Thursday, 16 June 2022

Seek and thou shall find...

Hide [Hidden] and seek [found] 

The Gospel [Ghost spell] of Thomas says, when you look and everything troubles you and you are so down and out – that is when you will know that the King-dome of heaven [haven] is at hand

When everything seems fu9ked up – this is not about mass shootings or the water and food is running out, what Thomas is talking about is your feelings [emotions], he is not talking about those who just pray to God to sort things out [Ostrich head in sand]

What Thomas says has nothing to do with the Bible because Thomas(s) Gospel was dug up in 1944 or 1945 – when you read it this is the original teachings of [Jesus] and it goes against everything the Bible says – although it does say the same thing in a round about way, you have to read it in a different way, the Bible was written by Homosexuals and that is a no-no of Homosexuality energy presiding over FEMI.9 energy

Thomas wrote, these are the [hidden] sayings of the living [Jesus] – which has nothing to do with the historical [Jesus], this is about the [Jesus] that is supposed to come, then the Romans come in and say we are going to make this a [Jesus] from the past and fu9ked up everything- 

Thomas wrote, these are the [hidden] sayings of the living [Jesus]- who spoke this to Judas Thomas the twin, who recorded it- and [Jesus] said, one who seeks should not keep on seeking until he finds and when he finds he will be troubled and when he is troubled he will model and rule over all

It says you seek it and you should not stop seeking until you find it – but when you find it, you are going to be troubled

Troubled, when you find it your going to be like, sh9t- its crazy out here and when you find out there is no more hope – they say start rejoicing because you are going to rule over all- its only at that time when things get fu9ked up – that you can rule over all, we are at that hour, there is no more hope

Right now, many of you actually don’t like your own kind, am I lying, you don’t like your own people, sum of you are 9ether and have more liking for 6ethers, sum 6ethers do not like their own 6ethers, did you know this is all spiritual

When you get higher up in frequency you see things differently, you do not see bark, or trees you see the entire forest

Right now I see things that make me dislike my own kind, what is happening is my spirit is starting to [hate] the physical aspects of my kind because the physical must go, I don't like certain things no more and my spirit is repelling [rebelling] 

I had been dealing with all this for a long time, and it is not about the 9ethers to which my heritage falls under- I had all this [love] in the beginning and over the time I started [hating] 9ethers, especially the Nigg9s – I asked my K.AA what is wrong with me, am I getting off the Ptah and I would go to the cards and the cards would say, no, you own the Ptah

I thought it was about [love] and spirit [KAA] said yes that was the initial stage but has you go into the energy [spiritual] you are supposed to [hate] what you see of the 9ethers [physically], because has long as you are in the physical you are not going to be sh9t – your lacking, you have already transcended this – this is old news, you have been in this sh9t for sum odd million earth years and the KAA wants out, it wants its freedom

So, the more spiritual you get the more you cannot stand certain things, advanced consciousness people have been getting their ass whooped thinking when is this sh9t over with, those who over the last decade into the last [3] years who are tired of this sh9t, you’ve heard all and all from those who say they are aware and still things are the same about certain people, places, things

In the Kabbalah and Gnostic scriptures, it says that the light must be sifted out of the shells, which is the physical bodies- so in the last decade and in the last [3] years my contempt for 9ethers physically, has risen to an all-time high – we are trying to get to the light [data]

Basically, the more and more you become disillusioned the more and more you start hating everything out here – that is spiritual – the more and more you will start raising yourself even higher

This is not a process of the next 5 or 10 years, this sh9t is now – the more you [hate] the physical the more the [love] can merge with the spiritual

Peter Pan
[Pater] Father Pan

Chaos [Pan-demon] Pandemic which is Pandemonium and right now the 9ethers are in

This the 6ether Greek version - you just need to know where the name Peter comes from 

The word PAN is the Greek [God] Baphomet who is really the Egyptian [God] Neteru Amen Ra, the Greek God Pan is where the Christians took the Spiritual Pan and made the image you see with the Goat horns, masculine body with breasts 

The key is that the word Panic comes from the word Pan and we are in a state of Pandemonium which is a good thing because only at Pandemonium will you rise up

So when you see the madness out here with 9ethers, that is alright because they are supposed to be fu9ked up because out of Chaos comes Order, that which is straight

Its going to get real Messi out here reel soon

Baphomet is female 

All this is going to be deleted from this planet 
I stopped watching after the women with her buttocks
Not enough light, all physical and many are willing to mutate their body to meet their insecurity
Botox is pigs fat, Silicone is plastic 

The Kingdome around the sun that is to come 

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

All planets and the Sun have a shield [AU.RA] 

HERU which is the double Horus – which is the inner or shadow energy and the other is the Christos light form or KARAST [KRST] energy and all combined is a form of MAAT

