Wednesday, 1 September 2021

the 11th Hour

There are sum things that are going to take place that will create confusion on a grand scale and you must know that these things must take place- there is no getting away from this
No point of thinking of the unknown- there is fear of the unknown- instead think of what you do know- what is known and build from there 
The whole world will be catching fire- not just where you are
Continue to proceed how you have been because a way out- forward will be given unto you
We are at the threshold and the planet is on a knife-edge
You have to be on fire [plasma], be into what is taking place [reSet] with your soul, mind and body, be into what is taking place with a passion- a desire and from the heart, with your etheric being, your astral being, your emotional being, with your mental being- you will feel it from within
If not- you will become stagnant 

Plug- out of their Matrix or stay plugged in- there is only one route forward

What have you seen that has happened to you, that you saw with your own two-eyes, beings that you may have met- things in the Ska that you know where real, visions, dreams that opened your mind- things that you know that were extra-terrestrial [beyond], things that have happened along your life that only divine intervention could have intervened- things that truly fulfilled you- that all and more+ combined letting you know that you have found a truth 

There is no truth until you decide what is truth

Mystery systems are not a mystery when you know what they are, each mystery that you complete makes you become a MaStar [Mystery] which becomes My-story not his HiStory

We are all a product of our truths; we are all a product of what we know

Once you know the parable of magnetism and drawing fourth for it-  and that is how all things are granted to the Most-High(s) children – you have to want it so badly that you’re willing to pay the price for it and that does not include anything to do with money- we are talking about sacrifice- discipline+

When you know sum-thing- it doesn’t matter what the yellow man says or the brown man says or the white man says or the green man says, it doesn’t matter what your mum or dad or guardian says- for you already know your truth and that is all that matters

When you know- that is the only thing that marks your soul engram and means you carry with you the things that are necessary- and I write this because it no longer matters what the media is telling you or your partner or websites or social sites- or this page- it only matters what you truly inner-stand 

When the internet goes down many will be tested- there are those who need their cell phones and social sites- many need others and when the internet goes down or the power cuts out- they will really be tested and many will not even get pass that test alone- many are not using the universal mind [server]

During this Judgement day [field] you will be made to Judge yourself [yourCells], which we are seeing many are doing- flashbacks, things they did in their younger days and even in their adult days, all the crimes that you know that many can do, all those soldiers who went aboard and did things over there- even killed sum one- assaulted sum one, police officers, with or without your uniform you are being Judged- anything that many did that was wrong, anything that involved women and children, the plant, animal and HuMan [HuMin] King-Domes, this planet- anything that you can think of that involves the distribution or lack of it in energies, positive or negative 

You are being made to Judge yourself [yourCells]

It really matters what you understand [inner-stand] for self [cell], during this Judgement field [day] you will be Judging yourself and your soul will not lie- your soul will reveal everything that you have engraved upon it- so if you are having flashbacks or mistakes, things you did or you know sum one who is telling you about things from yester-year, you know why

Its an inventory, an audit, self-evaluation, supervision, appraisal- sum things you didn't know and sum you did know- balance     

No soul means you will have your spirit energy burned- reduced in its power, the physical life that you have right now will go through your Judgement with you in the 3D world- 

Most of what you had been taught was in 359o in opposition, if you take most of what you were taught and turned them around almost into a full 360 sphere [circle] you would come closer to the truth

What is the opposite of truth- is its lie, what is the truth and the lie = energies, one is a positive charge and the other is a negative charge- its all energies that you should be dealing with  

You will never been educated collectively, had you stayed in the western educational system- what you had been taught is childish, its childlike education

You come from a rich history- you were at the top of your game and yet today when we read back- how could you fall so low, the simple overall answer was this was needed to so we could disseminate against the non-spiritual people of Ki and to keep the planet alive and in the creative zone – if we didn’t this the planet would have been destroyed along time ago- NASA and crew all have the ISS weaponised, they have their Nuclear weapons and so too the Annunaqi and the Galactic Federation, the threat is still very much real- the soul savours must be doing their thing- how do you know, because we are still here, but during this soul saving- you forgot about who you were or who you really are

The planet is restoring who you were by restoring consciousness aka the restoring of the MaStar program- with files [memories] its in grades, waves 

