Wednesday 31 January 2024

Financial Districts

Many CEOs stepped down over the last 5 years+ with many prime ministers also stepping down, many businesses also shut down, say for example with the USA and UK prime ministers, one is homosexual and the other a clone and is 80 years old, they are just holding their positions, many shops, stores have shut down with more impending, around the 3D world you can see the shut down taking place, these stores that are open mainly have to do with the body, grocery stores, metro stores, food stores, you do not need to have a hair cut [hairdressers] everyday but you need to eat or drink every day, many are food outlets, fast food restaurants, mutant foods, the water is poisoned, even bottled water, they have started talking about the nano plastic in plastic bottles again - they must be showing up now in peoples bodies - we are in year 2 of failed crops, we had been on a 3 year count down, most of the 'fresh' food was blasted with radiation and stored in warehouse, microwave dinners are not real food, cellulite is a result of GMO foods, when you are hungry you will eat anything      

The CEO of Amazon stepped down in 2021 and that was to let A.I takeover Amazon which is Skynet – he is homo as well

All these ‘millionaires’ [billionaires] all had an astrologer; Hilary Clinton also had an astrologer because they all knew about the energies and how they shifted   

Pluto is the planet [energy disc] that deals with ordeals that alter everything, with revelation, ruin and revival, we also have Uranus with Uranium is the disc of revolution, of electricity, seismic+  

The Square Mile in London was once the financial district and was built on the back of 9ethers, empires around the 3D were built on 9ethers energies, this must be repaid, recycled, renewed, we are in the spiritual realm and are dealing with energies now, everything is energy 


Bob Marley called cities Concrete Jungles and so when you watch this upload in Canada, what I do is mute the page and open another page and play say this track that I have playing in my ears on headphones to simulate my mind [senses] and focus on attention on every aspect that is in the footage 

Look at these people in this upload, there is no one place called Skid Row in the USA anymore, it is around the 3D world that he created, ‘he’s got the whole wide word in his hands’ and it must be dismantled – we are in real time and those people with nothing, have nothing to lose, these lot have been prep, the rich and poor are stacked next to one another, with only the day [cycle] keeping them apart, for now, dreams will be shattered, dreams will be broken overnight – James Brown also sang a song entitled this is a mans world but it would be nothing without a woman on earth, she brings the wealth [health] – we cannot have homosexual energy presiding over the feminine energy, it will not work and has never worked, system shut down that is slow but rapid, we are seeing the destruction which will be chaotic and has been in the making since 2012 [2021] which was the same frequency 

Everything around you is only temporary and only the fragments of the former program is operational through consumer confidence aka you – take that word consumer or Con Sumer [Sumerian] Babylonia Money Magic, the Con [deception] that came out from Sumer [Sumeria] [Sumerian] which Babylon is the same place, it is quite easy for the higher beings to come down here and blast everything up, but that would be too easy and would fit their narrative of an alien invasion, but importantly, we wouldn’t learn anything, this is a simulation program, a learning zone, individually and collectively – out of the ashes those who come out on top will hold up the ones coming in [reincarnation] rebirthing, there is still a rebuild that must also take place, young children are carrying the blueprints around in their brains – memory to the NU world 

If you are having dreams of you dying or had a dream of you dying or reoccurring dreams of you dying, you did die, you died in the spiritual world, in so many ways that is your reincarnation, that is your rebirth, what do you mean, I’m still here in the physical body in the physical world, that is your bondage [bond] - read that again 

The SUN erupts and lights up like the Godfather, see the first image and see all the stars [vessels] ships blasting, coming through the portal with each frame, tons of ships, stars, vessels, tons, coming from the right side of the SUN and then the left side of the SUN, the same, huge amounts birthing into this soul-ar system, look how empty it was and BOOMBABY 

This planet is the size of Jupiter, she has expanded and not the size that NASA [NOAA] show you, NIBIRU and Jupiter are near enough the same size, this planet would have folded had she not expanded [4]5D – NIBIRU is holding her [KI] NIBIRU is our magnetic SUN

