Indigo [AURU] [SEMU]
saw the introduction of the star-seed-energies every decade or there about
It is
the Indigo children that came in all races
Its about Lov9 people
[6] and [9] and you get [8]
33rmp = 6
45rmp = 9
2022 is [6] and is [9] upside down- you have to choose if you want to be conscious [9] or if you want to reamin unconscious [6]
Both are healthy, its that you are special lineage- you just need more Koppa
blood cell-if you are not sickle cell blood then you are a [1]ion and means
many of us won’t be able to get out hence why mother [father] is here for those
[1]ion + heart
radiation is the same has Melanin [Ether] KAANU and is coated within the body
that you live in [soul] to the body that you live within – we live in her – we
live in her sons [suns] body and she is the soul to her son [light]
cell are the ones that call themselves [black people] that are still searching
for self [cell]
Cell are Dogon Sirius [Hogon] Mali Nomo [Nommos] Nommo [Nummo] Mermaid
[Mer-man] Ghouls [Ogdoad] also called the Malayket Bahri [River Angels] and are
one of the original groups here, called Sickle cell people
Annunaqi [Sumerian] are Reptilians and have a completely different agenda than what say
the Nomos are going to do here – there are positive and negative Annunaqi
are those who are here to destroy Annunaqi and their off-spring – this is [Gods]
war- not ours
Ghouls are the Aaferti [Pharaoh] the soul-ar dynasties
Ghouls have oval eyes and they flash over
are light first, darkness radiation [ether] Melanin [Kaanu]
means to mould, figure, to image
Hue is Green [Blue] Red [Yellow] not [Black] you are the colours [energies] of
all the colours in a Crayola box but you are not [black] you are 9ether – 9 is
the highest energy field of ether [Melanin]
is not in the rainbow nor [White] because [bright][white] holds all [7] light
spectrums aka sone [frequencies] and you need [Black] to see it
is the [colour] essence in which all other energies [colours] emit from,
[black] is the tipple blackness of space [w-Om-b]
and [white] is going along with the assimilation and the Red [Root] Chakra
is here to destroy the Carbon which is why your [666] is mutating has we are to
lose [2] – she is here to destroy the flesh [body] Carbon sits in Melanin
is looking for the heart people, remember the system is going to crash – she
weights the heart
[144,000] is not a number of people, its more of a frequency [144hz] a
vibration and is your spinal cord and vertebrate [Jacob’s ladder]
will be [Angles] who will fight with mother [father] the mother and father are
the same
is about lov9 and the lov9 you have in your heart- this is what is separating
are a lot of crystal children with no lov9 and these energies coming in is to
tri and activate them and separate them from others – the crystal children
didn’t have it easy on the way in
is a type of light, an amber type of light who are in crystal skin for they
push the radiation out whereas the NIBIRU children absorb it – NIBIRU children
of Carbon pushes it out – if she doesn’t have enough of these children then
this place is going to go BOOM
[Lu-Cell-er] is the fallen star aka liquid light, proton light – electron light
is also coming in which means this is separate light >> [1] electron and
[1] proton] – so either you are in a proton avatar which is [1]ion or an
electron avatar which is also [1]ion and those that grew a heart can become a
neutron star aka a star-system aka Lucifers, bringers of light from her and are
classed has Womb-man, portals, portals in the 3D
will either give you a passage out of here or she will consume you
are absorbers of radiation like the Koppa- Red, Green, Blue and Yellow tone
Nubians and the ones that will be the most difficult are the crystal children
children are not Anunnaqi they are cells to this [her] body
is the soul to her child and her child is Set which is Sirius
is going on out there, we still have a choice here but it seems like we are
going to flip-mode and just go for it – all we have to do is change ourselves
[our cells] individually
your light, don’t deal with those who sone [sound] like a program, when you
increase your light you walk through sh9t that others have to go through, your
AURA alerts many to your presence without you even uttering a word – you walk
in truth which is walking in your PoWRA
shines everywhere on this body and so does darkness and that is where she
BAA [soul] is a [black] Ether-hole a magnetar- the BAA [soul] of the body and
there is only [1] BAA here for its [1] body
you came in here you came in has light, not flesh – she is [2]ion
