Sunday, 26 September 2021

Silent Night

[Extra-terre-strial] Extra-terre-strial [Extra-Terra-Astral]
This means you are an individual that is connected to the Cosmic realm

Whatever spark [Sekhem] that you were given, that is who you are now, that is who you are regardless of what type of avatar you have right now [skin colour] – that is who you are at the core

We have incarnated many times before and not always in a HuMin avatar, sum in animal avatars and sum into other beings, other races 

Sekhem, this is the spark of life [Chi] of yours
The original spark of who you really are is being activated 

The ancestors that are connected to your mother and fathers’ side [aunts, uncles, grandparents+] 

 Same symbol 

Two purges
One is you purged yourself from what you did during your on-going shadow work and the second is coming from the non-spiritual

From the Galactic centre we are receiving codes, from the Galactic centre comes Cosmic rays, Gamma rays, Ultraviolet rays aka the [3] tones of the Universe

These are highly charged particles that charge your [6] Neutrons, [6] Electrons and [6] Protons aka your natural mark of the beast-these and more are radiation which are chakra or [666] or [999] ingredients that all rain down on all-natural biological life into the core if the planet [Ki] and is increasing in quantities as the planets EMF gets ready to shut down or the Dome is coming down forever

The spiritual poles have already moved with us and the poles are being controlled by NI.BIRU

Cosmic waves [rays] are changing the planet from the inside out, the same is going on with you, red Oxide is covering the planet and is on tree branches, in water, on land

[Northern-lights that are not Northern anymore] these colours that you see along with the Red-Oxide particles are changing you from the inside out, its changing the molecule structure of the planet and of you

Ether [KAANU] Melanin makes up the Cosmic dust or particles, when Zeus and Ya’quwb [Ya’qob] made the 6ethers the planet was not in a certain place in space and was able to receive the necessary ingredients that they needed and they were created without light

Ultraviolet Cosmos waves [UVC] UVB [UVA], NRG is being blasted into the core of Ki, the heat [plasma] is coming from the ground [core] and above [plasma-Khaybet] from the purple backlight

[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the Hidden One

Which is a part of the 3black-lights called; 
[1] U.V. Rays  [2] Gamma Rays and [3] X-Rays

Atum [A-toom] the Undifferentiated One
Atun [A-toon] the Unique One
Amun [A-Moon] [Amen] the Hidden One or Deity of Mystery

Together they are a triad called Re [Ra] creative power to make [the suns rays]

Atum and Atun are the same beings
9ethers can absorb this radiation

[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet light
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma-ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray [the hidden one]

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of  [black] KAA.NU -light coming from Cosmic rays that come from outside of this soular-system

The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on

The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts; 

 [A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves

Aka [the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

We are going to see record numbers die, Ultraviolent [Purple] and Gamma rays destroys all that is artificial to this planet, whether from the plant or animal or human- humin kingdoms, if it was man-made it will be destroyed, other beings without a soul with be destroyed, this is what NI.BIRU means- the destroyer

Only the 9ether wombman creates new races, only the 9ether wombmen hold the MtDNA which is the Mitochondrial DNA – no other race holds the MtDNA

If a Nubian 9ether wombman has a child with any of the 6ethers that is a new race, if an Albino 6ether woman has a child with any other race that is not a new race, if a 6ether woman has a child with a 9ether Nubian male- that is not a new race

A [white] Albino 6ether woman has a child with a 6ether male Chinese – that is not a new race because they are from the same race- only 9ether Nubian wombmen can create new species, races- that is their [God] given right

This is why the 6ethers are encouraged to eat their Placenta [tree of life] because it is dead- it holds no life [Chi] eating your Placenta is called cannibalism, we do not eat what the body rejects, we do not eat human flesh

None of the 6ether women [that is EVERYONE that is not black] have the Mt-DNA and do not create races and is to why you are on 00000000000000.1% birth-rate

9 ether hair
9 ether skin
9 soul and spirit

6 protons
6 electrons
6 neutrons

There are a huge number of mix-race children that will be destroyed through the rays that are coming in

Melanin or Ether is being charged and those with Melanin [Ether] are being upgraded and advanced, those that are mixed are going through different changes, the non-pigment is fighting against the pigment or the non-ether is fighting or charging against the ether in their body, this will cause confusion and acts of aggression, anger+ along with having a diet that does not reflect the Ether that is contained in their bodies thus there is no sustenance

The Cosmic rays [ether] is coming in thick and fast and we will start to see more of the mix race off-spring go offline- its hard for them to find the balance

