Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Eyes wide shut

We are in Judgement for this is the year of the [Jubilee]

The temple of Solomon is not in bricks and mortar in the Middle-East, the temple has to be rebuilt, the temple of Solomon is Man [Man means Mind] Sol [Sal] Soul [Solo’Amon] is you 

The wombmen selected Solomon, Soloman didn’t select any of his wives

Who gives poWRA is the FEMI9 [Female] 

The Sphinx is Female [Aset] Pulpit [seat] throne aka Mind [KHU], they chose Solomon because he was righteous – wombmen are the givers of poWRA and each of them was giving poWRA to rule because they felt he was righteous – the story of SHEBA [SHE.BA] shows you how the wombmen selected Solomon – Solomon didn’t select the wombmen- the Negustiti [Queen] of SHEBA [MAKADA] came to him, he didn’t go to her – she came to him to test his wisdom to see if he could figure out the riddle that she gave him and he did and they had a son

The war in heavens spilt onto earth and was never supposed to fall onto earth, this planet is a soul simulator

This war has been going on for millions of earth years

The wipe-out of the dinosaurs was a nuclear winter  

You know we are in a simulator and this simulator is on a cycle that is predictable [cyclic] once you get that and inner-stand this, you can step outside of the cycle, once you know this is a computer simulated  program you can step outside of their Matrix and see its unpredictable nature and see the full spectrum of a timeline

These false [Gods] down here have all of us under their illusion and have us working against one another like reptiles – by making us use the reptilian [Triune] brain aka your lowest nature and by blocking your Chakra [tree of life] alien implanted systems – using Nanobots they can block your K.AA energy from connecting with source – which is keeping many in the 3rd dimensional fixed position, which is not the natural state for those who ascend and have eternal Chi [Life] force

You were not built to be stuck in 3D for the 3D simulator is for the B.AA and is a training program

You did not have no concept of the word death until the war fell to earth, you only knew about life and afterlife = continuous 

They introduced death by exploding a collider – a particle accelerator that caused the 4th dimensional beings who those being trained to ascend to be trapped into a 3rd dimensional fixed position reality – they sealed us in by using alchemical formula that closed off the higher Chakras- especially the heart [lov9] Chakra – this is ether [black] KAANU goo that they are actually removing from energy centres [Chakras] from people – this is a very difficult substance to remove if you are choosing to ascend out of [lov9], out of what is good 

Many people are realising that they are grouped up with the others in here, that the 6ethers are grouped up with the 9ethers and that we are all being robbed the same, this means that the 6ethers might tear this Mtf up – gun sales in the USA topped a million dollars for the 4th month in a row

You have to find your Knights of Templars and tell them what you want doing – the crown prince of the holy grail has surfaced; they will know what to do – the real Knights have been trustworthy because they have been guarding the blood of the holy grail

France have been issued a warning at Norte Dame because they killed a very important member of the Templars because they thought that would stop the widows son from resurfacing, to which upon invading fort Detroit they discovered, and being conquered by Chief Pontiac – the real Chief of the [2] feathers – the Chief who only speaks the truth [MA.AT] is what that means, Shu [feather] aka the principles of Ihm [Illyuwn] – [2] feathers [1] is truth and the [2] other is for culture, he is not a full Chief because he only covers [he is provincial] a certain area

Pontiac told them you have offended the lady of the lakes with your presence in her right hand  

The son has to rise from her right hand and the right hand is the state of Michigan because the mother is Mother Earth [Ki]

The Assyrians [aka the 9ethers] created the BAA simulator in order to train, but today no one knows how much deep sh9t we are all in

The fallen that they say is 200 but is 300 in total because 100 remained as guardians, has watches [NaTaRu] and to enforce punishment – these 100 are enforcing punishment on the 200

There is a [God] system that is way higher than [Mans] system, this God system is matter, nature and energies – this system governs the [Mans] system  

The energies as you go up become more fluid because time and space does not exist and for sure does not exist outside of the 3D fixed position- they can come into the 3D and take form and sum vibrate at a higher enough frequency whereby they can take their whole physically form up to the NTH dimension- normally its to the seventh heaven aka the 7D

You have to choose energies; you have to choose between what is right and what is wrong and this is the choice that many will be facing, sum will make it based on the colour of person, when others will choose colour of energy – if I had my way we would get the siStars together and we would help them clean up this fu9king house, real siStars, none of these fake women we have out here, this clean up would include deleting the Pedos, Necro and Zoo off of this planet and those hardwired for nothing at all, and give back the indigenous people their right to be here, separate ENLIL(s) offspring [White, Chinese, Indians] and filter out the women with a heart and delete the rest – energy cannot be deleted so those who need to start off at 1D put them there and those that need 2D put them there, those who need tweaking rebirth them with one of the women who grew a heart – they need to explain homosexuality and if need be, delete it from this planet, those who are pioneer builders [mind] reinsert them to help rebuild and then press reSet- lets go...

