KALI YUGAH expires [15.1.2024]
The age of the KALI [the Great Awakening]
The Golden Age starts on 15.1.2024 and PLUTO enters
At the closing of every age, we have the opportunity to
flip out of the infinity loop – keep in mind that we are in a dual dimensional
Matrix, they collapsed the 3rd into 4th [4th
dimensional mind Matrix into the 3rd dimensional] this meant we were
living in two dimensions at the same time and we were asleep in the 3D – we had
to be able to navigate both dimensions hence sleep because both dimensions
required our divine energies
Catching the right time is difficult because you have to
incarnate at a time when in your lifespan, the stars will tell you when there
is about to be a body alignment with the centre of the galaxy
The sages that where here before they couldn’t get out of
the infinity loop because the clean-up had not happened yet, which was based
on human genetic experiments in laboratories and because of that, the ones who
are caretakers of KI have a new edition to the HuMin [HuMan] family, so they
have to figure out how to get this new edition right [this is because they
were never meant to create a sentinel being] aka a alchemical Hominy looking
thing that has no soul [BAA] essence, because they kept producing defects aka
it came out swinging, they took certain Mitochondria elements from sum of the
soils [souls] of the most fertile rivers of the earth [KI] and Mitochondria of
the women of KI [earth] is in that soil and it is really rich in those rivers aka
the Tigris, Euphrates, Mississippi, Amazon, Yellow+ all the rivers of the world
and they were able to create a sentinel being in a laboratories, the KHMT
priests are recorded saying, we fu9ked around and made a man – they are already
trying to expand the ‘God’ mind – keep in mind this is all a training
simulation, a learning simulation for the would-be ‘Gods’ on how to balance out
a planet, not this one, this is a simulation, this planet is for training and
for the ‘Gods’ down here to know how to balance out a planet in a SOUL-AR
system of their own – all of the ‘Gods’ here on KI are here for training, the
DOME went up and trapped us all down here, with the virus [Hominy] and to get
out we all have to complete homework, training – this is a simulator – if you
learn how to fly an airplane, its in a simulator
We are learning how to balance our internal Matrix with
the external Matrix and find alignments with the stars in order to move the
‘humanities’ energy to match the frequency to receive, you have to be in
gratitude mode, you cannot be in hate mode, you have to be ready to receive,
just like you are ready to give and verse versa – this creates a frequency in
the women for they go into what is called Mother mode – even if they do not
have children because they are about to receive source codes
At the close of every age, you get DNA [DEA] RNA upgrades and
although I haven’t posted the graphs for these upgrades, they are in the
Schuman resonating graphs – the 12 strand DNA was obsolete, say when you look
at vehicles from the 80s, they were bulky and today they are slender, compact+
same principles, it’s a whole different construct because its evolved, so we are
getting codes that are coming in from the SUN that is saying that the DNA is
being upgraded – we can see this from the SOUL-AR storm activity and man and
his machines is trying to create cooler weather and man using distractions to
mislead the people, adverts on YT telling people not to procrastinate, it is
the SUN that is alerting us to let us know that the DNA is upgrading and the
SOUL-AR storms [flares] winds+ are preparing us for genetic upgrades coming
from source codes aka Prime Creator
It is only 9ether Melanin women who hold the Mitochondria
DNA [MtDNA] even if your dad is Melanin and your mother isn’t, it won’t count,
it must be the mother who is 9ether, your dad plays no role at all even if he
is 9ether – DNA upgrades will not take place for you if you have taken the
Jabba the Hutt – the SUN is being fuelled by Sirius - if you do not have two melanin parents, then you are missing DNA
Prime Creator we call her Big Mama – the frequency that
is coming in is coming from the Dendera [Zodiac] 13th seat aka Big
Mama seat of the Dendera [Zodiac] this frequency is going to talk to your DNA
and its going to scan you and its going to upgrade and its going to kill the
selfish gene, I have been all week emotional and feeling these upgrades, wide
awake into the early hours, morning, thinking about things but putting them to
rest, not holding nothing and letting things just be – these upgrades are also
going to kill the warring genes [X-geno] because we have to go into the Golden
Age, you can charge the SOUL-AR PLEXUS [if you have one] and you cannot take
war with us
So when the source codes come in, what looked like a war
effort will be sum type of clean-up effort, humanity aid effort and we thought
they were about to blow us all up – the system has to have an end [expiry] date
before you can start with a new system – when the source code comes in, its
only a small window – which is a correcting code for where the ‘Gods’ in training
fu9ked up - the peripheral nervous system is the other half of the central
nervous system = the defence system – this window is a 6hr window or what they
call the ‘witching hour’ it is for the individual to upgrade their own self
[cell] by examining their self when they do things like ‘shadow work’ which is
like pointing the finger at sum one else but you don’t realize you are doing
the same thing, how do you condemn them for the same thing that you’re doing,
con-tradictions and then you have people who condemn others without no evidence,
then you have the ones who create false evidence on those who are trying to
help the ones who don’t know what is going on [people are mirrors reflecting
what you like or don’t like about yourself] and this is why in the Wolf pack
you have ranks aka the Alpha male and the Alpha female, deltas, beta+ right