9ether Nubian wombmen who have mix race children will have a chance to stay with their off-spring in the 3D world, but when you incarnate or if you have to come back down here you will be stripped of your KAANU, the 9ether Nubian male will go down with his or her children full stop and will lose their KAANU if they have to come back down here

Many people lost their lives for being the wrong colour and today many fu9k with each other, ancestors do not view in colour, technically they do because they read energies and energies signatures are in your AURA field, it is the Romans who taught you that it’s the Mind, body and Soul, when the Body is last

The 6ethers nearly wiped the 9ethers out by any means necessary but today this means fu9k all, this is not a sign that we have all moved on, but a sign that introducing Pornography in the medium worked a treat, sex with whoever you want but you should have been mindful of who you had your children with, a 9ether male should have his children with a 9ether wombman first before you have children with a lower ether- sum of you didn’t and just had children left-right and centre with 6ether women, children born without parents, chidlren without no male role involvment- this is all coming back to you [KARMA]

UVC [UVA] UVB is on the ground and means that Ultraviolet, Gamma rays are destroying all that is artificial to this soul-ar system and to this planet, if nature did not create whatever it is- it will be destroyed from the inside out

Without brown [Melanin] in your eyes you will not receive any soul-ar energy because you are not a soular being- there are no windows to your soul because you do not have one

Ultraviolet comes in through the Crown of the planet and the Crown of you
Anything above 3 on the UV chart means death

The 9ether is not built like the 6ethers, you do not have the same immune system, if you tested on [black] or [brown] rats you would get different results from the Albino rat that they use

You do not have Rat or animal DNA, the 6ethers do, you do not have Cow DNA, you do not have monkey DNA or Pig DNA, the Lulu Amelu [Abd] had monkey DNA, that was millions of years ago with the Lares [Simians], you have been refined over and over again, the 6ether is new and only came about in the last 3,000 years and you have been here for millions of years

Lares rhymes with Bears and no one from the Western world has explained what Bears are or the Panda which has one link above them that walks upright
No one talks about Hanuman [The Monkey King] the King is called the Shitar and Queen is called Zira, only in their movies Planet of the Apes   

You are plant-based beings, this is why sum of you are born with [WAJI] skin, you have plant receptors in the body, when one of my brothers was born my mother refused him at the hospital because he looked light-skin [mix race] and in the first couple of days he was WAJI skin

You are made from plants and you should be eating plants [vegetation] and not eating eggs, milk dairy

The 6ethers are made from animals and Sulphur and is to why their vac(s) contains animal DNA [RNA]
DEA is your Cosmic [ETHER] ingredients    

You are not HuMin [HuMan] you are extra-terrestrial

Rats are eating out Australian, poisoning the water and eating and shitting over crops, eating out homes, why is that

Outside of the Aboriginals who were 300,000+ strong before the Europeans came in, there are around 2million Europeans made up from Irish, English, and other Europeans including Greeks, outside of Greece there is a huge number in Australia, then there is Asians and Asias [Indians and Orientals]

Australia is a beautiful land and was given to the Aboriginals and stolen by the Europeans, so nature is taking back her gifts and leaving you with everything that bling’s, that is what you like

Many think that they are going to die and that there is nothing after or there will be no consequences, we are in KARMA now, so many people will be getting theirs before they leave this planet and there are those who the higher-beings want you to leave your avatar so that can deal with you on a 1-2-1 basis

Have you heard the expression Dogs-Body or have you seen the life of a Donkey, have you seen how sum plants or animals [marine and insect also] have lives that are just functional only, that is coming for you, the next cycle is 6,0000 and 12,5000 and 350,000, imagine being a Donkey for 6,000 years

Billions are going to be wiped from this planet, more so the ones without no soul, the ones whose family benefited from ill-gotten gains [slavery] those who say that land belongs to them or their family, those who mistreated any of the Annunaqi offspring- too much negativity has built up and it will be hard after all this time to tell everyone lets move on and let things go, its not going to happen, many will need to physically fight and kill- the animal in them is going to surface – in sum ways the 6ether brought about their own demise, they said that the 9ethers are barbaric, savages- well who isn’t, the full wrath of the 9ethers on this planet will not be pretty

Many will work together when Marshal Law is up and officially running and this is needed

Where hatred and hatred will be forced to work together until that expires, then you will have those who do not want nothing to do with the other groups, that other group may be more than those who want to work together, conflict will arise, groups of people hate each other, this is bound to happen from sum thing that had been brewing for over 400 [512] years 

Russia, China and India all share the same space
Volcanos are erupting in record amounts, always up on the last two-three years
The more we have land-sliding- land moving, earthquakes and volcanoes means consciousness is being received and processed 

