Sunday, 12 June 2022


The [Love] energy, without it you will never be telepathic

Once you feel that energy, you know what it is
 its different from any other energy that you have consumed before
there are phases to increase your potential 

There are training wheels, like for those who show affection to one another, there are group wheels whereby you come together and create a secondary intelligence that is individual but composed of the collective energy – that is the MaStar-Mind group

There are mental exercises that you can do to train the mind to open the Tele-Ptah-way – get sum one to write a colour down on a piece of paper- the person who is writing down the colour must see the colour in their mind, they must image [i-magi-ne] imagery [i-magi-nation] the colour- see it in their mind – and with the voice that is in their head, get that person to say the colour out loud 
[no voice- say it out loud in their mind]

What happens is when you see the colour, you paint it in the ethers – when you say it out loud in your mind you send out the vibration

Every colour has a weight, a density, every letter in the colour contributes to the weight and density of describing the colour – all letters in the colour has a vibration and frequency of its own – an etheric weight for all letters were created through alchemy and when an alchemist created a letter, they charged each letter with energy, so the collection of letters [energies] that form the word then becomes attached to the frequency to whatever colour that person chooses that projects into the ethers

When you train [test] yourself, you must have no judgment, have no opinion, you are not guessing or predicting, you will receive the frequency if you are open to it, if you want it to be a colour, it will be the wrong colour – do not preload the mind beforehand

You will see things, people, places, all are communication, many of you are communicating with one another already, when you think of that person and what are you particularly thinking about that person play a role, what are you imagining about them, are you play-backing sum thing from yesterday, move forward, use the channel to send them love, to send them sum thing that you shared that may have been a song, memory, a joke, sum thing that made them smile, laugh, grin out loud - this is how you charge people, thoughts are read in real time, that means instant, when sum one crosses your mind its because you crossed their mind, you crossed their mind instantly when you are connected

Think of those you hold dear because you are sending them a vibrational energy signature - likewise with sum one you dislike   

We are all connected, linked to the universal mind, everything [information] that goes up comes back down to the circuit – just like how you were attached to your mother through the umbilical cord and you are still connected after the cord is cut- so you are mentally and eternally attached to the universe

The word universe is [2] words wielded together – uni means together and verse means against and is describing the [2] forces, the front part of the word un come from the KHMT text Nu [Nun] Nut [Mut] Mu and Neit

Nu means the abyss, the deep, and Nut means the energy of Nu and Niet means to weave – the universe is Omega [FEMI.9] and is talking about types of energies that can be used to make you [God] forms in HuMin [HuMan] avatars [bodies]  

Remember Luke, a Jedi flows, you must use the force and that means allow the force to flow

You need Ether [Aether] KAA.NU [Melanin] for telepathy in this phase    

Red [MA.AT + HERU] combined = FEMI.9 ELECTRON NRG
That Red band is nu and would becoming from the suns direction  
That Red bow represents the Dome [Electromagnetic Field] Van-Allen-Belt [Ozone Layer] - all the same things which is coming down permanently, it is penetrating the planet and we can see the superior energy is coming out of the poles of this planet 

The Dome is translucent

NI.BIRU is on the left of the planet and is magnifying the soular energy that is streaming in from the right of the planet- the second set of arrows on the left is interesting- what is causing that

From right to left you can see the Red still present into Orange into Yellow 


All the planets are on one side of this planet [star] that is 180 degrees - all the planets are following this planet 

All planets are on one-side, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn can be seen with the eyes, however Uranus and Neptune you will need binoculars, this means the dimensions are merging because you only need binoculars to see Uranus and Neptune whereas you wouldn’t in general ever be able to see them because they are in a higher dimension but not right now they are not

The entire soul-ar system in on one side [180o] – the last time this happened was in 2004

These planets produce different energies that you use and are part of your Chakra [tree of life] system charges – this will be ongoing for a good few weeks, the Moon will also be used by each of the planets, and the planets will be at different positions and mixing their energies that produce far more superior energies – the light is powering your body and the sun is powering your soul, your soul-ar light and NIBIRU is magnifying the charges

The Schumann is humming and active  

[Amber light] 

You see all that plasma
UV destroys anything that is artificial to this soular system
The plasma is under the dome, so if this image was upright, the plasma would be on the left according to this graph- NI.BIRU is on the left collecting the plasma, soular energy, the [3] tones of Ra and sending it straight back into the planet- nothing is wasted 

The sun does not rotate how NASA show you, the sun rotates exactly like a clock 

Many of the lakes in the USA are former settlements that when the European Americans invaded, they murdered, raped the real people of Atlantis then buried them in mass graves and then flooded the areas

No one cares about dead bodies in barrels except Mafia people

There are tons of sites [lakes] like this n the USA and all those buried will surface- because the truth must be revealed first- like with the twin towers and them finding bones in the foundation that belonged to the Senegal [Central] tribus that were their first 

A 2022 genocide is coming that will rewrite your history 

Whoever controls the SKA [SKI] SKY controls the planet 

All showing the SHEN symbol 
Real poWRA 

The bod-y [a-bod-e] was a female, s-he was inverted 
Everything will go back to factory settings during this cleansing
There are tons of inverts
 UV glitches reptilians 
UV glitches anything that is unnatural to this soular system

Accelerator - because your not dying fast enough

Stay on y-our Ptah 

Craft that appears and NASA cut the feed 


Busy out there from the USA to Japan 
Crafts are becoming more and more frequent in places of interest, dimensions are merging closer and closer 

We are not alone in this war to come

Sum one wrote Miyka'el [Michael] 

[rain] bow 
The planet is at an angle


The numbers don't add up, he fails to mention the plague which destroyed 1/3 of the people
it was called the [black] plague because they said it originated from the black rat- YAWN OUT LOUD 
What we are experiencing in 2022 has been on-going for 512 [400] years and we are all about climax 

This picture was taken in 1894
Why are sum people blurred and others are not- all the rocks anywhere you look are in focus

It always amazes me when you see the people looking at the camera, like they have never seen a camera before, yet they are surrounded by magnificent buildings that require great technologies to build, they are always wearing tailored clothing
-but the camera or is it the person or persons that is taking the picture
-they can only go back 10mins [10 years] in their reality and change things, they can go back and change things in their time-machine and sum times I wonder who is taking these pictures 

Payback is going to be a bi9ch for many 


Two different doorways on MARS [LAH.MU]
You can't see the steps but they are there
same technique like in Egypt
Lahmu is an exotic version of Egypt 

Your real history is written in stone 

Not sure who this is 

Tut [Sut] if that is his name was killed when his Chariot [shuttle] was shot down going or coming from Lahmu [Sedona] 

Akhenaten [Akhen-Aten] Aten [Atun] Aton 
Tutankhatun [Tutankh-Atun] 

With Akhenaten, his hood has been filed off but where the arrows are his hair is present
He is holding the El Khu [Flail] and the El Waas [Staff] 
bringing the great principle of ancient Ihm [Illyuwn] and handing it to you as a feather called MA.AT 

The Romans could not pronounce the word Ntchr [Nedjer] and could only manage the word Nigg9 Nagus [Naga] Negusa 

We are in the Judgement fields [MA.AT]

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