French LĂ©onard, Old French Leonard, from German Leonhard, from Old High German
*Lewenhart [Lionheart] literally > strong as a lion, from lewo, from Latin
Leo+ hart > hard
PIE root *Kar- hard
[constellation] means i-know and its opposite is Leo [constellation] which
means creator
know I AM creator
[Sekhmet] fire- plasma energy
[Green] Sons of the Green Disc light [Mel-chi-zedek]
Mel [Melanin] + Chi [life force + healing energy]
Soular storm is due
the arrival of Comet [craft] Leonard means the connecting of the constellations
26th and the 27th
bullets [sunspots] in the chamber and are earth facing the planet - and will be sent real soon
sun does not rotate like how NASA show you, the sun rotates exactly like a
Soular storm is due- plasma discharge - you have plasma [Khaybet] within you - it should have come through around 20th - its coming
Palma- who
shut that down
Greece M6 and M5 in 1hr - plenty of strikes are hitting the planet in the M6s and M5s
Weather is hitting in places
Volcanoes erupt when you release
The sun is blinking [Morse code] and is emitting the [white] core which holds all [7] frequencies aka energies aka these are Chakra [Seven souls of Re] energies for your Chakra system
Its does not matter how cold, snow, rain or no sun, it does not matter the temperature- the energies will penetrate
UVC backdrop
Gamma radiation is hitting the planet
Purple Haze [Jimi] [Prince]
You have plasma within you
Ultraviolet [Purple] Cosmos Waves [UVC]UVB[UVA], Nrg is being
blasted into the core of Ki, the heat is coming from the ground [core] and
above [plasma-Khaybet] from the purple backlight
[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE
which is a part of the 3black-lights called;
[1] U.V. RAYs
[3] X RAYs
Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light,
purple light
Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery
Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power
to make [the suns rays]
9ethers can absorb this radiation [energies]
[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet Light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray
U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black [Kaanu] Ether-light
coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system
The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in
[cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2]
NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on this is your [666] in which [2] are being removed
The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts being;
[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]
Gamma radiation deletes anything that is artificial to this soul-ar system - your DNA is mutating, you are being changed from the inside out- you are being changed on a molecular structure
Russia is part of the Crown where the energy is coming through, these are Chakra energies being applied to the planet for her Chakra system and are coming from Sirius
Kanada [Crown]
You can see the Blue and Green energy coming from the Crown of the planet that filers down through the planets lay-lines which are called longitude and latitude
Blue and Green make Turquoise
Red and Blue make Purple
Red [Green] Blue
Primary colours [energies]
Red and Blue make Purple
So you can see Purple, with Red and Yellow and Turquoise has the energies collide
On the left is a 90 degree cube which is a force-field around the planet and on the right is the dome aka the EMF which goes down and lets the energies into the planet, without the 9ether skin or Chakra-system- you cannot absorb these energies which are classed has radiation
Here the EMF are detached allowing the energies to penetrate the planet, out of the poles you can see Green and Black [ether] streaming from the poles that NIBIRU is controlling
Red is MAAT + HERU combined energy which is controlled destruction energy, warrior FEMI9 ELECTRON N.R.G the most dominant energy - from the right is soular energy streaming in also
Follow the arrows from right to left and see them flip back around and go straight back into the planet, this is from the night time and means this is a 24hr exchange, it is relentless
NIBIRU is on the left collecting all energy and sending it straight back into the planet
Many people are going out of their minds with all this energy for they cannot process the energy
This is an alchemical process
Check out the radiation aka energies coming in
Read all data in energy
Red is the one to watch
You have not seen the SKA since 2001
over a year- who says that there isn’t 13 months in a year - the 13th house is hidden and is being revealed
Helix DNA is changing, so to is this vortex
