Friday, 17 June 2022

Band of Brothers

The first king of India was a dreadlock man called SHIVA [ENKI]
Hari Krishna is the story of the little black [blue] boy [avatar] 
The Orisha(s) are ancient 

[4] Kings of INDIA


Abyssinia [Ethiopia] has an intimate relationship with INDIA for HINDU KUSH [CUSH] KUWSH [CUWSH] CUSHITES – the Ethiopians were called the Nagas

Sanskrit came from the Nagas and is written by [MA.AT] in Tamil Nadu

The Nagas are seamen [mermaid] MERMAN who ruled from Sri Lanka, to India into Burma – the Nagas are Amphibians, they are half snake and half man and are called the Nommos and the Yoruba referred to them as Orisha – the Pygmies in Alkebulan referred to them as Ogrigwabibikwa, the dwarfs who changed into reptiles, the Greeks used Dercito for fishtailed HuMins [HuMans], the Mesopotamians used Dagan, half man half fish; the East Indians say Takshaka, King of the Naga serpents – also known has Ogdoads and also Malayket Bahri [River Angels] from which the mermaid stories came about, the great kingdom of Indian was known has Naganadu

Takshaka [Tak-Shaka] Shaka Zulu 

Kushites and Puntities [Ethiopia and Somali] have records that name ports Outculit, Hamesu and Terkru which corresponds to Adulis, Hamasen and Tigre

Indians’ enlightenment comes from the NTH gate Ethiopia – the first king of India was a dreadlock man called SHIVA [ENKI] and the SIDDI [SIDDHI] SIDI [SHEEDI] and SAWAHILI and HABSHI group hold that bloodline – the SIDDI have been in India for 1000s of years and are part of the BANTU

The SIDDI have the same bloodline has Kings like MALIK ANDIL KHAN SULTAN, JAMAL Al-DIN YAQUT, MALIK SARWAR and General MALIK AMBAR – these are the [4] kings who ruled INDIA aka NAGALAN

Malik Andil Khan Sultan who set up the Habshi dynasty, his throne name is Saifu-d-din Abul Muzaffar Firuz Shah and he takes the throne from another 9ether [Alkebulan] called Shahzada Khoja Barbak who this Ethiopian conquered Bangladesh – and he was a Siddhi

Malik gave to the poor; he was compassionate – Malik built the city and you can see this in Gaur

Jamal Al-Din Yaqut who became Amir of the Amirs – Jamal started out has a Habshi and lived in Delhi, Jamal was around with the last [Queen] and first of Delhi and her name was Raziya

The Turkish were in the area and killed her

Malik Sarwar was king of the East and his leadership carried over into his sons called the SHARKI kings who were all 9ethers

Malik Ambar whose real name was SHAMBU was born in Harar in 1550 was an Indo-African man – he held back the Mongolians for 20 years

These [4] were all 9ethers from Alkebulan [Africa] who ruled Naganadu [Nagalan] that the Indians of today would rather forget out

The word Indonesia comes from two words Indo-Melanesia and out of Melan-esia we get the word esia which becomes Asia
Melanin means [black] aka ether [KAANU]
Malaysia is Mala [Mela-nin] and sia [Asia] just like Himalaya [Hi-mala-ya] Mala [Mela] and Polynesia which is Poly-n-esia [Asia]
There is no such thing has Asia minus and Asia major
Asia [Oriental] and Asian [Indian]  
Amnesia [Amn-esia]  

 Castle [Kastle] is an Ethiopian word and means dwelling in the sand

KAUR means Lioness
AKUR [EKUR] also means Lioness and is where the baby lion is [Babylon] aka the Sphinx is 

The [Buddha] controls the planes, the dimensions, they were not one people or a group, they were a tribu [nation] that came from Alkebulan [Africa] into Asia today  

Physical matter is music solidified — Pythagoras or in Sanskrit Nada Brahma, the world is sound [sone] Om

Pythagoras was taught by the KHMT [Egyptians]

