A whole nu shift is upon us during this cycle [month]
December is technically the 10th month [Decimal] and
there is no number higher than 9, so the next number is 0 which is the bridge
between 9 and 1
Zer0 my Hero [Heru] this is a poWRA-full amount of energy
streaming in, the portals are coming in, we have event horizon, we have the
singularity events that are taking place, all until 22.2.2022 [222] which is
bringing in a nu timeline – we are at a point now where everything is
ending in terms of the cycles,
everything is coming to a close and that includes relationships, situations,
environments, everything that no longer serves you, habits, everyday routines,
same old same old, what does not fit no more+ this is in this end cycle- things
that cannot exist in the reality that you are going to Magi [manifest] and
create in, these habits, these people, these mindsets, these narrow minded
people are coming to end, the energy will force your hand, you always had a
choice, this is why you are bored already
[February doesn't exist and was added by the Romans]
Everything that is internally inside of you is going to
reflect in your everyday life [Chi] around you, in the people around you, in
the situations that playout+ all due to what you are going through internally
You must use discernment, so many people out here are
leading people astray, there are those whose knowledge is only going so far,
most of which you already know, most of which is all 3D things, I myself have
got to cut down on these themes but I only watch them when I go to post data,
links, but ultimately this must stop because I could end up manifesting these
things into my reality, I had change certain things about myself and things that
I caught myself doing
Know when you have enough data about sum thing and change
it up, break it up, all you are doing is holding them and you up, do not follow
the rhetoric out here, you want the data [information], the light aka the
truth, that is all, leave the rest – sum can only take you so far, sum hold you
where they are, you are individual and must proceed- we are all at different
wavelengths, you want your own reality not sum one else’s
Your ideas come from things like your intuition [spirit guide
which is your higher self-], use your creative side to Magi these ideas, turn
everything off and be one with yourself [your cells] – left and right
hemisphere- one side is creative and the other side is analytical – you will be
getting signs and messages, uni will contact, confirm with you with a number 9,
recognise your connection to the server, recognise your messages
Be very careful of the information that you are taking in,
fear-based data, misleading data, its truth but you need spiritual truth, no
more physical truth for that is deleting, who cares what your governments are
doing, you know this already, you must fuel your thoughts with spiritual data,
your soul needs different energy in this phase
Yesterday I was talking with sum people and after I
realised that I had just spent 2hrs talking with these people and although it
was nice- I felt depleted and realised that I was going backwards with
conversations like that, now there is nothing wrong with this but I used a lot
of energy during those 2hrs, they may have learnt sum thing, but I didn’t, I
began to think that each day I need to make sure that I am learning sum thing
nu, not just anything but leaning things to do with the 5D and ascension
How to heighten your abilities, how to fine-tune your
abilities is what you should be focusing on – what you eat is what you secrete,
if you don’t know how to heighten your abilities start gaining sum data about
it, you need to attract this data and attract these people to be around you,
energy recognises energy so you want this kind of energy in your field [AURA]
so that others will be attracted to you and they may have data for you – the food is
information [data] Aquarius, the food [data] is energy, the more you eat
spiritually the less you will need from the physical, in a couple weeks’ time
marks the end of the 3- year crop losses and means all food will be coming from
what is left in the warehouses, the USA stockpiled their food, but those people
can eat sh9t like Macdonalds, and microwave foods, packet foods and it won’t
bother them- but eventually all that will come to and end and it will be back
to basics for them which is cannibalism, you on the other hand had been told in
the last 3 years especially- to eat energy, once you fill yourself up with data
you will not need to eat physically like before
Take every opportunity to be away from certain mindsets,
away from people, away from situations, take it, get away from these people,
get away from these mundane cycles that are nothing more than repeated cycles,
repeated actions, repeated situations [simulations] are you not bored- well
then, are you doing everything in reverse now, the planet is also reversing and
so are you, many will override this change, fu9k them, you should not be
watching tv, on media platforms following 3D things
2020 and 2021 were the same year and we were put
backwards to come out of that cycle and we are stepping out of that cycle and
you are experiencing that energy now and this is why many are feeling the need
