No matter what we do to strive in the material world- we
are still empty, when we achieve, we are still very much empty with what we possess
– why, because the material world is an addiction
Which is what the UBUNTU
[BUDDHA(s)] spoke about, the addictions, it’s a rush, the cherry-high
Now you want to be alone, the others want to be seen,
look at me, look at me, then its I want to be alone; this is the pendulum
swinging and if you are not centred this destroys your soular -energy
The soul searching is your BAA looking for strength,
not knowing its identity is called the Ego
A B.AA [soul] is a resonating energy signature that is
the connection between the material [physical] and the spiritual [holographic] and
the BAA is the record-keeper of your physical experience – the deepest experiences
[emotional] that are meaningful to you – deep emotional crisis, if you are not
balancing these crisis aka learning how to balance-out whatever that [emotional
crisis] is to you, you will find that you will mark the BAA yourself, because
you didn’t balance out these programs [emotional crisis]
Notice that the word Crisis [Crysis] Crystal and Cry all
come from the word Salt [Sal-t] Sol [Soul] which when you Cry you are releasing
the BAA aka the Salt [sol]
BAA [Soul], KHU [Mind] and KHA [Body], the KHA is last for
a reason
Has you go through the birth canal again – energy is never
created and energy can never be destroyed, and so your thoughts become an energy
signature that you create out of your own experiences and so this becomes your
return ticket
[trauma = grievance]
That damage, that need or whatever is what you did to disrupt
the balance,
this phase is about balancing and all the things you do outside of
If you are not seeking balance aka the seeking of peace
within – the connection between your thoughts and your BAA, how your thoughts
can override the observer which is the teacher for the BAA – we tend to think
our thoughts are the only thing we need to run on which those thoughts can be
used up over time and ultimately your own thoughts can turn on you, your
thoughts can start dictating to you and that is the addiction
You must see the thought process has sum thing that is
the learning, it’s a guide, a pointer to your balance – if your thoughts are
not pointing you towards equilibrium, MA.AT, balancing all the energies that
have come through your thinking process, through you emotions, through your
actions, if your thoughts are always about sum thing that happened to you that
sum one did or your blaming sum one else for this and that or blaming yourself+
the BAA is recording all of it, the BAA is taking notes, the BAA records
everything, if sum one was rude to you and you said bi9ch under your breath aka
under- sub -beneath, sub conscious, sub mind, you said bi9ch in the sub mind,
its all recorded, if you said sum thing and had a totally different thought or
feeling or emotion about what you said and is the opposite of what you said,
its all recorded and is read in real [reel] time by the universe for the
universe is magnetic and she reads everything – its all recorded all your thoughts used and unused
Sum people leave with a heavy BAA, a heavy burden with
things that have not been accomplished, guilt, hatred, jealousy+ aka the seven
deadly sins or the seven deadly thought processes which all keep you imprisoned
by the KHA and is exactly what the UBUNTU warned us against
UBUNTU said it’s the taste for the HuMin KHA [Body], it’s the sensations
for the KHA, that want, need, desire and it is the KHA that overrides and
dictates what reality is
Soul = mind/consciousness C.P.U levels >>
higher soul << higher mind = universe
the brain [Membrane] is the Matrix
The KHA is an illusion even though we have agreed to feel
it, to be part of it, the organiser, the distiller of your experiences becomes
the Soul [BAA]
You are the one who says what and what cannot be written
on your BAA, that is the Book of Life, the Book of Life is your BAA [Soul], not
everyone has a BAA, everyone has KAA [Spirit] but not all have a BAA
You are writing your experiences; you are the author, and
is what sum of you will return with or if you have found peace – if you have
not allowed the material world to consume you – then you return by choice and
not by being compelled to come back to balance the unbalanced while you were in
the physical [material] world
The MtDNA [Mitochondrial] aka the genetic imprint that
she gives to you is the library that you need to stream from if you want to
know who you were [are] and where you’re coming from – sum children today you
see them, sum are getting into things that you can see they are just picking up
from where they left off and have come back to complete what they wanted to
This is their first audition – they have done much
more since then
When you hear them play, the sister and one of the
brothers, you can hear the original sones coming through, the way they play, yes,
it is what we have heard before but this type of music
[MUSIQ] MUSE I.Q comes from the Alkebulans including Jazz –
The music we have today is sh9t, really bad what they put
out, the themes we have out here – people may have looked funny in the 60s,
