Tuesday 2 January 2024

Metrics [Matrixs]


For those without 9ether status, that includes me - you can have [1] ion + you grew your [Ab] Heart Chakra, without Melanin >> you will make it through, for we all have, whether 'white' or 'black' have been given the chance to go through

All the 'gods' are down here, when the Dome, Firmament, Van Alan Belt, Ozone Layer, Electromagnet Field went up [all the same thing], we all got trapped down here for this cycle, we are going into the 8th root race and only the good will be selected, the bad will be recycled and the nearly good will have added homework plus detention, a letter sent home and sent to the student referral unit or young offenders institute 

The earths negative field also as to be filtered, all them ghosts, children, women, men, animals, all them entities, all the planets [dimensions] are merging into this one, all entities that were on other planets and they didn't have permission to be there have been planet hopping and earth is the last planet, the dimensions are merging into this planet and there is nowhere for them to go, NASA is watching Mars because once Mars goes to Zer0 point [gravity] levitation, we are next, there are gatekeepers for the dimensions and these dimension keepers have penalties for being an illegal immigrant, alyssum seeker, refugee, migrant, there are a huge list of names for what is in the negative field of the planets spiritual plane and all this and more will have to merge into the physical dimension because there is no where else for them to hide, those YT uploads that are posted like Slapped Ham+ show you a glimpse of what is on the other side of the mirror, these are guides for you to expand your mind, while they get their people ready, we are getting you prepared - expand your mind [Khu] - what's the Khu [Ka-Hoo] 

Everyone down here has to make it out of here and if not they go down also - so if you are 'white' 6ether and you grew your heart Chakra + you have [1] ion, then you have the same status has a 9ether at this current time, even if you do not have Melanin - we are being judged on this life only, and what you did with your Chi 'Life' force energies, your intention [action] with your energies 'Love' 'Light'
Did you fu9k up but you brought it back - did you recover, did you find yourself in all that sh9t, you found yourself, and that means you 'Know [Knew] Thyself' in that moment - wait a minute, isn't that what the text says, 'Know Thyself' - your half way there sun [son] [daughter] there is good and bad in all and this is what this filtering process [UV], reSet cycle is about 

6ethers will be here next time round, so get over yourself, their energy has been created now and once energy has been created it can never be destroyed, this batch of humans are the worst kind ever, and this includes the 9ethers has well, this was a filtering process, the 9ethers had to domesticate the 6ethers or the 6ethers would have taken us all out, there is good and bad in all and the good shall be chosen, they have to choose themselves and the bad will be filtered, sum will start back at 1D [Mind] [Thought] and sum 2D [Womb] [in a Ship] sum with come back in the plant kingdom, sum back in the animal kingdom and sum back in the human kingdom 

If bad you could come back in a defected avatar [body] or if good, an upgrade in your body based on what you always wanted or didn't have, your mind capacity upgraded+ everyone has different wants and needs and desires, and anyhow, you will be upgraded [rewarded] according to your energy, there must be another simulation because people are still catching h3ll out here, even if it is an offsite program, what I want and have been Magi [manifesting] that others should be given the right to access codes even if they just missed out, never have we seen such an escalation, decline in the human species quite like this one, even though the reSet required such an extremity for the reSet button to be hit   

Stay on point and act like you know

The Poplar Bears are 'ether' underneath, the 'white' coat is designed to protect them against the cold, the ether stores heat 

What is she measuring, you heart and soul - spirit energies  

MA.AT [MA]translates balance, order, chaos, scale of justice > that which is straight aka balance 
MAAT is also the holy SHAKINA [KACHINA] SHEKINAH] - she is judging and the balancing out of energies and dealing with KARMA [KAAMA] - she is measuring us all - get out of the way of those you see being judged because she is going to balance out this equation with or without you


Been feeling spicy of late 

Good girl, Bad girl 
Eve [Lillith] Evil [D-evil] Devi [Deva] Divine [Diva-nine] Diva
D-arc eve + Li

