Tuesday, 31 May 2022


The [black] Cube
[black] ether [Melanin] KAA.NU 

The consciousness required a vessel that would be able to process life in an instant or an immediacy that was necessary to maintain the connection between source [God] creator(s) and he-r creations 

KAA.NU [Melanin] [Consciousness] is a semiconductor and as a semiconductor KAANU does not need or waste energy in its medium for transporting energy –

Melanin [KAANU] is a chemical conductor

A semiconductor would be like looking at a wire and that wire is running from the wall so you can run your computer, a power cable [wire], that wire is giving off heat and heat is an energy – whereas a semiconductor [KAA.NU] doesn’t give off any heat because the KAANU conductor takes [absorbs] the entire energy signature and signal and transports it along the semiconductor to its destination when you want to connect to the mind of [God] – 

The mind of [God] would not have created sum thing that was a deficient way of communicating with source

There is nothing inside your body that the creator would put in there that you didn’t need

To communicate with the mind of [God], they said out of the darkness came the light – but what is missing from that phrase is for the light to understand itself it had to return back to the darkness and how did it do that, in the creation of what they call KAANU [Melanin]

The light that emanated from the darkness was the intension of the creator and the creator(s) intension to be- the avatar [vessel] aka that was the darkness that was able to inner-stand and articulate and feedback the light – the creator does not know itself; it simply is – but in its expression of itself – it seeks to know itself and to do this it creates aspects of itself and things that imitate itself which is the 9ethers, the Hue-man and W-Om-b-Man [9ethers] Khrisna aka the Melanated Ones

They were left to their own accord without no interruption or disruption and pollution – unlike what we see today

Today they are still trying to figure out how the pyramids where built, KAANU built that, they are still trying to understand how the undersea megaliths where built – these were built by giants but not just giants in statue but giants in intellect [the mind] - KAA.NU is the only way that light transduces

A Melanin body [Kha] can actually take in more of the radioactive aspects of the light that any of the 6ethers and mixed-race and light-skinned people aka vessels, but today that KAANU is fed garbage, the KAANU is under stress and follows sum one called Jesus or sum thing outside of him or her self [cell] so the KAANU doesn’t develop, KAANU evolves every 3-5 years, KAANU absorbs radiation which is energies to sum and harmful radiation to others, KAANU protects against UV rays

Light is data and data is information, each ray [light] holds a different tone, sone, vibration, frequency, acoustic – each colour [radiation] holds a different tone, sone, vibration, frequency, acoustic [white] light holds all [7] [9] light codes

Your Human eyes hold KAA.NU which feeds the BAA [soul], your Human eyes are soul-ar panels aka windows to the B.AA – the sun [sal] sol [soul] charges your main eye [3rd]

You have a BAA Chakra
Your skin is the biggest organ on your body
Mela [Melanin] is a 6ether Greek word meaning [black] but there is no such colour as [black] or [white] there is triple darkness and there is bright [lightness]
[black] and [white] is not even in the rainbow and a rainbow doesn’t need rain [water] to appear but there is a bow, a curve, a dome   

Melanin is an expressed intelligence of the Hydrogen Atom [Hy-Dragan Atum] once you inner-stand the intelligence then you will inner-stand what its duties are and what it does for the Kha [body]

KHU – this is the mental you
KHA – this is the physical body you
AKH – this is the etheric you
SEKHEM – this is the spark of life of yours
HATI – this is the physical heart of yours
AB – this is the holographic [spiritual] heart of yours
KAA – this is the spiritual you [double you]
BAA – this is the soul you

In this phase you need your BAA [KAA], AB, AKH and SEKHEM on point, it is your BAA [KAA] and AKH that is powering your KHA – the 4D [5D] is the holographic realm which is and has merged into this dimension already, the holographic universe is a computer program

Everything is created from Melanin – Carbon sits in Melanin which is a Carbonic basis – the K.AA can get lost in there because now the skin reflects the light rather than it absorbs it 

Your [organ] 9ether skin exoskeleton contains

375 rare metals [metallic]  [50] are rare golds and [50] are rare koppas
375 minerals
375 crystals

3 x 375 = 1251 = 9

[6] protons [6] electrons [6] neutrons [18] 1+8 = [9]
[9] ether hair [9] ether skin [9] soul+ spirit [27] 2+7= [9]

This is an alchemy process and you will need KAANU and that you are taking care of your vessel, sum of the 6ethers – 7 and 8 all produce DMT and have soular eyes however the plasma is rising which you may not be able to process, stay out of the sun and keep your vessel regulated, drink water over the day regardless of how the weather is outside, the planet is charged [heat]

You are in council with creator and creator(s) – we have the connection

Console [Kon soul] Con the soul
Consciousness [Kon-scios] scios [scire] to know- [scire] is where they get the word science from so the 6ether word Conscious means to Con science
Con [Kon] means to persuade (someone) to do or believe something by lying to them- an instance of deceiving or tricking someone
The 6ether word Conscious does not mean to be aware or to know, because just in the word alone Conscious they are deceiving you Conning you out of knowing [knowledge] light [science]

Spirit [K.AA] is your Body Double
Soul [B.AA] is your Strength – PoWRA

The word to use is aware, are you aware and how much awareness do you have
The word aware comes from the root word wer or gwer [a-war-e] wer [war] with the word wer meaning to raise, lift which sones like the meaning of the word Shu [MA.AT]
War [Wer] from bellum War (Old Latin duellum, dvellum), which is of uncertain origin
War [Po-wer] PoWRA [Powar] power cable [wire] back to KAANU [Melanin] not everybody has KAANU so this substance must be made conscious [con the science from the people]

