Thursday 11 January 2024

D[arc] waters

Before you get to channelling anything, first and foremost make sure you are using your heart [Ab] space so you can 'feel' so that you know for a fact its your Star family, celestial family 
Your Star family will always have your best interests at heart, they will always have your greatest good - Star family will never come to you with and talk about people to you in a derogatory way for they are not operating in that space, they are operating from the heart space - they will only tell you things that are of your highest and greatest good 

If you have things that are speaking to you that is not speaking to you on that level - then that is not your Star family that you are speaking to 

You also have to set up filters on your channels and when you are finished channeling, shut your channels down and then call in your sweepers to clean up your channels - clean your channels after each channeling session 

This is about you aka yourselves [your cells] 


When we look at these last images they are from the last 400 [500] years and in the SKA in 2024 we have the same images, even if you said the last images were from the last 100 years, why does that SUN have a shield going around it, why haven't we seen this in paintings of the SKA in say the last 50 years - what happened in-between 


The Sumerians left their records in stone and they left the records 3600 years ago 


NEB HERU aka NI.BIRU is on the Horizon 

Signs and Symbols litter the SKA - the SKA [SKI] SKY] is talking to you 

CANADA - sum one wrote, lens flare, the term lens flare was for 5 years ago, check the WAJI disc at the top - we do not have the same look of the SUN and MOON in the 4 corners of the planet 

Hong Kong and Indonesia 

SOLO [HALO] HOLO [HOLOGRAM] 'white' aka 'bright' holds all 7 light spectrums, light is sound 

If this is the SUN, where is all the red coming from, if this is MOON where is all the red coming from 

Cube in the right corner, the four corners of a camera lens that is filming in the SUN that is supposed to be in vast emptiness [space] are lit up like the Godfather 

When the sun trips out we always see an oval [blue] shape around the SUN and look at that in the middle, that is the lights or tail lights of a huge craft - look at the 'handle' of the camera and the bottom part with sphere ??? but the middle part is still in the middle part of the image, NASA have that because they say it protects the SUNs rays and blasts ??? - when the image [footage] plays out those craft lights are no longer present - NASA watch a different camera than what they release to Joe Public 

Two strikes or two things go past the SUN 

SHAM [Cylinder craft] 

What are they around the SUN 


OTONTIN [OTOMI] the real indigenous 9ether MUTEC [MEXICO] people are the AZTEC warrior class MU.TEC [AZ.TEC] TECCA [TEKA] AZTLAN [South America] and MEX is MAC from ULMEC [OLMEC] ALMAC tribes - the 9ethers taught the 6ether Otontin 

HERU [PERU] you cannot climb these walls, look at the design, how they are fitted, how old are they and by whom, who did this 

In the year 1582, the Spanish, Netherlands, Denmark and Norway adopt the Gregorian calendar
This calendar was introduced on October 4th, 1582 and these territories started using it on this day
Ugo Buoncompagni, who the Roman Italian later became Pope Gregory XIII introduced this new calendar to replace the Julian Calendar which was introduced in 46BC and used for 1600 years by Julian Caesar

We have been using the Gregorian calendar for only 437 years till date aka the length and breath of Diaspora 400 [500] 

Gregory needed to lose a few days so under his new system October 4th,1582 was followed by 15th October, and he decreed that New Year's Day should be moved from 1st April to 1st January
The UK did not accept this calendar until 1752 and Greece until 1923 and Turkey 1927
However, the Greeks still use the Athenian calendar which is the Atheer [Hathor] calendar 

According to the Gregorian calendar, its 2024, but its different depending on where you come from and what history you hold to which ever calendar you follow

Ethiopian calendar is 2017 and the [ULMEC] Mayan calendar it is 2017 for they share the same calendar - ALKEBUKAN calendars also varies from tribe to tribe, so when you are celebrating your so called New Year, the question you should ask yourself is whose so called New Year are you celebrating Gregory moved Nu Y-ears day from April 1st to January 1st, you are not ROMAN 