down to the general pack members – the HuMin [HuMan] species also has a hierarchy
in nature, the same as the animals – you can alter your position by training
yourself to be exceptional at sum thing, you become a higher rank than what you
would be if you just had a job
Shadow work is always necessary if you're trying to Magi
[manifest] things, you won't be able to Magi anything without doing your shadow
work – stop trending with others out here, don’t follow the crowd, pay
attention to yourself [your cells] – their graphs for the Schuman only goes up
to 35hz and after that there is no data from them, we are hitting well over 7hz
and we have 3 tones hitting the planet
The system has 2 cycles – one is an automatic cycle which
is a predetermined path that you picked before you came down here, but the hard
mode is the PTAH of ‘free’ will because now you have to learn how to use your
‘free’ will to navigate the earth [KI] and stay in alignment with creation
itself aka the ones who rebelled against the system and are staying in
alignment with creation aka to balance the ‘self’ with nature is to alter the
effects of nature on the ones who fall under your rank, spiritually speaking
Your spiritual self is going to allow you to have more
control of faculties and psychic realms that you wouldn’t have if your
spiritual rank was lower but you can train your psychic ability to increase
your spiritual ranking
So when all these people come and try to close out the
age, they are going to miss it because its not time to flip out of the infinity
loop – how do we know this, because none of the MaStars knocking on this
reality trying to find a way out found it – now we are at the flipping out of
the infinity loop – the more of us [no matter what you look like] that is in
the gratitude energy aka the gratitude energy is who gets the greatest gifts of
bounty with the source code – the more of us that goes to the gratitude energy
the more we upgrade the collective which is what they call the balancing of the
scales of MAAT [MAA] in culture sum people call it Voodoo and sum people call
it Hoodoo, but you work on different levels with the elements in order to cause
an effect in the physical reality – cause and effect being operated – we are in
cycles within cycles – so if we are going to make this jump ‘shift’ sum one is
going to have to start unravelling these cycles to create an opening aka its
called Opener of the Way [PTAH] operating on Elegba and Ogun energy to clear a
PATH [PTAH] for everyone to make it – so sum play off against one another
called the Gemini effect which is called the twin pillars - severity and mercy,
the one comes in with the severe temperament and they call for the one that can
figure it out and mercy, so when we are going through our training, we are
learning how to teach the people aka the collective to receive the greatest
benefit in the time of the wakening of the Nu Age of the death of the last cycle,
the Piscean cycle is well over – Aquarius fully comes online 15.1.2024 when we
will officially be in the Aquarius cycle which has taken over 50 years [1974]
and now we are there
So when Aquarius comes in, it is the wrenching of the
veil of the great Mother – many do not know who the great Mother [Ma'other] is – she is
here but many are too busy looking for false leads that the enemy laid traps
for you, false prophets [profits] people taking about Jah [Yah] a man, many
looking for sum thing but not looking for her, these traps and snares are con
games, which is their jud-iciary, the jud-ges, the tribe of Jud-ah in their 12
tribu scenario, so you have outsiders trying to get in but they are not from
nowhere and nowhere to be, so they try and assume a place and say that ‘God’
gave it to them and this is how you know they don’t belong there because if
‘God’ gave it to you, you would have been organic to that land but because you
don’t have a land of your own [Nomad] – ‘God’ didn’t intend for you to be there, so your
extra – the SUN burns fakes or that which is artificial, so its up to the
people to not feed into the mechanics of divide and conquer and move their
energy into the gratitude energy because once this age closes out it will be
shock and awe – they will have to rip the band aid off and tell you the truth –
who knows what it will look like, there will be a period of downtime from
30mins to 90 days, who knows, and during that period of downtime it will be the
resetting of a new system to arise from the old
This 6hr window, the official peak is at 12noon on the 15th
but this is Indian time and will affect you differently depending on where you
are and will affect say those in the USA at ‘witching hour’ – what is
interesting is that many will be waiting for the eclipse in April but the
KALIYUGA no one talks about but this is because it is subjective, for us to be
prepared, the SOUL-AR winds, flares, storms are telling us are you ready and
we are sending feedbacks, earth is sending feedback to the SUN through the Schuman
resonance and vibration – they are talking, just look at the SKA, fu9k me, when
I see the Schuman and see those codes and the colours ‘energies’ of the SKA and
the SOUL-AR flares, they are talking – the SUN and KI – they are talking, when
we just assume they are two rocks, one is on fire and one is on water but they
are sentinels, because in our raw form as etheric beings we are pure SOUL-AR
wind, light, we emit the same kind of light that the SUN does in our true form,
sol [sal] aka SUN and you have a SOULAR PLEXUS – soul2soul – we are what is
called a step-down capacitor Mitochondria [MtDNA] energy source that allows a
whole Neutron Star to function in a HuMin body – all it is, is not to spontaneously
KALI means the time or the age [Calendar is Kali-endar]
or Calculation is Kali-culation] or [Calculus is Kali-culus] and YUGA is
sleep cycle – we are in cycles within cycles, which is referenced in the
tablets of Tehuti [Thoth] in order to get out of the cycles there are smaller
