siStarhood does not mean only 9ether women, every Uterus and Mitochondria holders are the recipients of the source code by nation, the first nation or the Ancient Ones are those dark [d-arc] mothers – those ‘black’ Madonna’s, its 12 daughters
of ISIS [ASET] that represents the other ethnic groups around the world and
they are all have different hair textures and skin tones – their Big Mamas will
receive source codes the same way 9ether women and men will receive theirs, its
that the 9ethers who will get more source codes [data] because they have a stronger
connection [Nexus] to both creation and earth [KI], they are operating by the addition
of the higher carbon density which is the primordial Moon or D-arc matter of
the Great Mother and is to why they get the most data first because they are tied more
closely to creation first
ASET is the first of the siStars who are heir to the
throne, and second is HET HERU and the Male side is HERU and on the Female side
it is HET HERU, she is next in line and then it is SEKHMET – SEKHMET can
overrule HET HERU if SEKHMET is coming in based on WAR for she is a WAR priestess,
but if she comes in during peace time it will be HET HERU because HET HERU is a
peace ‘goddess’ – they all have different functions and during the Golden Age
cycle, no one will just rule, those seats are titles for the next in line sequencing
of the hierarchy – all those we see in Egypt, Sirius, Ra, Tehuti, Hathor [Atheer]+ these are titles,
and they are represented, most of the time, by a Totem animal and sum are humanoid
type with magical implements from the HEKA associated with that energy as well, they are principle energies
Under the Patriarchy, women only started working 80+ years ago because of ww2 – before that we didn’t have Janet the Builder – under the Matriarchy, everyone earns what they deserve according to their output – those who put in get the greatest rewards, because s-he earned it and not because s-he is better than anyone else – take your nose out of other peoples bullsh9t, get back to where you inner-stand that being in a certain frequency we can help more people by not pouring sh9t on flowers – people are into the game of life but are not following any rules and think they should win, they don’t do no self-improvement but want all the glory that others have self-earned
The load is heaviest for the strongest sum because s-he can take the most weight, so for sum of you your load always seems to be heavy and that is because they know you can take it, we must not look at others down here because many have a different contract than you
And this is why this KALIYUGA is important, if you haven’t unlocked enough codes it will flip you back into the infinity loop – all we are trying to do is get to the ascension, we don’t want to go back to the infinity loop, if that was the case I could have just kept on doing what I was doing – shift your energy from war energy to ‘love’ energy – turn your war story into a love story and this frequency when it hits your mind and heart will be the ‘holy ghost’ – this energy is the source code and is the most powerful energy to date and that is because it is source code, I slept so well for 48hrs during the nights of Monday and Tuesday, spent, renewed, I felt good, had dreams of different people, heard frequencies in my ear, coded frequencies, depression in air [tone], all these other beings that are here do not have access to these codes because they are on a different clock because they are from a different star system – they align when the universe aligns to their star system or planet
So this 100 monkey effect, if all of the HuMans [HuMins] or a certain amount of HuMins [HuMans] know this and that this is a survival mechanism that we could all benefit from, the 100 monkey effect will feed into the collective unconsciousness [the universal mind] and we need the women because the women are synced to KI [earth] through the Mitochondria DNA [MtDNA] and they sponsor us through the [MtDNA] and they will get upgrades to source code before the men because they have to feed them through to us for they are the ones who are filtering these sources codes through the earth [KI], women are the grid on that planet – so the more the siStars are in that ‘love’ gratitude energy the more many come online – who knows how this played out during the window on Monday, if it was up to me I would have said all women on Monday its Spa day, Monday is Moon-day, Mono-day, you should always pamper yourself on a Monday, it’s a FEMININE feeling in the heart and she needs to know this, she is under the most pressure out here – being in that feeling of ‘love’ is how you stream these codes when they come in, what frequency are you on will determine which codes you receive – the YONI portal is a healing portal – its emotional but yet healing – one siStar heals, she heals a thousand
