Saturday, 18 December 2021

Verse 9:99

Show Improved

Angel [6]
[222] 2022
Justice [Balance]

Shifting in and out of dimensions, timelines jumping, we are moving forward in the 4D, we are Coming Forth by Day

We are in the end-games and it starts in the 4D, we are in the times were reality [reel-ity] is about to change frequency, the nu simulation is ready for we are in the fourth frequency 
-and frequencies change
There are different levels of the 4D, with sub-levels and higher levels that go all the way up to the heaven state [9D] – we still have for a while the 5th dimension which has not fully hit but the lower planes of the 5D+ are available – however when you transition, if you have your energy correct then you can be on the 5D in your afterlife

You have seen the adverts for things like medicine merging with technology, suicide pods, regenerating machines, plasma-based healing+ that they are promoting, this is all for their N.W.O and for those who will be in their N.W.O – this means end-games, say goodbye to the 3rd dimension, we are moments away from 2022 and 2022 will be very interesting, if you still have a 3rd dimensional mindset, you are not going to make it into the 5D 

We have been seeing the Schumann machine rebooting, timelines are merging and being reset and we are leaving the loop that we had been on, all that is over

Metaverse is coming out now into next year, technically 2022 does not exist and this is the incubation period – a nu reality means a splitting of reality, for many you have already disconnected

[be of the world but not in the world]

This means you will have people living on the same street but on [2] different realities and on different frequencies

Tech-Magic, your mind is going to be the nu Magic- all the elements are up here [head] your
i-Magi-nation is going to be the nu Magic, I have always written about your Magi [Magic] [Black Magic] and have always told you about your mind [Khu] and how key your Khu is – now you will start to see how important it was for you to get your mind straight and to regulate what you have streaming into your mind

Meta comes from the word Maat 

Why is fb [Meta] advertising this is the world of the imagination, hmmm, Metaverse, are you thinking about this, the jab contains the chip and so does your cell phone, all these things and more means many will switch over without knowing it – the realm of the imagination is the realm of the fourth dimension – they are creating a nu [man-made] fourth dimension for you- is that what you want

Replace manifestation with the word imagination for we do not see man-in-festation [nature]  

You have the man-made-machine frequency which is creating a reality and you have the natural frequency which is creating a nu reality, this means you will have to decide which reality you want, their Metaverse or your true reality so that you can make it out of here, what are you going to do with your spiritual-soul energy, theirs is a trap but you have to reside here, we get that however is that what you want, as we move forward do not get so caught up in the Metaverse, when everyone says Happy New Year, replace that with Metaverse- the year of the machine frequency, this is not your HAPI Nu y-ear- stay focused and protect yourself at all times 

Know what is going on, research, watch people from a distance, focus on your spiritual journey, don’t divert from your Ptah – always come back to your soul-ar [spirit] energy

Surround yourself with all that is spiritual, all books are about to be made digital, sum books I had are in triple figures on the internet, a lot of things is going online like money, one EMP and its al over
- we are are going online    

This number 2022 would equal [6] which is low, however they say it is a double meaning, it can be [6] negative or [6] positive – [6] is the same number has [9] upside down
6 is unconscious and 9 is conscious- its what level you want 6 or 9 

The heart comes up for the number [6] and the heart and mind are connected, your emotions are going to be tested – things that play out on your heart-strings, things that are still in your heart of which sum must be burnt out, again these are things that have been written about over and over on this page

[6] also means harmony, justice, order, service to others, relationships, partnerships – both personal and professional [family, partners, work partners+] all and more is about to be brought up for many and has already for sum, love [Chi] is from Venus and she is forcing the love energy, what is true and what is fake energy 

[We will be in Venuses transit all the way, I do not care what planets are being mentioned, Venus will be there all the way until this thing plays out and we should be hitting retrograde with Venus real soon]

This is MAAT energy and she is Universal Law [9to9to the 9th PoWRA] she is that which is straight, balance, justice, chaos and order- there is no escaping her energy, this is the [Red] energy NASA fears   

Sh9t is coming up, food is over and many are going to have to do partnerships with others, people that hate one another, this is the field, dog eat dog, those who think they are above you are going to be below you, in fact you will all be on one level, all the movies they put out in the USA and the USA will be the biggest blockbuster, release date 2022 –