70s, 80s but check the music that was coming out and check the music today, what has happened to the music in the last two decades
We have no nu music [muse], there is no stimulating of
the KHU – no one is creating nu vibrations
Music was a form of medicine like binary beats and
dancing for energy movement
This programmed music is destroying souls, there is no
more soul music, KFC is not soul food – I wonder how many babies were born in
1969 or in the summer, or when summer music was playing, when soul music was
playing, how many of those offspring today lov9 music – sum people are really
pretty in their faces because of the energy used in them from their parents,
beauty comes from within and so many people created beautiful KHA(s) because of
the vibration, children glow with energies
An instrument is a [KAA] spirit catcher
Earth Wind and Fire is the Serpentine Fire
Soul [BAA] >> your consciousness is a residual imprint of your
[sol][sal][soul] spark, this spark is called SEKHEM – the soul is sitting in
the heart right now
Soul traveling is also dealing with the heart and so when
you are soul traveling you are looking for sum thing that you have not fully
understood, sum thing that you have not obtained, sum thing you still need answering,
that is why you are traveling – when you are dreaming, dream walking, you find
yourself in places of sum thing vivid, this place looks familiar or it looks
familiar, there are people, things+ that are familiar or places that you have
never seen before, you are going back into your Mitochondrial library experiences
and your Soul is searching through that archive for sum thing that you had has
an intension – it is all intention, even your soul traveling – if you are
traveling outside of your body, it just means your body hadn’t got you there
fast enough and so it has to leave your body to get to where you think you are
The Polaris Star and the Northern lights are the soul-ar
stream, all these pictures coming from Norway, Alaska are all showing energies,
the Polaris Star is the centre of the Chandelier – the dome spins – like a huge
cyclotron and the sun and moon are the active parts of the magnetic and
electrical energies that maintain the atmosphere that we are in- remember we
are in a closed atmosphere, we are under the dome
Polaris is the centre point of the energies that we have
that keeps us alive – it is the forces that power us – keeps the energies
following, everything is movement – it’s a flow, you stop this flow and
everything becomes stagnant, its dead
The Union Jack is the symbol of Polaris – Great Britain
is the zer0 point on latitude and longitude aka the planets lay lines – this is
why we see all those crop circles by Wilshire+ and in France
Polaris [Polar-Soular] is supposed to be the North Star –
but is the centre part that doesn’t move and everything around it is in an
enclosure – we are not travelling through space at millions of miles an hour
while the clouds are stationary, does that make sense to you
NIBIRU is in and out of the dome [dimensions]
and collects all energies and magnifies them and sends all energies right back into
the planet
When we see the Northern lights [streaming soular
energies, chakra energies] what you’re looking at are waves and waves of energies
that flow and has the dome rotates the hieroglyphics [codes] that was set in place that
beamed down codes, configurations that matched your brain
When you look up at
the SKA you will see that the SKA matches the electrical patterns of your brain
– the star clusters and figurations match the neutrons in your brain and your
BAA is interacting with all this – the brain is controlled by the heart – there
is a brain in the stomach, a brain in the heart, and a brain up there, the one
in your stomach is your spiritual brain [gut feelings] and you have the material
[physical] brain, and the one up there is controlling the other two brains –
you are up there with KARAST [Christ] having the last supper or last meal with the
12 apostles aka the Dendera [Zodiac], he
is the 13th the [hidden ones] sign, the sign of the Alchemist [evolution
of the soul] which is the changing of the body consciousness into soul and
spirit consciousness- this is why they left out the 13th house
because not everyone has a soul [BAA]
The Northern lights are your front part of your brain aka
your frontal lobe aka forehead aka the dome – south part [passion] back of dome
– frontal lobe is where reason takes place
The passion brain [south] is the serpent brain – your east
and west are your ears
Yourself is supposed to follow the Polaris star and find
your way into the Northern Lights, when you pass, that’s why it’s important to
practice astral traveling
If you are the light then you do not need to follow the
darkness – there are entities that have set up programs so that when you transition
they have a way of trapping that energy that is left – you must be aware and
fully conscious of what you know, be conscious of what you are first, and who
you have become and are ready to let go of the fear of death – there is life
and afterlife, if you know this you take this forward with you, this means you
fully innerstand