 Metaphysical knowledge- we are part of the system of Sirius, we are on one of the distant suns [stars] satellites of Sirius [Septet] Sothis [Set] and this planet was part of an experimental enterprise for sum time, where the collective mentality of many galaxies and two constellations came to bring together the beautiful Tiara [Ti-ara][Tiamat] Tawa [Ta] Tiwawaat [Tanen] Tamtu

Tiara [Kiara] Ki- enabling all life on different scales

The light from Ki attracted other beings on other planets who couldn’t make the grade, who were their criminals, their fallen and sum were brought here in a vain attempt that the white lodges of the MARE [MER] pyramids and underworld could teach them and this is where- along with all the 6ether races- all h3ll broke loose

You should know that this planet is an unstable planet- from the last 140 years alone- you can read about the ongoing changes, huge major droughts that are life threatening, food shortages- that will officially begin in 2022 but its now, no food nations now exist, earthquakes- constant tremors and volcanos activations, tornados and hurricanes, there are all kinds of whirlpools, tidal waves taking place and in places never recorded before, records are breaking because we are in reSet, man has never been here before

[For those near Haiti and Cuba- it won’t end pretty] 
Planes are still falling from the Ska and they are not reporting it  

So much is taking place as the forces gather in strength 

2012 [2021] means we are in the year of prophecies and means there are no more prophecies after 2021 [2012] because we are in prophecies full stop...

The Bible is most recognised book by the 9ethers and there is nothing more profound than what is written in Job and Revelations

The [7] golden candle sticks and the beast mark [666] all these things can today be explained, we know that the [7] golden candle sticks are references to the Chakra system+ and [666] is the 9ethers 
6 protons, 6 electrons and 6 neutrons 

There was an Oracle out of Louisiana [USA] who had these prophecies that she had been given and they have not been changed in 21 years- they didn’t need to be changed because they speak for themselves

She mentioned the earthquakes and the ones that were significant to the USA-
Me interested in the USA because the Kabbalah mentions the war that will take place over there, the USA will be made disabled first so that the 9ethers have the upper hand, things like their USA military and all their weapons will go offline and many taken out so that the 9ethers have more, the Annunaqi are above them, on the ground and below them 

She also mentioned about nu lands appearing in the Gulf of California, she talks about the Red sea, Pacific and Artic oceans- that nu land will appear for Jamaica and the Caribbean-[she said one more place near there and i-is keeping that because i-want to see if that happens, if I AM here for that] 

This angle of terror- the devils triangle- its not just the Bermuda triangle because there are 12 other triangles throughout the planet, everything is under control, it is- but not through man or his friends

In July 1994 there was 5 ships alone that disappeared in the Bermuda triangle- the Rea sea and Chinas sea- there is always sum thing disappearing or appearing- this whole thing that the planet is stable is not true- in the Red sea and the coast of Madagascar they have seen sea-serpents, they even found a fossilised sea-serpent at the ocean floor near Madagascar- they even made a movie about it and called it the Relic or the Species, now you know why China let a tanker spill all that oil over the coast of Mauritius [Maur] Moor [Muur] which is next door to Madagascar

Loch Ness is real in the field 

The sea-serpents travel in pairs and those shipping lanes have been plaguing the sea-serpents, missiles by the US do not penetrate them, they don’t breathe fire like God-zilla – why would they make a national shrine [Japan] for Godzilla who used to be here in his King-Dome and all the rest of them followed and today we have natural ones out there and they don't talk about that do they

Green, Pink and Gilled beings found all over this planet, in Mato Grosso- south America [Aztlan] they have the same movie you saw- the Creature from the Black Lagoon – that is how the prescription for that movie came about- they have 3ft gill creatures that roam around at Lake Popo [Brazil] Ba-Zilla 

[You had gills when you were in your mothers distilled water womb and you were a tadpole and your hands and feet still go wrinkly when you’re in the bath- so that you could grip more easily underwater- think about this]  

These Amphibious creatures are back to Ki and to their offspring, Popo or Popol Lake is called the Black Lake, get it- the Creature from the Black Lagoon- and that they would begin to generate before all the Amphibians returned- notice if you will the amount of water that is incoming

These Amphibians are referred to has; Ogdoad, Nagas, Nomos [Nommos], Orisha, Ogrigwabibikwa, Dercito [Draco], Dagan [Dragon], Malayket Bahri [River Angels] which are two realms of people or two realms of vibrations or two rays of consciousness that came to Ki and intelligently incorporated themselves into the HuMin [HuMan] race and among the Amphibians, that Nomo emitted a ray of consciousness that created very psychic and intelligent beings and the HuMin began to be the other ray which is of consciousness

