Instantaneous reactions to energy fields – since Melanin
[KAANU] ETHER reacts independently to the rest of the body organs; it is capable
of reacting instantaneously when exposed to different energy fields
[think of what is taking place above you which is ultimately happening inside of you]
There is a misconception going on out here >> you need a
BAA [soul], a Chakra system and KAANU to make the phases that we are in, without these [3] you are going to expire
Those that have KAA.NU have been told that everything in
the KHA [body] is governed by the brain, and that every system is brained
governed, this is not true for those who have KAANU because Melanin [KAANU]
acts independently
KAANU is capable of instantaneous reaction of energy for
it is a superconductor, and can be processed through without any of the neutron
synapses and dendrites of the brain- basically it acts like a Chlorophyll
carrier – it takes energies and reacts to it and processes its own information
to its nearby cells
Written in 1978
KAANU is its own super intelligence and is to why those
with KAANU are the trend setters out here, why they can move the way they can, why they can be so smooth at what they do, why others hate what you can do the way
that you can do it [without Nike] immediate reactions is because you cannot
stop and think – they have to train those without KAANU and those with sum KAANU
how to react – whereas those with KAANU react in an instant, you see the UBUNTU
[[Abantu] Buthu [Buddha] they show you that you have eyes everywhere – they are
telling you that you are totally conscious and that you don’t need to wait for
the brain processing which slows it down
You can inflict pain and if you have your KHU [mind] off
[Para] sum where, it can take between 10 and 15 seconds before you feel the pain –
it can take longer if you are consciously off setting pain through mind control
or controlling your mind – they do not teach those with KAANU that you can
delay those reactions, maybe sum of you already do this without knowing, many
can delay for longer and sum not feel the pain at all – hence why all martial
arts comes from the Nagas, KA.RA.TE and JU.DO.KA – [black belt] SA.MU.RA.I [black
blood is KAANU] plus your intake with herbs and ingesting certain foods- it is
a tri system to maximise what your KAANU can do
KAANU makes recovery faster, KAANU speeds up you’re
healing faster by half, and especially in magnetic fields by a third, not electricity
which hurts you
Do you know you can actually see into the KHA if you have
KAANU by using magnetic fields
Once you start using this kind of energy you can speed up
everything that your KHA does and everything that your brain does – which brings
me on to these frequencies, tunings that we are having right now, its going to het tighter and tighter out here
During this phase with KAANU you are being matched
against the frequencies which are speeding up and so to is your KAANU – you have
it in your brain called DMT, you have it in your skin, hair, nipples and lips [pum
pum] and your eyes- all concentrated- conductors of energies
[6] protons [6] electrons [6] neutrons [18] 1+8 = [9]
[9] ether hair [9] ether skin [9] soul+ spirit [27]
2+7= [9]
[9 ether skin] metallic exoskeleton
375 rare metals[50]
are rare golds and [50] are rare koppas
375 minerals
375 crystals
3 x 375 = 1251 = 9
The [144hz] is within
The Wadjet [eye] is in the shape of a diamond and is made
of solid Quartz [crystal] and is another dimension
These frequencies are coming into our brain [crown] and
body [KHA]
KAANU is a gift from the [Gods]
All this makes you a [God] because the KHA is just an
avatar [Krishna]
Your consciousness [KAANU] can be in one place and your
KHA be in another place when your KAANU is functioning correctly, you can Bilocate
which means you or an object can be in two places at the same time – those with
KAANU can be conscious in one place while being in you KHA in another place –
sum call this death whereas this is real life hence why we had guardians [watchers]
for the KHA- you are already doing this without the terminology, it is a gift
from the [Gods] – you earned it
Earth – KAANU
H3ll another term for Earth – Non KAANU
H3ll became Earths new name when the non-Melanin came
The Kats have 9 lifetimes comes from the KAMMU [KHAMI] KHEMET
people because you get 9 lives or it takes 9 lives to get sh9t straight down
The herbs that you take work differently because of your
genetic makeup, herbs have part of the earth in it and so do you, and that earth