Yugas within the greater Yugas – its like unlocking a dial clock or dial lock
where you have to turn one knob and then this knob, like cogs or tumbler, one
code opens another set of codes, codes within codes aka looping cycles – its
more than one Yuga [cycle] and there is more than one KALI YUGA and is to why
its only a 6hrs cycle and in unravelling the cycles its been tuned down in
cycles until we got from macrocosmic to microcosmic –
they tell us this in the HINDU text that there is Yugas within Yugas – you have
to see the same thing going out that you saw coming in but the mirror affect
being applied means it’s the same, but different –
The last Kaliyuga
or sleep cycle that the ‘Gods’ were in was artificially induced about 12,000
years ago with the nuclear holocaust, a lot of what they are thinking is flood
strata in the soil is mud that was dirt that froze and when it thawed out it left
the mud looking like flood-like sediment, ice in the dirt melted and what we
are not paying attention to is they keep altering the calendars for a reason –
why do they keep changing the calendar – why do we need all these calendars and
they all have different dates, wtf are they calculating – they are calculating
cycles inside of cycles – then the HuMans do things that create additional
cycles [9/11] and now we are coming out of a 200 year cycle that was based on the
Conjure wars which was a contracted cycle of the ‘Gods’ in order to see who
could figure it out which it was the Conjure war and now we are out of that
cycle – we had to end that cycle so we could end the great cycle before we
could end out the age of Pisces we had to fulfil the contract that gave us the
layout of what the age of Pisces entailed – we are creating this sh9t by
agreement from sum where else but when we get in here we don’t remember the
role that we played in generating the reality in the cycles that goes with it –
we had people come in that gave us pieces to the puzzle that helped us out –
like all those who came here with the letter M in their name, the letter M is
an electron system, a wave particle and these people gave us clues – there are
those who done us dirty but they gave us sum of the best pieces to the puzzle,
like the Moors, who gave us the navigation equipment in mathematics [maat-e-maat-ics]
to navigate the stars and use it with the sciences of KI that we were already
using and when the Moors did that they ended up screwing themselves and today
they tell us to disregard this level of high science and accept Dogma in its
place and when we see the high science we don’t want the Dogma – we want the
sacred drift of knowledge that came with the mathematics aka the Metaphysical
of Moor science and when you add that to the indigenous Shamans – bingo, we don’t
have to be taught to be a Shaman, we were born that way which when combined we
can see what they are doing with the abilities we already have - but most of us when in the Yuga state are
more likely to go along with the program of the 3D Matrix rather than to become
one of the ‘Golden Ones’ that is walking the earth to facilitate great changes
at specific times – sum of us didn’t want no part of it and wanted to stay in
the Matrix, but our conditions was so great that it pushed back onto the PATH
To know that you are a ‘Golden One’ because
its not about being ‘black’ 9ether – your blood will tell you – enter communication
with your DNA because its going to tell you but you have to learn how to
read your higher consciousness and translate it into 3D English because we are
so absorbed by the 3 dimensional Matrix and that is the part that no one wants because
you have to put the work in – but if they make that step today, before they
know it, they will be there but many would rather work for decades than advance
their spiritual work – mental development, rather than work for a decade and
come out and become a powerhouse and change the world, there is nothing wrong
with working, just use it has a stepping stone, do you have a bigger dream than
just being a worker, can you not combine the two, all these people today scrambling
to be conscious, to be spiritual, but what about the ones who ‘know’ who found
the PTAH, don’t you see them, does that not appeal to you, like Morpheus said,
many are hardwired to the Matrix and will die protecting it, what when there is
no Matrix, what will they do then, no one is teaching the children this, no one
speaks to their children about anything outside of their Matrix [society] –
these children are on a predestined path and for a lot of them if they get to far
into the predestined path, it cuts off from them early and we might experience in
the 3D reality that he or she got murdered or they died in a car accident or she
or he disappeared – this and more is how it will play out in the Matrix if it
get cuts off for them because they are too far into their predestined path and
so they forgone their divinity and so he or she has to reSet out of the game,
just like in a computer game, you lose your life, you start again and the ancient
ones know this, it’s the younger ones – the younger ‘Gods’ who are here to
learn on university earth that got trapped by the bad kids in school, the problem
child who didn’t want to learn nothing and just wanted to cause issues in class
[school] and now the head is here talking to the school asking what happened, I
was only gone for a minute – the bad kids took over the university and so the
only way to correct the school is to put the power back into the proper dynamic
which is the Great Mother this is what
we are doing, going through, we are receiving greater source codes for advancement
Mahurta means moment, rta means order aka measurement of
Maruta comes from the HINDU KUSH and means a flashing,
shining one and wind, a god and can mean the time of the ‘Gods’ or the time of
Brahma – which the creator – a time of the new beginning, the new creation –
there are many Marutas, they come on a daily basis but for those individuals