Om [Aum] Owm [W-om-b] Yomi [Yoni] Sound of Life
Nada Brahma [the world is sone]

[Braham] is A.NU [ANU]
Abraham and Braham are the same being
#Abraham and #Brahma are the exact same names and all you need to do is subtract the vowels and vowels from both words


Abraham [Brahma]
Ab means father 
Ham is from KHAMI 

= Abraxas >> which is the centre of the Cosmos = the centre of the Abyss, the Deep [Nu][Nun]

The father is the body [Asaru]
Jesus is [sun] son is the mind [Heru]
The spirit [holy spirit] would be the observer [Braham the observer- Shiva the mind masculine- Vishnu the receiver-] the holy spirit would also be the Femi9 energy [Aset] [KA.LI] because ENKI [Shiva] and INANNA [Kali] are twins

The observer, thought and feeling condensed into a body
The universe is expanding or contracting [condensing]- she is doing both, universe means uni- together and verse means against and is balanced by you

All takes us to a death [birth] stage aka reSet

This is the one Rwandans call SHYEREZO and sum times called MUNTU [MONTU]

He is the King of Nyabiru and is responsible for a project of genetically engineering first HuMins on earth- first in east Africa then more engineering’s in Iraq [Mesopotamia] E-reth [Eridu] 

BUDDHA [BUTHU] and its parent NAGA and HINDU-KUSH  

Their name is not Buddha and there are loads of them from Senegal into Ethiopia 

One land mass back then 

Deva [Diva]

The MON [MUN] of Thailand 

We had the Mon, the Funan and the Vassalage all with different kingdoms and one of the Mon(s) kingdoms was Dvaravati and was centred at the Chao Phraya River valley in modern-day Thailand, with Nakhon Pathom as the capital

Other Mon states are to the west in southern Myanmar [Burma], and with the Mon state in northern Thailand, in the late 13th century, when Dvaravati was absorbed by the current inhabitants of Thailand – the Mongol Thai’s

The Thai were a Mongol people who had already emigrated from southern China and had at first founded only small settlements which were then under Khmer hegemony

In the beginning of the 13th century, they gradually succeeded in becoming free of the reign of the Khmer, who had previously conquered the Mons

The first Thai kingdom was Sukothai in the central plains of Thailand, from which originated the modern Thai culture, which is a blend of Mongol and Mon

The Thai alphabet and script were developed during this Sukothai period and is where they get the morden day name Thailand 

Sut [Suk]
Thai [Thailand]

Subjugation did not mean immediate extinction for the Mon however; it appears that the Thai allowed the Mon to retain their customs and a relative degree of racial homogeneity for a time, of course that could not last very long, naturally there would be cross-breeding

And today, it would be very difficult to find a Thai with purely Mongol blood or one with purely Mon blood

This is a Keypad [Keylock] 

The Khmer [Cambodia]
Khmer [Khemer] Khemet
Angkor Wat [Ankh-gor] gor- hor [horus] Heru

In Cambodia, the second great Khmer Empire to arise, after the fall of Funan, was that of Angkor
The city of Angkor was located in the modern Cambodian
Angkor itself is a Cambodian interpretation of the Sanskrit word Nagara, which means [black] city
Nagara [Naga] Naki
[Ra] Re

The Khmer were the original 9ether civilization of Cambodia


Angkor Wat can hold 750,000 people an
The Wat comes from the word Wattage [Watts] because this place lit up like the Godfather
The Khmer kingdom at Angkor was the most powerful and architecturally prodigious culture in Southeast Asia
The Khmers had lived for millennia in this region, and had earlier kingdoms known as Funan and Chenla
These kingdoms were the superpowers of the region in ancient times, but as of late, had been dominated by the new regional superpowers of the time, namely China to the north and Java to the south

Angkor reached its first peak with the ascension of Suryavarman II
Suryavarman II expanded the kingdom into Vietnam and Thailand, and built the famed Shiva temple of Angkor Wat