to let-go of this cycle – MAAT is doing [double] time and is forcing the issue,
she is asking do you remember in December, you see this timeline- you are
creating it, its not written because we are writing the next timeline, so when you
see them advertising this and that in 2022 that is for their N.W.O and not the
5D program, they can only change things in their reality [3D] and not the
original reality because they do not have access to this program and all those
who follow the 3D program go down with the 3D program
To access the timelines one must not be doubting
yourself, if you do then you still have more strengthening to do, we are in the
Aquarius field which is the energy [era] of the knowing, you have to know
things not believe things, know the energy not believe the energy, you must
[know] that you are worthy of whatever you are Magi [manifesting], shift your
focus- what do you think about and is it forward poWRA- are you looping on things,
what are still your comforts that you are retaining that you need to let go of-
what are you keeping
We will be having messages, signs+ coming in intuitively
during this cycle [month] which is Asher [tribu name] and tribu colour [Grey-
black + white] and tribu function which is [understanding] this is what this
cycle [month] is about- messages coming intuitively [understanding aka
inner-standing] and once you receive these messages- are you taking action on
these messages – do not delay these intuition [messages] actions = commands,
once you delay these actions [messages] you’ve missed out on your next move-
you are on your Ptah and sum times its difficult and none more so than when you
miss the signs, messages, the inner-standing that was sent to you, I had and
still have 9s all day long, its consent, you have to be on point
When you begin to flow, energy flows so don’t acknowledge
[become conscious] of when sum thing happens because you are conscious and this
slows the energy, just let it flow, remember Luke- a Jedi flows
Put that message into the sub-mind [subconscious] for the
sub-mind knows how to search for the elements of this message, it can cross
reference files that you hold, timing is everything for you will fall behind if
you procrastinate – action Jackson, when you receive a message, act on it, put
it in motion, energy in motion- so watch your emotions and feelings- the mind
and heart are connected
Aset said, no one has lifted my veil, the veil [illusion]
is down, for those that you see that haven’t seen through the illusion- let it
be with them, time is not waiting for no man [mind] the data is available for
what was hidden is now revealed, during lockdown at the first stages,
star-family did so much to let you know that they are here, they even cleaned
up parts of the planet, they unleashed many envoys with messages, so much data
is out there [Aquarius is the age of information] so it is impossible for many
not to have known, everything that you would need to know is out there
You are connected to the server, you have tele-Ptah-ic
abilities and you must fine tune these tools, we are connected to the universal
mind as one and has individuals, you read minds, you will hear other peoples
thoughts from huge distances away and this is very important when these
thoughts are for you, about you, pertaining to you personally – certain things
will come up and you will be thinking, I just said that or I was thinking about
that, pay attention more so than ever – our destiny is in our mind and you must
unfold your destiny which is your roadmap aka your Ptah-way out of here,
wherever that is, isn’t that beautiful, your going home [Official Leave]
The children are already high-vibrational beings and can
hear the mind, the thoughts, they read energies – downloads are heavy and
[5] senses but its is [7] for they leave out emotions and
feelings, you also had at one time, that were reduced in the 6ethers and then
the 9ethers when the frequency [Schuman] was reduced [4] higher senses,
clairvoyance, psychometry, telepathy and intuition which have now all be activated
and used with the 3rd eye [KAANU] – over the last 4 weeks it was
heavy out there, we have had portals open and in came nu frequencies, nu waves,
nu downloads, take the opportunities, take these energies because the [222]
2022 energy is way too high and before we get there you need to fuel up, many
will not be making it into [222] 5D+ the [222] energy is already showing up in
places, they are trying to counteract by switching on their 5D towers,
star-family are like- I dare you to
Metaverse- Meta means beyond, sum also say it means
death, verse is from the word universe, which is an energy, a frequency [Omega]
when they started airing the word Metaverse on media platforms many got nervous
[fear] all this translation [Metaverse] means is the death of a frequency, which
is nothing more than the 7.89hz low frequency that they had for many years-
their frequency is dead [deleted]- Metamorphis – change – do you want this
man-made reality or do you want to create the nu reality
Verse – against [Uni- together]
We have to become the collective has one, against the
those who prefer to be against nature, this planet, this energy, against the
