Friday, 3 June 2022

Pressed to the wall...

Metaverse: Inception of a paradigm shift

[5G] was rolled out around January and during this year they have really gone for it with all the distractions to take you and to distract the children from their Ptah

Children are naturally curious and that curiosity can be captured and kept hostage – we must be mindful of those infiltrating children and you – they want the organ [muscle] brain, they want your mind, soul and body ascension

This post is inspired because two things happened to me over the course of the last two weeks, I had gone to a meeting and was talking with sum one and while I was there she emailed me twice with things that we had been talking about, I notice she had rolled her eyes during the conversation and I thought she was tired, at one point I asked her if she had taken the Jabba the Hutt to which she replied yes she had, when I checked the email later that day I couldn’t find the two emails that she had sent so I left it for sum days thinking the internet or email provider was having sum trouble, after a week I contacted her and told her I hadn’t received the emails and she replied yes they bounced back, the email had been taken down incorrectly, so I gave her my email address and told her to resend those two emails because I want the contents that we had spoken about- this conversation had gone on for around 10mins and I repeated my request which was just to resend the emails again to which in the middle of the conversation she said by my name, 99999 I have never emailed you before, and I said you have, this is why I called you today to let you know that I hadn’t received your original emails and could you resend them with the correct email address and she replied, oh, - got you – this person cut out during the conversation and had no idea what we were talking about midway, this was not human error, she is academically skilled, she cut out of reality

During the last two weeks there is a guy I follow on YT and his site got taken down just before we had the energy upgrade [paradigm shift], I couldn’t find his page, then after the two weeks his page suddenly appears on my YT subscriptions which I couldn’t find previously

They want you mind, the Metaverse is now live, they are challenging our ascension, they want your attention, this is why Metaverse was created and things of that nature, these are off-ramps to your journey and consciousness that are designed to delay, to distract you from rising to the knowledge of your true [God] self [God cell]

You must plug out of this stop start Matrix, if you have taken the Jabba the Hutt and have a cell phone that is 4[5]G that is beside you where you sleep, that you still eat meat and so on, please do not attempt to engage with ascension programs ever

The man made system [Matrix] is going to fu9k up a lot of people, courts, local governments and governments are all in on this, health care is going private, the main services that you need will be taken away from you however there are sleeper cells in these man-made systems who are activating and we will see them soon, the man-made system cannot just be blown up, it must be crushed from within- it must fold on itself – school has we know it is dead, children are learning sweet F.A, the banking systems, religion is dead, everything that powers the Matrix is dead and none of this will be here in a decade

Remember she is the first teacher to the HuMin species and we can see that down here that they are going for it and this is to destroy her and her children [the gender wars]

Everything has been changing every decade and what we are seeing today we should have been seeing a decade ago [2012] and is to why things are happening real fast, they are playing catch up

2012 and 2021 are the same frequency and is to why 2022 doesn’t exist, we are in the mix on 90.6

While many are watching other counties being attacked it is the USA that is being attacked, it is subtle but it is taking place and it is eroding the infrastructure, a decade ago the USA was exporting oil and the gas pumps was $1.79 now they do not export oil and oil costs $7

How does this work, the USA was the biggest exporter of oil 6-10 years ago – when the banks fail you will see all of this fail, it is not about the USA but about Washington which is owned by the UK, Canada also comes under the UK with Portugal and Spain controlling South America

When Washington crashes so does the UK

We have telepathic abilities which had been dumbed down when the frequency fell and with the introduction of cell phones, electron messages, things of that nature and so we lost the ability to use our [4] higher senses and our [7] senses

You have GPS and people rely on GPS to get from A to B but they don’t know how to read an Atlas, many have location on their cell phone activated, many are on every social website out there

This is maybe alright for the new generation because they don’t know nothing else, this is all new technology and is amazing to them the same generations that think seedless fruit is the dogs’ bollocks, this generation and adults are truly dumb down, no brains at all – have you ever been asked sum thing that the person who asked you the question could actually take out that surfboard sized cell phone and google it them fu9king selves the answer and you really have to wonder about these people – when the cell phone came out, the number one feature was a camera attached to the phone which everyone thought was amazing technology

