Sunday 21 January 2024

Morning Dew

Lets go with Canada who have now implemented QR code to replace driving licences and health cards, this is already ongoing around the 3D world – why would you remove sum thing that has your image on it such as your driving licence or health card and replace you with a QR code

The world has you know it is now 10 regions that is governed by the G7 aka Japan, Canada and the USA+ and above the G7 is or was the illuminated ones [Lucifer]

So with Canada removing the driving licence you have to have the QR code to have the driving licence aka without the Jabba the Hutt you will be able to apply for the QR certificate which means you will not be able to drive your car because the QR is the driving licence, this ‘con’cept is being implemented around the 3D world

We are not going back to normal; the 3D is a false sense of security – you die
Your driving license, health card, cash [crypto] and passport will all be linked into the QR code

Take for example airport staff, they will be going, administration staff around the planet will also be going, you will be replaced, many people are travelling and say for example in Italy, you just scan and the doors open, sum one stamps the passport and away you go without no questions or validation – in Israel they have scanning also for your face and eye retina, all this and more are test runs    

In the UK, they have entered a contract with funeral parlours for 4 years to store mass bodies, because they know the people are going to die – they are building camps around their world for mass graves, mass bodies – lockdown is to get you ready to stay where you are, 15-minute centres, no stopping, people will retaliate

Food and water, you will need to show them the mark [QR] or you will not eat or drink without it

Many people are turned on since lockdown and many have turned off since lockdown, keep your eye open, for all those who say stop talking about all this are the ones who are worried, get your house in order and get rid of those who are in the 3D world – they have to technology to talk to you inside of your head, that voice is coming from them – learn the difference between people who are from the Matrix [society] who are plugged into their machine and those who are unplugged 

Stay on top if they let you 

I metamorphosize as the great Yusri [Caterpillar] (wisdom) on to the Taslug [Cocoon] (strength) on into the most beautiful Farasha [Butterfly] (beauty) 

You must choose what frequency you want to be vibrating on 

Allow me to reintroduce myself 

The 'eyes' have it 

PLUTON will be dealing with ordeals that alter everything, with revelation, ruin and revival
PLUTO will be with us until September the 9th month 

These antennas in KHMT where called BENNU [BEN BEN] and Obelisk by the Greeks 

The streets were paved in Gold [Nub] which is a conductor of energy, Gold stores energies 

Magnetic fields, the planets Ley lines 

City of Light 

The Airships [Gas-ships] hydrogen [helium] as a lifting gas
Hydrogen is an anti-gravity lifting gas that make air ships float
The airship floats in a sea of energy
The Energy is a type called positive charge atmospheric static energy
This static energy is present at all times
Think about the needles of a pine tree as an ion catcher

We can catch the static energy with needle antennas, and harness the energy in high voltage capacitors balanced with batteries to give us useable energy, the KHMT, SUMERIAN knew this and left records, in INDIA and South America they were using Mercury has fuel, the Western world had to wait for the likes of Tesla to translate this data left by the 9thers 

Electricity was abundant and harnessed from the planets natural ley lines - huge giants trees were also used has a source of energy - there were loads around the planet and this is why the chopped them down 

Modem devices and why would he have that device at his mouth - those are tuning folks, oscillation device on the right 

[UTAH] USA [TAMERI] Cathedral Valley
Temple of the SUN 
Castle is a Ethiopian word that translates, Dwelling in the sand  

Arizona [Nevada] Pyramid 
They never set the time

180 degrees 

Chaco Canyon, where heaven earth meets - Stargate on bottom left 

translates He who is dedicated, and One who studies 
Kha-Nowk is from Ethiopia


MER [MIR] MAR [Pyramid] Ziggurat 
[America] is West Africa 

Real 9ethers who were living and built these places - the ULMEC [OLMEC] are pioneer builders

Eskimos, Mongolians, Europeans and Orientals as were used to breed out and replace the original 9ether people 

Kansas City [USA]Missouri being unburied
Mud flood 

Kennington - Walworth Road, London [UK] that looks like a volcano to me 

KHEMET [KHMT] KEMET [KHAMET] KHAMI translates Land of the Black and not of the Muslim 

Scale of adult Lion 

Who is doing all the cutting and how 

Look again, 9 women making 1 Elephant [Ganesh], is that HANUMAN also 

Holographic technology, to form atoms from energy holographic over 100,000 years ago by an advanced set of being, found in Ecuador which is still HERU [PERU] Ecuador was only formed in 1820 and probably gets its name from the Equator [Ecuador] 

Etruscans are the [Romans] the Greeks and Romans had 9ether leaders 

See the sphere [left] 

Finland - Portal wide open

NYC [DARCO HQ] how low can you go, what is that coming from the side of the SUN 

Look how low the SUN is and how close the SUN is 

'White' [bright] core holds all [7] light spectrums, light is sound, tones, vibration, acoustic, frequencies 

RED SKA = HERU + MAAT combined 

PINK - many people are in the hospital - Red and Pink deletes - these are all mutating wavelengths 

Not photo shopped 
Left image is from Arizona 

Arizona - there are at least two crafts in this image 

Portal wide open 

Two cubes 

Planet or craft 

KANADA - interesting resonating frequency 

Near Philippines M6.4
Near Madagascar M6.3  
Columbia M6  

DNA [RNA] DEA - Look at that break in the graph 

I follow this guy and he too has been missing in action - read his intro or listen, many people are going offline and he has blue eyes 

Alaska rivers turn orange 

Based on the data in this graph, the USA is now at 75% accuracy rate for earthquakes 

The rise is also in the UK, many Europeans are mainly being affected

Coronal is killing many along with the Jabba the Hutt - this woman is talking sh9t 

Epstein is not dead 

What is pushing up the Quartz 

NTR taking no prisoners 

We are in real time 

The presenter talks too much and uses key words, watch on mute

What era was this, 70s, 80s, they have been making lady-boys from the start 

Don' touch 

She was part of a team that was going to expose the Hollywood child connections, he won't do any jail time - there is no more Hollywood, they are all at home - when Biden speaks there is no more Presidential seal behind him - tick tock 

Zebra and the Quagga which is now wiped out called extinct, they were in ABZU [South Africa] up into 1987 - the clones will not last

WWF are money laundering business, no animals are getting saved but bank accounts are getting inflated - pointless walks 

The body of a Parrot and the head of a Vulture  [Pesquet] Parrot
None left in nature

Watch the Gorilla knock the glass when he wants to see another image 

Haha - the follow up things they do are also funny 



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