use it for a time to develop but most of us do not know the science of it but when
the great ones come that last for 6hrs on one day, that is when all of the
other cycles have been readjusted – we have been through them all, sum one
pointed it out to all the masses and now we all can see that the changes are imminent
and we are beginning to see through the illusion – the system is using this in
the field of distraction but many are starting to see the truth – newscasters have
changed, new faces and this is because disclosure is coming – the energy has
shifted, that Miami Mall has really ignited given that happened on January 1st,
downtown Miami all the stores are closed and we are nearly 2 weeks after event,
maybe disclosure will come on Monday, I wonder what type of false flag and/or
weather system they will send our way on Monday or Sunday
KI will be aligned to the geometric Galactic centre of
the Milky Way which is when we get source codes which is a straight open path
from Big Mother straight to you – the women are already Nexus through the Vagina
[Vajra] her Uterus is the microcosm of creation which is the macrocosm which is
a direct phone line – the main line is the Uterus – it’s the portal – the Yoni
is the portal – the Milky Way is her breasts, the symbol for nourishment – but there
are Heyoka [Hayoka] who don’t play and will sting you like a Bee, only because
they want you to make it outta here – the breast is critical in pair-bonding to
child and they took it out of the Doulas [Madonna] Madoula [Medusa] hands and
put it in Western medicine to interfere with the pair-bonding process, today
children have no connection with their mothers – they call 9ethers Ants,
because the 9ethers rally around Big Mother like Ants rally around the Queen –
when the 9ethers went to war, it was all tribus on deck – the 9ethers are about
to get the formula – the Milky Way galaxy – it will be the women who feel the
change first – intuition which is a Pineal Nexus to the portal – so source is
looking out for them, the same way a Mother looks out for her child – women that
were fu9ked up last year are going to be good this year for the energy is going
to change how they interact with each other and how they interact with men and
for sum people, its just going to erase them – they should have done their work
– those men who slipped out of this 3D world – sum on drugs, drink, fu9ked up but
giving you gems, many people overlook them because they are all fu9ked up but
they were needed to hold this monkey sh9t up, many who lost it all just so they
could provide light
The Big Bang was to turn on the Hologram – so now we are
getting messages from 30 million earth years ago – sum one knew how to give us
messages from 30 million years ago into the future that means we are going to
be advanced as they were 30 million years ago – for we are talking about bringing
heaven to earth again and getting rid of h3ll on earth from the chapter of
Misery to the chapter of Joy – those who took the pre-Karma will now rise up,
all those who took drugs, drink+ so that others didn’t have to will now get
paid, you had to be last in order for you to be first at the closing of age, hence the KABBALAH - it says, they shall have everything in this world, so that no portion will be leftover for them in the next world, all those who had it all will have nothing for the next world, and many have started to crash, the first shall be last and the last shall be the first - you had to be last at the close of the age to be first at the Nu age of the ancient ones and this is why we see the USA and UK and Europe decaying right before our eyes
It is the women who make a grid around the planet, but
they forgot this – it is the Patriarchs who removed the priestesses from their
thrones and replaced them with this Paedophile – Homosexual cult – wearing drag
calling themselves priests – all these priests are wearing dresses – its only indigenous
priests who don’t wear dresses – this is the symbol [below] for HEKA [HIKA] WICA
[WICCA] WICTH – the real university was not in Egypt, it was in Arizona [USA]
Grand Canyon at the original temple [HETU] of Aset [Isis] hence why they found Egyptian
and Buddha artifacts over there – when the energy shifts, the 9ether women need
to be in the energy of gratitude, they will be the first to get source code,
when they have your son, they will make him better than you, this is what they
do, they match up and correct the DNA, this is what gestation period is –
matching up the genetics, they are choosing traits – when womens noses swell up
they don’t know they are taking particles out of the air to reconstruct a baby
in the Uterus because they were purposely denied the knowledge of Cell [Self]
Celf – knowledge of self is not knowing about slavery or ‘black’ people built
this or that or were over there and here – its knowing how your mind works, how
your body works, how you think that will help you learn better+ that is all
How does the outside world apply to what you experience [simulation]
in your internal world – as above, so below, as within so that you are never
without, if you can figure out how to fix you then you can figure out how to
fix the problems in the world – programming sol-ving, so when we are teaching
our children in Western education, they took out critical thinking and practical
problem solving out of the curriculum and is to what many people today are only
fit for instructions, they cannot think or struggle to think, whereas in the
9ethers curriculum it was hardwired for critical thinking – they say that Blonde
women are dizzy, that they cannot think, they are not alone, critical thinking and
problem solving is one of the first things you impress upon a child in order
for the child to bring out their internal greatness, aka the genius within –
have you notice that in Western history or education its ever only one person
that they say invented this or that, like Newton and gravity??