2021 and 2022 will be the same year, February doesn’t even count, sum of you do not know how to communicate with others, when your belly is rumbling you will know how to communicate – we are in the KARMA [KAMA] fields and this is a field that MAAT controls so many people will be having their KARMA [KAMA] delivered during this period, even though I have used 2022 and 2012 [2021] we are in the moment which is right now

So you will see many who had what many call everything, which normally means, a car, house, a good job + money, wife or husband, children, marriage, and maybe a dog or cat and had holidays once or twice a year, those people are fuc9ked for they have no clue has to what is going to take place, there are 10s of 1000s of people on the streets with many more each day from sh9t that is incoming and for those who have been on the streets for say 3 years+ are pretty much ready for sh9t than the average man, those that had everything will have nothing, the ZOHAR [Kabbalah] says, they will have everything in this world, so that no portion is left for him in the next world – you have to watch your heart and know when to let KARMA [KAMA] do her thing, you will be guided to those that you are supposed to guide or activate

What about war veterans, what if they shot a child or a woman or he raped a woman or child, that is the kind of monkey sh9t they did, you’ve seen the movie Casualties of War, do you know how much the UN had to pay out to families in Iraq from what British soldiers did over there, the last figure was £10million from £30million already
But what if you’re on the street, that veteran is skilled, what if he is a trained sniper or electrician, and today he is a pedo- fu9k, what will you do, what about the veteran, he knows what he did, he sees them or her or him everyday in their mind, does he want to do right, this and more are for those still leftover, everyday people are bailing out of here      

How do people come into your life [Chi], through attraction, you attract energies, how you treat people is how you treat yourself, what is going on with you on the inside is a reflection of you on the outside, check who is in your space- you are drawing energies in to you for the wrong reasons at times and you must watch yourself and check yourself – you should be reading energies and not physical energy that is 3D, energies are in the 4D, when you see people use the inner-eye and what type of energies about this person are you receiving, pay attention

Your next partner should be spiritual all the fu9king way, even if she is doing Yoga or he is eating no meat that is an improvement on your last partner, you want to be able to evolve then have that reciprocated – set this up in your mind and want it, you have to want sum thing, universe watches you all the way and she will respond to you if you have not already had this energy already or it may not be this lifetime, but she will respond in her time [light], but s-he will respond 

You will need to match these frequencies with nu data not old data or settings, in your meantime you should be working on you, go below the radar, what you are due is coming, regardless if it is positive or negative its coming, you need to focus and make soundproof decisions going forward, be on point, change it up and set your stall out, be you, say and mean what you are, be transparent, seen but unseen

If you are dealing with any kind of energy [people] who are asserting-controlling type of people, you need to cut them loose ASAP, if your partner is controlling- you will not make it in 2022, the frequency is changing, we don’t even have 7.89hz anymore, that base-rate is on 50hz [there are 3 tones hitting planet] if you’re researching and they are not, what does that tell you, this applies to family and friends- you need to be around like-minded or all by myself [my cell] 

This energy continues to separate us all and the energy is searching for those whose intention is positive with their energy, no-one is perfect down here, we all had to do certain things and it is the soul [soular] energy that is being graded- what you are today, so during this next phase we will see those who you thought were good people [energies] were all along tramps, hidden behind false energy, sum of you need this to happen for you to register

If you can see past the illusion, every cycle you get closer to your destiny, more tests are coming up for many, you don’t want to be part of sum one else’s’ reality so pay attention to dildos that pass through your space        

Love and Hate, positive and negative, you want balance, if you are being made to lose things don’t take it personally, if others are getting this and that do not envy, they are to receive all their hearts desires so that no portion is leftover for them in the next world- remember that, your above all this, its just that your still around them, you cannot go to another country for this simulation will be worldwide, observe but don’t judge, be humble with what you have on a basic level

There will be energies floating around the planet and this energy will be those doing sh9t things to others, that frequency will be floating around the planet- people will be envious, jealous – green eyed over you or others, pre-judging, don’t give any energy way to these people – its coming whereby things you may have spoken about will trigger for many to come back to you, the energy is separating us all – so what will you do [heart and mind will be communicating] do you want your destiny or not- MAAT [KA-CHI-NA] is in the S.KA and her rays are forcing the issue, do you remember, think of all the signs that you have seen throughout your life that was given unto thee, think about the last decade and where you are right now- I think that answers your questions

