He who MaStar(s) the breath [Prana][Roakh], MaStar(s) life
[Chi force]
The HuMin processor [brain] processes thoughts at the
range of 477 trillion per second, that means instantly, how many thoughts per
second or minute varies
There is no computer in existence capable of computing
better than the one we all have in our heads
How we all use the capacity is the difference, brain dead means many do
not think beyond [Meta] a certain level, nor will they ever, the resonating frequency is way above 7.89hz and many simply cannot function under anything above 7.89hz [check those who are drinking more, doing things more+]
Many are simply
not aware of the countless thoughts that they are having, both positive and negative
and pointless thinking
To control the thinking is to control the breath
I had this friend of mine who through breathing was able
to inflate his chest has if he had worked out [bench press] all through
breathing, he even told me to punch him in his chest – on the internet there
are so many examples of breathing techniques – this individual was able to
inflate a balloon using his genitalia
Testicles are able to breath, women breath through their
genitals as well
Wearing all that tight clothing and pants really does
affect the female and male anatomy, men wearing briefs s instead of boxer
pants- back in the day we all wore sarongs
Keep in mind that clothes are a form of technology, Nylon
[New York + Lon-don] was made on purpose because your skin is the biggest organ
on your body and Nylon fu9ks with it
[your skin cannot breathe]
Your body is riddled with organs, the genitals are an
organ [instrument]
When you are vex, thinking too much, anxious+ take 5mins,
control the breathing, your chest is a vault and you are the one who has the
key, the MaStar(s) key – this lady who was having breathing issues called an ambulance
and when they arrived they gave her sum oxygen and then the paramedic took her
off the oxygen mask and said that she had to start to slow her breathing down and she
didn’t want to, the paramedic was saying that it was in her mind and she had to
take back her body and control the breathing, I thought about what the
paramedic was explaining and he was right, she was relying on the machine and yet when she began to take control she eventually began to manage her heartbeat, her breathing
Life support ma-Chi-ne, does exactly that, the machine
keeps the body alive, not your soul – which is what [Roakh] also translates
Your emotions [energy in motion] e-motion and feelings
are the ability to innerstand emotional states which is called Empathy
EMP is Electromagnetic Pulse – many do not have a pulse
Path comes from the word Ptah and means Opener of the
ways - many are not able to open the way
Its not [5] senses its [7] and for many its [9]
When you feel like Mr T, take a knee, be whole
-it takes seconds to reverse negative energy, so when met with negativity, reverse it, don't take it in, recognise it and reverse it, you have 18 seconds to comply
The first Trinity is the Trinity of the Hydrogen
Atom [Atum]
Tri-nity means 3
Khem-istry [Chemistry] trinity of Atum-re
Khem [black] melanin [Kaanu]
[God] the Mother, (God) the Father and (God) the Sun-Son
[Dra] Day
This is in an Atomic mass form
In physical we get ASar-U, Her-U and A-Set when the Romans
invade and break into KHMT [Khemet] that is what they see, their first ever concept of
a trinity, you cannot have a child without a mother
Do you lov9 me to death or value me to life
Baa [Soul]
Kaa [Spirit]
Khu [Mental] you [all Knowing] [Mind]
Kha [Physical body] Avatar
Khatet-Bet or Khaybet [Plasmatic body]
Akh [Etheric you]
ShaKhem or Se-khem [Spark of Life]
Ha or Ti or Hati [Physical Heart]
Ab or Ib [Spiritual Heart]
Sakhu [Higher-self]
Intuition - [Inner-energy]
Just maintain your energy, be seen but unseen
Core belief system- belief [believe] means you do not know
What you know is knOwledge [light] data [information]
BUMA [Owl]
[3] tones are hitting the planet
Base rate is 50hz and not 7.89hz
sum sort of reboot
and again
"We knew it wouldn't be so easy, when Butterflies turn into lov9, the more you wanted was to please me and where did all these feelings go, and we don't lov9 enough"
Steady on the left
4.12.2021 [eclipse] and another on the 12.12.2021 [???]