If you do not leave your body consciously – when your
life uploads [flashes before you] that is your assessment- that is your
judgement – those are your files being scanned and evaluated in less than a split
of a second – when you see these files its normally when you are reflecting,
those who have a slow death are thinking all day and all night, for those who
have a near-death experience the time slows down – this is how the spirit world
works for its all light, all these are memories in the subconscious – has you
are leaving the body the subconscious is leaving with you, the subconscious starts
shooting information to the conscious mind - you judge yourself, what have you placed
into the vaults of the subconscious you and when that time comes and its time to
open the vaults to your inner you, what are you fearful of, what are you
ashamed of – what is your legacy, have you left anything that will make sum one
greater than you, what happens if you have to come back down here, who are you
going to come back through- think about that, you could be conscious now and
have to come back through sum dildo family- h3ll no, you have a duty to impart
data onto others in sum way shape of form or fashion – how are you leaving and
what have you left is what your life flashing before you means
Each thought [pulse] has an electrical signature
The fall of man, what happens in the fall, leaves turn from
brown to green, we lost the green skin, Melanin is not just black or brown,
Melanin is WAJI [Green] – the Senegalese people have prison Melanin which is different
blue-hue [blue is darker than black] you can see different colours in their Melanin
[KAANU] our feelings, emotions used to display in our AU.RA in our skin tones –
through your chakra system, this would indicate if you were centred in your
thought process, you never spoke, the speaking comes way later and is the
youngest form of communicating, you used to project images, symbols to each
other, telepathy, we are moving into the world of energy, as the frequency
rises, these great apes will have the first telepathy among themselves before
they start talking, Lares [bigfoot] are real in the field and the ANNUNAKI are
protecting and hiding them now – the Moors talk about coming out of the North
gate aka your frontal lobe
The KAA when you lay down returns to the soular plexus, exactly
like a spirit level
[used in construction]
Betelgeuse [Beetle juice] is it the Star of Bethlehem
The Star of Lucifer which is amber light - what is happening
with Betelgeuse which is supposed to light up the SKA so there is no more night-time
Beetle juice is the reason they was telling everyone to stay
inside, Betelgeuse is one of the [9] seven siStars that are connected and will go supernova
Birthmarks – sum are a wound, sum are constellations, sum
are continents, sum are KAANU [Melanin] Ether build up, birthmarks can be
symbols of where you come from in creation, sum are a consolidation of residual
iron during the time of the birth cycle - sum of what the mother is going through
streams into the child, all the emotions and feelings go to the child – good and
bad comes out in the child and is called birth mark also
You have them so that others recognise you
During the transitional process before you had WAJI
[Green] skin, you used to breath Carbon dioxide before because you had WAJI
skin and gold in your blood – then you fell, your blood was based in gold – we became
lower and now its based in iron – which iron is a lower elements on the planet,
which is what true Alchemy is – the changing of lead into gold aka the changing
of the blood resonance [consciousness] aka changing your thinking process which
all you have to do is activate the magnesium in your blood – you then can
process Carbon dioxide the planet can breathing out
Red Iron Oxide
WAJI [Melanin]
Ether [Melanin]
Purple [Plasma]
[7] Light tones
Weather cells are mother-ships
France- bottom row show three crafts, left arrow is showing a cube
there is a lot of energy distortion in the clouds
sum thing setting there
Look at the yellow band around the white core sun
That ray is really there
Craft sitting in the SKA
times the colour red explodes like heated blood
Left image is from 26.6.2022 and the right image is a couple weeks ago
That is the planet and the dome [EMF] that has collapsed
Look at all that energy [Red]
Many people are suffering from anxiety for no apparent reason [me too] its the energies, they can make you unstable
Last 24hr- 48hrs
From the 26th into the 28th for 12 hours we got blasted
From around 4am onwards
over 144hz
After 12 midday we had spikes of 14,000hz and 1,400hz
[3] tones hitting the planet
DNA [DEA] upgrades
Read all data in Chakra energies [colours] radiation
Huge energy exchange, energy lingers for 3 days [72hr]
Hydrogen is colourless but there are [9] colour [energies]
codes to identify hydrogen
These codes are green, blue, grey, brown or black,
turquoise, purple, pink, red and white
[black-brown] is ether [carbon sits in ether] Melanin [KAANU]
WAJI [Green] hydrogen is produced through water
electrolysis [charged water]
Water electrolysis is a process which uses electricity to
decompose water into hydrogen gas and oxygen