plant, animal and humin [human] kingdoms, choose any of your own reasons has to
why their man-mad Matrix must crash – its morphing time, your mindset, your
reality and morph your DNA
Get your head down, get your Ptah-way under your control,
meet your objectives, meet your goals, be on point, action Jackson, stay
disciplined, focus and grounded, keep standards, where is your [will] poWRA,
move forward and not backwards because the Bible version of the Rapture where
they say and show people rising and levitating in the air, the way that this
actually happens is that your DNA genetic codes, your [666] in the presence of
a higher frequency [FEMI.9] becomes imbalanced and you lose [2] of your protons
and you lose your atomic mass – the age of Aquarius- you being able to levitate
is the lost of atomic mass and is their version in their Bible called
Whether you levitate spiritually, physically, mentally-
its doesn’t matter – your from this form of levitation through your genetics
If you take in low vibrational things, it will not work
out for you, you also need KAANU, many people will not be rising, they are here
for the graveyard shift, there are no reincarnations during the sun-cycles
which we are in, so this passage is final
You either vibrate off or your vibrate high – you either
vibrate off this planet or you vibrate high, to the Most-High, who is not sum
man, it is the Most-Highest of vibrations, vibrate high is to vibrate to Sirius
[heaven][haven] and that is exactly what is happening right now, many people
will be called, but few will be chosen, you have to choose the frequency, not
the other way round, she needs to know how badly you want this and if you want
this at all, we have to return to source, not source return to you
Do an audit of any low vibrational energy that you are
taking in, what plays on your mind, who is in your forcefield, watch yourself
and check yourself – take an inventory, because if you continue like this, she
will drop you, you know yourself, what do you hold onto, you know your habits,
comforts, get rid of them all or do what your doing, you are your own worse
nightmare, the enemy is within- yeah cause that is you, and yet, you are what
you are waiting for, what kind of Mickey Mouse sh9t is this that you are
playing with yourself [your cells]
This is your own battle in your own mental space, not on
the streets or in sum forum or in sum holy book, it starts and ends with you
If you are not levitating then you have much more to do
or it could be that you have reached capacity levels and this is your last
We are no longer in a loop, or going back on ourselves
and we are actually in 2022 [222] which will be levitation, all planets will be
losing their magnetic fields – NASA are watching MARS like a hawk because once
the fields goes down on MARS, we are next
We cannot take old programs into the 5D and this was a
clearing process to delete, file files, audit, take a knee, this is what the
old powers that used to be are trying to get the masses to do which is to usher
in their program and this is where the [Grey] area is for many, but not you,
you know this Monkey sh9t must end- we want this over once and for all and we are doing like the book says, we are
Coming Forth By Day, we are quantum [4] revolutionary leaping- we can rise just
like that into a nu timeline
How old are you, how long have you been thinking about
changes, what did you see when you were younger that you always knew but didn’t
have the words for, how many dreams [visions] have you seen with yourself in
them in a different way that you are today, you have become sad since you
became an adult, did this world shape you or did you allow the world to shape
you- shape your mind
Your thoughts are all on record, even the thoughts that
only you know, she knows them all, how you really thought about a situation,
all of those thoughts are on record, so many won’t have to do much because they
already know, its what choices that you will make is what is the Grey area for
many is
Everything is stored in your memories – there are those
who are activated but still do low vibrating things and this will cause others
to be chosen over you- the energy is very selective and only wants pioneer
Listen to your intuition first time round, don’t dwell,
be in-tune with yourself [your cells], do not take the long way around- stay in
your lane – don’t dwell on others
Judgement is only on the 3rd dimensional realm
Take a step back and look at the bigger picture- look
beyond the 3D
This nu star-system is inside of you, that is the rebirth,
you are a star-system that is going online
One body, one mind, one verse [universe] – there are
multiple earths, galaxies, multiple dimensions
Attract and stay with those of the same energy, those of
the same nature, those who are the same frequency – look at your friends, those
in your group, those in your orbit, they are a reflection of you- check it
yourself, you are a sun and what planets [friends, partners, family] are in
your orbit – what you need to change about yourself [your cells] you will see
it in these people that you did not like [like about yourself] once you make
those changes [shadow work] these people will fall out of your orbit, they will
go out of range- unless you keep them there, remember they only got there