The western education system is designed to shut down potential,
the Mensa test is bs, your child while attending school can be overruled by an
adult who is fully aware that the child has a greater light within them, all
the adult [teacher] has to do is give the child the rules to the game and that
child can handle it from there, sum children already outweigh their parents and
teachers but are shut down in western bs, that critical thinking and practical
problem solving was in all the 9ethers curriculum, this is about escaping the prison
mind program
None of this is new, we have been here so many times before,
we must close out this age – the ancient ones close it out and we figure out
what the younger ‘Gods’ did and fix that sh9t, that is it, the more you fix,
the more other people can be fixed [corrected], self-sacrifice is the highest
form of sacrifice because what you do, the self [cell] sacrifices you make to
make yourself [cell] better and ends up benefiting more people than just yourself –
the more people benefit the more you add value to your spiritual arena, sum
times eye get upset, I feel isolated, I want this and that but I know deep down
that others will receive, I know that my purpose is sum where else, you dust
yourself off and keep in moving, but one day eye won’t have to no more – I was
born into where I was supposed to be according to the alignment of the stars –
the hospitals [Europeans] look at your birth certificate aka your birth
manifest and they know exactly who you are, they know who are the princes,
princess, kings, queens, chiefs, oracles, shamans+ are – if they didn’t do this
they wouldn’t know where we were going to surface – they are looking at the
time of day, they ‘foot’ print you, your natal chart, they look at the lay line that you born
on and which star is magnetically polarized to that lay line, every metropolis
is on an energy centre, everyone on KI [earth], these metropolis have faded out
with time but you still have the remnant present – they can see what star is
being affected by the latitude and longitude aka lay lines and triangulate when
a chief will be born on this day according to the alignment of the stars, so
the story of the 3 wisemen – how did they know a king was born, because it was
in the stars – the 3 stars in Orion Belt was the 3 kings but under the original
priesthood it was the 3 siStars – when a child is born he or she is blissed
[blessed] by the 7 siStars aka the 7 matriarchs
ENLIL during the Golden Age is to be locked into a HuMan
body and once that body dies he will decay, meaning he will fade away –
powerful punishment for the eternal ones to be turned mortal and in mortality
they cannot reconstruct the spiritual Matrix – ENLIL is a frequency and ENKI is
a masculine earth frequency, ENKI [KI] means earth Lord [Neb] but the owner of
the earth [KI] is not a man – the owner of the earth is the 9ether women – the men
are to protect the women while she takes care of the earth – we carry out the
heavy lifting and she carries out the decorating – what new flora shall we grow
over there, what new animals should we bring over here, have you seen sum of the animals from the past, many are not here
anymore, but we have had many different mythical creatures, but during this
cycle no one was allowed to come in mythical form but if you look real close you can
see their mythical form peering through their shield – you can see the fairies,
both male or the female, they look like little girls – the males look like sum
one like Prince, the Pedos love the fairies – even the Ogre who they look obese
and big, and their shoulders lean to the floor and they have a roll around
their neck [ like Cyril Smith] images next to Steve Spielberg below, you can
see the old mythical creature peering through the HuMan form because the
spiritual form is trying to conform to the physical matrix – you can look at
certain people and tell they are Totem animals, sum look like a Monkey, another
may look like a Dog or Horse – there is a guy in a movie called Rockers called
Horsemouth played by Leroy Wallace and he looks exactly like a Horse – sum look
like a Bird, you are looking at the strongest impression of their Totem in
their bloodline peering through their HuMan flesh and this is why they say the
eyes are the windows to the soul and if your heart is pure and your mind is open
you can see through the soul of an individual straight into your own – we are
Nexus [Con-nec-ted] but we have to remember that
There was a time when there was no men on earth, it was women
who decided to bring men to earth, all of the Y Chromosomes trace back to 36,000
years ago, so who was making babies before then, sum one had to have been
making babies because there were people before that, no one wants to talk about
that, men have a lot to learn, there are men walking around that women do not
want, many struggle with rejection, whatever it is based on, men are the aggressive
part to the female, did you know that, instead of using his brute force to
protect her, he uses it against her, against children – don’t tell me about
man, he has a lot to learn and will be punished accordingly, you wasn’t even
here in the start and for many of you, you won’t be here in the end, your walking
around on earth and none of them want you, you would be the maddest mtf walking
around out there, guess what, all women are ATOL protected, have you seen how
many female goddess, deities are recorded, your fu9ked now, and for taking from
them and children is punishable not just in this life but beyond, we have Karma
taking place on a grand scale out here, these men could be your son, brother,
father, nephew, uncle, do yourself a favour and get out of the mtf way because
she don’t play like that, she does not play and during this closing out cycle and many men are receiving a bi9ch wakeup call – many of these men did not value
themselves or make themselves of any value to anyone else, the real protection
of any women is to do your shadow work, that is the spiritual protection, if
your a man, you are supposed to do your shadow work, this will never apply to a
Roman, he doesn’t even know what the fu9k your talking about because your under
contract – you want to be the best possible mate [primate] when it comes to
selection, sum of you were paired this lifetime for a reason, sum of you paired
yourself based on what the Matrix [society] told you to do – get this will you,