Things will start to disappear, I saw adverts for concerts in October and November, be real, petrol stations, food, the usual will start to go offline and delete
Channel 4 and 5 in the UK goes off air, channel 5 went last year but sum one told me that many are only noticing now, me don’t have a tv

Chris Whitty needs to have a DRB [CRB] just to be sure - you do not trust sum one who looks like that with your children 

The Moon has been out for over six days, even before Thursday, when the Moon is ¾ or 3/5 full, that is still full power or has good as full power- heavy energy

Qubt [Axis]

We have had a nu energy exchange which was part of the EMP which knocked out power around the world in different places [outages] which was actually all energy, which was the planetary galactic axis activations, sum called it a supernova [beyond and the word nu] this was upgrades, those involved in the redundant sh9t all missed out on this huge upgrade

We have rapid shifts in consciousness, increases in synchronicities like numbers [remember anything that adds to 9 or is a 9 is a direct universal connection or directive] Deja Vu [view] because your timelines are merging hence why we are jumping, and increases in vision [dreams] activity, for example I haven’t been able to connect but I am dreaming all the while, sum of you cannot connect because you are still consuming meat, because your diet is sh9t, so you cannot manifest [Magi]- deeper connections to the soul sub-consciousness, further integration of personality objective-sCellf and subjective-sCellf = your conscious and subconscious coming together [merging] the integration of spheres [360] of consciousness create a less dual speech communication which means a universal language, the animals, the plants, you are going to be able to [talk] with them, you will be able to hear them on another frequency because you are not under the polarity anymore you are under duality

Universal language is telepathy, subliminal sub-consciousness communication, you are placing a thought in sum-ones mind and communicating with them without opening your mouth, this is coming in for many and many of you had been doing this for a while already

Kundalini activation [spiritual awakening] nu layers of awareness, manifesting [magi] in real time, right now, right here, we are in the lower plane of the 4D heading into the lower plane of the 5D and so manifestation [Magi] will be instant, you’ve seen all the adverts about making Wi-Fi quicker, faster downloads+

Anything that you think or visualise is going to come with the flick of the wrist, be-careful what you think and visualise into existence

Tesla(s) dirty electricity must be deleted 

Cosmos or Cosmic [Kosmic] just means world or universe in Greek, the words mean the starry firmament, which is talking about heaven which is haven which is the Sirius complex
Cosmic [Cosmos] is just talking about the Universe which is recorded Nun [Nu] the Abyss, the Deep
-the Greeks just confuse things

EMP coming
They are all telling themselves a black-out is coming
The real Black Friday is coming and the 9ethers are going to smash this place up, the LA riots is nothing compared to what is coming 

Sum Cosmic rays are formed by Supa-Novas

Betelgeuse [Beetle-juice] is in SAHU [Orion]


She is one of 9 huge major stars [suns] that are all connecting with the 720 other major sun-systems in this universe, activation comes from the Alpha and Omega and the Ma’Star Key

Super a prefix of Latin origin meaning [over and above] and Nova meaning Nu [New] or Nine

Sahu [Orion] Kiymah [Pleiades] Mazzarah [Mazzaroth] Virgo [Ma’Sem], Ayish [Arcturus] Job 9:9 [Job 38:31-32] Amos 5:8, south of Ayish you’ll find Draco, where the Dragon people or the Serpent people, Reptilians come from and Aldebaran, which is south of Orion and Andromeda, which is south of Arcturus, Sibtu [Sirius] and Illyuwn [Qur’an 83:18-19 and 53:49]

Shamayim [Samawati] means up there and is a borrowed word and Ooranos which means Orion

So the [God] of the Bible was from Orion and in Orion there were many mansions [houses] different planets, and south of Orion are the chambers, where we find the star constellations of what you call the devil

Job 9:9 which maketh Arcturus, Orion and Pleiades and the chambers of the south

Aldebaran, Andromeda, Draco and Procyon- yet with these facts, your religious scholars and theologians try to create a mythological heaven and h3ll

These beings are not good, your whole concept of [God] and Devil is based on a conflict that is leading to the final conflict, where beings from other star constellations are fighting over possession of this planet and its inhabitants

You call it the war between Good and Evil or the war between the angels of God and the angels of the Devil

Call it what you like, it’s a fact that you are living in the day when there is war in the heavens and the earth and the higher ones have come to protect you   

Time traveller [Braham] A.NU [ANU]
Abraham and Braham are the same being
#Abraham and #Brahma are the exact same names and all you need to do is subtract the vowels and vowels from both words



