The older [wiser] you get
the more you begin to understand [inner-stand]
Ancient role models
were the ancients and the model was the elders
-there are no role models in the
3D world
You cannot get wiser by being
dumb unless you were made like that from the start
the MIR was already there, Freemasons all over the ancient site, light house added in 1861
South Africa [North]
Always check the geographical areas
It is 2012 [2021] now
Nature and the planet and their forces are dismantling the world and terra-forming the planet
You will not be able to stop her
Apocalypse means revealing
Many are on the move, we are all shifting physically, mentally and spiritually, no condition is permanent, we can offer our thoughts and [prayers] for a safe passage, not to stop this or that, you had that choice [3] years ago - be real, we will be ending this cycle
All the messages are coming from the Ska
This happened on a island called Sugbu [Mercado] Cebu city and on that same island is the
city of Naga
Weather systems continue to mount pressure
The ring of plasma is stirring
From 15th-16th [24hrs]
The machine records, timelines, reboots, reset
System is still tripping out
Check out the colours [radiation] = energies
Energy [radiation] signatures
Keep in mind primary colours mix and create other energies
Pink and Red destroys anything that is artificial
9ethers can absorb this radiation [energies] through their skin [KAANU] and Chakra system
[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet Light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray [hidden]
U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of [Black] Ether [KAANU]-light
coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system
The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in
[cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2]
NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on [666]
The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts-with being;
[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]
The colours are tones, frequencies, vibrations
UVC is now ground level and anything above 3 is cancer - many are having a reaction to the sun which is changing your DNA [RNA] UVC is a wavelength - it does not matter what the temperature is outside
Colour coded backdrops
You are being changed from the inside out- your molecule stricture is being changed
Red root Chakra is being removed [lower Chakras]
Red [FEMI.9 ELECTRON ENERGY] is consuming the planet
[NEB] HERU which is the double Horus (Heru) – which is the inner or
shadow energy and the other is the Christos light form or KARAST [KRST] energy
and all combined is a form of MAAT
Ruwty can mean double headed lion
MAAT is Universal Law - that which is straight, justice, balance, chaos, order
MAAT is also the holly Shakina [Kachina] Shekinah
As it was in the beginning, so shall it be in the end
She is here
[Eywa] Awa [Twa] Tawa [Tiamat] Ta [Tiwawaat] Leviathan
the primordial waters
Sensations are intermittent and are ever present on this rolla-disco, you cannot get off until this ride is over
-rest-bite is coming, until then, remain in the driving seat, take nothing for granted, watch all and be in the moment
What is lov9, baby don't hurt, baby don't hurt me no-more
Sum times Mother has to be cruel to be kind, we question now and not later when all she wanted was the best for you...its only in reflection do we really see the messages - when we are ready
This process must complete with or without you, its better for you to be with source, if that is what you what, remember you do have a choice between what is positive and what is negative
Watching you
KARMA waves
The size of Jupiter - huge craft
Crafts doing drive-bys while all military watch on radar
All signs are in the Ska
Grid around the portal [sun]
Taken 6 days ago, the image is heavily pixelated - magnetic disturbance
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU]
[Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed,
the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is
NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra]
or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
You have not seen the Ska since 2001
Space Mirrors, and space technologies that cause
reflections, obfuscations and refractions of light in photographs of the sun
and Ska, also called lens arrays, which are vastly different from camera lens
Oftentimes it works to illuminate and reveal what is
otherwise being concealed by what is literally a smoke and mirrors space show
Space mirrors, prisms, artificial suns and various space
technologies allegedly used for geoengineering, also serve to cover up eclipses
of the NI.BIRU-system intersecting in this soular system
Smoke and Mirrors are put in place to retard global warming, bring warmth to
cold regions like Russia and Antarctica. It's a vast experiment and you're in
The Russian Znamya 2.5 Space Mirror was put up to reflect
sunlight into Siberia and Russia to warm its frigid climate
Looks like a craft crash landed on LAHMU [MARS] sum time back
SHAM [cylinder craft]
the Annunaqi built LAHMU [MARS] has an outpost
Nigga Falls [Niga-ra Falls]
10s of 1000s of bodies are down there
The shackles are being removed - she [FEMI.9 NRG] will be set free
You see that piano, looks like is old, even with mirrors from that era, you do not purchase anything from that era - I thought the activity started on the clock at 2:16 which is also the route frequency of this soular system
[Spirits can be trapped and mirrors are doorways, even a mirror near your bed you should move it- mirrors are made from sand which is from silicone- real silicone- from trees]
Remember they have opened many portals- not just with CERN others have with the Ouija+ so many entities are here, sum have hosts [body] many have also jumped from planet to planet and everyone is here because this is the last planet and also here are the guardians of this particular planet and are here for this kind, do not be around those who are hosts, those who have become weak
That shadow [ghost] looks like their are two+ animals with it or him - there is glitching in the man-made matrix, there is no heaven, anyone who transitioned stay on the 3D plane
Sage out your home [Iy] they do not like incense, put salt down in the four corners of your rooms as salt nullifies negativity, don't be drinking
They featured Erwin
MIR [pyramid]
Qufu [Khufu]
Shandong [Shango] Chango [Sango]
Covered over in the 12th century
The Orisha were in CHINA [SHIVA] KA-CHINA
To align your 3rd eye- picture [Magi] this image in your mind- now dwell there, see the red-light and the angles around and held in the cube [360]
This place aligns with SAHU [SAH] (Orion)
AKIR [AKUR] (Lion) Gate
Teleportation and landing site
Indo-nesia [asia]
Melanin [KAANU]
It was only a 100+ years ago that the Western world found
this site having been covered by the jungle and volcanic ash
1006 eruption may have forced the 6ether [Indonesians] to
flee – many had moved to Angkor Wat
In the 18th century, the upper terraces were only
partially noticeable
Dutch colonial expeditions found other monuments, but
they did not mention Borobudur
It was only in 1814 that the English discovered the
monument during the English occupation of the island during the Anglo-Dutch war,
the Dutchman Cornelius organized an expedition, he gathered a squad of 200
people and cleaned the monument
His work continued between 1817 and 1822
Since 1835, the upper part of the monument has been
cleared and the whole complex has become well seen
The complex was photographed in 1873
Then the structure of the complex was completely unclear,
and in 1882 the cultural inspector suggested to completely disassemble the
monument and place it in the museum
Meanwhile, the monument was robbed, relief materials,
sculptures, ornaments were painted by traders with souvenirs
The governor in 1886, took with him eight bull sledges
with statues and ornament elements and engraved the sculpture of the only
preserved guardian of the temple
In 1907-1911 The complex underwent the first major
restoration of the complex
Borobudur was built on a hill, carved from rock and work
was needed to preserve the monument from soil erosion, collapse, corrosion and
damage from jungle vegetation
The only solution was to dismantle the structure,
strengthen the hill and complete restoration
This huge work was carried out in 1973-1984
Over a million stones were disassembled and removed
during restoration and put aside as pieces of a huge puzzle, for individual
identification, cataloguing, cleaning and processing for preservation
Borobudur has become a testing platform for new
conservation methods, including new procedures to combat microorganisms that
attack stone
Foundation stabilized; all 1460 panels cleaned
The restoration included the dismantling of five square
platforms and improving the drainage by installing water channels into the
There are MIR(s) around, look at this monument- look at it
just sitting there
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