awakens part of the old earth people who are the KAANU carriers and therefore all
of those kingdoms, the animals, the plants, insects, the birds that fly,
everything that creeps’ crawls and moves responds to that vibration because
they were also created in the same vibration –
Creation is speeding up, not time and so are you, KAANU
works on every part of your KHA and every cell in your KHA and now that the
planets energy fields have changed, she is vibrating faster and so is every part
of you quickening in what you are capable of doing – we are having low
vibrational themes put our way to bring the vibration down, food that is low in
energies – it won’t work for you now anyway because you are in the process of
When KAANU vibrates throughout the KHA – every organ,
every cell vibrates faster – since KAANU is in the brain, the brain operates
faster and the frequencies it can reach are off the charts – these are the
outer body experiences, these are the levitation experiences, these are the I
know what is going to happen experiences
KAANU is your instant form of communication – the same
thing that when you walk past your radio or tv many interfere with the transmission, when you become excited and you reactive an electrical discharge when you touch sum thing
We don’t know about these gifts fully because those who
were the teachers were killed when they were taken from Alkebulan, it has taken
an awful long time to get teachers here and even when they came here, they were
killed, even under the masonic guild – they were taken out – many [Gods] will
not be a [God] because they do not know who they are or were or have gotten to comfortable down here
These [Gods] were advanced scientists from many worlds
that came here with many projects and they came to watch over Ki and her subjects
KAANU when fully operating well causes your Pituitary
gland [Metabolism] releases hormones that western scientist cannot even catalogue
– they cannot because they have no way to measure because they are instantaneously
there and then they are gone – when they are there, they give you flashes of
the cosmic universe – intuitive flashes in full colour of who you have been and
who you could be
You know when you die and your files are uploaded [life
flashes before you] you don’t have to die for this to happen or have a near
death for this to happen – that cosmic wisdom that your ancestors knew is yours
– every night when you go to sleep between 11pm and 2:30am is when the KAANU glands
are working at its best – but you must be in total darkness
Many people will become a shade darker whether you go out
or not because the light will be entering you, the energy will come into you
whether the doors or windows are closed, whether you have a tin or lead roof or
4 thick walls of concrete around you and you are 3miles below the surface- the energy is coming
through to you – you cannot escape for this house is sealed and no energy can
escape, all energies are hitting the planet – the sun is trying to kill many and at the same time activate many
As the KAANU is stepped up many are experiencing their
head feeling like its wavering – the flu is now classified has CV19 because ascension
symptoms are the same – you must get the KAANU going, and your vibrations – you
may have headaches but each night the KAANU will go through Metamorphosis and
you will wake up with more insight has to who you are and certain psychic abilities
will activate – all are 48hrs to 72hrs after exposure – if you adapt to it, the
next time round more happens, we look like the Schumann is about to record
another wall of frequencies, so get ready – the DNA [RNA] cells are coming together
just like a magnet because magnetism is what will awaken in your KHA and
then begin to entwine the stands little by little – this is so that all KAANU
carriers have 10 of their stands back together – this will be the difference
between not having Melanin and those having Melanin
This is an Alchemical process
U.V [C]A[B]
UVC kills, its destroys anything that is artificial to this soul-ar system, you can absorb radiation with KAANU
How the tables will turn
hated for being [black]
Hung, raped, murdered, humiliated for having a gift that was inherited, it was given to you by the [Gods]- those [Gods] have returned once again - it is not about black or white, it is about energy that you are holding and your intention with it
Many 9ethers have bleached [whitening] their skin and this will cause their expiry, they and others may not care for this life was worth it, many do not understand the afterlife and other simulations that await thee