= Abraxas >> which is the centre of the Cosmos = the centre of the Abyss, the Deep [Nu][Nun]
Abraxas the Rooster deity not Jessie 

Gene-sis and Revelation is what we are in right now, gene-tics and what is to be revealed to you, genetics means that the recessive [Chinese, Orientals, Indian, Spanish, Europeans, European Americans, Russians, European Australians, everyone apart from the Nubian] genes that all come under the Caucasian are having difficulty living on this planet at this time and they are trying to hide this from the 9 ethers, the hold is that we are all the same and this is simply not true, why does this matter because we are in Genesis [Genetics]

HuMin means [creative fertility], the 9ether in your DNA is extra-terrestrial DNA [blood cells not blood types] and your Chakra system is alien implants that were graphed into you only

Stem-Cell research is solely based on the 9ether wombman only, you have 145 alien genes the HuMans have an extra 225 genes that come from Canine, Wolves, Cow and Monkey

O-negative type is extra-terrestrial cells, the ghost lineage gene was found the Alkebulan recently, the 9ether wombman is the most top secret on this planet

This means that the MtDNA wombman has accounts for an entire civilisation or race of people >> then where did they go, we have to ask the question, did they even die, where did they go, the Metagene is the template for the HuMin amino acid [A-mineral = a-min-o]

Amino acid is like bricks that can be constructed differently to create different pieces, the HuMin has a Nintendo 64 amino-set and only have 20-22 active, you don’t have any junk DNA, why would they make you with parts that you would not need or put sum-thing in you that you weren’t going to use, they reduced the resonating frequency and hence why you could not operate fully out here and why they were stealing your placenta and your organs full stop  

The revealing is being set up to expose what is hidden, the truth is going to be more disturbing than the lie, they have been genetically modifying the HuMins and now the frequencies of this planet has moved past these people, the frequency is revealing their creators

In 1966 the sons of Lucifer [Lucid-Amber-Cell] came to Ki and in 1977 they were warned that the Aquarius belt was approaching and they were to stop the violence but they carried on, many crop circles [messages] have been sent to warn the Orcs and offspring and the greys and the reptilians and the other beings and those that reside here

The last warning came August 2017 and again 33 days later in September 2017 there was to be no more violence and boom, the eclipse on a 33-degree angle brought in the authorisation to dismantle the USA

Warships are over places like Indonesia, Vietnam, Russia, Europe, Australia the USA + for a reason, this is revelation, this is over, this monkey sh9t is finished

The DNA upgrade with the frequency changes is unlocking you even more now, those including your fellow 9 ethers stay in the locked DNA structure if they didn’t see the light, they didn’t evolve, that is the way it goes, you had a choice, you always had a choice

DNA 64-bit means you may be that person that could teleport to the Caribbean, you may be that person who moves in dimensions, you may be that person who levitates everywhere, the amino mutates, whatever you get means you are now an X-men, you have your super Heru [Hero] status

Do you move your Mekaba with your Khu [Mind], watch what you do in the physical, the spirit [holographic] world is merging with the physical world

Intelligence = in-tel agent – you – in you

Red Elves [Spites] Spirit over a powerful storm over the Balearic Sea near Spain recently
They are getting closer and frequent 
Reaching to over 2miles long 

Orb nation
4D [5D]

So we have readings from both the night time and daytime and it is not pretty
-the third order is on 14,000hz and the second order is on 1,400hz 
-and the fundamental mode is on 100hz, well over 7.98hz 
Sum thing changing, get ready for incoming 

This is from the day time- spiking throughout the day, look at the resonating energy signatures  

Here we go, event mode
the frequency is very different 
CME(s) due

 Dark spot just sitting over the planet, coming from the crown and filtering down 

NIBIRU is bending the light 

The 9ether version E-Shu [Orisha] 
Eshu the mischievous trickster, mediator between heaven and earth [Ki]
Olorun (the Creator) gave life to his eldest son, Obatala (Oshala) (the Father) were later, also gave him the mandate to form the physical material world
Oshala is the king of white colour [bright] the seven frequencies
The second was Oduduwa, equal in importance, the Lord (or Queen) of the colour black [melanin]
Both were created in his own essence, from his breath
Came the third, the creator uses the ancient mud (matter disorderly) to form a mound
At that moment he breathed this mound, became alive, red and flaming
Was born this way Eshu Yang (Eshu of Rock Red), Eshu Aba (Ancestral Eshu) or Eshu Iba Keta (Eshu third Gourd or third Created), the Lord of the colour Red

You have MAAT [HERU]
Root Chakra 

Esau [E-Saw] Iysuw
The Hairy One
This is the 6ether version  

Daytona [USA] 