Two satellites [Moons] are circling this planet, one is around 500miles and the other 750miles away, one they called Shan and the other is called Shan Sata or sum thing like that and translates Earth Child and are both artificial and will be where a lot of people will be taken to- many have been taken

[Remember this Oracle explained all this in 1994 and in 2020 they announced one of the two new Moons] the other is a big laboratory ship that analyses mines, energies from these planetary mines as its being dispensed through Ki(s) electromagnetic field [EMF]

She said that life will be found to exist in space on planets and within them

Mesopotamian, Egyptian [KHMT], Sumerian, Alkebulan, Babylonian, Typhonian, Dogon, Zulu, Buddha, Naga, Hindu- Kush and more all left records about inner-earth [Ki]

Life-forms generated out of the earth and flourish upon the planets surface- there was a person called Sathanas [Thanos] and he was Lord [Neb] of the 9ethers and the underworld- a city called Amenta [Aminta] also called Agartha and Shambala [Hollow Earth] he is ENKI [ASARU] Osiris 

Earth – Ea-rth [Ea] ENKI [IN.KI] EN.QI Lord of the subterrain

Alexander Tolkien taught about Middle-Earth, many did and, in the end, they mixed reality with the modern day meaning of mythology- Alexandrian Library did that

What they didn’t tell you is that your ancestors built a library that connected to the city of Kom Ombo and to inner earth and these records tell you of these inner-earth cities of their start, the coming and the abomination of Ki and how much time we had to get things straight- this is what they hid from the masses- these are books that are missing from what is now called the Old Testament- these are the Wars of the Lords- many books are in places where light does not reach

The Babylonia and Sumerian and Codex states that these stone tables actually tell us all what is going to happen to the planet  

The Oracle goes on and talks about eruptions in the Serra Madres, Rocky Mountains and Allegheny country and will shock people all over the world- nature always warns before she strikes, mankind forgot how to warn and humins- humans never knew, all these forces are at work now because all these energies are coming from inside of earth [Hollow Earth], the cities, and the core of the planet and out- for she is balancing out the equation [11:11] via the sun because he is sending huge amounts of energy, soul-ar energy which is interacting with the inner-sun of this planet and must put forth what it is receiving- the energy- like what a proton would and thus energy is building and thus tremors, quakes, eruptions, energy shifting and all are unavoidable

They tell you that we leave a Carbon footprint that is devastating the planet yet they do this every time one of their planes, jets take off- you are leaving a footprint, a footprint of change, all this energy is coming out of the planet, its coming out of you 

CME = Soul-ar energy [flares-flashes-winds] if you have a soul there is nothing to fear- its all soular energy and for that do not makes them go offline 

Ozone layer
A crack or hole started off over the pole and spread throughout over the USA and now over all the major continents and this hole allows Ultraviolet to seep through
This energy [radiation] is detrimental to people who have little or none pigmentation as well has those who have a lot of pigmentation aka KAANU [Melanin]
What this is causing is Melanomas [skin] and Carcinomas [blood] and this causes the body to fry, burn and imbalance against the Glandular systems that are secreted

Its almost like the planet is turning on us all

The EMF, [Ozone- Layer] Dome, Van Allan-Belt = all the same thing- is being dismantled purposely 

Chernobyl the gasses cloud that came from there drifted away and this cloud never dissipated and is still causing devastation- today, no one thinks that an atomic cloud could be drifting over them today causing mutations, diseases+
Think of that cloud with the added plasma that is coming in- 

All these new diseases or viruses are old diseases and viruses
It is the Annunaqi that reduced the Chernobyl plant from exploding not man 


Glitching on both cameras, is that the CME doing that or what just happened 

What is pixelating- rest of the images are intact, how many cubes are up there

Sum of these cubes are solid [mass] are they part of a holographic structure 

New Jersey 
You can see the life-force sphere of NI.BIRU sum times is blue-ish- green-ish 

Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]  

Taken a couple months back or so, do you see the cloud rays emitting from these three cube-like windows- what are they- and from what