Man made 5g will be turned on, the roll-out will begin
what is going on up there
Huge craft
Pennsylvania USA
Crafts in tow- casting shadows
Most, if not all crafts, mother-ships are being manned by Females
trap door or a reflection from sum thing else
Watching you, watching me
Huge Mother-ships are being observed more and more
Sum thing entered this soul-ar system [14.12.2021 into 20.12.2021]
We can see the disc and the shield
Look at the two lights flashing
Who is doing what here
Quote- The queen has already been executed on the island del fuego and Pope Francis was executed for crimes with children and humans, he was Nazi manufacturer of the yellow poison of executing people in the chambers of concentration camps- Unquote
is being dealt with, it is only the clones out here doing the rounds
They need to come out of their avatars and be brought before the Galactic Federation
This guys page does have sum good footage and gives an insight to the geographical areas that these crafts are over, sum are cloaked, semi-cloaked and full showing- all militaries around the world can see them on radar and there is nothing that they can do about it
[Black] stuff coming out of the portal
Show me
the way…
I have work to do within my immediate circle- so if I don't post, it is because I'm needed sum where lese- looking back, reflections of my life - snapshots
Things are taking place for you- be open in this field- come from your heart space
year, about 4,000 reindeer lose their lives on Finnish roads in car accidents
Two ways to look at this, wow- brilliant idea or can man go sum where else with his cars and let animals reside in peace- after all, animals where here before man, your killing them using the planets blood [oil] to do so- we are losing twice here
Ascension Update
The SUN is channelling, their [3] energy circulates
across the planet aiding to integrate all these high frequencies upgrades that
are hitting the planet
From the 20th we have had sum Sirius [serious]
soul- energy and [UVC] energies, we have had rebooting, resetting, all designed
to aid you in clearing up your files, delete and release the old programs, old
paradigms+ all to shape up your vessel [Mekaba]
We are in the 4D with the lower planes and higher for sum
of the 5D – the planet, you are all upgrading
Stay on point, none of the 3D reality is yours to keep –
it is yours to create, future writings are in session and are writing this
Chakra energy, Soul-ar energy, life force energies are flowing to aid you through this
Carthaginian (Moor)
Haddan becomes Hadrian
Hadrian(s) Wall is also the Picts Wall in Scotland
Scotland is Scota
Trajan is Trojan
[Etrusia] Erusia [Etruscans] was later on called Troy
Etrusia is E-Tru-sia then you get the word Tro-y and
Titanium [Tiranium] was the name of these particular people [Titan] Etruscans
Sparta [Sparta] Spartar] Spartarian [Tartarian]
Hannibal [Hannib’El] Braca [Barcelona] and Italy
Arinna is from Etruscan 9ether [Greek] Minoan
Athena [Athena] Athene [Arinna]
Solar [Soul-Ar] means soul or sol = sun and Ar from
Arinna [Canaanite] deity of the Sun from where the word Arena comes from = soul
arena [solar]
Minerva is an Etruscan [Greek] goddess of wisdom,
righteous, warfare + serpentine specialist >> from Latin Athena, from
Greek Athēnē
The oldest door still in use in Rome
Cast in bronze
Each door is solid bronze seven and a half feet wide and
twenty-five feet high, yet so well balanced they can be pushed or pulled open
easily by one person- check out the size- giants once roamed here and will once again roam here
Foot-print of the UMUNYABIRU
These foot-prints are plastered all over in Alkebulan [Africa]
and other parts of the world
Main-stream scientists keep the story about them in the
dark because the Abanyabiru from planet Nyabiru [NI.BIRU] were dark skinned HuMins and were gigantic and tall
They were not Caucasians; this disturbs European scientists
who are subtly h3ll bent on holding this data down
Abanyabiru are responsible for introducing general HuMins
especially the 9ethers
Out of the 9ethers came Caucasians [6ethers] through
genetic manipulation by disgruntled groups from the Abanyabiru
Abanyabiru [Umunyabiru] Nibiruians
Let the [Gods] sort out their ranks and you concentrate on your passage out of here
Faroe Island- step MIR
1871 [USA]
The history of the Picts and the Silures Scota [Scotland and
Wales] and you also see the Moorish remnants in Scandinavia
Vikings [Vi-Kings] 6 Kings
In Scandinavia (Svithjoth) there are many tribes and many
There are giants and dwarfs; there are 9ether
men and many kinds of different tribes
This is the [6th] matrix