no matter what any man thinks, you never chose her, she chose you, get that,
you can never own her [marriage, contract] you can only tame her [energy] and
that is if she lets you – that is why we have so many mad men down here, so
many rapists, so many mtf – buying her a drink does not mean she likes you, men
tell themselves their own messages, a woman could be picking her nose and realises
she is picking her nose and she looks round while still picking her nose to see
if anyone is looking out of embarrassment and catches his eyes and he will tell
himself she likes you, she accepted a drink, she likes you, he will tell
himself she accepted the drink, that means she owes him sum thing, many mad men
down here, but they will have their day in court, in MAAT court field for she brings
the pain, the Karma pain
Women have an instinct and they know what it is they want
to produce for the future, there are levels to this sh9t, I have never had a
one night stand, no one wants to fu9k me for one night, its always relationships,
bring me home to meet their parents kinda guy, not all men are fu9kable or take
me home – women like substance – stability – men do one thing and women do sum
thing else but the value is the same if you balance – men are to do the heavy
lifting hence why the male AKUR [Lion] is heavier and bigger, it does not means she can’t lift sh9t, oh she can, have you
ever seen a woman with her back against the wall and she comes out fighting,
she draws on the power of two men
Remember the word man comes out of the word woman [wombman] every man or god has a bellybutton and means she made him, not the other way around
The Div-ine [Div-a] FEMI9 and the Masculine must work in their hearts and dance in the celestial field - don't lose sight of who you are
Also the end of Kali Yuga is to usher in Kalki which is the last Avatar of Vishnu
India is 5hr and 30mins in front of London, so when 12 noon in India it will be 6:30am in London
You are adversarial divinely guided that’s how you know it’s primordial
Pay attention to the weather OYA
There are different Yuga dates, all that is is because there are different cycles within cycles
Georgian 15.1.2024 = 6 Death
Abyssinia [Mayan] 15.1.2017 = 17 [1+7] 8 Infinity
This is age of the Siddhas - their ancestors are here
The Nomos are aquatic beings, amphibian, hence all them pool house around India - Nomos, also called NAGA [NAAGALAN - INDIA] - the Nomos are from the Dogon who are from Sirius
Mother Kali is the symbol of power [FEMI9], strength and protection, especially her children
Holographic real-ity
Halographic [Solograhic] reel-ity
The game of life is the game of the gods [game of throne]
because the game of life is played in the holographic universe aka the ‘gods’
play in the holographic universe – the holographic universe produces the earth
realm and the earth realm is where we experience life [light] – the rules state
we have to be synced [MtDNA] to the earth [KI] and we come in with amnesia
[Kaliyuga] and remember who we are – the little girls told you there are 10s of
1000s of us scattered out around the world in order to raise the vibration and
frequency of the planet
That Kaliyuga [Amnesia] is losing its grip for many and we
needed that key to unlock us from this ‘sleep’ state into a ‘woke’ state making
us reach the higher states, making us reach the higher ascension without having
to worry about the struggles we have been through, all we can do is use the
situations [simulations] experiences to empower us for what we are about to
receive as a compensation for the nation over this duration of time
Conjurer [Sorcerer]
We are going through the silver age into the golden age,
the silver age is a rediscovery of what has been lost, so its an artificially
induced Kaliyuga at the end, right before the close of the age
All Conjures must be close at the end, no matter what, we
have been here 7 times and have been through the same process, all dirty
Conjures must be closed out because if they remain open it sends a reverse
vortex of energy and it won’t turn out good for that family line, if you are
6ether today [Indian, Oriental, white] this still affects you because your
starting family lineage would have been 9ether, any heritage test will always
bring you back to a Nigg9 whether you accept this or not, no one cares at this
stage, you are part of that family line and represent them today in real time
God key, silver key, lunar key, soular key going into the
SUN cycle, father right to rule which must be accompanied by the mother right,
inherit the silver key
The energy grid is inverted on this planet to hold the
negative frequency and this was kept in place by Blood Magic and science was
used to harness the earths frequency [7.89hz] and put us into an artificial
Kaliyuga [sleep] and we also have Conjure wars using Blood rituals at the same
time keeping us in a hypnotic trance which gave us amnesia – we didn’t ‘know’
who we was – we didn’t ‘remember’ that we had a direct Nexus [connection] to
the earth [KI] and she talked us through harmonizing with y-our BAA [SOUL] off
the same UV [Plasma] lights and KI [Earth] receives energy through the centre
[core] from the SUN and this energy comes back out and what it took down with
it, all them stars that you see is pixie dust, its stardust and when se hit the
core of the earth and we come up – we have to have a body – so we come out HuMin
[HuMan], the most highest evolved
So the ‘gods’ come in – in HuMin [HuMan] form as
Starlight, coming in on Stardust which is a whole neutron Star – as a whole
‘light’ body, hit the core of the earth and pop right up has a HuMin [HuMan] –
just from the energy alone – this energy is making us become mischievous and
An artist sees sum thing in their mind and translates or
transfers it to paper or canvas, this is the creative aspect, this energy that
is changing now is for the better for anyone who is unable to harmonise with
the Shu + Tefnut resonance – which the correct frequency of the earth aka from
double masculine to feminine and masculine – they confused us by using Shuman
which was Shu and Man [Min] was is the
‘god’ NTR Min who created the measurement and made us all think it was the to
male deities – they had it right in our faces all the time because you weren’t
supposed to figure it out – but we did, many did and now they are all being
exposed one by one