We are seeing a lot of casting shadows, broken- jagged tower shape shadows, coming from beyond the horizon, beyond the dome- these images show a source, you can see the shapes- so there are objects, to the left there seems to be a ship- cloaked in cloud material, and would mean that whatever this is, is a huge structure of a craft, what is it- imagine this is from a craft or war-planet- NI.BIRU has been in her field so she can handle the magnetics so a war-plant or another planetary body could be that close- how far is it away- are those holographic windows merging into the physical- really good image from the USA

Special image 

Spites = Spirits [USA] 

When nature warns you, she will give you time, you do not have anymore time
The Parana River, the second-longest river in South America after the Amazon, is about to dry out
water and food- without these two fuels- you are going to die 
Water being taken out 

Draco HQ gets flooded
Red 33

Underground facilities are around the world are getting flooded out
-ground water meets surface water- the planet is filling up and no more so than their secret places- 
Water is being put in

Spain is going down 

Water coming in [Spain] 

The day is already over before evening sets in, its already darker and colder and its only the first day of September- 


Notice the distortion in the clouds yet the rest of the picture is fine- one huge mother-ship sitting pretty in the Ska over Thailand [that whole region] huge white ray- light above the craft coming down with harmonic rays [rainbow] seven frequencies emitting above the craft or from the craft, impressive image, the Thailand military can see them on radar and there is nothing they can do 

Star-Family are with us all the way...

A real special picture- wow, whoever took this image could see that craft   

NSA and Russia fight it out to reach the Moon first- Russia space-pod gets blasted out of space by laser beam or projectile weapon - the female who was last and was still connected to her Russian base - said and now they are coming for me- 
They were blasted out of their spaceship in space by sum thing from the earth or sum thing near them in space- that then transverse space and picked her and her flight-crew up from space 
What is interesting is that Russia pulled back from the space race- they have the technology but they started investing in Metaphysical research- they had a vault of secret projects including psy-chi-c projects that spawn the likes of Yuri Geller [ex military] and many others who were supposedly able to use Telekinesis + all coming from the 60s-70s when the NSA went to the Moon with help from the others 
They had two well known craft landings in Russia, one in a park and another near their embassy near Prague 
Putin is a Reptilian Commander and represents a different lineage from say Trumps lineage- or Alex Jones lineage- but the USA and Russia, Germany [Hitler]+ have had multiple contact with these beings 
NASA goes 9 years later after the NSA 

7 continents but what if I told you that it is 6 because Europe is not a continent
The Chakras are not in a fixed position

Is the Dendera [Zodiac] Soul-ar system out of sync – me thinks so, are you really the house sign that you were when you came here- its changed 

Seals of the Returned

The book of Revelation—the last book in your Bible, that book is a description of the seven seals and gives the outline of the ending of a cycle and was a revelation to all those who read Yawre

And so, we go to Johnny boy, John the Baptist, son of Gabriy’el (Gab-Ree-El)
Gabriyel translates, One who comes forth from El, Prevailing for El
Hebrew [Habiru] and translates Messenger of El

Elijah and John are one in the same, right now the Iranians (Muslims) believe that they can bring forth his return, Elijah, but Elijah has already been and gone and you cut his head off for you didn’t recognise him- that is an old story- that account was written for those people at that timeline, not y-ours, although history is on repeat for many

HERU [Horus] Haru aka your (Jesus) tells the 12 Apostles what is coming, what will happen when NI.BIRU arrives in this soular system and how to prepare and what to expect

It’s a tricky one, the Bible is flawed in so many ways and the holy books are tarnished with man’s hands all over it, so we can only take extracts out

The deep meaning of this period is a mysterious book from those who are spiritually blinded

Apocalypse, comes from the Greek word Apokalupsis, which translates- uncovering or unveiling, not the end of the world has you know it- Apocalypse means to reveal- it means the end of the world, not planet

The word Revelation, do you think God would call his last book Revelation, the men that read the book of Yaw-re which translates- the day of fear- must have sat back and thought, that it was a Revelation to them, and I thought John wrote it and not [God] [plus Constantine- James+ 6 from Oxford and 6 from Cambridge- the list goes on and on- on who rewrote the passages]  

The 7seals are based on the records left by Atum-re
The sign of the times, the Seven great thunders

The clock of destiny ticks on and nature manifests its Judgments out of darkness, the unknown, the unseen, the un-apparent, yet the ever existing
Man is light, and wombman is darkness
This is a day of great fear

Fear of the weather, fear of viruses, fear of plagues, fear of wars, fear of death, fear of famine, fear of deformity, and fear of enslavement and subjection by the Luciferians, sons of the morning [mourning]
These plagues are not coming; they are already here