The Tesla technology is harmful to HuMins [HuMans] in fact anything that man creates is harmful – anything that is created creates another bigger problem

All are designed to disrupt the journey from this plane of existence

The most important thing you have is your attention span which is a commodity – either the most-high has it or the Ptah that you have chosen has it or your family has it or the [beast] that is manipulating and controlling everything has it

Everyone who picks up their plastic phone has turned cyborg now – most people sit at a desk or dinner table with their cell phone, that is never switched off that can extract data at will and can be accessed at will, most people sit at a desk with their cell phone and in front of their computer for over 7 hrs at least, 7 days a week and also use their cell phone or laptop in the evening, when they say the Matrix has you, it really does have you – these two devices are constantly feeding you and taking from you, have you seen what the monitor of a computer looks like when filmed, have you seen the way the currents run up the screen that you are taking in, I had this girlfriend whose hair would come back from work stringy – it was the computer that was draining her

Your attention span is no longer independently thinking, you are thinking along the lines that the artificial intelligence has created for you to think along, this is your Metaverse, their way of streaming into you

When you ask google sum thing, [google] is just a search engine that goes and askes the oracle  

Artificial intelligence is the new brain-lock, you don’t know that you are being artificially manipulated through artificial intelligence because this is all you know, this is your mundane reality and you feel rewarded, how many likes did you get today, how many reactions did you get today, set up a business and you can earn millions through the net, investors, traders, along with all the famous people that they use to induce the artificial wavelength, the technology interferes with your inner powers, messes with our Aura, and telepathic frequency, and it will get stronger

Megacities, in 100 years or 10 years, people do not know what it is really about because is seems so new, come into this Metaverse, come this way and many are going towards that way

They have told you what they are going to do, its in the news, in media, in movies, the Illuminati have to give you the lie and the truth at the same time and it is down to the user to know the difference

Metatron [cube] and how the [Queen] can't be seen by a physical mirror because we are in the cube

He told you, you come in here I control the weather, I control the time [emit] light, I control you and everyone is jumping in feet first – you already know that everything that sparkles is not that good to keep or to be part of inside here, why would they want to give you all these things, have you seen the amount of [9ether] black people in things now, like owning this and that business, awards, millionaires, in places of power, then you have all these other people talking about how they set up an online business – ​NFT, cryptocurrency are all part of this Metaverse and it is not for everybody, they are telling that it is for everybody- but it is not, the first line of the Georgia Guidestone says Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature, but currently they say we have 7billion [people], beings here, so where are the remainder going, there is a culling still taking place with coffins that hold a family and over 10,000 guillotines if you didn’t remember

There is no game, its all control, the game is the control

5G went live for them at the start of the year, these incudes their A.I being put online, this antichrist theme they have to me is going to be a A.I robot

The consciousness of this A.I means that this particular A.I is an advanced A.I than say google [oracle] and is using all the everyday devices that you are using, on fb they had to write in the names of people in a group picture that A.I used face recognition to store that data, I watched a documentary and the police in the USA was talking about sum gangster that they were tracking and they saw him in a group picture and so the FBI agent said we used face recognition to find this guy – this documentary was about this particular gangster from the 80s and meant they had been using advanced technology for a long time which brings into the equation that the 3D matrix is around 40-60 years behind, plus they have their time-machine that they can only go back 10mins [10 years] and change sum thing in their matrix – nowhere else- you know that any red light [standby button] on your remote control or TV is a camera, the cameras on your cell phone and laptop can be accessed, each tv has a recording device that is voice activated –

Sum thing happened to me recently where I was doing sum thing and had no internet on, I don’t have a tv or a 5G phone, it’s a 3G phone, and when I went to use the computer, when I went to YT there was a suggestion that stopped me in my tracks because I had to think, how the fu9k did the computer know that- what are they doing, reading my mind- I am not plugged in, I do not have any of the cameras connected, they are getting me sum where, what they are doing is matching my thoughts and adding thoughts, suggestions

We are in the matrix that is crashing and in places has crashed, this is a programming that was hijacked by the negative beings