The cave of Brahma, different things are stream to me and others and you, messages come through different mediums, it is down to the user to receive these codes, you are not the chosen one, you have to chose what vibration, frequency that you want to be on, the choice is yours to make
The enemy is really a frequency and the source codes is the alternative to the frequency to flip out of the infinity loop and the first antennas is the FE.MALE – a better reality she will create because this one is dead-oo, its over Casanova, its just the fragments [shell] skeleton service being played out to keep the masses behind sch-edule [sch-ool] – which you can see is not working, many are ‘waking’ up – the Men have to shift their energy from war, fighting, to thinking energy, focusing on your intellectual energy, your spiritual energy development
Women analyse all day long and are connected [Nexus] to a Bee hive network, her brain is half a pound heavier than the males and this means she gets things a tad bit faster than him, she comes down already circumcised, she is already connected to source and is to why she gets cut off from children around 30, 40, because she spends all her time in the spirit world, under the Patriarchy they conned her out of this – women talk about you and this is what adds value onto your value
The Patriarch stole the knowledge from the siStars, it is up to us to teach them what we need to be better men and if you can raise her consciousness levels it will also affect your spiritual development and your MtDNA connection – none of these women are going to be like the women of old, but she will customise [accommodate] herself for the right man [energy] – she might not come in with the same value your mother did [if that is what you want] but if she sees your value, she will raise her personal value to match yours, and your value is valued by how much self-work you do aka cell work
There are sum people who their mothers taught them [sons] how to wash their clothes, keep the place tidy, eat right, cook right+ which are all responsibilities and not delegation to others, there are sum who still live at home and your over 30 or 40 years old, there are men out there who cannot function accept in the 3D world and what the 3D tells them how it should be – there is no value in these kind of men – she teaches alchemy, what ingredients are needed – when your Masculine and you’re going into Masculine, your already left brain thinking, so say like learning how to cook is alchemy and that is in the left brain but you are being taught by the right side – the mother is teaching you and this is why she is a MaStar, and a MaStar is going to raise a MaStar
Even if you didn't have the Mother love, its already within you - your emotional state will be determining what codes that you will receive - this 144,00 is a Masonic Biblical code and has nothing to do with what is really going to happen, its 12 x 1200 which equates 144,000, the Zodiac [Denderah] 12 house seats is telling you it needs a certain amount of them [144hz] on a certain frequency, the 144,000 is a range, its a frequency and the code means, thou sent one Angel [Angle] 9 but they use 144,000 as an anagram
144,000 [9] Chakras at the CROWN
Seaman retention is a training program for you to become a more evolved sexual partner for your mate, you have practices for different purposes - Seaman retention is to bring the waterfalls of heaven down before you lose your erection aka you are supposed to make the Female orgasm before you orgasm or she won't reach a Climax and you complicate the energy and this will play out in your relationship has a bitter ass woman - when you ejaculate, your body will replenish that energy, as long as your MtDNA is working correctly, you will always replenish the energy that you surrender into the world - Seaman retention is a training program aka [KAMA SUTRA]
Monday and Tuesday the SUN was out, they blasted the SKA
with chemicals and we have a temperature drop around the planet on purpose, but
no matter how cold or overcast the weather is outside, these codes are coming
in regardless – the SOUL-AR flares have codes and we have seen the SUN
triggering and letting off for the last couple years and to date, people are
going through different ascension symptoms and thinking they are sick – they were
not sick, they were getting upgraded and when the sickness goes away you felt
better than before you were even sick, the body is taking the brunt of these
upgrades which is constant, last couple years, last 6 years, last 10 years, the
flares, storms, solar activity is soul-ar activity is soular power, its just
that not everyone has a soul down here and man cannot tell you that – the true
nature is to find balance between the men and women of KI with the planet, that
is what we are looking for – the alignment becomes critical when you download,
the source code can penetrate everything that you see out here, UV can penetrate
concrete, metal, human [humin] bodies, the planet, everything, soular rays goes