-read all data in chakra colours

Purple, Green 

Green Arc

The highway out of here 

Crafts around the portal [sun]
earth facing triggers 


Norway and KANADA 


Texas [USA]

Alabama [USA] 

Colorado [USA] 

Ships visible over Sweden 

We are like 20,000 years behind Egypt [KHMT] the Egypt in the USA, all these crafts, EMP, portals, you fu9king built them already, all these satellites, you built them already, that is what they are using today, the technology that you gave them indirectly

Remember South-America [Ul-mec] [Olmec] and the USA is Atzlan [Atlantis]  

Portal encased 

All crafts come with scouts, probes 

The sun [Konscious- dark-nrg-sun] is Septet [SIB.TU] [Septarian] September [Sirius] Sothis [Set] and is a dark force field -cubed, the pink-sun [crystal-sun] is Nemesis, and the red-iron-oxide[magnetic-sun] is NI.BIRU [Neb Heru], and Ratan or Rahu or Raat is the [electrical-sun] Re [Ra] or Apsu [Sumerian] PAARE [Sun]
Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]  

What is the structure in front or around the sun- look at the shapes 


Tatra mountains

Notice the images are both fine, but get to the Ska and there is nothing but distortion

Tatra is from Tartar [Tartarian]
Europe is not a continent
There is no such thing as Asia minor and Asia major

Look at this old git, screen shots, what do you see

So here you have a group of homosexuals, who cannot contribute to the planet or life, they have no reason to invest in the future because they will never be part of the future, for they cannot have children, but sum one had them or they are all test-tubed which means no mother chose their sex

This is a masculine avatar with the femi9 energy coming through the Root chakra, the valve is blown wide open- artificially 

We know that sum of the [Gods] like Set [ENLIL] and Akhenaten are androgynous but these are not [Gods] in this image, or maybe sum are 

Many will argue that they are Human and have emotions and feelings, that is fine- but not on this planet, children and women come before any man or homo and the homo’ does not like this, their energy means they will always have an agenda, we cannot have homosexual energy preceding over femi9 and children’s energy, its Aset and Asaru and Heru- that is the trinity concept that was made in stone aka Wombman, Man and Child

This will be deleted from this planet
Wearing heels which is nothing but hoofs in this image makes me sick in the mind

Baphomet is a tranny 
You can be homo-sexual but not on this planet
The rainbow colours are our Chakra system
Gay means your HA.PI and homosexuals are one of the most grumpy people on the planet 
You are homo-sexual which means that you are a genetic mutation, there are two types of homo’
There are too many secret bum-bandits out there and you will be surprised when they are revealed, be homo if that is your thing but don’t try and to hide it among the heterosexuals

Sylvester was worshipped among the homosexual community in the 70s and 80s 
The [Gods] are androgynous so I will leave it there

But what if they figured out a way to kill women or hide them what would you do, what do prison inmates do, the ones who are not getting out, is ass really ass, I would commit suicide if this was all that was left in the entire world
There is a planet that is just full of homosexuals, men and women avatars but with their valves blown wide open, mutated avatars have got to go sum where else 

Faroe Island, where they murder marine life for free
360° sphere 


This is a controlled demolition- there is no truck shortages 

discovered in the caves of the Sahara

Ghana [Ganesh] Right and the city of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia [left] 

Tombstone of Abbot Simon De Gillans, 1345, Paris
Abbot [Abba][Abby] meaning Father or Female consort
Simeon [Simon] De Gillans [1345] Paris is a 9ether
His hands, head, staff have all been meticulously removed

You can still see two very important symbols originally from the Annunaqi, from the Nagas [Buddha] Hindoo-Kush, the Ethiopians, the four main constellations, consciousness+  

[3] MIR(s) [Pyramids] are the [3] crosses at Calvary
3 Mir(s) Mer [MA.RE] aka pyramid in the intersection where the 2 lines cross each other

The MA.RE has 4 sides and as the sun shines down the MARE with its white coat that was over the limestone would reflect the sunlight [rays] in 4 directions creating the symbol of 3 crosses

The cross is part of the Kammu [KMT] Mtr Ntr, called the Amsu Tau [AM.SU TA.U] and was a symbol of the phallus [penis] as well as a symbol of vertical fire [plasma] and the horizontal water [current]  as a symbol of creation through photosynthesis [sunlight and water] Male and Female

Electromagnetism, the energy source you can’t see [Amun Re = X-Ray] [hidden] its hidden, the astral connection and came from original laws that we have lost

This is the prison that you cannot see but gaining this knowledge you will set you free in bridging the gap between you and me