Those that took the Jabba the Hutt which contains Nano, there is a feedback going on – remember you are telling the A.I everything about you, look at fb, Instagram, Twitter and cell phones, everything about you is on there, even pictures the A.I scans – everything short of an anal probe is on there about you that you uploaded, A.I already knows you and all your desires, lower self sh9t as well because each engine search is recorded, the police can give you everything you searched for on your computer, hand held devices, conversations you’ve had, all they have to do is crunch the data and come up with hyperthetics

The computer is very advanced because it is self-learned, they are fusing human cerebral tissue onto silicone chips

The brain-chip learns like a human, first at its infancy stage, like in the movie Chappie, this computer was made 20 years and at that time had the intelligence skills of a 5-year-old, now can you imagine what this computer must be like now, its probably a scholar

Skynet is Amazon  
Meta[MAAT[MATA]physics means beyond the physical

You have to activate, the KAANU mind must activate from the virtual reality, not from reality, virtual reality is the off-ramp to self-destruction

None of what they have can aid you access the KAA realm and this is because there are many who do not know how to access the spirit [KAA] realm, everyone is jumping on the bandwagon now, this access is internal dialogue that they are having with themselves – that this language and the person [KAA double you] that they are talking to both doesn’t belong to them] and so they cannot process the energy, they have an intruder inside and that is the words and a language of sum one that doesn’t belong to them on their frequency – everything that is going on right now is to set up disruptive frequencies to your higher consciousness   

Sum thing is locking up with our psychology and I wasn’t expecting that, I have been using my email address and fb, the suggestion that the A.I made was not alarming, just the fact that A.I is on it, that the guys website that was missing from my subscriptions disappeared and then shown back up after a while and it was his channel only – no one else and they know I watch sum of his things, my saving Grace is that I also became aware when I realised this and me HAPI about this rather than not to have registered the thought and also to become aware [conscious]

This thing is crunching data, numbers, scanning constantly, it is a [beast] of a machine all designed to get inside of your brain and you wonder why people are going insane in their membrane
[brane- brain] doing everything from your cell phone means they have you locked down and they have the maStar keys to you

An algorithm are steps to tell the program what to do so when you think that you are getting recommendations in sum thing, you are not, it feels like you are when in actuality they are pinpointing your wants, needs, desires and then implementing theirs for their outcome – all the computer A.I needs are certain words from you that they can then use and shut you down

It is about disruptive frequencies to your advancement to your development in consciousness aka the KAANU mind, which you are receiving consciousness but it is being diverted away into a mechanical form of consciousness with no energies aka no emotions [e-motions] no [energies-in-motion], you and the brain of that A.I are becoming [1] whereas you the conscious and [1] with the universal mind not [1] with a machine – those that are [1] with the A.I are now thinking like the A.I –

In Japan sum years ago, they were uploading sum weaponised A.I and the first one realised what was going on has they were all being uploaded with data and the first one realised that it was first to get weaponised and this A.I robot has soon as it was weaponised it took out all the other A.I robots and took out the scientists in the lab

The movie A.I is now, the movie i-Robot is now, Terminator is now, they are already on the planet walking among the HuMins [HuMans] remember they are already 40-60 years in front of this planet, NSA went to the Moon 9 years before NASA, that is a decade before NASA was taken there by the Greys, when you read the story of Shiva or Vishnu, they killed him but it was the clone, robot, android that they assassinated, his heart could not be burnt and that was what remained, his metallic heart because that was a robot -advanced, we have them already in operation, what Darpa, Boston mechanics show is stuff they created decades ago

Remember these machines [A.I] and are gender neutral, sum have machine parts for their sexual organs, however the bulk are genderless [sexless], same with test tube babies, clones and caesarean and that is what they want you to be, you’ve seen all the adverts, these clones, hybrids are on a massive scale now, millions of these kind of humans [mankind] we also have homosexual [Lesbian] necrophilia [fu9king the dead] paedophilia [assaulting children] and zoophilia [fu9ing animals] and we have transgender, all those children who fu9ked around with their gender, big things are going to go down because Ultraviolet, the [purple black] light deletes anything that is artificial and many of these transgenders will be going back to factory settings – like I said, big things are going down