To match the frequency- be you

[6] healers, forget the new-age people, next year [week] will be a lot of trauma and for those that experienced trauma you must burn those files for we will be experiencing this frequency and for many, files can be brought up if you are not sure [believe] with your energy rather than you [know] your energy, heal you first or you will be sh9t for others – if you know your energy then this next phase [2022] will be a really good period for you spiritually

We will be seeing people coming together, especially family people, those with children, different people in your area coming together, there will still be danger but at least there will be strength in numbers 

Angel and Angle are the same word and means Angle of light [Angel] 9 to 9 to the 9th poWRA, an Angle in which to shine light through

We are in the 4D and so what you think and i-magi-ne is the key to your reality – if you think negative and are low vibrating, you are not going to make it

Its an illusion, its just a game but you have to play and you have to know how to play the game to reach the other levels, this means getting rid of old programming like the ego, that needs to go, the Root Chakra [Red] is being removed and for those who reside in their ego- they are fu9ked – another old programming that you have to get rid of is who did what, in all my researching and my own personal records it is not the 6ether [white] beings that did the 9ethers [black] beings wrong, when you inner-stand energies, then you will know it is not them, the blame if there is one is much higher than the 3D plane- this page is a reflection of what I have learned and experienced whilst being down here and this has aided in shaping my mind, granted many have not had this data but this data was made available to those who heard the call, so not everyone would agree or if there is anything to agree on- this equation will balance out and is on so many levels – sum people will get it and sum won’t, hating [love + hate] another will have many stuck and they will not leave this matrix just on that alone, they did this to themselves, the matrix has you….

You have to let go of hate, how, by forgiving, by letting go, but wanting to let go, by wanting from the heart for forgiveness or to forgive, if you’re looping in thoughts this is exactly what you have to work on- change or be changed

If you hate sum one and they transition before you do, all that energy is on its way back to sender [you] all that hate comes back to you, inner-stand why you hate whatever it is – break it down to its lowest level and there you will find yourself at that low level, deep within- learn to let it go, whatever you can do to let it truly go backed by the heart, you have to want to let it go, if it is you that you have to forgive, face off, do it for light is running out

Hate and Love- you have to find the balance, yes sh9t happened but to burn generational cruses you have to find the way out of that old program, MAAT and HERU combined is an energy that deletes negative energy, so deal with yourself and not your beliefs, deal with what you know that will aid you moving forward, forward poWRA  

We are in the era of the knowing, what do you know, no debating or talking about things that have no meaning, it’s the knowing that we are dealing with 

Flower [Indigo] Rainbow [Crystal] Shadow and the Christos [KARAST] energies will be activating, those KARAST energies who had a limited starting point where you didn’t have all the tools that you needed while you were down here but you figured it out and you changed your whole mindset and you started inspiring people, these energies will be inspiring others with data- in different formats, even with those deemed famous, there are hidden cells among us and they may have been out here doing negative but will switch, be wary of those with false light but there will be those activating – a great change is coming, no more hiding, we are in the era of the knowing, the revealing [Apocalypse]

Activate to your highest level of consciousness which you can increase which in turns increases your frequencies, knowledge prevents [believe], because you [know] this in turns amplifies your AURA field and you will walk on water [you will walk through sh9t] nothing can attach itself to you because you are walking in your Ptah which means Opener of the ways, you did that, you flipped the script, you rebelled, the rebellious one, they like you, I wanna hang out with you sum time 

The energy is always changing and is never stagnant, energy cannot be destroyed, energy is recycled, its renewed, we are at the filtering stages, we are at the processing house

In my father’s [mothers] house there are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you

Sum of you are not coming back down here, you go home for you have earned the right to inter-dimensional travel once again, so if you do not have any Magi on this nu world, either you have been cut off by you or by source or you are not from this soular system, remember sum of you came here to aid in the HuMins ascension upgrade, your mission is nearly complete, filter out your thoughts and take with you what you know and not what you believe

It’s a jungle out there, stay focused, grounded and on your Ptah

Rebooting [timelines] consistently- we are heading into another event mode 

SOUL [BAA] MIND [KHU] and the BODY [KHA] is last..