But the southern Vietnamese state of Champa would not be subjugated
The Chams of Vietnam regrouped, and launched a covert counterattack
They quietly sailed up the great lake of central Cambodia – the Tonle Sap and attacked Angkor
With this attack, the Cham began to take the offensive, and within a few years, the Chams had sacked Angkor and executed its king
But the Khmer were not done, they immediately regrouped for an attempt to take back Angkor Jayavarman took over 



Two brothers

Suryavarman and Jayavarman are ENLIL and ENKI 

You can still see sum of the original colours 

Found in Nagalan 

Copies, everything you see has already been seen before

Jayavarman VII’s reign was the pinnacle of Khmer culture, but after his death, things began to slip away, the Thai kingdom of Ayutthaya was in ascendance, and after several unsuccessful attempts at destroying the Khmers, they finally sacked Angkor

The last sacking forced the Khmer to abandon their capital at Angkor

The Khmer eventually regrouped in a new capital at Phnom Penh, many miles to the south, but the glory period of Khmer history was over

Over time Cambodia was continually subjugated by its now, more powerful Mongol neighbours

As each of them in their turn, gained control of Cambodia, that precipitated the movement of Mongol people into Cambodia

Now at this point, the Khmer were living the high life until finally in 1863, and you know who’s coming to destroy everything, Cambodia became a French territory, by then all had been lost, and the Khmer had been absorbed, producing the current inhabitants

Angkor Wat- many of the inhabitants from Aztlan were taken by the Ulmec [Olmec] to Angkor after they returned to Aztlan and found the Grey Reptiods had infiltrated the inhabitants and they were blood sacrificing - sum went to Angkor and sum went to hollow earth 

Why would it be in a museum 

Enoch [Kha-Nowk] who is Tehuti  

Arinna is from Etruscan 9ether [Greek] Minoan
Athena [Athena] Athene [Arinna] Athens 

Solar [Soul-Ar] means soul or sol = sun and Ar from Arinna [Canaanite] deity of the Sun from where the word Arena comes from = soul arena [solar]

Minerva is an Etruscan [Greek] goddess of wisdom, righteous, warfare + serpentine specialist >> from Latin Athena, from Greek Athēnē


The originals are now in Naples Museum and they show Minerva, Neptune, Mercury and Vulcan 
Notice all have locs [locks] - braids 
Is this not A.NU, ENLIL, ENKI and INANNA 

Pompeii and Herculaneum
-from Latin amphitheatrum, from Greek amphitheatron meaning double theater, amphitheater, neuter of amphitheatros - with spectators all around, from amphi -on both sides, from PIE root ambhi- around + theatron [theater]
Theaters were semi-circles [dome] thus two together made an amphi-theater, like half an ear 
Built by the Etruscans, these are speaker boxes, all around is talking about surround sone
Made of stone because stone holds frequencies and charged [theatron] 
Amphi is also short for Amphibians who need to be around water 

The sone, tone, vibration, frequency, acoustics is superior  

Pompeii to modern day stadiums
Oval eye 
All shapes hold different frequencies, energies
90mins for a game of football that is played 45mins each way [9] 
Boxing matches inside a cube- a cube traps energy differently from a triangle or a sphere

They flooded the dead-sea and buried a city down there- there was also a primordial speaker box that was still operational 

Its on backwards and is not Roman, this is Carthaginian 

Shango [C-han-go]
Hannibal [Hannibel] Hunnibel [Hannuman]

When the Chinese broke into the abode of Hai-hun-hou [Haihun] they found [2] smoke-absorbing lamps from the Han dynasty
The lamps are in the shape of a Goose catching fish in its mouth, the light is attached to the fish, they say that the smoke emitted during the burning of wax, incense would enter the birds [YAWN out loud] body via an intake on the fish, travel through its neck and be dissolved by water stored in its hollow body- how did they get the water down there

