listen to sum thing different or sum thing you are reading+ this and more with counteract against what your brainwaves are taking in at the moment, we are being attacked on all sides and the CROWN of your CHAKRA is the processing area that needs you to keep an eye on it 

Hieroglyphics are in the codes 



Have you seen any newborns of late, that does not include IVF 
MtDNA is being switched off for many 



Belgium which is just Dutch and French people 

Crafts in the SKA 


What is a African Lioness doing in Ukraine - no petition or WWF will ever solve what is in the Matrix, we are crashing the Matrix so that the plant, animals and HuMins [HuMans] can be free - many kingdoms have suffered - the planet is terraforming herself, we must follow her 

All the data is on Tik Tok and nothing is on YT 
Was that a comet, that was sum thing else 

watch the footages for yourself 

Released in 2004 - we are in real time now

Released in 2012 - everything they are showing you we have already entered - past lives, KARMA, we are going into the 8th root 'man' we have been here 7 times already, search yourself 

Princess Neaky Minajhida and Nicki Minaj and Chaka Khan
Are they not the same people - clones - they even kept the Princess name - she was poisoned Neaky Minajhida  

Synthetics, clones+ is not new technology, Hitler cloned 7 people but did not give up 2 of them when he surrendered - he learnt the cloning from KHMT 

Sum one posted this image and said it was for drainage, did it rain over there and why would you have a drainage system over stone records that the rain over time would erode, this was not for runoff water


Haha - with the guys that is the FEMI9 in them that you see coming out 

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