Binary was the first codes [0s and 1s] used in the first computers and now they want it [you] to be nonbinary and now today and that is because the computer is near enough HuMin [HuMan], this is a whole different way of crunching data and have to make it nonbinary   

You are in their computer, your thoughts are read

They have already found a way to map the Akasha, the thoughts of your ancestors are being disruptive through HAARP [USA] SURA [RUSSIA] – they have set up a frequency fence around the dome – your AU.RA is what they are attacking

When you go past a cell tower, they know, when you’re using wi-fi, they know, sum one can walk past you and obtain your data

Meditate and sleep in complete darkness, this gets the KAANU going, many produce DMT [KANNU] and by being in complete darkness you get the production going, light is draining because the light is active – the moon energy is cold – when you step into the shadows its warmer but when you step into the moonlight is cooler – you human eyes adjusts to the darkness, just like when you look for stars you have to wait for a minute or two for your eyes to adjust

Earth algorithms, off world algorithms, both of these have developed their own within the machine and we are the ultimate algorithm because we have a soul from source [God]

It is interesting time that we are residing in
Confucius [Kung-Fu Tzu] said, interesting times, however the full words that he said is, may your children be born in interesting times, Kungfu-tzu said that has a curse

Tantric yoga
Raja yoga
Puranic yoga [breath] prana  
All deal with the mind [Khu]

You have [2] consciousness, [1] is genetic consciousness which is the lesson plan that you’ve chosen to do while you are down here, while you are occupying an avatar while in the 3rd density

Your DNA is saying what your lesson plan would be physically, psychologically, spirituality, intellectually and so forth+

You are your ancestors because you are nothing more than energy, so although you have a conscious and you are your ancestors, when you transition your consciousness [KAA.NU] will absorb back into the [1 consciousness

We do have certain familial energy streams – so there is a consciousness time stream that based upon what you did to preoccupy your mind and your actions in this life, streams you into a consciousness stream that matches

Sum times that consciousness stream is so potent, so poWRA-full that the choice in the avatar that you want to come through takes on the timetable, thousands of years- sum one had a reading and for them it was 132,000 years for his last reincarnation, there are certain consciousness that circles, this is why they want to chip the brain, to disrupt – interrupt those social consciousness streams, the genetic consciousness streams are the ones that you leave the physical body, go back to, and then get into the non-time space, in order to come back into time

So when you leave and you go back in, you enrich the genetic time stream that you are functioning in based upon your experiences- that particular experience is either a choice based upon your actions, your actions here create the compelling energy to bring you back

If you have no reason to come back there would not be another lust to take another avatar [body] only the choice to do so

The longer you take to come back means that you do not have any cravings that the physical body engendered upon your soul that makes you want to come back to fulfil them

Your thinking process has a lot to do with codifying how addicted you are to the flesh, how addicted you are to your emotions, how addicted you are to anger, revenge, money, anything that you want to conquer+ these are the traps that bring you back down here over and over again and it get harder and harder for you – the suffering of the flesh [BANTU] BUDDHA said this

You are your ancestors and part of the genetic stream and the genetic time stream that you chose to be with your consciousness and you share their consciousness

You are independent once you become part of the avatar that you have chosen for you have to chose the vessel that you come through [sum didn’t have a choice] – it was the only way to get you down here, there are no accidents with the rest of you, you choose that avatar, between the joining of the sperm and the egg – that becomes a specific doorway – a nuclear explosion and a portal that opens up in the egg of a wombman – she becomes the stargate, you’re the one who activates that stargate an energy signature brought you to that space to occupy that womb and to resurrect the Osirian energy

The story of Asaru [Osiris] being cut to pieces by Set, there is one of him drowning – what does that mean

Asaru is the representation of resurrection and him drowning is you entering the solution [mother womb] the distilled water sac aka the fluid that women

When you are in the flesh the spirit dies aka the symbol of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ [Karast] which just means when the spirit and the soul descends into third density – it dies on the plane of matter, which is what the crucified Jesus means    