Law of Vibration - Everything in the Universe moves, vibrates and travels in circular patterns, the same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires and wills in the Etheric world

Each sone [sound], thing, and even thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself

The Symbol of the cross was a part of KAMETIC MTR NTR

Electromagnetism, the energy source that you cannot see the astral connection came from

You can see the cross- well before their Jesus bs 

There is a cross [KHMT] 

And again in Mesopotamia [Eridu] 

Four constellations that are merging and rotating or spiralling in a number 9

From Greece to Italy to Crete
Coins made by the 9ether Etruscans  

These are your original symbols, regardless of who is using them now 

Energy, antennas, sacred geometry, all ancient architecture has an a circuit at the end of it- what is the end 

Air conditioning units or systems was invented 3,100 years ago or that is the year they give you, everything must fit into the 3,000 – 10,000 year bracket or if it fails outside means it didn’t come from man or Jesus or Mohammed or Allah, it came from the [9ethers] everything did
-do not abandon the ancestors, they are leaving many where they fail 

Hut or Huts the word comes from the word Hutsi 
Hutsi are the BANTU and the Abantu and the Hutu 
Tutsi all resided together until the French and Belgium came in and fu9ked them over
Did you know that Tut-si and King Tut and Tu-huti [Tehuti] all have a connection 

Do you ever feel that your children are full of sh9t, no ambition or any skills

Khmer [Khemet] KHMT
Cambodia [Kambodia] Kammu [Khami] Khem
Angkor Wat [Ankh-gor]

The 9ethers taught the whole fu9king world everything and all they did was to murder them

There are 12 portals with each being 24 portals, there are 3 main portals over this planet with many backdoors, one over Iraq and one over Cambodia and one over Australia, sum times cloaked and sum times they move, they are all seen by the Annunaqi only and used by the Annunaqi 

Greek Tigris
Tigris River

Located in the Bay of Bengal, the islands are home to a group of tribes known as ‘Negritos’ due to their dark skin colour

You are going to be punished for what you had done to the Nagas offspring 

Are you fu9king stupid, Germany want to give you $1billion for raping and murdering the Herero and Nama people- take the money and watch star-family let you go
Do not take any money for what took place-it will be a life for a life [creasy bear] 
Let ancestors take care business 

break the invisible chains 

Oni no Secchin [7] Stone
Noguchi [Naga-Chi], Asuka, Nara [Naga] Japan
Granite holds all frequencies
Super-heated, partially melted and warped, Laser cut- who is capable of doing this

The USA is West-KHMT 

No stairs leading to inside 

Standing by a Djed 


-all these places have the darker Indians, they still have Melanin that they had been trying to breed out


Pataleshwar [Iy]
Patal [Patel] esh-war  

This cave system complex in, Pune, Maharashtra, India is carved out from a single rock
The Iy [temple] is devoted to the Lord Pataleshwar, the [God] of the Underworld, and it is also dedicated to Lord Shiva who is ENKI [Osiris] Asaru
There are also statues of various Hindu [Hindoo Kush] [Gods] and [Goddesses] such as Sita, Lakshmi, Rama, Lakshman and Ganesh
A majestic Shiva lingam is built at the main shrine of the temple
The full complex is below the ground level

The construction of this temple, which was inspired by the Elephanta caves, was started but left uncompleted and was interrupted during building, there are other [Iy] temples, older nearby

Kattale Basadi in Barkur, Karnataka state, India
Also called the town of temples
Only 2 have survived and was once there was 360 of them
The name - Kattale refers to dark, like has in black
The Basadi (Jain shrine) is called Kattale Basadi because of unique design
The Basadi has a distinct architecture - it is totally covered with stone walls and roof on all side, and has only one tiny entrance, only source of light
The entrance faces south and has some carvings to its sides
A carved menhir is erected at the temple's entrance

There is a calendar or equation device present = a pillar of light would appear on the walls at four specific times of the year – global
These precessional numbers are universal

In this case the precessional Axis-Star is circumambulator by 5 planets, as the 5 organs and 5 soul parts surround the Axis of Man or is it senses [5]  
From outer to inner, reflecting the vast body of global mythos are 72, 54, 36, 18, and 9
These are all basic and sub parts of the minutiae of precession- 1o of Dendera [zodiacal] retrograde on the vernal equinox for every 72 year
So, while these values reflect time, they reflect space – they reflect light 1o of Dendera [zodiacal] arc
The Serpent [Kundalini] [Milky Way] the Pegasus of ENKI(s) SAH [Orion’s Belt] gives the 33rd degree
SAHU [SAH] Orion) points on the 33rd degree through the bent leg of the bull [KAU] Taurus of heaven aka haven aka Siruis [Septet] Sothis