Most religious minds think this will be spread out over seven days and this will happen on this day and on that day- this will happen, no way hosay, the process has already begun

Not in any order;
[1] White horse- is white light- messengers sent out without the sword but with the Bow
[2] Red horse- is MAAT and HERU combined- peace removed from earth (USA and European foreign policy and so on+)
[3] Black horse is the balance, scales, Venus gets authorisation from Atum-re to return the female back to their rightful place [restoration of the femi9 energy]
[4] Pale horse is war, ¼ of humans [humins] and ¼ of earth is destroyed
[5] Pain and suffering, the humans [humins] are forced to be collective for once in their lives, minds connect to the universal mind
[6] Stars fall from Ska, the Ska recedes, two Skas are made known [Shamayim] and evil is revealed 

[7] One day is slowed down into a year, many are called, few are chosen [ascension], they will gather [Gods] elect, there is no light for earth

These are angles [angels] of light, the Chakra energies and not sum one on a horse 

Asteroids and Meteorites, super- earthquakes will also shake the earth

John [Elijah] was uploaded and he saw what will take place, John; “every mountain and island was moved out of its place,” asteroids and meteorites, super- earthquakes will also shake the earth
Bible; The Day of the Lord is also called- the great day of his wrath (6:17) same passage

Time will slow down making one day a year, every human [humin] despite their beliefs will only have one to deal with, and that belief will be right before you very own eyes

[NI.BIRU is bending light- time]

Many of us will expire, but just like this period is a cycle, so are you, you will be back, at your appointed time

It is the Christians who have more to fear, the Muslims closely behind them, these are not calendar dates, Bible dates, these are signs, sign of the times

The son(s) of the green [Waji] light have come in these last days and with Atum-re comes great trials and tribulations, for this is the great and dreadful Yaw-re aka the day of fear

Oracle: You're cuter than I thought- I can see why she likes you

Neo: who

Oracle: Not too bright though 
[That is one of my favourite lines in the movie] 

Oracle [Orca]: Sorry kiddo. You got the gift, but it looks like you're waiting for something
Neo What
Oracle: Your next life maybe, who knows? That's the way these things go. What's funny?
Neo: Morpheus. He...he almost had me convinced
Oracle: I know. Poor Morpheus. Without him we're lost
Neo: What do you mean, without him
Oracle: Are you sure you want to hear this? Morpheus believes in you, Neo. And no one, not you, not even me can convince him otherwise. He believes it so blindly that he's going to sacrifice his life to save yours
Neo: What
Oracle: You're going to have to make a choice. In the one hand you'll have Morpheus' life and in the other hand you'll have your own. One of you is going to die. Which one will be up to you. I'm sorry, kiddo, I really am. You have a good soul, and I hate giving good people bad news. Oh, don't worry about it. As soon as you step outside that door, you'll start feeling better. You'll remember you don't believe in any of this fate crap. You're in control of your own life, remember >>

Oracle- holds out a tray of oatmeal cookies

Oracle: Here, take a cookie. I promise, by the time you're done eating it, you'll feel right as rain

You are what you are waiting for, the Annunaqi are not here to save Gods, they are here for the planet and their offspring

Father Figure
i-will be the one who loves you to the end of time

If you are the desert
I'll be the sea
If you ever hunger
Hunger for me

Whatever you ask for
That's what I'll be

Mode me is in 

Parco dei Mostri [The Garden of Monsters], Bomarzo, Lazio, Italy
Most of the added statues in the park were commissioned by Pier Francesco Orsini and designed by architect Pirro Ligorio in 1552 and the garden was created onwards from that time, sum are from Francesco that were added 

who did that- each stone correctly fitting- 

Who cleans the Rover on MARS [LAHMU] 

Do right by you 




  1. Sei gegrüßt, Bowban. Ich habe eine Frage an dich. Da ich auch auf Telegram bin,und ich in meine kleine, private Gruppe, ab und zu einen Post von dir reinstelle, ist meine Frage folgende. Ist es dir recht, dass ich Beiträge auch öffentlich machen kann, von Dir, auf Telegram?Greetings, Bowban. I have a question to you. Since I'm also on Telegram, and I put a post from you in my small, private group from time to time, my question is the following. Is it okay with you that I can also make contributions public, from you, on Telegram?

    Tic Toc, YahSun...


Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...