Monday, 3 January 2022

Transitioning-energies never dies...

The cycles of [death] and rebirth 

We have ties to those people that we have lost, however you didn’t lose them, it was their transition and this became your lost – you were made to stop for a minute and register that they are not here right now, it’s the attachment that we struggle with the most, the connection never deletes

The fact that you stopped for that minute and that feeling [charge] came over you means that they were there with you, right at that moment – they were communicating through your DNA and what is called generational DNA

The hook-up from heaven [haven] 

There is a stream of consciousness that has a particular DNA coding and a particular DNA imprint that is based upon the familial imprint and you keep coming through if you [want] to come through that particular genetic line and if you have a strong connection within that genetic line then you will receive messages and information because energy cannot be destroyed or energy doesn’t die, you must know this – energy changes, energy changes form or intensity or resonance

So when you have [love] ones who you are constantly keeping in thought, you are opening up lines of communication with them and they are receiving [listening] you- however you cannot be lamenting and crying, your thoughts is the thing that is keeping them there and keeps them coming to you because that parental energy doesn’t [die] very quickly, it stays, it ferments and is to why we sum times see ghosts [apparitions] because we lock-on to that emotional part of us, the emotional body is sum thing that is necessary for us to even procreate, your emotional body has to be strong for you to even be able to procreate   

That emotional energy is the tie-in aka life-line aka umbilical-cord to them, you can be connected to grandmother, grandfather+ all dependent on how strong your connection is through your genetics, through your projection thinking

Its hard to say, this is what you need to do, because everyone is different

How far does your memory go, do you dig for those memory files, do you listen, and has you listen you are being told sub-consciously and sub-textually by the language just like how they are able to read sum ones brain pattern or wavelength by just the signature – how we do [graphology], and you can tell the way by how sum one has their strokes, how they cross their t’s, how they flare their letters, those who have messy writing or have to turn the page upside down to write and more+ you can tell what is in their consciousness – they are actually following the pattern of where their brains are going – sum times you write sum thing like a letter or I will write a post and I will read back and see the way I wrote sum thing or use certain words that I don’t usually use+ all this and more are because you are writing in accordance with the way your brainwave pattern is working

So, be mindful of the fact that whatever memories you hold of your love ones, make sure that it is one of joy – because you are either going to feed yourself or starve yourself 

I metamorphosize as the great Yusri (caterpillar) [wisdom] onto the Taslug (cocoon) [strength] on into the most beautiful Farasha (butterfly) [beauty]

They took men (light) known and wombmen (darkness) mystery, mere mortals and make them into Neteru, Wombmen are inner beings and men are outer beings, or exposed beings
Beauty [Gomer], strength [Oz] Wisdom [Dabar]

The perpetual cycle of life- many are going and many are coming

In order to know the forces of nature, you must know who you are, the knowledge of self [cell] is the knowledge of everything, learning about yourCell-self allows you to go deeper into the darkness and the forces, this opens gateways within you that will take you to that 13th Chakra, innerstand who you are young Jedi

I AM that I AM [Eheyah Asher Eheyah] Aneya Dek Aneya] I will be what I will be

The Kundalini is rising
See the [9] in there spiralling [spirit-alling]  

All the signs are in the SKA

Creation Flower of life [Chi force]
Versica Piscis
The golden ratio is 9

Physical matter is music solidified — Pythagoras
-Or in Sanskrit it is Nada Brahma, the word is sound [sone] Om

Chakra energy columns - we are connecting with the higher realms [4D]5D+ 

Last couple hours up until - look at the red 

Over today [3.1.22] you can see the colours [energies]

Over the week- energy is in the field

Soul-ar flares
An outlet needs a proton and electron to hold a charge, the light [you] must be able to hold a charge, if you cannot hold a charge then you are not electric which means you cannot connect to source and means that when the soular flares come in- you get deleted  

The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on [666] 

5G goes live on the 5.1.2022 - the grid goes down and Skynet [Amazon] will go live 
If you have money in the bank get most if not all of it out, buy tin food, water+ now
Soular flares are coming in but they are from them putting 5G on and not the soular flares that are from source- she is right around the corner and when she comes this place will go BOOOMBABY  

All these images relate and are showing the same thing 
read all data in Chakra energies 
Red [FEMI] ELECTRON NRG is the one to watch