Energy is being taken and energy is being given, as above, so below, being conscious ‘aware’ allows for growth, expansion of your mind - the more you can conceive the more you will perceive [receive], your perception, your interpretation of sensory [senses] information [data] knOWLedge [know] gnosis [knowing] gnowing is critical right now

Melanin is a semi and super conductor, it takes information in which is ‘light’ and processes the light [information] itself [converts light, light converser] 'light worker' and then interprets the data itself and puts out that data and the other side to Melanin is that it stores, converts energy, light, data, information and is to why its inside you and on your body [avatar] skin – which is your biggest organ – the Melanin is used with your Chakra system and your senses which are [7] not [5] for navigating through the Matrix     
Entropy is the use of diverse fields, for conversion, Entropy is when sum thing or one is needing more energy than they can generate themselves, so they have to source another energy field to sustain itself aka themselves aka them cells

Your thinking is crucial and critical during the infinity loop [oo] 2024 [8] your state of disorder or order is important because you are feeding the ethers, the universe and she can only respond to what we are transferring to her – just ‘gnowing’ knowing there is an anomaly aka sum thing ain't fu9king right opens doors [portals] for you and walking through these portals [doors] creates opportunities for you

SHAMS [cylinder crafts] - only in one frame, how many can you see 

What caused this magnetic pulsation - look at that ripple, wave - W[M] electron symbol
Image is from ICELAND two days ago and is a VERY important symbol 
Positive and Negative 

Colours are important - portal wide open

At the base there is a huge crafts sitting there, you can make out the outline of the ship, check out the cloud rims, two and the colours emitting, special, these colours promote harmony, that you should embrace getting your ass whooped into contention 

Canadian Shuman - codes inside the resonating frequency - left ear has been going off, left side hemisphere, as above, so below - adjustments are being made above and below [you] 

With all these planets [energy discs] and the Schuman resonating frequency reSetting 
Bastet [RaSet] its heavy, there is no beginning of days or ending of nights, NIBIRU is bending the light aka time [emit the word spelt backwards and what does light do, it emits aka time] its one timeline no matter where you are on the planet, so you maybe wide awake or your sleeping patterns have changed and have been changing, many minds will not shut down and are online, which is why you must have me times, because your mind [computer] needs to work out things in silence - when the computer is left idle the cursor will rotate on your computer and that means it did sum thing in the background, updating and processing, again this is why procrastination is also important so that you can create NU ideas, your being upgraded and have NU light codes, NU data and you cannot process these light codes while on the go in the 3D world, allow the mind to catch up with the spiritual codes, for they are made out of light and are coming from the spirit [hologram] world where it is not dense or heavy, its instant, its light, the speed of light, NIBIRU moves at the speed of light and the EKUR [KAUR] AKUR pyramid complex coordinates are the exact same numbers, NIBIRU controls the poles of the planet through the Baby Lion [Sphinx] - your body is taking the burnt of these incoming energies, the body cannot survive without the head and in that head is your mind, where the mind goes the body will follow, but before the mind and body is the soul [spirit] get your soul[spirit] Baa + Kaa energy right first and then the mind [Khu] and then the body [Kha] in that order and you will be good to go, rest the body [temple] when you can, watch your food intake - the women are the energy grids on this planet and their body is thy temple, listen to spirit guide has you navigate your way forward - if you cannot hold your hand, arm out in front of you bent in towards you and you do not drink alcohol that is a good sign that indicates you need more water, water is a catalyst in your body and is used for balancing out the body, you can go without food at times and again this is because your body is taking the burnt of these energies but your body will shut you down in 3 days without water, your organs need water, you need water [Moya] which is crystal liquid, the planet is filling up with water like a bi9ch out here, water is everywhere, the Capital of the UK aka the United Kingdom is London, look at Parliament, at one point that little building the ran 70% of the worlds wealth from there - London the financial hub is crashing - only when the water reaches the Square Mile [Liverpool St] will they abandon ship 