Blue hydrogen is carbon neutral
Gray hydrogen is produced from fossil fuel and commonly
uses steam methane
Black or brown hydrogen is produced from coal, the black
and brown colours refer to the type bituminous (black) and lignite (brown) coal-
black isn’t a colour, is ether -carbon sits in Melanin
Turquoise hydrogen can be extracted by using the thermal
splitting of methane, remove the carbon in a solid form instead of CO2 gas
Purple hydrogen is made though using nuclear power and
heat through combined chemo thermal electrolysis splitting of water
Pink hydrogen is generated through electrolysis of water
by using electricity from a nuclear power plant
White hydrogen refers to naturally occurring hydrogen
Red hydrogen is produced through the high-temperature
catalytic splitting of water using nuclear power thermal as an energy source
The gas itself is colourless, these are the
Chakra energies which are radiation - they make up the serpentine energy aka the Kundalini energy
Heat and water [currenSea]
All them smoke screens are hiding the SKA
[7] frequencies [energies]
Plasmatic backdrop
Last image- is that going down or up
Where is that charge going
What is called breathtaking, amazing, wow+
is radiation [energies] that is changing us all from the inside out- both positive and negative
mutating wavelengths
Mt Fuji
Check out the crafts and the colour coded SKA
Older image
Huge craft
Thailand- these crafts are riding the clouds
This craft is [1] of [3] main crafts since 2012
China [Iceland] Russia [New Zealand] Greece [Taiwan]
Philippines- crafts are over the 4 corners of this planet
All the data was there, saw this towards the end
Then this crafts shows up with laser beam on and then BOOMBABY - the last image
Visitors in the SKA
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is [Septarian] Septet
[Sirius] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is
Nemesis, and red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan [Rahu] is the
[electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
SunSet captured
All dogs this side are 97% wolf
The sacred geometry of Dandelions
- the universe is pure geometry
When is the last time you saw a Butterfly or Bee, without them the food chain collapses
Kalanchoe was one of the first plants to be sent into
space, sent on a resupply to the Soviet Salyut 1 space station in 1971
-resupply craft- what else does the Kalanchoe do
Check out the design [symbol]
Its interesting that they had a written language called
Mayan and to have had a telephone then they had a verbal language also, unless
the phone was for others - the image above shows wi-fi headphones with audio- so this basic telephone that they say came from the Mayan is 1,200 years old doesn't make sense at all
Cacique [Kacique] is a Spanish word meaning, King, Prince
or Leader, and these relate to the Taino people and TaÃno means housekeepers,
the Taino comes under the Kari [Cari-bbeans] who there are none left because
the Spanish murdered them ALL and breed the rest out
These people calling themselves Cacique are just Spanish and Portuguese offspring, look at the guy on the right of the main man, he looks like Messi [Argentina]
They need to explain the Cacique [Taino] people correctly
Tumuli [Tamil] Tama
South Korea was split into [3] kingdoms
Korea [Horea] Horus
Pyramids in China and Korea are the same architecture
the AINU [ANU] people were used to create the Koreans
Look at this word Nagaa-Laga
Naga is found all over what is called Asia [minor and
major] Asian
Korea [Horea] Horus is a communications hub
9ft giants at Kim Jong Il funeral, there was around 5-7
of them
Warrior Class
Man and Wombman
MA.AT feather [Shu]
Castle [Kastle] is a Alkebulan word and means Dwelling in the sand, these Castles are found in Africa into Europe, we find this architecture throughout the planet
The Benin Kingdom was a flourishing ancient city situated
in modern day Nigeria, the word Nigeria and Niger [Nigir] are left over Roman
words for the word Negus [Nigg9]
Benin was one of the many highly developed cultures in
This kingdom got its start up when the Edo people settled
in the tropical rainforest of West Africa
The walls of Benin City and its surrounding kingdom was
the world’s largest earthworks carried out prior to the mechanical era
Benin City was also one of the first cities to have a
semblance of street lighting
Huge metal lamps, many feet high, were built and placed
around the city, especially near the king’s palace, fuelled by palm oil, their
burning wicks were lit at night to provide illumination for traffic to and from
the palace
When the Portuguese first visited the city in 1485, they
were stunned to find this vast kingdom made of hundreds of interlocked cities
and villages, calling it "Great city of Benin"
The Europeans were jealous, they were still in cave mentality,
these are earthworks carried out prior to the mechanical era- well there must have
been sum form of advanced mechanical technology being used here, this is an advanced
form of stone masonry
Entrance to the palace of OBA [BENIN]
The walls surrounding the city of BENIN are the same superior
architecture has the walls of China, Mongolia and India- these walls protected