[Red] MA.AT Femi9 Electron Energy + [NEB HERU] [HERU] NIBIRU = destruction
Zenith means Ptah [vortex] this is coming from the deep, abyss [Nun] frequency change with NI.BIRU at the helm [Neutron Star] this is danger for the 6ether and a huge bulk of the 9ethers because they will not be able to process the energy, red and pink is death [destruction]

HERU which is the double Horus – which is the inner or shadow energy and the other is the Christos light form or KARAST energy and all combined is a form of MAAT


Ruwty [Rawty] means double headed AKUR [Lion] or double SEKHMET energy
MAAT is also the holy Shakina [Kachina] Shekinah

Sum storms are on a double Heru [Horus] and combined with MA.AT – aka this was the double KARAST [Christ] energy on that particular day and was not a tornado

Re Harakhahte

The Falcon or Hawk or any type of bird represented the manifested which would be Re Harakhahte which is two forms of Christ [Karast] and those two combined brings on MAAT

MA.AT is also the holy Shakina [Kachina] Shekinah, she is here and they say she has not revealed herself- look up in the Ska, i-think she has if you look carefully

HERU [HORUS] with double crown [MAAT+HERU] double energy and the wings [balance] of MAAT combined energy = warrior energy [Red]

Firmament is the dome [van-allen-belt], radiation-belt aka energy-belt, ozone-layer and EMF 
Study this image 

Russian readings from the Schuman goes down 

Huge amounts of snow is hitting places and we cannot rule out HAARP- the planet is hot [plasma], power outages are occurring and can mean they are purposely tripping the power, man is doing this, the freeze is coming- get your suppliers now if you are in Europe, the USA especially  

Saudi Arabia
-And more- parts of their countries are under water and places around the planet 
China gets a M5 but looks more like an M7 to me, Taiwan also receives a M7 – there is one more out there for we are having trinity strikes

[white] holds all [7] frequencies [black] portal  

Blood the word is recorded AMARASO meaning Rays
This is because our ancestors knew that Blood just like fruit Juice, and Chlorophyll are liquid sunlight and both contain memories

MAAT is asking you if you want the 3D or the 4D 

Red hue- Yellow rim, White [7] core
New Zealand 


The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]

An-tar-cti-Ka ancient ruins, MIR [pyramid] and a giant megalithic structure in the shape of a Swasti-Ka visible from Space

Pulsating Ska


Shields up 

[2] Moons [Mono] on a 180 degree angle 

Taken from the USA [????] 

We can see SAH [SA.HU] (Orion) systen- the [7] siStars [its 9- we can only see 7] 

No comment just whoa 
the Kingdome around the sun, huge structure, the sun [multidimensional] portal
-the sun does have a docking station




Mt Rainer [USA] 
Huge mother-ship 

clocked craft  

Crafts are doing drive-by's 

Different crafts are present, sum are positive and sum are negative- the war as already begun

The damage continues without no intervention- nature is on course and she will pick up the pieces - all will come at a price

 Sum one said this is a Bee up close- there are many different kinds of Bees

A fully grown adult AKUR [Lion] is like a domestic Kat to the Annunaqi 

ISHTAR [IN.ANNA] is [Alkebulan] African - look at her face 

what technology was used to cut through this rock and by who and how 10s of 1000s of years ago- those beings came from the future and the future is here once again 

Wyoming [USA] 

WI-FI antenna

Illinois [USA] 
Whole cities are buried beneath your feet 

Etruscan built and the Romans claim the site - the Romans also took skilled slaves and made them build future sites

These slaves are skilled master builders [stone masons] 
American civil war [confederations] was the North releasing 1million skilled slaves and the south having no skilled workers and meant that in the south many would lose employment to the skilled slaves 
These slaves are not helping build Lincolns statue but they are actually the project mangers, the MIB on the left is supervising

King Henry Christoph is one of Haiti's founding fathers
He is known for constructing Citadel Henry, now known as Citadelle Laferrière, the Sans-Souci Palace, and numerous other palaces

Labour day is a bank-holiday but is very much linked to slavery 

Cotton picking was to dumb you down, generations after generations, when we see those images we are actually looking at computer scanners, engineers, doctors, astrologists, master stone masons, mathematics, scientists, the list goes on and on+

Amazing Grace - she is the FEMI.9 principle 

MIR [MER] Pyramids
Otago Peninsula
New Zealand
10 million years ago

Lillith is in this realm right now 

I got no shield but that don't make me weak 










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