Friday, 31 December 2021


WAJI [Green] energy [radiation] streaming through Norway [Crown] of the planet
Chakra energy columns coming from the 5D 

Aurora Borealis just means North and South 
There are crafts [mother-ships] at both poles
We will be having sum real Sirius [serious] soular energy coming in- crafts will deflect plasma 
[soul-ar energy] discharges from certain places and in other places they will redirect the plasma discharges and at times amplify the plasma discharges
NIBIRU controls both the poles of this planet   

 Red [Electron] energy [radiation] is in the field and is the most dominant energy field out there

You are being changed from the inside out [molecule structure] 

Red [Root Chakra- which is being removed] is HERU + MAAT combined energy [warrior] FEMI9
The arrows from right to left are showing the energy streaming in and where you see the arrows flipping round is where NI.BIRU [NEB-HERU] is and is collecting the energies and sending them straight back in, no energy is being wasted

MAAT is Kachina
Both the Red and Blue Kachinas charge one another and give you Purple when combined 

All enemies are under one roof, this roof [house] 
NIBIRU can destroy all other chakras within the body   

Longitude and latitude are nothing more than the planets nervous system, all energy streams through into her Chakra system 
Both WAJI [Green] and Blue are life-force energies however WAJI is also healing energy 
Venus is also in the mix 

Read all data in energy and you will go further

Ultraviolent [UVC] backdrop 

[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet Light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of KAANU [Ether] (black) light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system

The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on [666]

The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts being;

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

Check the colours [energies] hitting the planet 


Look carefully 

The KARAST [Christ] in here is Set and the KARAST [Christ] to come is Jupiter(s) light the [1]ion 
Jupiter goes back into Saturn aka Set
Contractions are getting closer  

5G will be rolling out and that will include the [NWO] sum people will be participating in the [NWO] and others will not be

All those who came through the decades overlapping from 1960 into 2000 will be coming online and none more than the [Indigo] children and in [222] the universe will be calling on us

The Crystal and Rainbow children time hasn’t come up yet- they are our elders – those from 2000 on out are our ancients [elders] and are who the government are really afraid of, so if you have a child or family member or sum one you know who was born in the year 2000 and above are the ones the government are really concerned about, hence why they want everyone with the you know what

Things will start to increase because we are hitting 2022 [222] cycle

Indigo is a New-Age word and is describing the AURA of these children who came in all races and rebelled against the system like the Shadow children, its in your nature, these are the children who were termed ADHT+ the ones who didn’t pay attention in class or give a sh9t about school and always asked why – your genetics and soul are wired differently

There are different ways to rebel against the system [machine], you don’t always have to rebel against the government

Those [Indigo] children are like SEMU [SIMU] healer, hearer [priest] you are the forerunners for the KARAST [Christ] energy that is on the planet, you are here to inspire others like the Crystal children, you are here to inspire those around you, inspire other spiritual teachers [messages], inspire those to activate, to come online – this is your Ptah, to inspire others, we all have different Ptahs and are at different consciousness level
Your role is to stream to others, cover different ranges of thought [Thoth] – you may not even be spiritual but you have the energy to inspire others, you were the first batch to rebel against the system and now you’re all grown up now – an adult

Shadow children are the undercover children, secret cells that will start to make themselves known real soon, they will be those who you do not expect, in media, on tv, music artist, like Nipsey Hussle, I wasn’t expecting that from him- those are the Shadow children, many more will be making themselves known  

Flower children are before the Indigo, so the Flower children are around 1965-1975 or 1960 – 1970 the thing is it overlaps – the Flower children birth [things] you give birth to [things] and are big-time into nature, you gave foundation to the Indigo and you also rebelled against the system – but you did it peacefully, you didn’t want no trouble but the [Indigo] love trouble and all the noise that comes with it, the music was key for your organ [brain] during these decades [1960-2000]

The AURA [Purple][Blue][Red] field of an [Indigo] is sensitive, they have deep inner-feelings, inner-knowing and are intuitive

So [222] will be heavy, a lot of [stuff] is going down during this cycle [year], we will be forcefully accelerating – from NIBIRU being acknowledge to extra-terrestrials, time travel – the whole 9 yards, the era of the Knowing, revealing, the seen – will be revealed, you already know all of this, you have to remain focus   