The FEMI energy is always there to save us, we see her throughout the records, but we must go to source 'her'  

I was around 7 or 8 or 9 when I first heard the Jungle Book, we had the record first before we saw the Jungle Book, this did wonders for my i-Magi-nation [Magu] Magic, very revealing story, with the background and the creation and sounds when listening only  

Candygirl at two years old, no way, dressed and even crossed the road and knew where to go

Stay 'put' 

That was so good 

New Year [Nu Y-EAR] EAR [SONE] SOUND [Om] 
Georgian 1.1.2024 
Abyssinia 'Ethiopian' + Mayan [1.4.2024] will be 1.4.2017 
[7] years difference which must merge into one timeline [frame] 

Keep in mind that time [creation] is speeding up, NIBIRU is bending the light, time spelt backwards is emit, what do you emit, 'light' let dates go and go with what you know, read the signs and pay attention to your internal 'clock' - all these 'leap years' time going forward and backwards, longer days or nights is no beginning of days, no ending of knights, must all merge into one, the wheels of destiny or destination continues to turn, remember why you are here, the Universe, she's got you, we are surrounded by the FEMI9 energy principle, she is consuming, engulfing this planet and you, don't do what you did last year, 5g rolled out 3 years years come the 1st 2024, you must do better - we must TRI  

All birds are Raptors 
They have reintroduced 'cloned' the Dodo back into Mauritius, like when thy did with the Bison and the 'clone' wiped out the existing herds, the British soldiers ate the Dodo into extinction, man likes to play god, after playing death, only nature [NTR] can make decisions on her planet  

All those 6ether, 7ethers [Muslims] today called Iranians are looking at the Ethiopian delegation from Kush [Kish] or Turkish - who are 9ether aka black people that left their recordings in stone, that is a Castle carved out of the rock, Castle or Ka-stle is a Ethiopian word and means dwelling in the sand 
This is 3D layered printing that was adored in colours, paint 
What was on top

That is a Roman General that they are standing on 

Shinar [She-nar] 'plains'
In their Bible they are called Samaritans which comes from Samarian  < todays meaning of the word Samaritans is that they are good people, they do good things and that meaning or definition comes fro the Persians because that meaning also applies to them which is where it came from  
Sumerian, Sumer, Sum, Susa, Sasa, Sassanian > you can hear where the word Asian or Asia comes from Sasia or Sa- asian or asia [asan] its always in the pronunciation - todays Asia or Asian [Indians] are from the Caucasian mountain into what we have today 

Nimrod [Sargon] is the first king after the flood of the 'plains' Shinar 

'Black' Knights, Noblemen 


Check the height and those are females in the middle boat playing Harps, see the halo around the left beings head, look at the details, all these had colours, paint on them, 3D layered printing in solid stone 


Babel [Bab-El] Door to El aka to NIBIRU, teleportation Ziggurat - heavenly father, were art in heaven aka haven aka Sirius or NIBIRIU if ANU was on the Star-Station - check the size, that is how tall they were, with Babel that word is Babylon aka Baby Lion aka the Sphinx and El sum say is h3ll, maybe for sum because ANU was calling you or summing you up there because your in trouble, the gold around him or the Ziggurat is not for decorations 

Persian [Ethiopian delegation] Abyssinia
Sasanian [Samarian] empire
Sasa [Susa] Sumer
Sumerian [Mesopotamia] Babylon [Baby Lion] Typhonian
Iran [Turkey Turkish] Kish [Kush] Syria, Iraq, Saudi [Al Ghor] Libya
This place was looted by 6ether Arabs, the English, Romans

Those are giants walking among the humans, sum have wooly, locks, braided hair, sum bushy, sum curly, those are all 9ethers, the Persian are good people, that is what they say about Persians, they are from Kush [Kish] Turkish - I enjoy the past, its sum thing familiar, the architecture alone is precision engineering, if they never looted these places, you would still be able see the messages, they are earthquake ATOL protected - standing the test of time 