straight to the core of the planet and filter through the people going in and
when coming back up [bouncing off of core] and out through the people again, then NIBIRU [Magnetic
Sun] collects the energies and sends it [magnified] straight back in again –
the SUN is asking KI a question about the people – the source codes come from the
centre of the galaxy, that NASA say they found a signal but don’t know where it
is coming from, oh yes they do - the SUN
is being fuelled by Sirius – the sun is the soul of KI - the thing is, we are
in the Milky Way, so who took the picture of the Milky Way – how can you take a
picture of your house from inside your house –
All the people of KI make up the total number of Stars
you see in the SKA – the ones born later you will not be able to see their
stars yet – these are all star codes and the Milky Way galaxy is a accumulation
of star dust [ether] that formed into what we see in front of us
The planet is terra-forming right now, they call it
Climate change, she is, she is changing in real time – flowers, grass, pastures in Mecca,
new islands in the oceans, water springs are sprouting up and with others you
can see pastures getting washed away, land slides mean the land is moving,
places will become rivers, oceans, you can see she is changing her land and a
lot of the women can feel it
It is the Pygmy people who used to live underground in
what is called Iceland and Greenland, which is a land covered in ice and a land
that is green, the volcano is getting rid of its pressure through the release
valve, they are all over the planet – that magna layer under the plates is
cooking and is melting the plates [Africa is the only place that is rooted and
the other places around the planet are floating] the valve is under pressure aka
pressure relief valve and the more energy that gets released the more the volcano
will erupt and ooze - Volume + Caine
makes the word Volcano
Get knowledge, any self-improvements are improvements in Gnosis [to know] anything that you can learn, learn, the only thing is not to let no one get you to sign any form of paperwork - anything that you had to date and sign your signature [energy signature] is tricking you - the paper chain
Go get your knowledge
Technicolor rays [Chakra juice]
South Dakota [USA]
RED [IRON] OXIDE SKA - PORTAL - and for the religious they call it blood sky because that is all they know from their Bible
USA [Purple Haze] Rain
Ireland [left] Red and Pink deletes
The light source and what is this construction, we can see straight lines
Shields up
Spheres around the SUN [portal]
Sum thing came past
the RED DRAGON is always there, I often see the Dragon in the footages, no matter what the outcome, we are being supervised
Drive by, New Mexico - watching you, watching me, the USA can see them on radar
Pay attention to the SKA
CHINA - not a rocket or anything to do with man and his machines
Who are you really going to war with
The planet is terraforming in real time
NTR [NATURE] NATURU [NTU] is not playing and she is wearing heels while she walks
The ice - snow is not real
The SUN has been out and is strong, SUN gaze
Canadian Schuman said fu9k it - I can't keep up
Just those two readings you can see one is over 1400hz and the other is 140000hz an 120000hz - spiking and look at the old frequencies - second and third order which today you can see from 14.1hz to 1400hz and 20.3hz and is 140000hz[120000hz]
The Italian Schuman is all in WAJI [Green] 200hz+ and 1000hz into 140000hz
There are many Schuman's and this is just an indication of what its like out there
SCH [SHU] + MAN [MIN] is double Masculine and we are returning to source which is SHU and TEFNUT aka MASCULINE + FEMI.9
Check energy signature - Canadian [17.1]
RED [HERU + MAAT] combined = FEMI9
No one heard of Elon until recently - he is now tasked with getting them off this planet after taking over from Richard Branson - this is old tech
When I saw the Putin guard I also thought that was an android [robot] - see Elon, that robot that they are showing you is around 50 years ago
All must be revealed, the children and women come first
Second footage, all the lights went out in the building and the sound
Real time
Utah [USA] nothing to see here, please move along - Crafts come in and out from there, what is in the cave, where does the cave lead to
Found in Turkey [Iran] Sumerian - INANNA
Vimana - Flying machine, Nazca lines are runways, there are many different kinds of 'flying machines' when they found this they must have been pissed because that is a woman at the controls of a craft and for modern day Muslims that is a no-no
We are going into the 8th root 'man' we have been here many times before
Cannibalism already started in the North [Cain + Abel = CanniAbel] Cannibal
You are what you eat