Things are coming out and many different elders are
talking, sum will agree and sum will disagree, that is normal but the data is
coming out – this war will be determined by the angle in which many see this
from – there are many Jedi on the internet, they are all telling you sum thing,
its in their names, so many are coming from different directions – all letting
you know that they are here
The energy is reversing back and all it is doing is
showing you the pattern, you would Adam and Eve it [believe] the same shi9t
that was going on is happening right again, the same fu9king frequency
Everybody’s name means sum thing to us on the land and
what the enemy wanted us to see many did but the rest of us saw what everyone
else was looking at – the same way they give you directions and its called
There is Tawaret in Egypt and she is Feminine and is
prime creator and when she incarnates, we see her has the Hippopotamus NTR with
the human mammary glands [boobs] she represents motherhood, birth+
Those symbols were to represent the mother of creation in
her true position because when you look at the Zodiac [Dendera] you have the
[12] houses in a 360o circle and in the middle of the 360 circle in the centre
is the ‘seat’ of the great mother and they do not tell us this because they moved
her son into the field of view, so you could never see her for what she really
is and this was your Patriarchal eclipse, they call it the Kaliyuga, and while
we were so focused on her son, we did not know that he drew all his soular
light aka his RAA [RA] came from the love of his mother through her
Mitochondria radiating the love energy throughout creation, without it there is
nothing, without her we are nothing
You need to know sum thing, if 'black' women do not approve of sum thing, it will never happen on their planet, during slavery they could have killed them, why have they never been wiped out, because if there is not a certain amount of 'black' 9ethers on this planet, the planet would die, that is why Ebola, HIV-AIDS, could not wipe them out, nothing will ever change without their say so, they hold the MtDNA
Look at this monkey sh9t - many are not looking into the camera, I wonder why, these are your leaders, we don't hear them speaking, especially since lockdown and the wars that have started up since then, what do they do - 'black' people can never be led by the monkey mind
'white' people have their 'black' Freemasons guiding them for their 3D world, which is actually being dismantled, so what next, who will lead the 'white' people or are they all going to the Moon
The [MtDNA] Mitochondrial DNA is only held by the 'black' 9ether women and only they can change this outcome for the planet, this is fact and not my opinion, the other women play no role, there are siStars who have other things to do down here, but if both your parents are not full blown 9ethers, you will not upgrade - it is the 'black' woman who will have the final say
Diva [F] [Shiva] Deva [M] [Devi] Deva translates div-ine
[Div-a] Deva [Devil]
Apsara [Indra]
In India, Isis [Aset] and Heru [Horus] became Maya and Buddha or Devaki [Deva KI] and Krishna in Hindu and the Chinese called Isis Kwa-yin, and
the Japanese changed the name to Kwannon
All the 'Gods' in India are Niggas [Naagas] Naga [ANUNAGA] ANUNNAKI]
Hindu Kush [Kish] is in Ethiopia [Abyssinia] and India was the Ethiopian basin
Paris [France] was actually named Isis [Para-Isis]
[Par-is] and means Place of Isis - when they closed down Isis [temple] Hetu - Europe went straight into their Medieval [Middle-evil] dark ages - that is a antenna sitting there
I Metamorphosize as the great Yusri [Caterpillar]
(wisdom) on to the Taslug [Cocoon] (strength) on into the most beautiful
Farasha [Butterfly] (beauty)
First set is in Logan Canyon [UTAH] USA and second that looks like an OWL [BUMA] in Wiltshire [UK] why on snow and why now, these - like with all messages are huge and always facing upwards for NASA satellites to scan them, how else would you be able to see them unless you were in a craft or satellites - the first one reminds me of the Kaliyuga - cycles
Did sum thing leak or is about to be nuked or was nuked
Big sh9t
Last 72hrs - Canada Schuman is 'blacking' out
Russian Schuman is hitting high numbers all week
Italian Schuman - is that Red or Purple mix
Check these codes
Those are crafts - Red and Pink deletes artificial races
Red and Pink SKA is deleting you from the inside out - when you see the SKA like this, know that 'God' is trying to kill you, unless you have a CHAKRA [SHANKH] system to process these energies an radiation to others, these energies are mutating you from the inside out on a molecular structure
Binary Code
Kansas [USA] that is low - we can only have this look because we are in an enclosed environment - DOME [FIRMAMENT[ VAN ALAN BELT [OZONE LAYER] EMF - the light is bouncing off of the DOME - reflections have a source
The SUN triggers and lights up NIBIRU in 2020
Comet 67p is an ancient communication satellite - see the antenna
DOME [OM] WOMB [FIRMAMENT] VAN ALAN BELT [OZONE LAYER] EMF+ all the same thing, right image is from NASA satellite, what colours can you see, the Gold is for the OZONE LAYER - PURPLE [UV] PLASMA
The SKA is letting you know what time it is - call it what you like, we have never seen the SKA like this until 2012 when we all started taking notice, how I measure is this, if the SKA does not look like that over Africa then wherever these skies take place, are fu9ked - when COVID broke out there was nothing in Africa, then COVID started showing up but that was the invaders who were showing up, not Africans, so when we see the SKA like this, let them name it and study it
Huge volts [bolts] hitting the planet
When Brazil goes down, they take Portugal [Spain] and when Portugal goes down they take Europe, and when Europe goes down it will be BOOM BABAY - Europe is watching Brazil and quaking in their boots
Europe must be dismantled
Payback will be a bi9ch
Distractions are everywhere while NTR smashes this Wendy House down
Remember these
That is only at 60mph
There are no straight lines in nature - YAWN OUT LOUD - what is beyond the horizon - what is projecting from behind the horizon
Crafts riding the rusty SKA
The title says, what just happened on our Earth - its not your Earth
Afghanistan M6.4 and 130 miles deep
There was no discharge from the SUN when it glitched like this