Venus [LAHAMU] is in orbit, she will be here all the way until this thing plays out, Venus is dealing with matters of the heart and you’re going to need to deal with that also  

Now, this is where it gets tricky, sum of you have children and sum of you have dependents, so you will have a reason to fight against the machine, sum of you have that [will] to do so because of these reasons, many of you will have to find that [thing] [will] that pushes you forward, yes its all an illusion and many will say it doesn’t matter anyway, but yet you may have nieces and nephews or little cousins- shame on you, if your role is to inspire others it could well be in the [NWO] shame on you for not trying, shame on you for not leaving sum thing behind for the next generation, all I am saying is that nothing has truly started, sum might argue like those who are living on their rooftops of their homes because they have been flooded out – there are those who want this thing over now, there will be places, pockets around the world where you will be needed, there is going to be a lot of confusion and chaos, you will know when to give energy and when not to, all I am saying is that we haven’t even started and when we do, remain focused because you could be the voice of reason for many because of what you hold [data] [light]  

A SEMU is sum one who is empowered by a higher-poWRA, you have the poWRA already and the question is what are you going to do with this poWRA

You have to evolve, its time to grow, so that when you leave this planet you don’t have to come back down here, how much light are you pulling into your body, is your consciousness growing

You have to do more dreaming in [222] because we are interacting with the 4D – dreaming is manifesting which is i-magi-nation, we are going to be seeing a lot of deaths in [222] like you have never seen before, you have to know all this for [222] will be a rubber-band cycle [year] and it will be relentles
Moving forward the [Indigo] must work on opening the [3rd] Ayin [eye] so that you can see the frequencies [energies] that are out there, you need to know what you are looking at as you go forward in [222]

A lot of people will be coming together in [222] tribus, families, communities, strangers, people that hate one another, spiritual partnerships, religious followers, even the ones who are not activated, those who are not spiritual will all know sum thing is going on, they will all come together

For me to write more is difficult because I don’t see past [222] yet all the things like deliveries will all be delivered to your door in 2030, but yet they are doing that right now, I don’t get Crypto-currency because there is a soul-ar storm coming that will cause a EMP, the grid is going to be switched off so I’m not sure how this thing will play out because it will be different for everyone around the planet, I saw many talking about land ownership and owning businesses, what about the water that is coming in- places will be flooded out, maybe its me- but whatever you are being directed to listen to the spirit guides and what they say

 Haritaki [Haru][Heru] [Taki] [Naki] [Heru Naga] is used to open the [3rd] Ayin

A lot of the times the ships [crafts] are there and you cannot see them because you are not on the right frequency

 They are merging you [Jab] with robots, that is the plan, you are the cyborg that they are merging with, robots will have rights and they will tell you that they have a conscious, robotic dogs, animals, children robots, children will also have rights, this is the monkey sh9t that is coming up, I read this during 2019 and now we are seeing these things implemented, children having rights, younger presidents, flip-side is that paedophilia will become increased in mainstream, this means children could get married at an earlier age, if you have a daughter this means you must put this guy to sleep forever, we are heading into a chaotic world and you have to be ready, this is their last push and they will be going for it – in Japan they already have a A.I robot priest and the Japanese and lapping it up

All they are doing is getting the masses psychologically ready first – they want to see how the masses react and are testing the water in each moment – they are preparing you mentally and you must also be ready mentally, a lot of people are going to be dying and many will not make it, that time is now, others will accept A.I [robots] but to many it will bother them and this is the rage against the machine that they are waiting for, many of us are not going down like that

You must find peace within yourself, practice mindfulness, be silent, work on your [3rd] Ayin, be grateful for the small things that you have- the basics, if sum one has it and you don’t, let them inspire you to get it, 5G will be switched on and everyone(s) mind will be attacked, everyone, and you will have to deal with matters of the heart and you will have to control your emotions

We go into a Mercury retrograde within the first [2] weeks, I thought it was Venus retrograde, take the retrograde has a time to prepare, go within, stay at home and take a look at yourself

The golden-age is coming, no condition is permanent, no matter how it looks, all is dependent on what vibration you are on, what frequency are you on- sum people are stuck on the zombie apocalypse that is coming, that NIBIRU is in the Ska, that the government is going to kill us all+ sum people are only dealing with certain aspects of what is going on because of the vibration that they are on- you must surround yourself with higher-knowledge which is higher vibrations, this increases your Ayin poWRA