They had been using leap years, moving the time backwards and forwards - what did they do in those 12 days missing in 1582 and there is not 24hrs in a cycle [day] its around 23mins and sum thing seconds, there isn't 365 days in a year, its 360 days for one cycle - in those 12 days did they deploy MK-ULTRA 

Other beings have been here since you got here - that part where the camera pans to the left, when I first saw that I did think it was another being but then thought that was the cars reflection in sum way - there was a guy that said what happened, since then he retracted his statement and said he was trolling, MIB asked him if he wanted to live on, another guy whose dad is a policeman in Miami wouldn't talk about it, the more they hide the more the masses become conscious, that beings craft would have been nearby, where did they all go and what was on offer at Miami, a rocket, unmanned, was sent to the Moon from Florida on the 8th, which is down the road from Miami - that rocket would have been going to the ISS and then whatever the cargo was, was then picked up from the ISS or the rocket capsule was released in the SKA and then picked up, the Moon is under guard, we have seen more than 3 spheres, objects with the Moon, things to think about 

The more their Matrix gets hijacked, the more the system crashes - 'con'sumer 'con'fidence is when the masses have confidence in sum thing - aliens worry a lot of people, especially religious people because they know their 'god' plays no role - we are separating the lie from the truth in real time, one of these timelines is real, you have to 'choose' the problem was always 'choice' you have to choose what vibration, frequency you want to vibrate on and stay there - many hearts are going to fail man, many will fall where they are standing

[USA] Chakra energy fields 

Asia 'minor' the red disc 

Mutating wavelengths - that are changing you [molecular structure] from the inside out - there are those writing 'amazing' or god is amazing or wow or beautiful+ your fu9ked and you don't even know it 

Many people are losing their minds out there, keep yours, Ultra-violet is Ultra-violence - the same colour [energy] Has your CROWN CHAKRA - the processing plant, the body cannot survive without the head [Kipling, if you can keep your head, when...] 

Penetrating energies - you can see different colours which are radiation to sum and are CHAKRA energies to others - these are light codes for the light body aka the soular and spiritual bodies which are NEXUS [Connected] until your last breath - the top image you can see is Turquoise which is a combination of blue and green [WAJI] to which WAJI is completely engulfing this dimension 
Read all the graphs they give us in CHAKRA energies and the energies of the higher light codes 

RUSSIAN Schuman spiking 

All that WAJI is also included 
1000hz into 14000hz and 200hz into 100hz 

This is the Canadian Schuman which is glitching and has never been the same since September 2023, those blackouts are what they are, Canada is in the North [South] - Canada is online while many are going offline - we are beyond the 7hz or 9hz - we are in 200hz+ and up to 120000hz and 140000hz, just look at the right side of the graphs - look at the signatures up there or down there 

Jamaica are on their 9th earthquake which is progressively getting higher, around the world places are getting systematically getting hit - earthquakes will rise not only in magnitude but also in frequently 

The guy wrote bad sign for JAPAN [IAPAN] whatever is going to happen to IAPAN, they will be supervised - many of the A.I robots where built by the Japanese, many of the Japanese men are involved in Plum Island+ IAPAN knowingly allowed FU-KUSH-IMA to take place, many places around the world will be punished is what I'm saying for a reason  


Snow for the most part is because the planet is hot and the UV is at a high, this is normal that the planet receives snow, but we never had snow before until the Dome went up and the poles changed position, huge chunks of ice fall from the DOME aka from the ice caps - they have their machines [HAARP, CERN and DEW which are all intergraded] 

I saw people in t-shirts and others in flip-flops - cold blooded people cannot take the heat and that heat is coming from the ground upwards because the UV is hitting the plasma core of this planet and bounces straight up - in all directions - we are in a different space right now with a different outcome  
The North of the planet is actually the South - when Argentina gets snow, that is because they are in the North and not South, Scotland is in the South, Wales is in the North 

That is what you get for sending rockets to the Moon 
[GULLAH WAR] began and ends in FL 
All weather systems are crafts 