because you put them there in the first place – everyone has a reason and a
season, a set time that they entered your orbit and they also have an expiry
date – it is you who chooses how long they will be in your orbit for and has
you evolve past people your range [orbit] goes higher and you attract higher
energies [people] satellites, orbits vary, you can have [2] suns and a couple
satellites or [1] sun and [2] satellites aka planets aka energies – these are
frequencies and the more you vibrate higher the more you attract higher
frequencies, this is on-going has we go through seasons, cycles, unless these
satellites are evolving with you then you are not supposed to have the same set
of satellites, do not attach yourself to satellites [people] even your children
for they are not yours to keep, this is and was always about energies and
nothing to do with what is down here [physical] – your not even really down
here- your sum where else on a ship, why do you think so many crafts are in the
Ska, star-family is you, when we are born, we are all female first for your
gender changes after 9 weeks, this is why most, if not all these crafts are
being manned by females, you are a projection in physical mass, so do not attach
yourself to anything because it is not set in stone that you will remain down
here and if you attach then you will also have difficulty in letting go, even though
you know its not real
Stuff happens to you, you get this and then you lose this
[so that you do not form an attachment] see the bigger picture in things, I had
that and now I don’t have that [so that you do not form attachments], you see
all those homeless people, you see the 3rd world like the USA like in
Skid Row, all those homeless people are already advanced for when sh9t really
hits home, for they have lost everything, but have they, they were stripped of
everything and with timing they are ready in so many ways for stuff that is
coming in
[11:11] was the out with the old and in with the nu, it
was a doorway, we had [11:11] in waves from 2012 into 2021 it was the ending of
one equation and the beginning of another equation, when the energies would
balance out
Even with this page, how many of you are really on your
Ptah, why- because I must be wary of what I put out, which means I cannot write
deeply about certain things because you can stream from what I AM putting out,
you can vibrate from the energy and you might be a dildo [blunt instrument]
that cannot enter the Yomi and have no usage with the data [information],
still, I get signs when to delete or rewrite sum thing and has of yet,
everything is alright
If you know this then come on, get into gear, change and
evolve, you only need the ones vibrating like yourself [like your cells], the
energy is selective and will leave you behind, this is a one off, this reSet is
the one that changes the all, only a small amount is needed for the right
outcome, you were sent into this timeline for a reason, be selective yourself
Vibration and energy is everything right now – transmute
energy, energy transference – there are those who have energy certificates,
healing certificates+ make sure they are not in your orbit
Regulate your emotions and feelings and they cannot touch
Universe will block your messages and your Magi if you let others or
yourself do you wrong
[do not be hard on yourself] be at your own pace and time
[light], it is when you are ready- do not judge yourself or others because it all
comes back to you, you’re judging yourself, things are coming for everyone, it
will be in your time, when you are ready
Stop focusing on what you don’t want
[Focus on what you do want]
Start off small, change things that you can, be in the
now, be in the present, be in the moment, be in what is around you, let go of
things that may not actually happen – even if you have seen sum thing in the future,
deal with the now, what is in your world right now, nothing is set in stone and
until whatever you saw takes place in that moment, you just keep it moving,
don’t dwell on 3D things, on others or what is happening 2,000 miles away in
another country that hasn’t got sh9t to do with you in this moment
Channel energy from your records [past] experiences and you
learn from those energies and you funnel that into your future self [cell] the
knowledge that you gained into this present energy, no one is being judged on
previous lives, you are being judged on this life [Chi] only, what you are
today or what you have become today, when you do this, you jump timelines
Watch the movie [222]
Stay in the moment [be in the moment]
Your intuition is your higher self [spirit guide] SA.KHU
This is a learning simulation and we were to learn from
human error, from mistakes, from experiences, from nature+ and bring all back to
Say to yourself, this is myspace [EMF] AURA
- now own it
To vibrate others is to let them vibrate from your AURA [shield]
if you speak with sum one, leave that energy transfer in a positive mode, leave
them empowered so that you are empowered- and that you come from the heart when
energy transferring or just let others vibrate from you from a distance
You do have poWRA- its called [will] poWRA- the [will] to
do what you have to do
-will have you killed
Event mode