Lantern with adjustable lighting - different markings, symbols 

This was also found, are they Camels in China - are these Camels 

Serpentine [Kundalini] lamp 

Those that just say its summer are mistaken 
Europe and the USA are getting fu9ked 

Next frame is at 22:06

NASA delete 3hrs, yesterday they deleted 5hrs

Its not just CME(s) that they don’t want you to know about, its all the crafts that are coming out of the portal as well 

All the planets are following this planet 

The crown of the planet 

NIBIRU is right there 

Canadian SCHUMANN 

When you see the SKA like this, know these are mutating wavelengths that are changing you from the inside out 


The SKA [SKI] SKY continues to message you
Red, Orange, Green
The Sun is up around 3:17am while the Moon is still doing its rounds on a 90o angle at the same time, we are only seeing the Moon on energy days and on the lead up to a nu Moon
Clearly the Moon and Sun are doing different things depending on where you reside
Birds chatting, Seagulls are not by the sea but are more inland – the electromagnetic fields stay charged, there is no night or day, no beginning of days, no ending of nights

[7] tones

UV [Purple]
[what is that going down the side]


The Kingdome around the sun that is to come


The sun [Conscious- dark-energy-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark [ether] force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide [magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU, and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu, in [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

Crafts on duty 

7:54 and then 8:06 sum thing comes through from lower right to upper left real fast 

What is down there from the right 





Was this taken through a window, if not wtf is al that at the top, looks like the national flag 

Africa, Australia, Canada and the USA

Lake Mead behind Hoover Dam, the water levels on the Colorado River- fed reservoir is at extinction levels, what is the dam hiding down there 

Tic toc

Between 3,000 and 10,000 cows die in Kansas [Texas] through the heat-wave that is moving through Kansas - but is it the heat - its not that common and it is not that rare
So what is going on, the heat is not only coming from the SKA but is also coming from the ground, however 3,000 to 10,000 cows did overnight 
It is water contamination, heat, poison or to do with food supplies - that is an awful lot of meat for meat eaters - bottom line is that all GMO has to go- they were getting rid of the pork 2 years ago and even today we see pork being deleted - they were burning the crops and killing the chickens after that  
Remember mutants can eat anything like Macdonald
Bison is the red meat that we are supposed to eat 

Are we talking frequency attacks- birds dying 

We have soul-ar energy streaming to the planet and this is a first that all the sun-spots are directly facing the planet, not just off or to the side, the sun spots are bang on facing this planet

 The planet is not under attack but the world is but not Africa 
Look at these lighting strikes, ships are over the SKA and 

Look who is getting smashed and look who isn't 

Humanity is getting attacked but not the HuMins of this planet, it is humanity and mankind that are getting it - Brazil a craft came down over there and the soldiers were looking for it, it got caught in the plasma storm 

Between NASA and the elites that control NASA they have never experienced power like this before, this is advanced technology - many people are feeling it 

 There are too many Indians in India 

While you were sleeping 
WTF happened to that guy in the Russian church

Nature and her forces are tearing this house down 

In the clip we see the Maasai [Spartans] getting ready, it is the Maasai that wear red 

SCP-682 is based on a real-life sea monster found by a group of soldiers after a tsunami in 2006 on an island Sakhalin in the east part of Russia and near Japan

The remains of the carcass have been scientifically identified to be that of a beluga whale- ok then 

Where does Russia have their Jurassic Park

 They say this is a whale

This washed up in Indonesia 

Kuwaiti and seen from space

Osborne Reef [Florida] USA


Her name is Fatou John and she recycles tires into furniture

The people can make the changes this world needs 

Waste not, want not 
These people will be here After Earth 

Abby looks good and is next level - she will give the Jamaicans a run for their money 

-this was deep, Mohammeds mum gave pure lov9, 100% undiluted and in an instant, he knew…
A mothers’ bond [love] is universal – I felt that, watched it twice – I dislike things like this but awareness [consciousness] reminds me of what needs to be done

We have to end all wars and find peace – this starts in the heart, mind and a thought, the heart and mind are connected

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