The indigenous people were [13] colonies that were originally set up to clean up what was done in Babylon- which is what they did and this means it can be done once again

Most people will not accept ascension or heaven has a reality for they have been fed the h3ll concept and there is no breaking them away from this concept that was given to them by the 200 members

You must be clear about what you know or you will not move forward, you will not progress

You could be [white] or [black] can you separate from hate and be lov9- Dennis Brown said, in order for hate and love to exist the world must come to and end, and here we all are Dennis – many of us just want balance

This is not mandatory or compulsory for anyone, we all have a choice and are entitled to that choice

This does not go against what your political views are, what your gender is or your skin colour, this choice is about what energies you hold and your intentions [actions] of these energies – that is it

They only want to know how righteous you are, this does not mean your beliefs in [God],more about your morals, values, sone right reasoning- do you only debate or do you have sol-utions    

Ascension does not have to do with righteousness completely – you have to be righteous to ascend meaning you were born righteous to be righteousness and failed and you may have to forfeit your right to ascend

The Templars were successful in maintaining the rights of the grail kings, and they did this has the [Vikings] who were sea-fearing Templars hence why its Templars and Vikings expeditions in the USA + South America long before Christopher Columbus came along

The European Templars were well aware of the Americas and the people who dwelled there because they were trading, while the 9ethers were civilizing 6ethers Europeans in Europe and bringing them out of their dark-ages through no fault of their own   

 In doing so, a 9ether siStar in [Greece] called Helen produced a high culture from [1] single school of education set up on the island of Crete and from there we produced your Aristotle, Plato and your Socrates – we also trained you in the art of war, strategies, we trained you in Maths [MAAT] in geometry, philosophy, we taught Leonardo DaVinci, your Van Gough – all this and more was done through the Egyptian [KHMT] SEMU [SEM] SIM [priesthood] all the way into the Romans who were being taught by who you would call today your Libyans and Carthaginians from North African who they had the sciences – and they were teaching the Romans – they were under a different grail king and under his authority – they so-called decapitated Medusa – they stalled the high culture that was developing in [Greece] and began to peruse savage brutality in Rome and use combat because they lacked in artistic skills

In the book of Daniel it says, a single stone was used from a mountain and it came down and crashed at the feet of clay and brass and the holy empire came crumbling down- all rights, America lost ww2
Operation paperclip was a successful integration of the NAZI party into the USA government, which were both falsely set up     

Everyone will be given the right to come from the heart, to come from righteousness to come from MA.AT which is the balancing of the heart [feather]

Anything that does not go to enteral life will be vaporised

The North and South in the USA went to war and they said it was about releasing slaves [Confederation], it was but it was about money, the North was still under the control of the crown aka King George III and the North did not want the independent states that were promised to the [13] colonies to flourish

One thing about this man-made history, it’s a repeat, its self-explanatory, Rome has been given the same thing over and over – they did it with the Huns, they did it in every area that they conquered

They told us that the Holy Roman Empire fell – but you are still under control by the Vatican- the Pope told everyone that the mark of the beast was the Sunday Sabbath- he said that so you know that he is letting you know he is a beast – he has to go, the mark of the beast will come back to money   

Money or the development of your BAA [soul]

You are Matriarchal and the invaders are Patriarchal

Peter on this rock I build my temple, what they don’t tell you is that Peter is Pater [Pter] Ptah
The word Pater means Fater [f’ather] and is why all these Catholic priests are called father
[Ab means father] they are all cross-dressing because they altered them robes from the Nun-neries and the Noon [Nun] priestesses [Semu] are the actual heirs to the Katholic church the dioceses- it is theirs by right of priesthood – they have to be kicked out if they are male, go to a Muslim and ask him if he has heard of Allat who is the counterpart to Allah and he will say no