Device for shape shifting device - and for the android the reset button is on its back
Hitler daughter, does Germany have a PM - why the clones - what is up with the sides of the mouth
Man and his machines against superior crafts
Mexico - the left craft looks like the crafts have an eyelash or eyebrows
Many are hoping that they are alone on KI, in this SOULAR system - but we have never been alone
We are not with Spielberg's Greys
Cyril Smith [Ogre]
Both prey on children
Survival of the fittest is what your man said and was talking about his kind, Greys do not have genitals - this is the 6ethers history, Caucasian - 'White' Orientals and Indians
Negroid - the ANUNNAKI [ANUNNAGA] created a template that was fazed out, the HuMIN was created from a different source to make the 9ether
Did they launch this or are they waiting
More and more is coming out
ANUNNAKI [ANUNNAGA] NAGA [NIGGA] 'these beings' are not playing, there was nothing that 60 police officers could do, very interesting, why Miami though, interesting times lay ahead - who were those 3 beings, there was more of them and 'creatures' - they are not Greys, they were to do with the ANUNNAGA - when that portal opened it would have produced a heat signature that they would have picked up - expect more to come out
GOLIATH and GI-ANT Androids with antenna on head
Goliath is a Greek [Roman] word for the word Giant which
is based on the word Ghibbore [Gibboreem] which translates Mighty Ones, Giants
Gi [Gee] Earth
Gib [Geb] [Seb] [Keb] Earth
Nephilian 'to fall' in frequency
Ghibbore 'Mighty Men'
Cherubeem [Kaa-ra-beem] Serapheem 'those who are near'
All are giants
David and Goliath is a fictional Jewish story that is
based on a 9ether event involving Sinuhe and Retenu- the A’aferti [Pharaoh] is
Amenemhet not King Saul [Sal] Paul who didn’t exist
At the start of the story [allegory] – Sinuhe is deemed
the coward and he deserts his A’aferti out of the fear of losing his own life,
the real turning point in his life is when Sinuhe is challenged by an unknown
Heru [Hero] to a single combat – although Sinuhe is smaller- he successfully
overcomes the hero through physical, mental and spiritual courage
With his transformation from cowardly nobleman to victorious
hero now complete and Sinuhe is ready to return to his homeland
Sinuhe moves from disgraced to renewed, to forgiveness
In the course of this development, he also passes from
ignorance of his own motives to self-awareness and acknowledgement of his own
No mortar is holding the blocks in place, all are built on the planets lay lines
The Sphere, Cube and Pyramid all transfer or hold energy differently - all shapes can fit through, the Cube and Sphere are the same size
They told you who built the MIR [MER] Ziggurat - so stop asking
Let the 6ether Arabs, 6ether Muslim have it - the truth always outweighs the lie - they have been in Egypt [Khemet] for 900 years - the Pharaohs curse has already been unleashed SARS [ASARU]
6ether Greeks repainted all these pieces, Greeks hate women and only kept them for breeding purposes because their men were inverted [Homo] that is Zeus and he is wearing Henna - repainting the truth
The story of the little 'black' boy
SHIVA and VISHU aka ENKI and ENLIL both have braided, locks hair
From India, China, South America
Babylonia is Baby Lion [Sphinx] Lynx
America is West Africa
Mud flood, they had already stolen the Bennu [Ben Ben] only one left standing
Arabia [AL GHOR]
MIR - built by the ULMEC [OLMEC]
Land platform used by 'black' people, built by 'black' people
Intel processor - touchpad - stone holds frequencies
Ethiopian delegation in Sumerian [Samaria] Susa [Sasa] Sasanian [Samarian] aka what is called Iran, Turkey, Syria today, they were all 9ethers - kinky, curly, braided, locks+
HAMAR [HAMER] KHAMER [HAM] KHEMER tribu of Ethiopia, which is part of Egypt [Khemet]
There are more than 90 tribus including SUDAN which both Ethiopia and Sudan make up Lower and Upper Egypt - the MANDINKA [INCA] are from SUDAN [NUBIA] NUBIAN
Found in Nigeria [ALKEBULAN]
Mary by Michelangelo [1511-1512] CHRIST [KARAST] KARAS
Vladimir Putin
Vlad the Impaler
Count Dracula [Draco] Drake [Dracul] son of Dragon –
Prussia [Russia] - Ducal
Prussia [Germany was also called Prussia at one point]
The name Prussia was a
language not a people, like how the name represents today, Alexander Pushkin
[Pruss-hkin] Prussia [Russia] was of mixed heritage or was ‘black’ wrote the
Russian language of today, if he hadn’t modern day Russians would be speaking
the likes of French+
King Phuthini Dyanti his name Phuthini sounds like Putin - the indigenous people 'tribus' of 'Russia' are called iShiya [IsiXhosa] and the word Russia you can hear the phonetics [Phoenicians] so pronounce this Rhaa + Ishiya which gives you Russia - the 6ether Romans and 6ether Europeans could not hear certain oscillations and they never had a language when we met them, they used to grunt to answer, so you can imagine when they asked their translator what does this mean or how do you pronounce this word or name, they couldn't hear the sound, like when you say the word tomato Ketchup in English is different in America because of the accent
Synagogue - Senegal
Central Park [USA] Sen-tral Park - after 9/11 they found the Senegalese bones down there
ATLANTA is the name of the ship and TAMERI is the name of West Africa aka AMERICA
To accept Western History [His-story] is to accept genocide to which we will not accept their version of events - 9ethers must not allow validation to come from 6ethers, if anyone owned this planet it would be 9ethers, this is their planet, they were entrusted with her - the SUN is also theirs and the STARS, the 6ethers can have the MOON
Snap Dragon
No seeds means it was made in a manmade laboratory, I always wondered how Bananas geminated, why did man breed all natural foods like this, and what is up with MD and KFC
Mutant foods for mutant beings - organic does not mean natural
Anything that is GMO from the plant, animal and HuMin [HuMan] kingdoms will be deleted [UV] because nature did not create it - fact
Australia - Tree
That was #Deep
Why didn't they harm her
Where is the rest of the footage
Animal trainer is animal conditioner, there is nothing that man can teach them unless you want them to do HuMan things - the plant and animal kingdoms do not need man to survive, yet he needs them to survive
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