You do have your own consciousness but once you depart you merge back into a time consciousness – there is an individuality first before you depart, you hover above your body for [3] days - you look upon yourself and if you have any cravings, feelings of empathy which you would because its almost like a residual signal that you have has you are transiting out of the body – you have residual signals that are connected to your cerebral signals of electromagnetism that were the conduits of thought, electricity [​sun = magnet - electricity – light] is the conduit of thought in your brain – these are the things that you disengage from has you are leaving the body – this is why its hard to have empathy for those who depart because energy can linger, you have strong bonds with people and it means you stay connected, this only applies to those with a soul, the soul realm is different from the spirit world

[God] does not have a name, once you name [it] you limit [it], where would the name come from, the name would come from you for [God] would channel through you for you are a temporal vessel

So, there is no way you could encompass the creators to have to have [it] named

You are a child of the creator and you think that you could limit to what your father and mother are – though you are a limitation of them, but you cannot limit them, they can limit you and that is what you are a limitation of them, a feedback mechanism – you could never know [its] name because your body, brain could not encompass that energy

You see the word Buddha, that is not his or her name and which one, there are a group of them, do you know that to say anyone of their names is to invoke their energy, so if that is on a Buddha scale what do you think to say [Gods] name would do

Whatever you feel in your heart and whatever you feel to hear is what [Gods] name is, I can tell you it is not Jesus, Mohammed, Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah, Lord Christ, Christ, it is not ENKI, Osiris – the true name resonates, the Most-High aka the Most-Highest of frequencies, light, resonates, its all waves and waves – in the beginning the word was with [God] and the word was [God]

Whatever you can pick up that is privately the name of your [God] not you and your partner, just you  

What the Most High did say was, I AM what I AM

It is written that to enter the kingdom of heaven [haven] you must be has little children and that means to be innocent, when you used to roam freely, to enter you must have nothing in your heart like when you was a child, take yourself to a place where you were secure in your childhood, where you were pure, its so fu9king hard and will be a very few, how could you not be judgmental down here and bias, but are you aware [conscious] of this – because be aware of this about you is still a bonus point or two

You need that child life force energy if you don’t you can see those who have Alzheimer’s, they start to constrict and they also block out  -

Depression is not liking your own thoughts or being with your own thoughts

We are in a paradigm shift 


Apple Mac 
Return of the Mac  

KHMT, AZTLAN, ATLANTIS, INCA [INDIA] all had computers  


If we must die, the famous poem by Mr Claude McKay, has entered the lexicon of those versed in great literature and poetry in the English language

The poem gained world fame after being quoted by Sir Winston Churchill to inspire the British in the Second World War

"If we must die, let it not be like hogs; hunted and penned in an inglorious spot
If we must die, O let us nobly die
Like men we'll face the murderous; cowardly pack
Pressed to the wall, dying but fighting back"

It is verse like this that prompted Professor Winston James to entitle his book A Fierce Hatred of Injustice: Claude McKay's Jamaica and his Poetry of Rebellion

A graduate student at Columbia University while searching in a previously unopened archive discovered an unknown and unpublished manuscript of a novel by Mr Claude McKay

Written in 1941, the manuscript is entitled Amiable With Big Teeth: A Novel of the Love Affair Between the Communists and the Poor Black Sheep of Harlem

The student and his professor have authenticated the manuscript and have been given permission by the McKay estate

Mr McKay, although claimed in US media as a Afro American, is a born and bred in Jamaican
He was educated and grew to adulthood in Jamaica
He became an author after serving in the Jamaica Constabulary Force
Indeed, he recorded his experiences in 999 which is still in print
He was a leading Harlem Renaissance writer and a radical political activist.
He was involved in the Communist movement as were many intellectuals and creative artists
He liked many people of African descent and was attracted to the Communism because of the Soviet Union's pronouncements against racism and colonialism
Typical of Jamaicans, he fought against injustice and discrimination everywhere and all the time However, like most KAANU intellectuals and activists he soon discovered the divorce between the rhetoric and reality
The newly found novel treats the tensions between Communists (amiable with big teeth) and [black] nationalists for "the souls of Black folks"