That is Bes inside the Ulmec [Olmec] compass- head of the Twa people
-the little people
There is a pool of [holy water] in what is now called
RWANDA that belongs to ENKI, this particular area [water] was known as INDANI
IWACU which is Sumerian text was deciphered by the Europeans as ERIDU which is
in modern day Iraq [Libya] Syria [Turkey] Afghanistan [Greece]
The place called IBUZUBA [what Europeans call south
Africa [ABZU]
Ibuzuba was the name of Alkebulan [Africa] during ENKI(s)
presence on Ki [earth], this was his domain
Abzu was never a name for southern Africa only but the
entire continent and besides, North Africa is really South Africa- the plane
was- is upside down
Ibuzuba means the Land of the Sun
Ta-ma-re means the Land of the Sun
ENQI(s) initial camp was in INDANI now Rwanda which was
again a base within a wider area of TARA
Tara stretched from South Sudan to Zimbabwe
Tara meant kingdom of Light and is locally known as
There were no Rwandans or [9ethers] nations as we know
them today but unified [9ethers] families of mainly IRU [Bantu] that spoke one
classic language known as Ikiru which sounded like Kinyarwanda or Zulu
This ancient Language gave birth to all 650 IRU dialects
(Bantu languages) in Africa today
The term IRU means those Hu-Min(s) whose creators came
from planet Nyabiru [NI.BIRU]
The Annunaki were locally known by the Bantu as
Abanyabiru- because they came from Nyabiru, they were also known as Ibim-annuka- [Annunaqi] because they descended from heavens
They were also known as Abacwezi because they were (magicians
and scientists)
They could levitate or disappear at will and reappear
They were also known as Abatara meaning the enlightened
They were also known as Abamana which means Gods
During the Ibimanuka's rule of Alkebulan [Africa], 9ether people were
classified in homogenous groups the way bees or termites socially live
There were workers and fighters, then hunters and
entertainers, then palace caretakers
Most west Africans began as members of IRU collective
All IRU were known as ABANTU meaning those creatures
whose image is in ANU(s) and ANTU(s) likeness
At that time the 9ethers society was like the way 6ethers
society is, they had no tribes, the 6ethers have no tribes because they are a new
humanoid compared to the initial IRU group of earlier
6ethers began forming tribes around the 800 era
Tribes such as Igbo, Akan, Wolof+ came about a bit later
after the great flood, before that all west African 9ethers around the world
were IRU and subjects of the Ibimannuka serving them in constructions and war
The IRU in Ireland are Kundalini [Serpentine] specialist- special planets including Mushrooms they knew how to connect
This pool of holy water is now called IRIBA RYA Nkotsi
meaning >> well of kings
Every Rwandan king from around 400 had to bath in this
water before ascending the throne
Today Rwandans pee and sh9t into this well after heavy
brainwashing by the Europeans
This is the only lake you want to come and receive true
blessings [blissings] from
Forgive them Father, for thy know not what they do….
ENKI is not interested in what you are, he is interested
in what you have become
This site was buried under the mud-flood but in 2019 they
dug out what they could and is found in Iraq which is in Sumer [Mesopotamia]
Babylonia [Typhonian]
Sargon aka Nimrud is the first king of Susa [Sumerian]
and this is his empire
The panels found are impressive, almost 5 meters long and
2 meters high
An extraordinary collection of [Gods] and sacred animals are
depicted on the rock surface
The divine figures represent the [God] Ashur, the main
deity of the pantheon on a dragon and a AKUR [lion] with horns; his wife seated
on an elaborate throne supported by an AKUR; the [God] of the moon, Sin, also
on a horned AKUR [lion]; the [God] of wisdom, Nabu, on a dragon; the sun [God],
Shamash, on a horse; the storm [God], Adad [Hadad], on a AKUR with horns and a bull;
and Ishtar, the [Goddess] of love and war, on an AKUR
There are more panels with many more [Gods] aka higher
beings featured
Moai is Moor Muur
Island] Ester
KUSH [Ethiopian]
This is not an Island but rather a giant MIR complex
With Wi-fi and look at the roofs- its the Muurs who built this place, the slaves also contributed
These people don't look like they are in the picture
They said that they wanted to add an underground car park
what were they really hiding
Lov9 and Hate could never be friends
Me looking for peace
Children of light, energy, is what the Most-High is looking for, shine on and be the best that you can be
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