HERU [PERU] - once South America [Aztlan] shuts down, half of America, Europe and Australia will also go offline, because Cocaine will not be available anymore 

Crafts are dumping water 

It was the floods last time and this time but it will also be fire [plasma] this time round 

KENYA floods, Nairobi floods out, months of water, the ARC is made safe and so it begins, that rift will become an ocean - the horn of Africa is breaking away, ABZU [SA] will also be flooded 
Water is everywhere around the planet

Let monkeys lead monkeys 

Watch the player that goes down and his body and watch the player who puts his hands on his head and walks away, he knows exactly what that is - we have seen the numbers dwindle or have they, many children need to be watched as well - are they reporting this, there is a camera following this game, a live camera, what about all those not on camera, keep your eyes open 

Do not get the flu which is now classified as CV19 - boost your immune system, stay away from those who are ill, stay away from those who have a cold, none of these 'common colds' ever left, cold means when you are cold, the word flu comes from the word in-flu-enza, I saw an advert on YT for Shingles - none of these words 'cold' influenza or Shingles are actually telling you what you exactly have, all of it is related to the plague and what is that ?? the plague never left and is to why you need tons of vaccinations when you born in the UK - don't get the flu 

PLUTO is due around the 20th which is a game changer and 3 months [72days] after the USA will have a wake up call [Eclipse] but in the meantime, sh9t is going on for everyone every 24hrs, we are getting you prepared in your mind, while others are getting you ready in your mind, ready means for what?? and prepared means 'knowing' diagnosis what is the Gnosis - to 'know' - so that you 'know' what to do  

Talk to your children because they will be here after you - tell the truth and do not let them grow up to be a server to their Matrix - lie if you have to access the NHS which will be soon monetary but tell the truth to your children just so you can access 'free' treatment 

Don't fool the children 

ESAW - ENLIL offspring 
NYC [DRACO HQ] have plenty of tunnels, nests, secret hideouts for many reasons and like Miami there is no coverage on USA news outlets 

Giants in Miami - giants in Brazil 

We are in real time now 

Sum one said the dots where painted on 
9 [Pi] aka the Sound of Life
The Golden mean 

Yourself [selfish] Cell-Fish [Shell-Fish]

Light, [God] created light by saying Let there be Light, Electrons moving from higher orbital shells to lower orbital Shells is the origin of Light - The Electron has 7 orbital shells,

In the Kabbalah and Gnostic scriptures, it says that the light must be sifted out of the shells, which is the physical bodies- so in the last decade and in the last [3] years my contempt for 9ethers has risen to an all-time high – we are trying to get to the light [data]

Basically, the more and more you become disillusioned the more and more you start hating everything out here – that is spiritual – the more and more you start raising yourself even higher

This is not a process of the next 5 or 10 years, this sh9t is now – the more you [hate] the physical the more the [love] can merge with the spiritual 

They 6ether Arab Muslims kept the name, there is a 'black' stone in there that came from Ethiopia - last image, which came out of a craft, this 'black' cube Nexus [connected] to Saturn - now the modern day 6ether Muslims reverse the energy - Arab [Arabia] was called AL GHOR [ALGHOR] and was inhabited by Africans [ALKEBULAN] first until it was invaded - look how low it was in the 1800s

The shift means all debts will be recovered, stay out of the way of others or you go down with them, many think that is life, nope, that is your life, you always had a choice 

NAIJALINGO [LINGO] means SLANG aka Nigerian slang and Jamaican slang, which technically are the same people - but here we have different meanings in the English meaning    

[3] stages of 'love' and the rest and in-between are repetitions, many gave their 'light' away for no reason, many gave their 'light. away to another for nothing, many expressions of love 'light' including the Roman [Romantic] manmade version, you are not Roman, so the next program is going to hurt many, sum of you will be so hurt that you will not want to love again, all this and more is so that you learn what 'light' is by lighting 'loving' your cells [yourselves] first   
To have loved and to have been loved are your guides

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