If you are over 40+ no more playing, you know what your purpose is, if you are under 40, strip yourself of all that doesn’t serve you, go barefoot, you have to figure it out now, take this retrograde and ask what am I here for, so you will know your destiny, so that you will know what part you will play whilst this thing plays out  

HERU and all the other NTR are from the future, they are real beings but they are from the future, this is a futuristic story that is going to happen- we just haven’t met that vibration yet – this is why the MARE [MIR] MER (pyramid) are also from the future and why they cannot figure out this architecture  

Over 90% of extra-terrestrials are from the future – what I mean is that they are from a different dimension, a different timeline and when you past the fourth dimension, there is no time, you get it    

We reside in a lower realm [3D] and down here time is relevant [but it is not] so there is no date when the 3D world is going to end – so the ones who are not from the future are generated by other extra-terrestrials groups, they are hybrids and were created here  

If you learn how to levitate do not tell anyone, if you start to move things, do not tell no one, keep all to yourself- all this and more is in the higher levels of the 4D – in the lower levels of the 4D we still have chaos going on – so they don’t want the future children becoming activated [HERU] although they will not be able to stop this because a few will break through which is why they don’t want this happening and is to why they have to vaccinate all these children – if you can move sum thing with your mind, do not tell nobody and do not put it on YT – do not be in your ego, there will be a time when you’ll be able to use this, keep your mouth shut until then – if your child is showing signs of these things, back them up – do not tell nobody

The sun is going to let rip

 Chem-trailing, its heavy out there, when its grey from the chemicals be wary because that is when people start going off-key, murdering, aggression, depression, suicide+ this also prevents you from connecting, Orgonite can open up these chem-domes  

Soular energy is hitting the planet hence why its warm- they will counteract [HAARP] real soon

Portugal [mud-flood] 
Water, is still coming in around the world 

DEW is still being used
Trees still standing, buildings from a forest fire- ok then   

Mirny Mine in the Sakha Region of Siberia, Russia
This diamond mine, one of deepest excavated holes on earth
Opened in 1957
At its height it was producing 10,000,000 carats a year
Closed operations in 2004
Below the city of Mirny was built right up the edge of the open pit mine
The diamonds were both jewellery and commercial grade stones used in optics, communication, diamond coating as well as commercial and medical lasers

Diamond [Di-Amon-d] Amon [Amun] are in the ground for when plasma [lighting] hits the ground the Dimond’s deflect the plasma around the planet where she needs it the most and the gold in the ground holds the energy for gold is a conductor

We are seeing a lot of energy coming down through the crown of the planet, so places like Russia are receiving the energy but this energy will not be going to the modern-day Russians, you don’t have any Diamonds in the ground, besides, the Annunaqi warned Putin [King of the North] to step down if not his people would be taken has food – he declined the offer  

Balakhna [Russia]
Mud-flood from the past that is the future 

Remember there are positive and negative Annunaqi, Annunagi [Anunnaki] are reptilian and sum of them turned against ENKI [INKI] ENQI – sum of the ones that turned against ENKI are Koppa and Brown [Black] beings also

Sum of these families that are run by these groups reside in SS-witzerland [Austria], their off-spring are hybrids and reside in the mountains  

Sum of these properties are built into the mountain and the mountain has cave systems, they have the technology to cloak their properties – there are towns way up in the mountains, in the Alps

SS-witzerland is also where CERN is based – those that controlled this 3D world reside in


 South Carolina
Parts of a craft complex can be seen 


That mother-ship is about the size of this planet- and has been here since 2012
-there is also another huge craft on the right, those four lights in a row are part of another ship

Bad [negative] behaviour ruined the world - in [222] be part of positive behaviour 

We are all being made to retrospect

Aquarius [Leo] 

We are in the era of the Knowing [Aquarius], there are no more beliefs in this field, you are Creator [Leo] AKUR 

[i-know I AM creator] 

A guy on YT who I used to follow on and off has transitioned, so we are sending out healing and positive energy to his family, I didn't agree with his religious stuff but he was on point about a great deal more- he also had sum real good footages 
Safe passage Rap the News - you lucky git  





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