the city of BENIN but was destroyed by the British in 1897 [Punitive], many of
the BENIN lost their lives including wombmen and children
The British don’t just destroy, they assault, they steal,
they take, this destructive nature not only destroyed the city but the British
also took with them 1000s and 1000s of BENIN history with sum of the earliest evidence
of rich Alkebulan civilisations gone in moments
The last image shows HuMin [HuMan] height against the others
Quote: France, especially in muddy and difficult to pass,
postmen used walkers to cross the terrain
On the southern coast of France, near the Spanish border,
there are swamps and sand dunes
In the Perpignan area, mailmen still travel from house to
house on foot along the bay through estates, but it wasn't only postmen who
were walking, villagers also used them for daily commute
By the end of the 19th century, the technology of
draining swamps was invented, the region was planted with forests, and life in land
began to improve, and the tradition of walking began to disappear beyond
At the end of the 19th century, a baker from Arkachon
even walked the distance from Paris to Moscow - 2800 km on walkers and in the
national clothes of the land shepherds : End Quote
The French took this from the Dogon [last images] who they were
studying - the ground looks fine to me
Red is the symbol for war- the warrior class
Moor armored suit
Mozart image is in the British museum where you cannot see it
Yet again man is controlling the narrative
These are distressing scenes in this video
In the last part of this centaury we have been seeing scenes like this to the point were its just news
Everyone is getting their ass kicked out here, however it is only one race that has this type of simulation, over and over again
these children have mothers
A mother knows when there is sum thing wrong with her child and they know when he or she is dead, their bond is closer than close
The more and more the 9ether energy fields become stressed, the more and more the spirit becomes enraged - now times that with a nation, a nation of change
There is a force far supreme that any English word would not be able to compliment this force
There is a a guy in this upload who is actually taking his breath - while many have already
This must end in order to begin - we must break this cycle, many are taking a bullet for the team
The Ma'other energy is different, merge with he-r so we can allow peace [love] to consume the planet to cover over hate and end this cycle
Bonds [Bondage] the stock-markets have already crashed- they just haven't told nobody, yet
You must protect your light at all times
Nu frequencies means its getting tighter and tighter in the 3D realm where you have one foot in and one foot out, these frequencies are higher and means you have to go higher, if you cannot go higher, let go of sum of the weight that you may be carrying, if you have been indulging in sum thing, don't do it this week, sum thing like that, give sum thing up, even if its you didn't eat or drink sum thing, anything- find concessions and give sum weight up, the frequency will strangle you if you are not lighter or light for these nu frequencies are higher [lighter]
Get rid of people that are not your kind of light or you will be fu9ked
S-he is with us
Its a jungle out there stay true to your Ptah
Dragon [Dagan]
the spirit plane is right there
Gabriel A.Oyibo
Everything comes back to zer0, many deal with EMC2
however, everything comes back to zer0 [890123] zer0 is the bridge between 9
and 1- that is it – all you have to know is, be still and I AM – that is it,
don’t let no one tell you otherwise - be still and I AM
Satoshi Nakamoto breaks down into Central Intelligence or
it means CIA- it will crash, no one knows who created it and banks do not know
its origin, wall street does and is to why they are pushing it, it is going to
crash - soular flare that will cause an EMP - so the lights will be going out anyway, how are you going to eat gold and sliver and Bitcoins, when the lights go out it will be for at least 9-12 years before any grid is up and running again, the sun is not playing and nor is she
Mother Star
Heads taken off
the excavations and reconstruction of the site in 1926—1940
Look at the paintings from the 17th and 18th
the excavations
Aethiopians [Aether] ether
Carthaginian (Moor)
Haddan becomes Hadrian
Hadrian(s) Wall is also the Picts Wall in Scotland
Scotland is Scota [NTR]
Trajan is Trojan
[Etrusia] Erusia [Etruscans] was later on called Troy
Etrusia is E-Tru-sia then you get the word Tro-y and
Titanium [Tiranium] was the name of these particular people [Titan] Etrustians
Sparta [Sparta] Spartar] Spartartarian
Hannibal [Hannib’El] Braca [Barcelona]
Arinna is from Etruscan 9ether [Greek] Minoan
Athena [Athena] Athene [Arinna]
Solar [Soul-Ar] means soul or sol = sun and Ar from
Arinna [Canaanite] deity of the Sun from where the word Arena comes from
Minerva is an Etruscan [Greek] goddess of wisdom,
skill in the arts, righteous warfare + serpentine specialist >> from
Latin Athena, from Greek Athēa [IN.ANNA]
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