Ruwty can mean double headed lion [AKUR] EKUR 
aka this was the double KARAST [Christ] energy

MA.AT is the Red and Blue holy SHAKINA [KACHINA] SHEKINAH  

MAAT + HERU combined double energy of the KARAST 

KARAST [KRST] this is the Jesus Christ to come aka your my HERU [HERO] 

Help us Ob1


The [white] light is important [7] 

Italian Schumann 

DNA Barcode 

Schuman Geophone - they are the same data 

Interesting the blue-black going into the purple 

Usual energy signature


Couple reboots- blackouts
over 1400hz+
and over 14,000hz


Canadian Schumann

Both the Canadian and Italian and German, Russian Schumann's are spiking heavily   

We are receiving radio burst [pulses] signal every 30mins, sum one is reaching out to you every 30mins, sum one is reaching out to us and asking us to pick up the phone 

[3] are hitting the planet and are not the figures in this graph- that is over, no more 7.89hz
All those who could function within the 7.89hz are fu9ked now 
We are hitting 144hz and 1000hz and 300hz - well above the 7.89hz and 14.1hz and 20.3hz
7.89hz was for 1000s of years but that has now expired for the planet is in a higher place and so are her offspring 

Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power to make [the suns rays]
We know where the [3] tones are coming from 

We are at 9 today [15.6]
These are also Chakra [Tree of life] energies which are classed has radiation 
This is a germ killer, a detoxifier, a mutating wavelength 

After these eclipses and full Moons sh9t is happening, more and more+

Ph levels [scale] 

Read all data in colours [energies] 

  Your 3rd eye is infrared 
You must protect your light at all times 

The Schumann machine is consonantly showing stabilized recordings
NASA are hiding the figures

You must remember that you [fell [fallen] in frequency and are coming online at the frequency that you were built to hold, your capacity is much higher than 7.89hz its over 144hz  

You were reduced in spiritual data [light] 

Electron Crown
Blue [Green] Yellow 

Look at the reflection

Red [Iron-oxide] MA.AT + HERU combined = FEMI.9 

Tree of Life
Plasma is hitting hard 

Several earthquakes rattled southern Iran
M5 [M4.8] M4.4 [M4.5]
Oregon M6 

Special craft 


Crafts loitering in the SKA [SKI] SKY 

Craft in the SKA 

Rock of Gibraltar
The sun is huge  

The sun is heating the planet, the water is evaporating, animals, plants, people are dying out there, the sun is trying to kill you

Who is that [black] man in the SKA over the USA 

MAY 2022

When nature is trying to kill you and destroy crops, buildings, cars, anything - these are designer ice-stones  


Preserved woven basket that is older than Europe’s ice-age
Found in
Nahal Darga

Bethlehem [Beth-le-hem]
Beth means House
[Ham] Hem [Khem] [K-ham-i] means [black]
[Black] KAANU [ether] house

The [black] house in Khemet means Het Heru [dwelling house of Heru] in KHMT

House of Heru, house of Hathor, which means mother of [God] the great womb because Hathor is a Cosmic entity and Mary represents the physical entity because Mary is also Ma-Ra [Ma-ry] [Ra is pronounced Re or Rey or Ra or Ray] which is Ma’at and Ra

You have the physical Isis and the Cosmic Aset aka Het Heru aka House of Heru [Horus] or House of Hathor [A-theer] Athyr 

The Black house means Black womb which means the Black-hole, the house of the Black [God]

Vibration [Frequency] 

sifted light [shells] 

Fernard Magellan drew this giant on a map and is to why the Spanish use the word Patajayo which means giants in Spanish

And the Spanish also called the natives of the Patajayo the Patah [Path] goons [coons] and the place has been called Patagonia ever since [Argentina] 

What is wrong with this picture 
He is just walking down the street without a care 

The history of Moscow
Ivan Zabelin

This image shows underground ruins on the left, you can see overgrown bushes, the arched vaults are ruined – mud flood, yet those by the stone and what they are wearing and they are armed and the rest of everyone is dressed in camisoles and hats – the ones by the stone have sum type of toga, helmets, and are holding a shield – what kind of antique animators are these walking around these ruins 

Remember this is from 1905, in 1907 Ford Model T came out - so who are those soldiers in the year 1905

Woven tiles

HERU [Peru]

They say that these are aqueducts and that they were built 1,500 years ago, they were built a lot longer than 1,500 years ago and may actually have been designed for sum thing else has well as holding water- they need to show you the whole complex  

Shell shaped 
spiral 9
water holds currents [currenSea] 

Mongolia [China] 
Black City
City of Etzina [Ejina]
Khara-Khoto translates [Black City] or [[Black base] 