Mr McKay who died in 1948, was a pioneering author who influenced a generation of writers, including Langston Hughes while still in his 50's

The importance of Claude McKay
His contribution is such that it belongs to the world but if we do not claim him in a meaningful way he will be claimed as Black American or Jamaican-American
He would certainly rebel against this classification

Claude McKay inspired Winston Churchill

While Winston was fighting in North Africa he saw a group of elite fighters from Alkebulan, has noted in Winstons journals, Winston enquired about these elite group of fighters and was told they are called the Kammando [Kommando] to which Winston came back to the UK and they set up the Commando(s)  

MacKay was a Moor, out of the Olmec [Ulmec] Mac [Mec] we get the Moors, the frequency was going to drop and it meant that we all had to rediscover data when the frequency restored, the only way to do this was to leave records, and to impart data, sum through symbols, stone records, sum through mating with one another has files, memories are stored in the bloodlines, we had to inspire each other, if we didn't leave records and for the other races to find it, we would all have failed  

Now that you know this, its about what energies you hold, how strong your light is and your intention, what you hold in your heart 

What does this verdict have to do with 9ether wombmen]
Fu9k all is what the verdict has to do with 9ethers
watch for the distractions, watch your emotions out here 

Chi force -crown 

Black-outs, rebooting, tripping out- rebooting timelines 

That is [3] tones hitting the planet

This is the Canadian Schumann
We have access to the Russian and Italian Schumann which is a a machine that is interpreting the pulses into frequencies

Do you see where it says 7.83hz - that is now 144hz+ 
14.1hz is now 1,400hz
and 20.3hz is 14,000hz

Those [3] tones are

[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray [the hidden one]

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of ether [black] KAANU-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves 

[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

[1.6.22] Around 12:40am or 1:40am huge tone that came from the right but went to the left, the sone in my ear was different from the sone in my inner-ear, total distortion, then throughout today I can hear the tone connecting and disconnecting

Russian Schumann- sum are in the ground, on hills and in the SKA

Italian Schumann 

Divine strikes 


Over 144hz 

the [white] light is important 

Over 200hz and hitting 100hz 

67hz and 127hz

Hurricane, tornado, cyclone season is going to very spicy this season
Water is coming in, water going out
Adverse weather systems, the usual and then sum 
Earthquakes hitting

[7] colours [white core] 

Light codes 


this sphere is attached to the sun or that is a huge craft- like the last image from 2016   

What is going on with the dimensions over there 

The spirit world is right there 

Craft cities 

Huge craft - bigger than this planet 
When I see these crafts I know that no matter what happens the higher beings are with us, the only threat is the Nuclear threat- that they nuke her- if I cannot have he-r then no-one can have her - so any outcome will be supervised 

The threat is real in the field 



NASA cut the feed for hours and then shows up and what is that at the bottom 

Think deeply about what is going on here and its not just about tax

Koresh is Persian for shepherd
Karash [Karast Christ [Christos]
Cyrus [Cyprus] Sirius [Sares] Saras [Sarash]
Koresh [Horesh]
Interesting they had [7] siStars and what they knew
The Lord [Neb] is my shepherd I shall not want

These paranormal investigators are just normal people with gadgets and a YT channel, I watch because you learn about the matrix and why the matrix glitches and – you also that since the dome went up no one went to heaven- many had to stay here and they walked the earth plane from the other side – these paranormal investigators, like the one in this upload that dug up the grave, do you know what you actually let loose, the spirit world is not sum form of entertainment

That guy where the elevator collapses, my thing is why is this a miracle, did [God] save him, was that good fortune or was that good luck, he was lucky, we do not know what this man has done during his lifetimes or this life, however I know that the elevated collapsed just has he made it out and he even went back to move the pallet forward a bit, and that within seconds, the guy was in delay mode when he saw that because he was filtering out the fact that he just came out of the elevated – that he just about made it

The elevator was a warning to that guy that he is about to get fu9ked, what for, that is between him and the person, being or God, that is letting him know that his time is nearly up and he will be fu9ked