  1. Hi Bowban,
    thank you for all your posts, thank you for the insights into things that were far out of my reach but drew me in so that I couldn't help but read your posts.I wish you a good and peaceful time, the name of which I have long forgotten, and am in anticipation of taking up the new time. All the best to you, all the best to me, and thank you for the energy you give to inform those who want to understand how the world turns.
    Best wishes to you. Rolf

    Translated with (free version)Hallo Bowban,
    danke für all deine Beiträge, danke für die Einsichten in Dinge, die weit aus meiner Reichweite lagen, aber mich so angezogen haben, dass ich nicht anders konnte, als deine Beiträge zu lesen.Ich wünsche dir eine gute und ruhige Zeit, deren Name ich schon lange vergessen habe, und bin in der Erwartung, die neue Zeit aufzunehmen. Alles Gute für dich, alles Gute für mich, und danke für deine Energie die Du gibst, um die zu informieren, die verstehen wollen, wie die Welt sich dreht.
    Herzliche Grüße zu Dir. Rolf

    1. Lieber Rolf
      Du klingst als würdest du dich verabschieden, in diesen schwierigen Zeiten brauchen wir uns, ich verbreite nur Daten, bevor wir den Zugriff verlieren
      Ich habe neulich an dich gedacht und gesagt, dass ich nichts von dir gehört habe, es ist gut zu wissen, dass es dir gut geht
      Immer weiter vorwärts und weiter schieben
      Bleiben Sie in Kontakt, wenn Sie können
      Immer Rolf, von mir zu dir

    2. Jason, I'm not saying goodbye, it's too important to have this information. I had focused so much on it and was also a bit weak energetically, but, I'm on my way again. At G +, it was important for me to have found your side, as it spoke a language that I understood as much as possible. (Content) I've been on my path since I was a child, and in full awareness, for about 40 years. In principle, I don't know who or what I am. I follow my inner impulses and just do it. I don't search, I just find, and the more I find, the more I know myself than what I'm looking for unconsciously. Me! My so-called world changes daily, adapting in small pieces, as if I were building a street out of mosaic stones. I questioned what I always thought the world is like, my world, when I got answers that turned my worldview upside down. I wanted to give myself a break, from 2019 onwards, and think, but I got straight into the vortex, and I became more aware of everything. Often with tears. If nothing happens that is serious, from the outside, I will stay in contact, I am always on the way, wherever I am. Thanks for your answer.
      Rolf Great Wolf
      Jason, ich verabschiede mich nicht, es ist viel zu wichtig, diese Infos zu haben. Ich hatte mich so darauf konzentriert, und war auch energetisch etwas angeschlagen, aber, ich bin wieder auf dem Weg.Für mich war es bei G+ wichtig, deine Seite gefunden zu haben, sprach sie doch eine Sprache, die ich weitestgehend verstand. ( Inhalt) Ich gehe meinen Weg seit Kindesbeinen an, und im vollen Bewusstsein, seit etwa 40 Jahren.Im Prinzip, weiß ich nicht, wer, oder was ich bin. Ich folge meinen inneren Impulsen, und tue es einfach.Ich suche nicht, sondern finde einfach, und je mehr ich finde, um so mehr erkenne ich mich, als das was ich unbewusst suche.Mich! Meine sogenannte Welt, ändert sich, täglich, anpassend in kleinen Stücken, als ob ich eine Strasse aus Mosaiksteinen baue. Das, was ich immer dachte, wie die Welt ist, meine Welt, habe ich hinterfragt, als ich Antworten bekam, die mein Weltbild auf den Kopf stellten.Ich wollte mir eine Pause schenken, von 2019 ab,und nachdenken, aber ich geriet direkt in den Strudel,und alles wurde mir bewusster. Oft auch mit Tränen. Wenn nichts geschieht, was schwerwiegend ist,von Außen, werde ich in Kontakt bleiben,ich bin immer auf dem Weg, wo ich auch bin. Danke für deine Antwort.
      Rolf Great Wolf


Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...