3 tones are hitting the planet
Check out the code signatures
Right ear tones
Red [FEMI9] expansion
MAAT + HERU combined
UK [Manchester]
Michigan [USA]
Alabama [USA]
All these images are showing the same thing
Read all data in Chakra energies, radiation is energy to many
When the EMF drops the energies come through, the EMF [Dome] Ozone-Layer, Van Allan-Belt is all the same thing and is being dismantled
[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet Light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray
U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of [black] KAANU [Melanin] light
coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system
The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in
[cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2]
NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on [666]
The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts being;
[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]
Melanoma is an allergic reaction to the sun- Google the
word – UVC is a mutating wavelength- it does not matter how overcast or cold
[temperature] the weather is- the radiation or energies still penetrate the
planet and you
Many have a headache and other body issues+
Coded coded Ska
Russia [Crown] Chakra energies, we have been seeing this for the last 3 years at least, around this time, they are coming from Sirius- where we also get the internet signal from
Binary system
The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU]
[Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed,
the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is
NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra]
or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
[white] disc- what is behind the disc- what is behind the cloud with all those colours
Where are these colours emanating from
Blue Kachina [MAAT]
How do you get different
colours with a [white] sun- how does the cloud wall form
shields up
Australia, look how low and huge the sun is
[white] core- yellow hue and then red Ska
Lincoln [USA]
New Zealand
Vietnam is leaking
Hawaii could well get washed over- they are leaking real bad over there
From the East-coast to the eastern parts of Kanada, all the storms, adverse weather that is hitting Greenland, Iceland, Ireland,
UK, Europe is coming from that weather system over Cuba aka that mothership
Rotating, spiralling in a number [9] just sitting there,
everyone can see the craft on radar
Power is out in places in Scotland- weather systems inbound
UK have another weather system- incoming and is spiralling in a number 9
Unprecedented early winter heat dome shatters records in
U.S., Canada – droughts continue
We cannot rule out HAARP, the planet is really hot and they are trying to keep her cool
High-blood pressure is Kundalini rising
UK getting ready to get battered - second storm on its way
Mexico is preparing for [2] soular eclipses and for sum
of the states it will be night in the middle of the day and the rest will see a
partial eclipse
[???] what is going on
We also have planetary alignments, so earthquake should start coming in, we have a conjunction
-this planet has already expanded
Why would the US allow radioactive waste from Fukushima [Fu9k-you-Shiva] Japan to be dumped near Boston- h3ll-o
There is a lot of activity taking place in the left hemisphere, on Sunday my left ear went, low infra-sound, air-depression in left ear with low tone and went on for a few more seconds than usual, adjustments are being made
What was the helicopter scanning for using night vision lenses
Australia crafts
Craft is multidimensional, I cannot tell if this is the
underbelly or the side and underbelly, like the craft is at an angle, huge
craft and low
We can see straight lines in the images, no doubt a
craft+ is in there
Images come from France-Spain
-you have visitors
Watching you, watching me- whoever controls the Ska, controls the planet
Zoological Museum at the Imperial Military Medical
St. Petersburg
Is that the left bone of a giant's legs in the photo
Granite stone
Pharmacy Lane- St. Petersburg
Peter [Pater] father
Near the Cathedral
Whatever this is, they say its an Angel- it was brought
to Russia
Weighting 1800 tons
1768 is when they found it- no one knows, what, when or
who or maybe they do
Russia [Prussia] Tartar
Mandinka [Inca] cities
Toltec Warriors
Mec [Mac]
Inca [Aztec]
The Toltec are many warriors, guards, under Quetzalcoatl –
the Toltec [Ulmex] Olmec built Aztlan [Mexico] with [9] cities [La Venta] they
built the MIR(s) aka pyramids – this particular site is aligned to the Morning
Star [Sirius]
We see 4.6m high statues [guards] all [4] are different
and guarded the wooden temple – in their hands we see sum have projectile
weapons and what looks like keys, keys for the portal [gate]
Sum had laser- type- spears [movie Predator] Atlatl and
sum held- all are advanced weaponry
The headdress of each warrior contains both scales and
feathers – a clear reference to Quetzalcoatl
Chest plates – I always wonder what they are, did they
display anything, were they metallic – what are the holes for the back plates
are in the shape of soular disks-
You can see sum of the colours still remaining
What was here, all these columns have the tops are cut