Koppa Red, Yellow, Brown, Green [all 7 colours]
Ether [black] brown-black [red-black] black-black [blue-black]

Look at her cheeks and see the red-black, you can see brown-black, her shoulders are black-black, on her face you can see sweat, grease which is her natural skin blocker, sun-screen – the 9ether skin can absorb UV light, soular light, plasma light  
Her vessel [avatar] Mekaba [Khrisna] Kha is covered in [black] 9ether cubes called KAANU [Melanin] that is intelligent

No one is immune from punishment 

Para means offsite – sum where else

The planet [3D] world split a while back with waves still on-going for many, we are at the centre of attention of all parallel universes

The 3 dimensional [world] has split into two [multi] dimensions [parallel realities], each with alternative decisions, you are finding examples of this in your everyday life, many will be left behind in the 3D world indefinitely

The energy is present and is getting stronger which will affect your BAA+ KAA and [KHU] and KHA, thus your own frequency and vibration are being altered

This is a different recycle point, we have had many before however this is a reSet cycle, not a loop [repeat], which means a return to factory settings – instead of returning to the 3D the planet is being upgraded, this is the difference this time round, the entire planet has shifted her frequency and vibration to shift to another dimension which is the 4D[5D+]  

We had the crop circle recently showing the [4] giants [planets] inside the cube [hexagon] with the rotation of the planet, this soular system and universe rotating counter-clockwise aka in a number [9] there are many, many other beings here from other constellations, universes who are part of the Galactic Federation and its members, councils, alliance and allies who have all made it here to witness the ascension program, they are here to aid with the process, sum of you left your ship to be boots on the ground and remotely operating your vessel down here

We have the backing 

Huge craft close to the satellite- other orbs, beacons can be seen 

Beam on



Wales [UK]

Australia up towards USA and Canada through to Alaska - you can see this 

Reintroduced in 2012 

The mass on top is solid and oval shaped 

the SKA is alive

You can see the Red, Purple and Green coming through the crown of the planet 

Australia colour coded S.KA [S.KI] S.KY backdrop, lots of activity over by Australia, New Zealand, into the Philippines, Thailand, with trigger HAPI Korea and China being watched night and day, we are seeing crafts litter the SKA over there and in other parts of the world 

We can see the energies [radiation] 

Tribu name [Levi] Tribu colour [Purple] Body part [Nose] Tribu Function [Will] 

Are these sucker-holes left from when a craft goes or are these manipulation from HAARP or are these holes coming from a craft and the turbine [electromagnetic] turbine underneath leaving this cloud energy signature underneath from the craft 

LAH.MU [Lahmu]

An exotic version of KHMT [Egypt] and exactly like how they show you in Star Wars
This is the double Ki [earth] they keep talking about, Lahmu has a SKA blue SKI  

Herds of extra-terrestrial animals
Water and forests
Human site- look at the 80s satellite, you can tell the Humans are on Lahmu
The Lares are on Lahmu
9ethers are on Lahmu
Dome type structure

When the magnetic field collapses on Lahmu NASA will go into overdrive because after Lahmu is this planet, zer0 point field




They are not even holding cell phones, they are holding smartphones
We had been on repeat [looping] 


You can see where the moat bridge would have been, the walls look new, architecture is sum thing else, you can see little entry points where the water would be

These places were not built to just protect against cannon balls, bows and arrows, look how much detail, each brick, the manpower, the organisation into planning, finding the right sight, weight+ for bows and arrows
Did the modern day Spanish build this Castle, no, did their ancestors build this Castle, no

Out of the Ulmex [Olmec] we get the Moors, the Ulmec are pioneer builders

There were many tower trees 

Look at this cows markings 

We cannot all be on the same planet, you have to leave 
Time is running out for you 

Ancient Opslag
Called Slag today
There is no big difference between North and South African stone messages

Makasutu [Gambia] is a Mandinka word
Maka is Mecca [Maca] Mac-a [Mec-a]
Sutu is Forest

Maka [Maca] Mac [Olmec] Mec [Ulmec]
Mandinka [Mandingo] Mali

Mand-Inka [Inca]
Ul-Mec [Olmec]


Aztec [Aztlan]

Mutec Zuma who was the last Emporia of Mexico
[Mutec] is part of Aztlan [USA + South America]

Mu-tec-Zuma [Az-tec] and Mu is from Muur [Maur] Muur] Moor

Inca is a left-over word from the Spanish that they told the English that they were called when the name Inca [Inka] is from the Mali tribe called the [Mandinka] Mand-InKa [Inca]
Ul-mec [Olmec] is from Abyssinia [Ethiopia] and today are called Almade [Al-made] which is Ul-Mac

Aztlan [Atlantis]

Out of the Ul-Mec [Al-Made] we get the word Muur [Moor] Mauri [Maur] which just means [black] has in the colour of 9ethers skin given to them by the Romans and Greeks, even the word Nigeria and Niger is a leftover word from the Romans for the word Nigg9 because sum one could not pronounce the word Neteru

You are now world class, galactic class and should be viewing the nu world in technicolour – in colours, crystal holographic colours which is light and light is data light is information

Colours are tones, sones, vibrations, frequencies

You should be viewing all data in frequencies dear inter-dimensional being and do not sever the connection between you and source –

Do what you must by any means necessary to protect your light at all times, you will never ever’ be punished for protecting your light, for thy King-dome come, they [Will] be done

Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...