Nun is the counterpart to Amun [Amon] Amen and that is what Muslims say at the end of their prayer, they say Amin aka Amen aka Amon 

The [Black] Madonna is in Chicago and her name is Khadija and is the reigning Madonna or high priestess and it is Khadija who is selecting the wombmen has the raisers of the 144,000 [144hz]
Chi-Ka-go and Atl-anta are twin energy states 

We are beyond race wars, too many of us are now friends, many have different people in their families now and have gone beyond skin

The masses are coming together and they do not want this, whereas those who share [1] consciousness are formulating, they are coming together [to gather] and they do not want this kind of unity, the energy has separated us and will continue to do so, with many others activating from all races, those who grew a heart are coming with us and this includes [White] [Indian] Oriental + who grew a heart down here during the simulation

BLM is a mechanism to start a race war- we all don’t need it 
– why can’t we just be like Woodstock in 69  

Charles Manson was never a serial killer, he didn’t order anyone to kill anyone, he always said this until he died – the government wanted to removed CM because he revealed that they were going to start race wars – how did he know this – Chris Jones trained CM and he purchased land in Guyana and had sum 9ethers drink sum special Kool-Aid and is the same guy who trained CM in mind control techniques- this took place in San Quentin in 1965 and this guy Chris trained CM in mind control and he wanted CM to get sum upper middle class 6ethers [white] and train them to go out and start a race war – so CM revealed their plot – he didn’t stop there because CM established a network of information that he access to – don’t let them put fluorine in the water, fluorine is a form of mind control drug – they had already labelled CM insane, they locked him up forever

He was the first whistle blower on the NWO

The trees have bee cut down and CM told us this and told you not to let this happen because we need the wattage from the trees – he spoke about the plastic, the water, CM told us this way back when – not from the 80s when they started recording him, CM has been singing the same thing when he got out of prison in 68 [I think] his story never changed from 65 until he died – those around him, their stories changed

What about Helter Skelter – CM spoke about this; this is when the system breaks down so badly

Charles Manson left information so that both 9ether and 6ether could know what was going on and so that they could both see what was going on, Chris trained CM to go and recruit 9ethers, he didn’t do that, he went to the upper class 6ethers – kidnapped their children and he trained them in paramilitary activities and they organised a series of bank robberies – one of the kidnapped victims was called Patricia Hurst [of the Hurst empire] but was called Tanya and she was pardoned by General Ford

CM is not insane, in fact when you listen to him – he is very sone, he is very clear in what he is saying, I wasn’t around in 1965 but fu9k me, how can what he was saying correlate to what has and is taking place – the USA is very important, no other war means nothing out here, no one cares about what Korea or China is doing, what Iran and Israel is doing, it is only about the war in the USA

We will have [white] vs [white] white vs black [black] vs [black] filters applied, then [white] with [black] then filters applied and it will be[white] with [black] against the machine [A.I] governments and other beings, entities – during this exchange it will be positive energies against negative energies

These are important researchers for those who are looking for the deeper meanings to wtf is really going on down here, what have we been really doing down here

CM paid the price so that 6ethers [white] would not enter a race war

JKF also warned you about the secret societies – JKF found out about MK-Ultra, and the bankers because he was forced to sign the emergency war powers act – which he didn’t know that what he was signing was for the service of the country to the international banking community – he warned you about the Jesuits that Francis was trying to extort him, so JKF gave us a speech that we all took notice from – he told the American people he would uphold and protect and he meant it   

People are getting shot left, right and centre, violence is happening to everyone, but there are sum things taking place that the 9ethers are not reacting to, there are things that 9ethers are doing to other 9ethers but no one is reacting, I saw things on YT that normally you would see a reaction from 9ethers – you know why, because the widows son is here, they know he is here

All you have to do, is what is right, in the words of Spike Lee, do the right thing

Don’t fall for no race war, seek unity, we are all worthy of the King-dome that is to come 

Ptah as an ancient Alkebulan [African] Electron Model 

The relationship between [El] and [P-TA-H], the N.TU [Neteru] 

Ptah is given the title [Dū Gitti] Lord of Gath in a prism from Lachish which has on its opposite face the name of Amenhotep II

The title Dū Gitti is also found in Serābitṭ text 353, points out that Ptah is often called the Lord or one of eternity and thinks it may be this identification of [Ēl] with Ptah that lead to the epithet olam eternal being applied to [Ēl] so early and so consistently