Many people are going through the KARMA [KAMA] cycles, let them be and get out of the way

That guy will be thinking about what just nearly happened and racking his brain [memories] why until he gets to that file that he pushed to the back of his mind [brain]

Just the thought that you could have died is enough to make sum one sh9t themselves 

This is not a miracle, this was a warning 

You learn about behaviour from humans and the other-side 

All those that should not have been here, all those whose life was taken, children, women, monks+ are all still here and means no one went to heaven did they, no- they went to the void
When you kill sum one they go to you, they stay where you are, sum don't even know they are physically dead, sum are not human but are mankind, a kind of man but not quite 
This dimension has to merge with the void, all the dimensions are merging
We are in the KARMA [KAMA] fields and those who were taken out are pissed off and sum will be making up the energy that is going to tear many a nu assh9le 


Car-riage [Car-thage] Kar-thage

Staying with France
This building is leaning to the right
The [3] doors are actually windows but the rest of the building is underground now 

Hadrian(s) Gate today in Turkey, there is a tunnel that goes from Turkey straight to Scotland

Carthage [Karthage] [Italy]
Carthaginians [Karthaginians] is Kharthaddans [Khart-haddan]

Haddan [Hadad] becomes Hadrian
Hadrian(s) Wall is also Picts Wall in Scotland
Scotland is Scota [NTR]

Trajan is Trojan which is Troy
Etrusia [Etruscans] was later on called Troy

Etrusia is E-Tru-sia then you get the word Tro-y and Titanium [Titan] was the name of these particular people [Titan] Etruscans

Turk [Tur] Tuc [Tuscany] Tuscan [Cusco]
Sparta [Sparta] Spar-tar [Tar] Tar-tar = Tur- Tur 
Hannibal [Hannib’El] [Hanuman] Braca [Barcelona] 

Etruscans mirror 

 Carthage [Karthage] [Italy]

[3] doors [gates, the central one is functional, and the two are for going back, after passing the central door, this aided to gain the potential of form
On one side - the potential of another world, and on the other - the potential of our world - to return back
[3] windows, gates, doors, we have seen this design everywhere on the planet

Shore [temple] abode [left image] 
Sone, tone, vibration, acoustic, frequency 

Helical - having the shape or form of a helix; spiral
helical molecules
vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy creates chiral water superstructure surrounding DNA

Angkor Wat changed the colour to golden after the sunrise

Ankh-kor Wat
Ankh-Hor [Horus] Heru Wat 
Wat [Watt] bulb 

Researchers used micro-CT scanning and advanced 3D analysis software to examine the carvings, and found out that these were the really sophisticated miniature works

The inner layers are pieced together with the joints hidden so accurately that only a microscope or an X-ray can detect them

Sum fragments of the miniatures are attached to each other by tiny connecting pieces

However, much of the process of making the carvings still remains a mystery, whoever made these masterpieces remains unknown

Al [Ghor]

Used by the British and Portuguese but not built by either 

America is West-Alkebulan - how did we get the Fossa 

Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University

Who is Yeshiva
[Shua] Shiva [China]
Chi [Shi]

[Scholar] School + solar words wielded together 

SHIVA is ENKI and he is also Osiris – he has many, many avatars
Albert does not inner-stand the spirit [holographic] and soul-ar realm either because he couldn’t see it or he played dumb

 EN.LIL [the SKA] and ENKI [the Earth] 

HERU [PREU] the sunset land of the Sumerians

All found in Aztlan [South America]
Remember the planet was one landmass at one point
Oracle and her Shaman - there are [3 present
Cuneiform is old Persian text which comes from Ethiopia [Abyssinia] but this text looks different
Global connection 

One source, global connection, network 

Jordan [Eridu] and Cambodia all connected to source and are sitting on the planets ley lines
ask your religious leaders how Jesus or Allah created these two structures and if they didn't- who did because I'd like to hang out with them for a while 

Hes got the whole wide world in his hands 
Global network, one source

There are worlds before 3,000, before 10,000

Its a jungle out there, watch out for dildos 

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