Liverpool is where they moved from London, Bondage, Livestock, stock that was alive, live, life, like humans and animals, Live, Liver, Liverpool, and Pool is when you have a pool of staff or people that you can work from or use, to Liverpool and Bristol in the UK but the money still lingers in London, Babylonia Money Magic, its about the energy in that Magic, you see 'black' people put 'white' people into slavery first and stole Esau birthright, so then the 'white' people got smart and did the same sh9t back to the 'black' people only that the 'white' people went flip mode on the 'black' people with insanity, he said I may not be able to break you physically but I can break you mentally and now today no one wants to play anymore - sum do, but the majority want exit route strategy

Filtering the good and the bad - the bad get recycled and renewed, the good get selected [solected] soulected and injected - lifelines get restored and replenished 

So, she has nominated herself forward, the FEMI9 principle is always there to save us, but you must go to her [source], she does not judge in colour like that, that is a human trait thing, she sees [judges] in energies, the whole light [truth] and nothing but the truth [light] so help me 'Goddess'  

The WOMBMAN and CHILD are ATOL protected, she must be protected at all times and at any cost, many men were sent here just to protect her and they are here to do just that 

S-HE is doing her part, we must back her all the mtf way or you see all this, it will be over Casanova 

The [7] daughters of [ATHENA] ATHEER [HATHOR] who is also called DURGA in INDIA  

2024 [8] Infinity loop 

Check the red, consuming the planet - multiple SOUL-AR flares

NASA cut four hours from the feed showing the SUN triggering multiple times, one of the founders of the Gangster Disciples or MURDUK [Both ENLIL and ENKI have a son called MURDUK] will be released, nothing happens before the time, this was supposed to happen a while back, his name is Larry Hoover, and MURDUK whose name is DR YORK today, one or both will be released - sum one from the Nation of Islam, she will also stepping up - they have messages to relay - the SUN is blasting out and the planet is terraforming, continually, every 23hrs and sum thing seconds, the radiation [energy] is plaguing many peoples minds, brains, mental states and keeping order is becoming difficult for the user let alone the powers that used to be, there are those sent that will be used to quell the masses on different levels, the truth must be revealed on all levels, consciousness+  

Read the data in energies, match the colours, Purple is UV [Plasma] Ultraviolet [Crown Chakra] and so on+ big storms are hitting  

 I thought the 9th strike would be higher than the last and looks higher than the M5.4 they are reporting, sum months were double and judging by way of pattern, Jamaica will be rocking and rolling come April which also April 1st 2024 is Nu years day  

Signs and symbols in the SKA, and on the ground 

I wonder how many were in that group following the lead craft [asteroid] meteorite in white, the others were in different colours, Argentina is really in the North 

Red Moon, what about the SKA, look in the middle, what is that, either a deletion in the image or sum thing was covered over or sum thing is cloaked, the water line also looks distorted, why there, 

At one time in history, you were in touch with the spiritual world and your spiritual centres were open, your pineal gland, your crown chakra – all 12 were open and your major 7 were open and you had direct contact with the spiritual world

When you were sick there were a certain number of spiritual operations that they were able to do for you but there were operations that couldn’t be complete physically

Physical operations or physical surgery is the lowest manifestation [Magi] of medicine that is the last resort – so at times when it was beyond the priest you had direct communication with your cousins on places like Sirius, Betelgeuse, Regal, Andromeda+ and at one time you had a certain amount of contact with them – even though you were in the 3trd dimension the vibratory rate had not gone down by then to 7hz, you could still get spiritual operations

The KHMT [Egyptian] priests [SIM] SIMU would come in and summoned the ‘Gods’ NTR and the spirit would come and do the spiritual operation or surgery and repair the person that the physical body or person wasn’t able to do anymore