[El] is the Origin of the name of [God] in Judeo-Christian, Islamic, and various Mesopotamian text, [El] is from Babel, Bab-El and is associated with A.NU, [El] is those on ANU(s) most high list

EL [the origin of the Mesopotamian name for God] is in the word [ELECTRON]
EL - Mesopotamian word for God
LECT - word, speech, thought [Greek lexis and logos]
TRON - Greek suffix referring to a device, tool, or instrument 
= ELECTRON - a tool for God’s words and thoughts

Study Particle Physics, Study Quantum Physics, learn about the ELECTRON, get to know the Supreme Beings, the [ELECTRO] is [God] and is the word [sone] of [God]

P-ta-h [Tah] Opener, One who opens the ways [9th God]
Ptah as an Electron Model

Electrons arose out of the primordial Abyss of energy during the big bang at the creation of the universe, Ptah rose out of the primordial Abyss called Nun, during the creation of the universe

The Electron is a Sub-Atomic particle that precedes the Atom, Ptah proceeded Atum [Atom] and as the primordial mound, was beneath Atum, or Sub-Atumic [Atomic]

The Electron is the is the worker particle or the craftsman particle in nature response for creating the chemical bonds of Matter, and Ptah was a craftsman [N.TU] responsible for creating in nature

Electrons are the substance of thought, logic and reason, Ptah was symbolic of thought, logic and reason as the Logos and Nous, creating by imagining in his heart and speaking with tongue

The Electron gives birth to light in the form of Photons, Ptah is the father of Atum, who becomes Atum-Re, symbolic of light

The Electron has 7 orbital shells, there are 7 Pygmy [Ta-hites] of Ptah called the Khnemu

The relationship between Electron poWRA, flow [current] and [DC] stable voltage are created by the equation P=1V and this is the OHM[144] law

Ptah holds the staff [Waas] composed of symbols related to poWRA, life [Electron Flow] and Djed [stability]

Ptah beard [9 ether] black hair is touching the Waas and he is communicating with you

Australia, apparently the land of drought, heat and fire, is having to dig chairlifts out of record snowfalls 2 weeks in to winter

Pole shifting  

Water is coming in around the planet and water is leaving the planet 

Soular energy is on its way 

Outside is humming 


Heard a foreign tone in my right inner-ear that lasted a good while, it was a code that I had never heard before that I could only hear in my right inner-ear and was not coming from outside my ear

Although foreign it was coded and felt scrambled but not out of tone or irritating I knew it was sum thing higher- I still continue to have air-depressions in my ear – either ear, although it feels like air-depression its like the whole dimension shifts

You should not be having any headaches, migraines- many were only able to take 7.89hz which has expired and has a result many cannot take the nu wavebands 

Take a knee when things are heavy, do not dwell on things, know in what you know and stay there


The AKUR [EKUR] complex [Giza] is a machine that filters cosmic rays which are Ultraviolet cosmos waves [UVC]UVB[UVA] aka purple backlight, which is a part of the 3black-lights called

[1] U.V. RAYS
[3] X RAYs

[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray [the hidden one]

The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on

The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts, being

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves
  [the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of ether [black][KAANU] light coming from cosmic rays that come from outside of this soular-system

Blackwood Radiation 📡
Not Photoshopped
Tasman Peninsula

Heart Chakra is WAJI
Healing life force NRG is WAJI 

Many colours which is radiation and harmful to sum and energies to others 

UV backdrop 

Buckle up
Heatwaves are incoming 

This soular system and the mini-soular system [kingdom] around the sun 
NIBIRU and this Planet and the other planets are in the mix
two soular-systems on either side 

The Deathstar [Moon] will be under its own full power and will be at its closet to the planet starting 12.6.2022 for 3days onwards which is 72hrs [9]

The Moon will be on full power and means people will be going offline during this phase, the water on the planet will be affected and the water in your head [brain] will also be affected – the colour [energies] of the Moon [Mono] will also be affected has we have NI.BIRU in the mix

This is the 2nd super Moon, May, June, with 2 more in July and August 

Spirit [Spite] 
Hu [Dragon] 

HERU on the Horizon 


The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

We have been here before 

Huge mother-ships and crafts
The purple is coming from the plasma
When the plasma comes from the sun, crafts around the planet either deflect the plasma or they collect it and discharge the plasma in the form of lighting at point blank range