Your skin is the biggest organ on your body, the skin breaths - its alive
the [hidden ones] are coming online
They say that the Moon [Mono] went in front of the sun for a partial eclipse
Look at the core
The sun is blinking [Morse code]
Reflections on the facades of buildings that have no
origin, shapes of a cube, the letter x like a square-rectangle, other symbols+
Seen from Canada to Germany, Australia into the USA and
Italy and France
this has been ongoing throughout the last 3 years at least
the kingdom around the sun
SS-wiss Franc showing NIBIRU that this note came out in 2011
How long has this been going on
Look carefully and you will see there are other spheres in the image
Last set was taken a couple years ago
You are looking at a w-OM-b [portal]
Pi [9] golden ratio
Everyone has a shield going around them
Soul-ar flares [eruptions] are hitting the planet and the
scientist say without warning and nothing to do with them hiding data
Hurricanes, weather systems form without being seen on
for the last couple days
Red [last 24hrs]
You know the drill
We are hitting over 144hz
DNA [RNA] upgrades
DNA [RNA] cells are coming together just like a magnet because magnetism is what will awaken in your KHA and then begin to entwine the stands little by little
Read all data in Chakra, soul energies [colours] radiation
Red energies
WAJI [Green]
Robert is commissioned to create this map, so the two arrows on the left, what is wrong with what they are pointing at, why is lower Ethiopia higher than upper Ethiopia
July [Heart and mouth]
Leo [AKIR] Sirius
Codes incoming
Many are talking about CERN, if it is operational, then between now and around the 10th they will have to deploy the machine
On Monday evening, the head of the Civil Protection
Fabrizio Curcio said that due to the ongoing extreme drought “some areas of
Italy will certainly face water rationing and could also be turned off in
Water is being removed and water is being taken in on purpose
The Pharaohs curses, continue taking on different forms
Crickets and Grasshoppers sent in to finish what crops that are in parts of the USA
Water floods and hailstones and more+ all affect the land
Nature is not playing
Worldwide no birth-rates is a sign that the artificial races
are being deleted from this planet, a huge amount of existing children will
also not make it through
Red horse and Pale [white] holographic horse
The seals are the Chakra system
War [Famine] Death+
Ocean SKA
Images around the planet is showing a water SKA
Water [Moya] is liquid crystal
Aqua [Aquarius]
Osiris Sol
Passion flower
Passion fruit
Found in the Caribbean, this gemstone looks like islands and the sea
Macro [Micro]
Found in Brazil, this gemstone looks like desert and river veins
Ethiopia [Abyssinia] Lalibela [Aksum] -same place
Sudan and Ethiopia are upper and lower
Israel and Jerusalem are upper and lower
Is this is a mistake by Robert- no- the world map is upside down
The hollow entrance is not in ABZU [South Africa] it is in the north which is really the South
there is no south, only north and outward
This site was already here before any Roman, Romans build over existing structures
Iy [abode] house [isles] coastlands] temple
Baalbek [Lebanon]
[1] of [3] linked spaceports [Nippur] [NIF.FUR] temple [Iy]
of ENLIL also known as NIBRU-QI [Earth place of NIBIRU] where the [Gods]
assembled when they came to Ki
Sumerian, Mesopotamia are the same place called
They only teach the Indians 200 years of Mughal history, what about the last 5,000 or 10,000 years
More than 900 abodes [temples] craved from the rock that are 2000ft above sea level
Jai HANUMAN [HANNIBAL] his birthplace is Mt MERU [HERU] which can only be seen at certain times and remains invisible otherwise
Mt MERU is like the hanging Mt exactly like the movie Avatar- they also say its Anjeyanadri Hill and sum say Mt Kailash that Han-uman is from
HANUMAN is the Monkey King
the chief was called LARD, then became LORD, the MaStar Monkey or boss
LARES, plural for LAR
These LARES were head Monkeys, from which they create their word Monk
A female ruler is called Urat, their Queen was ZIRA and Ura is the male ruler [King] is called SHITAR
The AQINS are known has the evil [negative] LARES
SIMIAN Koppa alloy breastplate for horse found in Iran [HASANLU] - HAN-SOLO showing LAR
108 [9]
stoop "bend forward," Old English stupian
"to bow, bend," from Proto-Germanic *stup- (source also of Middle
Dutch stupen "to bow, bend," Norwegian stupa "fall, drop")