KHMT [Egypt] is a online stone library, there is a frequency to this place, I know people who had Lupus which is classed has a skin disease, Lupus is directly linked to Melanin and many people have gone to KHMT to heal themselves and they have, sum of the images that I have seen have people with a pyramid over their heads that is not picked up or perceived by the human eyes, the pyramid looks like a Halo – these are what the Western world calls temples, but in KHMT they are called HETU and are healing centres, they are abode, isles, coastlands, those with Melanin can cure themselves at these places

All the 'temples' around the planet also called 'tombs' are healing centres, Solomon temple is the mind [mining] Solomon's mines is the Bain [temple] a womans body is her temple, not Solomon aka Mon [Man]  

At the HETU – temple of HERU [HARU] which is called EDFU there is a stone block where the NTR ‘God’ would sit and there is a light that you cannot see with the human eyes but when you take an image the light gets frozen and you can see it if your 3rd eye is open or if you are a psychic

The HETU – temple of Warit called Karnak had 80,000 people and that is how big it was, they had 80,000 students which were both women and men but was mostly men for the simple fact is that the woman is the temple [HETU] so she didn’t need the same kind of training that a man did, she comes down here already circumcised, man is a child and man needs to become more like woman, woman needs to become more like man – that is balance – the object of the Mystery system was the initiate to be like the smallest man and that is called Twah, that is innocence and with innocence and humility, god is aka that is neutralizing the Ego – when the Ego flares up, the spirit leaves, when you get into a big argument, the spirit leaves, the spirit only flows in calmness and humility+ that is a part of ‘God’ look at your woman the way she takes care of children, when the child does wrong she doesn’t take out a gun, she is the brotherhood of Sirius and later on known as the brotherhood of Melchizedek later on  

One of the things that the priests needed to do at that particular time was go to the holy of holies – you would go through the entire temple and you got to the last part – one of the parts you went to was the holy of holies and only the priests were allowed to a certain section in the holy of holies, which we will call the end part of the temple and only the priests was allowed to enter that piece of the temple and the holy of holies represented the WOMB [OM], which was like going back up into your mother – in the layout of the temple you would come in through the front pylons and into the schooling part and once here you would complete your initiation and you would end up in the back of the temple which would be like going up into your mother [womb] so like a man spends 9 months leaving the womb and then spends his life trying to get back into the womb – that is spiritual – there is a black hole in space which is the constellation of Draco, there are loads of black holes but the Draco is the supreme black hole – the northern part of space and there is a black hole over earth and that is the woman and we call that the vagina and is the same black hole [vagina] that we love to go back into, to get rejuvenated


The movie Gravity that came out in 2013 and was one of the first movies to only have the actors faces that were real, the entire movie was using special effects - the green screen 
What are all the actors doing right now, they are at home, many are going out of their mind because the industry is collapsing around them, many are getting their names called out 
These 'actors' and 'actresses' aka Hollywood elite only mean sum thing to you if that is what you follow, they are the great pretenders - sum of them have done sum terrible things - this is what Dino from Dinosaurs means 'terrible' - sh9t is on the horizon for many, many are just the clones out here but even the clone thinks its the real person 

Online - they have already chipped Monkeys and also humans, anytime they announce sum thing like this, its already been done, they are just getting it into your psyche  

Georgia, where the Caucasian Mt are - that fb group has over 230,000 members looking for their children and yet the news is saying decades and 10s of 1000s, 230,000 is nearly quarter of a million 
Why were they taken and to whom, who couldn't have children and how many made it to adult age 

This smells like bullsh9t, from finding 6 bullet riddled, burnt out bodies to having all 5 men arrested in days just isn't right, they can't find a plane MH370 but can find all 5 men just like that over sum Mary Jane - the USA [NARCO] must have been pissed at sum thing and ordered the hit, that 24 year old looks way older, who was under cutting who, forensic team, forensic science my ass - black market for Mary Jane - sum one was competing over sum thing and we know the US are the biggest 'drug' dealers out there 

 Lion needs to be Lion 


Different sounds 

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