This craft you can see the antenna or gun
Images from the USA to the Philippines to Greece to Taiwan+ 
24hr operation 

Huge crafts have been seen of late around the portal [sun] there are only two ways out of this soul-ar system, one is through the sun and the other is through SAHU [Orion] which are both heavily guarded 


None of these crafts are hiding, the masses will panic, mass hysteria will consume the planet, these crafts are following protocol and this is for your own protection, protection against yourselves because when they break rank, all h3ll will let loose by those in fear, fear of the unknown  
Chinook helicopters are in the SKA, the military is in the SKA because these crafts are in the SKA and there is nothing that man can do about it because they control the SKA thus they control this planet 

No-one or no being can leave this planet aka this soular system, this house is now sealed 

Come out with your hands up, we have you surrounded 

Hologram like 911 

There is a cube [force field] around this planet- there is a force field around this soul-ar system 
This house is sealed

Water is liquid crystal 

Its behind you

A guy used different filters on the sun- the last image shows the portal, the sun is a multi-dimensional portal- we see NIBIRU and the mini kingdom around the sun 

The last image- when I am going through portals, this is what I see, in purple, with a black, pulsating, sumtimes its exactly what you see here but its a jellyfish and I go through the jellyfish
Behind the mirror image is the holographic world, behind NIBIRU is the holographic world, called the spirit world, the parallel world  

They say this is Jupiter and a shield that has been deployed- if they nuke Jupiter it will be lights out for this soular system- Jupiter is a fuelling depot  

5G rolled out in January
Skynet is Amazon
Google A.I is online 

The revolution of miniaturization
In the image you can see, in the human finger, a condenser (electronic component of extreme importance)
Miniaturization has allowed a real revolution in electronics
Trainers are used in electronic circuits They can store and release electrical charges very quickly, being indispensable for our computers
The measurement between the centre of two human finger crests (fingerprint lines) is between 0.2 and 0.85 mm

Mini Dolphin 

Only 10 left

600 in 1997
30 in 2017
10 in 2022

Man is the ultimate serial killer 

Hu, [God] of the Dragon, British translation, Hu = Dragon Ruler, this is where we get the word Human here in Britain, secondly, you have a middle word, Man which comes from the word Mankind, that is three words describing three different things

Hu in Gt Britain is also Chief of the Dragon, every culture has a name for the Dragon

In Malta they shut down an island part in Malta to the tourists for 10 years, in the period of 1930 to 1939, after 26 school children and teachers and the people that tried to save them disappeared
To this day you cannot go into the cave section in Malta

So many examples are out there, letting you know that Reptiles play a heavy role here on Ki, when the movie Predator came out that was the first time, they let you know about upright walking reptilian with locs [locks]

Dragon Society

Two words that we find in old text, Elves which we get Elders, the elder races, then the serpent race, the Dracon, at one time Elves or light bringers came to this soular system has the sun was being reborn, they were here to set up Ki, she is a special planet, sum of their kind got trapped here once the Electromagnetic field changed, they can take on any form, they were in a lower part of the Kosmos, they went into the core of Ki

Sumthing that is taught in Metaphysics and Occult [hidden] studies is that texts, stone, books, symbols, where left to teach the people what was happening

The four corners, or the four tips or four tops is four states in the USA, whose tips or edges connect, Arizona, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico, there are underground bases with thousands, and thousands of serpents, not talking about nests or cities, in these bases, tunnels that connect all four and run all over the USA, the Land Down Under is not about Australia

Taos Hum, New Mexico, gets its name from the humming you hear if you put your ear to the ground, underground Serpent network

Madagascar, east of Africa, they brought back an 80% fossilized sea Serpent carcass, they made a movie about it, Relic, they have also had pairs of sea Serpents attacking ships in the straights of Madagascar, they even turned over a destroyer and another that sailed away

Kosmic Law is in-place means they cannot come to the surface, also they would have to shed their skin, dragons, reptiles, reptilians, serpents do not like to much sun and Re don’t like them

Once the protective field was altered it set up an electromagnetic field, instead of a magnetic field, anyone with a pulse could come to the surface and reside for a while, if you check it, a lot of land is given over to swamp land, marsh land, areas given over, if you follow Reptile characteristics on what they don’t like and like, one is they must have access to water, no direct sun-light, certain game reserves and federal lands that you’re not supposed to live on now, usually where you have wildlife, bodies of water is where you’ll find them, ancient structures always have pool houses, pool pits