Read all data in Chakra [energies] colours, you will go further, these colours are radiation to many and energies to others
WAJI [Green] is the colour of healing, life-force energy and is the Chakra [heart][earth]
"Lets go deeper baby"
Finland + Norway
Red energy is the FEMI9 [red] electron energy, the most abundant energy out there and the most potent
MAAT + HERU combined is surrounding this planet
Red and Green energies are coming out of the poles that are controlled by NI.BIRU [Neb Heru]
Volcanoes are erupting, earthquakes, means energy is being released
People are activating [conscious] many are aware
Adverse weather, plasma strikes, colour coded backdrops, hail, heat and water is still coming in, there are no days off
UVC is very high and many are having radiation syndrome [lost of consciousness] google it and check the symptoms
Many are forgetting things, while you are starting to remember, because your DNA is changing
The sun is what is also changing you- all from the inside out on a molecule structure
Particles are soular radiation aka energies from the sun and when he does a CME that is a burst [ejection] we have vents [sun spots] facing the planet
FEMI.9 [Red] energy is hitting the planet but yet the Ska is Blue - Blue Kachina
The planet is in darkness, you have not seen the Ska since 2001
Soular blast is coming to the planet
EMP is coming to the planet
Many will go on blinker - be Sirius [Serious] - they are watching you for your ascension
Regulate your feelings and emotions the [2] senses they leave out
Soular energy is different from spiritual energy, we are in a soular system and you are a soular being
Omicron [Nerco-n][Necronomicon], this is their book of the dead
We are doing what our records show, we are doing what the KHMT says and we are Coming Forth by Day, we are doing exactly like the records say, not what man says
Many spheres and cubes are up there
like speaker boxes [vibration, frequency]
Mutual Assured Destruction [MAD] are military jargon words- google their meaning and inner-stand that once it becomes apparent to all sides, they will go MAD
This is a very Sirius [serious] time that we are in, they are shooting up there, we cannot rule out a soular holocaust meaning an total destruction of this soular system
Man would rather destroy her than give her up, doesn't that sone like your ex
You must regulate what you are taking in through your Khu [Mind] everything starts with a Thoth [thought], you must regulate your emotions and feelings, be realistic in this field
MAAT [KACHINA] is here and we cannot fu9k with her nor with Lillith - these two and more all come from the same FEMI.9 complex
144hz is a frequency, a vibration, a Hymn [Om] sheet, you just need to vibrate [activate] aka match the frequency
We are confident in the victory of good over evil - there is too many if us to let sh9t happen on y-our watch
NaTaRu [NTR] Watches
Crafts are over gentile cities, capitals, military installations, nuclear plants, underground bases, alien bases+
Take the last image on the bottom left and the two at the side of ISON in the second image
These are called SHAMS and there are 5 in that range
They can hold 50 Annunaqi mercenaries- these crafts are over a mile long
Many are used to move equipment, personnel and material like Nub [Gold]
Many have been taken to NI.BIRU already, those that are
genetically calibrated for transformation and transfiguration suited for
NIBIRU(s) environment have been transported
We have seen Shams in the Ska [cylinder crafts- five sizes in the Shams range] take sum to mother ships and
taken within the planets atmosphere and outside of the planets atmosphere
in Mexico
Look at the Greys head, same like the others, there are different Greys
Sum one wants the King of the North- his attention
We see that bright cube-ish [meteorite] coming out, many of these offices, old and boarded up buildings actually house other business, you can see the plasma discharge
Not the first time
They are saying that next week there will be a hazards asteroid breaking through the orbit
-warnings are coming
G.O.A.T sh9t is big in China
How to isolate the virus
The positive and agreeable Arcturus [Ayish] are dealing with all those with ankle monitors, all those on the tv in whatever format and the ones behind the scenes for those who carried out their masters work
This is why the clones are out, sum have gone to their tomb graves [bunkers] and sum have already been executed so that they can be taken out of their avatar and taken off of this planet and taken to the Galactic Federation and the Council of Councils, sum that are integrated into their avatar, they have ways of getting you out like using AMMIT
Make no mistake - the Ayish are diplomatic in that they collate all the data before hand, they are thorough and have collective consciousness but they will not be dealing out the discipline side of things
The word Police comes from
the word Policy- the Police was only started to protect goods and properties
All crimes are solved by a computer and not man- its the database that does the maths
many crimes went unsolved due to man
Magic Johnson has had HIV[AIDS] for over 30 years- if they
want to save you they will
-and if they want to end you, they will
Benin Heru [Hero]
Ologbosere was hanged by
the British in 1899 [999]
The Chief of Benin Kingdom
fought a guerrilla war for 2 years against the British occupation army
To the British, he was
treacherous and barbaric, but to many Benin people he was symbol of resistance
against the invaders, these are the type of heroes you should know about - you are warrior class
Found in Eridu [Turkey] no one knows what they are for sure
Inca [Mandinka]
The portal between the heavens
what is in cave
built 3,000metres above sea-level
Architecture - many study textiles, the composition of fabric materials, the two go hand in hand
Your records are carved from stone- your history is on stone while theirs in on paper that is made from trees that you need to breathe and for poWRA, you will die an original and not a copy
Camels [Kamal] are from the USA - which is West-KHMT
No wonder the Lares are pissed off
Ideas always start with a thought [Khu] Mind
Cult means hidden
-energy recognises energy, this is how you should be using your main eye
Water Lily
Think wisely with your energy
'Africa shouldn't chase the Dragon, please don't kill one another, forward poWRA'
[Burning Spear] its getting bad to worse - even myself knows that too, why can't you...
1989 [9 to 9 to the 9th poWRA] 9 + 9+ 9 = 27 [2+7= 9] special year for energy
Woodstock was 1969 [1+9+6+9 = 25 [2+5= 7] Chakra ignition [Flower-power]
Every decade since the roaring 20s [1920s] sh9t was taking place
Music [Muse]
China mud-flood
What are the chances of just the heads being naturally damaged
Horse and saddle
Hair knots, the paint remained on his head
The mud flood came in and buried everything
images are from the 1909
Xuan Di means [black] emperor- no wonder you are secretive
8 or 9 wooden [Iy] or Het-u [temples] we never had churches, antennas on the structure
Pentagonal and Octagonal
You can see this was an acoustic chamber
The Russian did not build these or any of these structures, they simply took over it all when the mud flood came in and they left their cave system
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