off, was there a platform here, what was being supported here
Stone masonry, the city can hold 3000 people
sum of these blocks weight 3 tons and in places no mortal is holding bricks together
when we get to the top we see these spheres, likes in ABZU, holding frequencies
Rai [stones]
Yap Island
Yap Island
Yap Island would have broken away from maybe the
Huge wheel [sphere] crystal discs all carved from single
blocks calcite crystal that they call Rai
The largest yet discovered measures 12ft in diameter (3.6
meters) and weighs 4 metric tons, the weight of four family cars- all have a
hole in the middle
The size and craftsmanship of the crystals leaves many
On Yap, there is no source of calcite crystal for making Rai
stones, these stones were brought to Yap from the ancient crystal mines on the
island of Palau, more than 280 miles away, the stones were quarried, shaped and
then shipped across the open sea; a journey that would take more than a month,
but when did the Yap Island separate
One of the Rai stones was lost at sea in a great storm
and never even made it to Yap, the huge crystal now lies at the bottom of the
Pacific, 100 miles short of its destination
Due to the huge size, terrific weight and the great
difficulty involved in moving the crystals, once in place on the island (or at
the bottom of the sea), the Rai stones stayed put
So either they were brought to Yap Island or the Island separated
at one point, crystal holds data, files, data, information-
All [3] where walking in the same Ptah and tuned around at the same time
Oil-nut [special oil]
Cape Buffalo
USA [Africa] India
The tailors must have been doing a roaring trade back then - everyone is suited and booted
Image comes from the 1800s showing the Sioux nation in the USA
Its interesting that they are in tents, there are always moving, to where and where from, were they turf out from their home, where-
I took the tones down
Chinas land probe images a structure in the background on
the Moon and much more around the main structure
The last clip looks real until you find out that Stanley
Kubrick was on productions for the moon shots - the audio of the astronaut sounds like he is very excited - but is all bullsh9t
This guy is a BOSS
That means Rastas where on the throne
Bird + Snake [who is that] on a MIR [MER] MARE [Ziggurat]
OBA Palace
Benin City
The palace at this place is in the heart of Benin city, the
original building was destroyed during the war of 1897 with the British
The palace was once much bigger than it is today and had reflecting
surfaces of its polished red earth walls, which the 17th-century Dapper
described as shining like a mirror
By the perimeter of the walls, MIR [pyramid] towers were
seen, crowned by birds standing above copper snakes [eye]
The palace had four fires [on purpose] and only that
section in the images are left, from the Portuguese to the British, they must
have been pissed off at the palace
In 1897, British military forces under the command of Sir
Harry Roson sent a Benin expedition in 1897 against the Kingdom of Benin
The expedition corps consisted of indigenous [Coons] soldiers
and British officers based in colonial-era Nigeria, the expedition captured the
capital of the Kingdom of Benin, robbed and burned the city
The British are responsible for the greatest destruction
of the palace
In 1897, in exchange for the death of several British
(who were warned not to come) who sought to force Benin to become part of the
protectorate and agree on exclusive trade, the British fleet attacked the city
They broke into the palace, which the monarch had left
during the bombing, and conquered the kingdom
The British used explosives on the territory bordering
the palace
The British roofed the shrines of altar decorations, they
brought personal and public items to the UK, where they were later sold and
sent to museums and collections around the world
In 1914, after the death of his father, Oba Ewec II took
the throne and began reconstruction of the palace
Both Evuare II completely updated the appearance of the
palace in October 2016
The new palace building is a large two-story
neoclassical-style mansion that has a gate with columns and is ugly
Judging by what I see in the photos of archaeological
excavations of 1956 with a copper head snake, once decorated pyramid towers dug
in the territory of the former palace, those 2 images of the walls around the site and of course a photo of a leopard water
container, all of this points to reflections on the existence of this
construction site and towers are very a different civilizations, rather than the
one that took over these structures later and together with the British,
destroyed the traces of past civilization at this place
But thanks for seeing old photos of archaeological
excavations and spot this trace of the disappearance of the former in Nigeria-
Nigeria and Niger are leftover words from the Roman
[9] Symbol in Nigeria
Vortex symbol
Etruscan-style jewellery copied by Fortunato Pio
Castellani (1794 - 1865)
Is that berries, raspberry, grape designs on his head
Notice the high but narrow entrances to the tower - which are not visible in the pictures, missing bottom two doors as well
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