Taurus and four constellations [Buddha- Hindoo Kush and Ethiopian and SwastiKa symbols] this Ptah ends in the [7] siStars of SAH aka Kiymah [Kesiyl] it is [9] you can only see [7] it ends in that star-system – you connect all four in your brain
Top left is SAHU [Orion] and points to the bottom right go anti-clockwise from there it gives you the Kiymah- and the positive and agreeable Pleiades

The Yule tree are points of Origin the 5 points are at the top

Look at the worlds oldest pyramids and ziggurats from above, they are all Lingams 

In the centre is the [black] cow [ether] KAU
Dungra is Hathor [Atheer]  in India [Nagalan] 

Unas Causeway
Unas translates exhilaration

The causeway connecting the valley [Iy] temple to the mortuary temple of Unas's pyramid complex was constructed along the path provided by a natural wadi
Walls, the passageway was wide and had a roof constructed from slabs projecting from each wall toward the centre, in its roof, a slit was left open, so a shaft of light could illuminate, there is the gallery of brightly painted reliefs, of which only fragments have survived

A wide array of scenes once covered the wall: boats transporting granite palm columns, craftsmen working gold and koppa, harvesting scenes (grain, figs and honey) +

We built leaving records because sh9t was about to go down and all records were left for both ethers because wouldn’t know what to do and the other would need reminding

The causeway, being about 750m (2,460 ft)[5] long, was among the longest constructed for any pyramid [MIR] MARE [MER], and is also the best preserved of any from the Old Kingdom
Construction of the causeway was complicated and required negotiating uneven terrain and older buildings which were torn down and their stones appropriated used as underlay

Two 2nd dynasty [Iy] tombs, with seals found inside, are among those that lie under the causeway
The causeway was built with two turns, rather than in a straight line
Around 250m (820 ft) worth of Djoser's causeway was used to provide embankments for Unas's causeway and to plug gaps between it and the wadi

The site was later used for numerous ascensions of 5th dynasty officials, private individuals from the 18th dynasties, and a collection of Persian [Ethiopian delegation] [Iy] tombs

Pi came from KHMT
Casing stones of the Unas Pyramid
The stones have no mortar holding them in place

The famine relief from the causeway of Unas documents a severe draught and possibly an impending famine, usually interpreted as contributing to the collapse of the Old Kingdom or this kingdom

The relief is a rare occasion of Old KHMT [Egyptians] depicting negative events in their life, and it was found in the rubble of causeway after it was damage

The word Sta-r, Ishtar or Ast-Ra, the most scared Femi9 Star, which will also be used as a title to distinguish the adepts of high level and insiders then much later, those of sects of Brahman or Abraham, as known as ANU

The Queen of Sheba [SBT] Makeba for example, meant queen of the star or daughter of the star while the so-called star of David or Sirius [Septet] Sopdet [SIB.TU] Sothis will later become the star in the dynasties in KHMT

The word Sta-r or Ast-Re in other languages was Sabat [SABA.T] or Sobdet [Sopdet], and that is where the term Sabean comes from, the seventh province of the King-dome of Sheba and means those of Heaven [Haven] or those of Sirius [Sepete], also appearing in the examination of the following words revealing the syllable that designates this Star as Ast-re, Asata-re Ashtaroth, Astarte, Ishtar, Zoroaster, Karasata, KRST [Karast]+

The term Saba can also be written in many other ways, such as Seb, Seba, Sheba, Shiva, Saeva, Seva, Zeba, and so on

She- ba [Femi-Soul] Femi9 energy

The word David is the correct translation of the syllable Tut [Tehuti, Dahut] which was itself a Pharaonic title (priesthood) of which for example the name Tut-mosi(s) was adopted by at least five Kings of soular worship just as the famous Tut-ankh-amon also bore in his name, this syllable or this sacred title

The English word Star and the Latin word Aster derive both from the original Asata-Re and Astarte, just as the names of certain deities such as Sobek, Sebekh, Set and Shiva derive from this syllable which refers exclusively to the stars and the MaStar-Astro-logos (logos = lyrics)

The elite of the Essenes at Qumran, near the Dead Sea, bore the title Sta-r or Ast-re, which is why Jesus, allegedly in his own words, also identified himself with 'shining star of the morning' as was done in ancient Egypt [KHMT]

The word Saba, Seba or Spdt is also at the root of the modern word Seven whose number Seven was used to identify the members of the seven souls of Re [chakra] there are seven candlesticks on the Ethiopian traditional practices (Amen-Ra)