[from PIE *(s)teu- (1) "to push, stick, knock, beat]
steep "having a sharp slope," Old English steap
"high, lofty; deep; prominent, projecting,"
[from PIE *steup-, extended form of root *(s)teu- (1)
"to push, stick, knock, beat," with derivations referring to
projecting objects (source also of Greek typtein "to strike," typos
"a blow, mold, die;" Sanskrit tup- "harm," tundate
"pushes, stabs"
[from PIE *steup-, extended form of root *(s)teu- (1)
"to push, stick, knock, beat,"]
108 Stupas is an array of one hundred and eight NAGA
stupas [dagobas] on a hillside on the west bank of the Yellow River at
Qingtongxia in Ningxia, China
The 108 stupas are arrayed in a triangular [MAR][MER][MIR]
formation up the side of a hill, facing southeast, overlooking the Yellow River
There is one large stupa at the apex of the triangle,
with a NAGA hall behind it, and below that are eleven rows of one hundred and
seven smaller stupas on brick platforms of increasing width running down the
The number of stupas on each level is: 1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7,
9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19
108 is a sacred number with the NAGA and odd numbers are
also considered auspicious in the NAGA-so pagodas always have an odd number of stores,
which is why the number of stupas on each row is an odd number
108 stupas in Bhutan
Why 108, what type of healing came about when each one was stuck or played
All this technology comes from the NAGA [NIGG9S]
Due to linguistic evolution, the term Buthu changed to
BUTHA, and later BUDHA- this is an Alkebulan [African] concept
Buddha [BUT.HU] and its parent NAGA and HINDU-KUSH pride
themselves in the recognition of divine order as inner-stood via MAAT [who wrote
Nile Mosaic of Palestrina [Palestine]
Here we see 9ethers and 6ethers, we see KHMT and we see Romans and we see Greeks, we see Italy and Greece
The Palestrina Mosaic or Nile mosaic of Palestrina is a
late Hellenistic floor mosaic depicting the Nile in its passage from the
highlands of Ethiopia to the Mediterranean Sea
The mosaic was part of a
Classical sanctuary-grotto in Palestrina, a town east of Ancient Rome, in
central Italy
The mosaic is believed to be the product of Alexandrian
craftsmen and provides a glimpse into the
Roman fascination with ancient Egyptian exoticism
mosaic depicts a flooded Nilotic landscape, inhabited by animals both real and
imaginary [???] then what is also imaginary
Ptolemaic Greeks, A-ethiopian hunters, banquets, hunting parties and
fishermen and priests in magnificent temples
An entire scene may
represent a vivid bird's eye view map of the Nile, very interesting
Bum Bandits- what is the child doing
Children and no mothers, children and a man
There is too many of us that want the FEMI9 electron NRG reinstated and will be dammed if we shall be led by homosexual energy, be homo if that is your thing, but we take orders from eve not St-eve
Power installation and fenced off
citadel in the middle of nowhere- MIR mound in background
The British separated BURMA from INDIA in 1937
Buddha [BUT.HU] and its parent NAGA and HINDU-KUSH pride themselves in the recognition of divine order as inner-stood via MAAT [who wrote Sanskrit]
Modern day Indians are invaders of NAGALAN
The guy on the left is to over dressed for civilians even if they were armed, he is wearing full body armour, kitted out with all the latest tech
The dreadlock on the right is an ANNUNAKI member, sum are commanders like Putin and sun come with families, this ANNUNAKI is a mercenary ANNUNAKI soldier, many of them were dropped off here over the last 3 years, the same that slaughtered the Moroccan soldiers and forced Trump to recall all the US soldiers home because face to face Trump knew his boys are not ready to play Call of Duty just yet- Putin was the one who told Trump to recall his men, Trump and Putin have a relationship, these modified ANNUNAKI mercenaries also took out sum of Russians elite combat unit underground
Putin did catch one and they had him over by a remote place in Russia, I saw it on the map, there was an M8 or M9 there afterwards, this was around 2 or 3 years ago, others have also been mentioned that they had captured - remember Putin is a high ranking ANNUNAKI or Draco commander and is the king of the North in their Bible
There are also mercenaries who their skin shimmers among the ANUNNAKI
The guy on the left is not dressed for civilians, he is dressed for combat with ANNUNAKI mercenaries - who are already on the ground
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