There is a small town in New Mexico called Dulce, Dulce translates sweet, it is anything but, only 1200 population of people if that, this place underground house sum of the worst serpents on Ki, underground with six times the space area above, keeps an immediate temperature of 60 degrees, its dark down there, Carlsbad cavern is dark, when you go deeper into these caves there is a bioluminescent light that no-one can explain, there is the light, they say its in the rock, they see fish with lights on them that glow, but the thing is, the deeper you go, its gets lighter

Its so much, the E.KUR [Giza], one of the portal holes [air-shafts] are directed, orientated towards Sahu [Orion] and Septet [Sirius], they dealt with the 12 constellations but primary was these 2

88 constellations was the last count I got to, when you deal with astrology, you deal with 12, you’re leaving out 76, we worked with many star-systems

Sirius is called the Dog-Star by the Greeks, going to the Dogs comes from the Dogon [Dog-on] they would say the Dogons are going to the Dogs, the Mali Dogons

Dogon [Dagan] Dragon

Not binary, it’s A and B and C stars, they have more than 3 suns up there, including Ophiuchus, the Septet lot come down and teach them how to deal with the Reptilians, they were killing the water [Gods], so it was left to the Dolphins who are gifted in physic poWRA, if you have heard a Dolphin beep to you it can drive you out of your mind if you is a physic, Dolphins- rulers of the sea

Dolphins and sperm whales are beaching themselves because of HAARP, the Navy send high frequency sound waves through the oceans, Russia does the same thing, they know what El Nino is, they know exactly what they are doing, they would rather beach themselves than take that sound, they are altering the frequencies when the whales and Dolphins beach themselves

Kanga- shaped like SAH [Orion] and is an antenna to connect to Sirius


Where China get their stickman text from 

Purple Plasma

One source 

 Electron symbol 
The most abundant energy is Hydrogen which to me is Hy-Dragon 


These symbols also serve has warnings of plasma - not everyone has plasma [Khaybet] within them 


30-ft snake

Etruscan [Tur-kish] helmet worn by the warrior clan 
Kish [Kush] 

Carousel made in the Piazza Royale in Paris
Celebrations at the Royal Square of Paris
Par-is [Isis]

The engraving shows giants

Just know that they were here and that they are here once again 

These massive tunnels were dug by a giant sloth that lived in South America 10,000 years ago
Look at those claw marks
They dug tunnels that are a whopping 2,000 feet long, six feet tall and up to five feet wide
Big enough to be comfortably used by humans

They also say Moles dig the tunnels; they use them in hollow earth 

The tunnel entrance is the largest Etruscan [Greek] inscription in Anatolia
Anatolia [Turkey] 

Greek writing looks like Hebrew [Habiru] text- that is because it is 

A magnificent British basket-hilted sword
Blade by Johannes Wundes the Younger 

Nope – that is a Nigg9 [Moor] on the design 

[Petra] Eridu
1900s - 2020s
They have removed the central pillar and added another 2 [???] 

The palace of King Ardashir I, the founder of the Persian Sasanian Empire
Ardashir-Khurrah [Glory of Ardashir], on the bank of the western branch of Tangab river

The structure consisted of several parts opening to a garden with a pool and contained three domes, resembling the Parthian palace at Ctesiphon

This would be todays Iran which comes under Mesopotamia [Eridu] Sumerian [Babylonia] Typhoonia run by the ANNUNAKI [ANUNNAGA]  

The Sasanian Empire
Sasa [Susa]

Persian writing [text] is Cuneiform text is old Persian text aka Abyssinia [Ethiopian] text
There are only 9ethers on the planet at this time, no one else had been created  

Much of the original colours have been removed and faces destroyed, however when you look closely you will see colour and faces of the 9ethers 

Everyone is talking about the Greys, the Pleiades, Ashtar Command 
but no-one is talking about the ANNUNAKI [ANUNNAGA] 

There are positive and negative Reptilians


The traditional dwellings of the Musgum group are buildings made of dried mud, which are made in various shapes, such as tall domed or conical huts
Huts the word comes from the Hutsi [Tutsi] 

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Smiling Faces

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