A large walled city, nearby stupas and a large area of cultivation to its east containing homesteads
The city walls were built of stamped clay and reinforced by a wooden framework of which the big rafters could be traced in three rows all around the inside face of the wall
Gates led through the western and eastern wall faces, each protected by a rectangular outwork built as massively as the walls themselves 
All of these places have high walls to keep other giants out, reptilians at bay

Khara Khoto are a group and the city was probably full of [9ethers] hence Black City 
BUDDHA [BUTHU] and its parent NAGA and HINDU-KUSH   
Their name is not Buddha

Last image on the right is called the flying Manjusri - but he is not flying, he is levitating and he is not in this dimension - look at his or her AURA shield, look at the crown 

Cuneiform is old Persian text and old Persian is Abyssinian text 

Predator was your introduction to the upright Reptilians with locks [locs] 
Harry and the Hendersons was your introduction to the Lares [Sasquatch] 
E.T was your introduction to the Greys

NASA spokeswomen said, we thought you knew, we put it in all the movies 



The missing link is Sasquatch [Lares]

Then the cloned creature AQIN now called human beings or Homo Sapiens, part deity and part monkey
Then the ADAMA projects

There has been many, many refining of what we call the HuMin [HuMan] or avatar  

The Sasquatch is one above the 6ethers [white people], they have been working with the Lares for a long time, Mt Helen in 1980 also explains a lot, the Lares have 9ether DNA, they have KAANU but the 6ethers cannot merge onto the Lare lineage because the 6ethers are from the Neanderthal

The PANDA is not a bear

There is no missing link but there has to be in the Western history, medical books, because 6ethers do not have DNA from the LARES

The LARES were created when the planet was one landmass and are in Iran, the USA, India, Russia, they know how to hide, it is the people in the USA that hunt them, build into their environment, chop down their environment, they hate the 6ethers, the Sasquatch have hair and are closer to the Ape, but they have the original 9ether gene in them – the Sasquatch has a higher intelligence than the 6ether man because the Sasquatch never had to go into barbarism – watch the movie Multiplicity when they made the genetic clone it was so stupid, it had no brains at all and is what the 6ether is, it took 1000s of years to get them up to sum sort of par – the Moors had to teach them the KHMT [Egyptians] had to teach them the 6ether women has to reach him, children had to teach him, the 6ether man is way different from the 6ether female, the Moors had to do sum thing because they were spreading and destroying everything- how does that sone like now [????], the Moors had to have used sum Alchemy because when the 6ethers were created on the planet this was during the Moon cycle and the planet was in another part of the soul-ar system, so they had no DEA [celestial ingredients] and they had no Sun [Sol] Sal [Soul]

The 6ether does not have the same genetic material has the Sasquatch and they know this and they know about the LARES

If you think about it, the LARES were here before any HuMin [HuMan] was and we didn’t hear nothing about them until the European Americans hunted them when they got over there and killed their offspring and many of their females in a bid to make them extinct, called them Bigfoot and took over their environment, they lost many of their people and today many people go missing and all of them are 6ether people

The LARES are an advanced being, they are on MARS
Wookie [Star Wars]

    Hitler who lived to the age of 95 in South America
Most of them went to the USA and South America and the Japanese, especially their scientists
Merkel is his daughter   

Adolf Hitler the Occult Messiah

Try and understand that the only people that hate Adolf Hitler is [white] people [6ethers], let me explain why, in slavery, the Jews were involved, England was involved, France was involved, the 6ether Arabs were involved [the Saudi royal family are all Jews and not 6ether Arab]

The book of Law [Crowley] says, then let it be known, that I am a [God] of war- and is talking about HERU [HORUS] and he predicted both ww1 and ww2 and what took place was the same KARAST [CHRIST] energy [HERU] HORUS started whispering Adolf Hitler(s) ear and was telling him that he was the master race and that he was to take over the world, has a result he devastated Europe and Europe has never been the same since ww2 – they had colonised the world with slavery and they had all the riches and Europe was getting to be the greatest power on earth and they were going to be unified and then came along Hitler and fuc9ed them and Europe has never been the same since  

The subconscious brings things into your awareness 

Hemi means half
Half a sphere is a dome 
aka your forehead  - as above, so below- the universe is between your ears  

The Great fires of Los Angeles- really, does this look like fire or just an earthquake, how did these machines get destroyed in fires - sum thing was deployed and they have already deployed energy weapons in this decade 

So when you see articles like this- its nothing nu under the sun 
There is a culling taking place

The lady in the Church
-that clone was glitching with the picture selfie - see the arm

Hillary died in the Oklahoma bombing which was a building that led to the underground facilities
This is the clone [robot] and her reset button is on her back and is where the bodyguard touches 

Oklahoma 1995 

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