They say this site was ordered in 1859 and the statue was erected in 1864, then renovated from 1995 to 1997 [????] the outer frame is 220m long and 87m wide and inside this frame there are 20 letters of ancient Indian [Hindu Kush] alphabet inscribed on the ground, and inside the inner frame there are 12 stone stupas and 21 Tara statues [Dari Ekh]
How the Tara sculptures are made is a mystery as they look like built by melting a stone and molding it but it is a near impossible method for the 19th century Mongolians and is to why we know that man didn't construct this symbol - site

Bhota – Bod – Bodi - Buddha 

This is a drone taken from the movie Oblivion - the sphere in Slapped Ham is a scout, probe, satellite receiver, I saw three, metallic black- gun metal colour type with unique text, markings, symbols, they were traveling fast and in unison, in a triangular pattern, separated but together, the footage isn't close enough to see, but we are starting to see more and more of these sphere type probes appear - no doubt they are patching into data - we don't know what is inside these buildings, using a new terms like unidentified anomalous phenomena, please, go home will you, don't get caught up with these sh9t terms, all you have to do is know the anomaly is there to break the the manmade Matrix, the one that was hacked - there is not confusion, man doesn't control the SKA or this planet because whoever controls the SKA controls this planet - your right, man doesn't know wtf he is looking at 

the camera doesn't lie - what about the ant and that creature - that guy talks to much, fast forward to the actual footage, you can work out the rest 

2014 - these things are out there, this was from Romania, they are in the USA also  

This is not what I have seen, however this is also interesting, could be the same footage close up or sum thing separate, could be man and his machines, could be advance tech from man or higher - I wonder what the text or symbol says or is - what is it scanning, reading, data - any holy war will be supervised, see that SKA and the soldiers watching - that last clip was over Texas or was seen from Texas in January of this year 

Next infrastructure 

This was from 2013 [NIBIRU reintroduced in 2012 with entourage]
Taken by the shuttle Columbus - which is in the lower orbit of the planets atmosphere and not in space 
This does look like the TR-3B that the NSA not NASA use and can get to say Mars in 40mins, manned by human crew and the Orientals aka Greys - but this does not look like the TR-3B 

That was deep 

'Indian' and Chinese and 6ether European are the same people - they kept the name Naga, but these are not Naga people - this is not culture, they were the last lot who were darker, when they show the older images, and had nothing to barter with, he said it themselves, so they had to eat what they could find - spices were added to vegetation not meat - its more the place, the term Naagalan even though its reduced to that smaller area, Naagalan comes from the word Naga, Nagu, into Naki, Naka, and Paki and we find the same names in Japan, China and India right into what they call Asia minor and Asian major which doesn't exist but we know the Naaga did

I was feeling spicy 

Not just rainbows, there sum times isn't any rain, but the bow, which is a curvature from a sphere is there, portals reflecting 

The Sun, Moon and Stars and NIBIRU are all under the DOME [FIRMAMENT] EMF [OZONE LAYER] VAN ALAN BELT with us 

NIBIRU controls the poles of this planet at light speed aka the flick of the wrist 
Where it says Egyptian Pyramid Coordinates, which Pyramid, the AKUR [KAUR] E.KUR complex with the Baby Lion [Babylon] aka Sphinx - this complex aligns with Sirius [Osiris] also called Asaru whose name translates "He who is seen, The Eye" - the Sirius star system is in the shape of Osiris 
NIBIRU [NEBHERU] NEB translates "Lord" 
E.KUR translates "Mountain" and is referring to the Pyramids 
HARU [HERU] translates "Mountainous, far away" 
Heru is Osiris aka ENKI and ENKI translates ruler of KI [EARTH] 

NIBIRU is bending the light [time] 

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