Bobby is in FL [USA] the UV is heavy over there, I follow him and really enjoy his uploads, I have learnt what types of Fishes and their names through Bobby - this hurts me to see him this way, he has blue eyes and the Schuman is way over 7hz, he had been suffering for while, my eyes glazed over when I watched this upload because he is really passionate about what he does and I learned from sum one who is around 20+ and I like that I am a student when listening to Bobby who is a teacher, I want him to make it and he is in my thoughts which are going straight to the Ethers [Alpha + Omega]
There is good and bad in all
The YEAR of the DRAGON
There is no such place as the Middle East, only in Western history
300 million year old screw embedded in rock found in Russia - sum one is calculating
Hydro engineering - irrigation systems - INCA [INKA] MANDINKA
Doors that lead to nowhere built in stone into a mountain - teleportation
Temple of the Moon, located on the backside of Machu Picchu
You must descend 1000 stone steps to this precision mortar-less white granite temple, granite holds frequencies - that red maybe Mercury
Ethiopia [Abyssinia] in Sumerian [Mesopotamia] - they weigh up to 6 tons, stone holds frequencies
Ethiopian delegation in 'Iran' aka Sumerian - those men are going through a portal- old Cuneiform text is old Persian text and old Persian text is old Ethiopian text
[Cuneiform] is also a mere script, from Cuneus meaning
How old is all this history
Carved into the rock, 700 years ago, yet discovered in
1888 – there is Dogon inscriptions on it and this was a Pueblo settlement and
they said it was built around the 1200 mark
Pueblo means village, the style [limestone and the
roofing] of the building and they said they don’t know what happened to the
Colorado [Atlantis] Aztlan
150 rooms and 23 kivas and had a population of
approximately 100 people. Out of the nearly 600 cliff dwellings, 75% contain
only 1-5 rooms each, and many are single-room storage units
The largest of all Cliff Palace has about 150 rooms and
more than 20 circular rooms
Pueblo just means village, they are not a tribe, when
they say Pueblo Indians they are talking about natives from the village, a
specific village in Colorado and the real ones left to fight the Gullah wars in
Florida when the American Europeans invaded
Zuni are the Indian people of the pueblo group in the
southwest United States [TAMERI]
Zuni Indians and Japanese people are related
Zuni Pueblo [Village] near the Arizona border
With over 10,000 tribal members, Zuni is the largest of
the 19 Pueblos and the only Pueblo to speak the Zuni language
For thousands of years, the Zuni people have farmed the
land along the Zuni River, raising corn, beans, squash and other vegetables
Their cultural traditions are rooted in their deep
connection to the mountains, forests and deserts of their homeland
Considered the most traditional of all of New Mexico’s
Pueblos, the Zuni people have a unique language, culture and history that is
the result of their geographic isolation
They express their
cultural traditions through art, particularly through painting, pottery,
jewellery and carvings
The Zuni spiritual systems, language, agriculture and
culture are passed from one generation to the next, the 6ether America
Europeans nearly wiped them from Atlantis
This place was abandoned when the Europeans Americans invaded through FL - it was all hands on deck for the GULLAH wars
AINU [ANU] JAPAN [IAPAN] - that guy is wearing a AINU headdress
JAPAN had a Coral Reef that rivalled Australia and now its 90% dead, they said because of bleaching which is over a decade+ worth of raw radiation caused on purpose by Fukushima - IAPAN will be going under water and has been shrinking in size over the same decade
They have a brain of a seven-year-old and we know at seven years old you know what pain is, this was #Deep [Crow] Magpie [Raven]
Memory Lane
It was the same because there was a global network, just like they found Jade with the ULMEX in AZTLAN and Jade is found in 'CHINA'
An Apple a day keeps the Doctor away 'Ether' [black] Diamond Apple - can you imagine what this would do for your CROWN CHAKRA [PURPLE]
The Moth is the night time Butterfly
Living Dinosaur
Sum one posted this and said they made a wooden doll of their daughter, not sure of its A.I induced because of the hands [my opinion] but if not, has the Americans would say,
'are you fu9king kidding me' that is too real
The Whale Shark must keep moving to allow the water to run through its gills [oxygen] did you see when they removed the rope how much it had cut into the WS body - the WS knew what they were doing, man is the greatest threat to the animal kingdom
Always check the background, great views
I normally play music on my headphones and watch - see the 'rainbow' on the left
Unity will be reached, sum tough times ahead and we will all need to come together, Music does this
Do not turn a 'blind eye' to things that you see, you must deal with whatever it is in real time, besides, where are you going, there is no where to go, this house is sealed and there is only ONE way to leave
She is here
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