In short, the title and name Star denoted a priest, a messiah, an envoy, an oracle, a figure, a great spiritual or political leader or the 3D famous people are called Stars

Today we find the image of this star on the insignia of the popes and archbishops as well as on countless churches, cathedrals or temples of the Western world

Hotep [peace] 

Ur outdates the Torah by at least 1000 years
Ur means Fire, Light and is talking about the craft that sat on this platform, energy hub, conductor, Ziggurat 

This is the beginning of the Habiru [Hebrew] civilization, Abraham was from Ur which was a colony of Kemet [KHMT] (Khemet-Khami-Ham) aka Egypt, they were siStar nations
Ur out-dates KHMT, which is the whole North Africa and Sudan, the people of Kush/Cush ruled Ur first

People of Kush [Al] Ghor (Saudi) are the same people of Kush [not the 6ether Arabs today] they came from the South, same family but not the same branch

The Amarna letters [sum times referred to as the Amarna correspondence or Amarna tablets, and cited with the abbreviation EA] are an archive, written on clay tablets, primarily consisting of diplomatic correspondence between the Egyptian [KHMT] administration and its representatives in Canaan and Amurru during the New Kingdom

The letters were found in Upper Egypt at Amarna, the modern name for the ancient Egyptian capital of Akhetaten [El-Amarna], founded by A’aferti (pharaoh) Akhenaten during the 18th dynasty of Egypt

The Amarna letters are unusual in Egyptological research, because they are mostly written in Akkadian cuneiform, the writing system of ancient Mesopotamia, rather than that of ancient Egypt

Shem is the father eber, Kha-Nowk, (Enoch) say Shem is Melchizedek-Al Khidr- the Green One-of Salem
Jerusalem is HERU-SAL-EM [HERU-SOL-EM]

He was a great-grandson of (Noah's son Shem) Noah is Jew name, his name is Utnafishtim, Noah is a seed, batch of humins, he was ruling Shiner [plains] aka Sumerian [Alkebulan]- Ur was or is part of that land, Land of Nimrod used as a synonym for Mesopotamia and is mentioned in the Book of Micah 5:6: Ok so that means Nimrod and Ham [K-Ham-i] sons ruled Ur first <<

The father seed for Kush is Nimrud [Hindoo Kush] he is the son of KHMT [K-HAM-I]

Jasher 7:23
And Cush the son of Ham, the son of Noah, took a wife in those days in his old age, and she bare a son, and they called his name Nimrod
At that time the sons of men again began to rebel and transgress against [God], and the child grew up, and his father loved him exceedingly, for he was the son of his old age
[24] And the garments of skin which God made for Adam and his wife, when they went out of the garden, were given to Cush
[25] For after the death of Adam and his wife, the garments were given to Enoch, the son of Jared, and when Enoch was taken up to God, he gave them to his son
[26] And at the death of Kha-Nowk [Enoch] son, Noah took them and brought them to the ark, and they were with him until he went out of the ark

Geb [Zeb-Seb] = Earth = Ki [Kosmic Father] Green life force [healing energy]
In-between is the HuMin [you] Bio-field
Nut = Sky [Kosmic Mother] Blue life force [portal]

KHMT [Egipt] Khami N.TU [Neteru] are not of an extinct forgotten tradition but are archive elements that live in all of us today

Nun [Nu] the Abyss
Nut [Mut] the energy of Nu
Nu = vibration

Nut and Geb form an opening, gateway or birth canal through which all physical matter is born into existence, this is seen symbolically has the Kosmic Egg
Nubian Kau [Black Cow]  

[get other image and put here ]

Neglecting children is a punishable a offense - its is forbidden
We all have choices and Suhaily made sum 
You are in our thoughts [prayers] 

Don't look at her life now, she is coming off of the back end of negative energies- there must be millions of women going through sum real sh9t 

This lady had to learn how to run before she could walk
at 41 she is tired, how much has she endured, over and over- 
I wonder who she is really
Yet she still turns up everyday 
-the mind, brain upgrades around 40 [for women its around 30 into 35] 
she is tired but she she seems like she could do another decade 
its almost like she would have to quit life in order to be free
She didn't want to talk about her childhood probably because one or more of her elder brothers took it from her 
She is not wearing any knickers [ I wrote that before the 19th minute mark]
She said, Nigg9 you got me fu9ked up  

If she expires naturally she will break her families curse- she is the only girl in that family- we must pray [Ashu] for her, she is really close to fulfilling her contract 
She has come a long way, this comes from other lives  

Pray for others because sum one is praying for you 

Your life [chi] is made up from moments, collect moments, that is all that you are taking with you, these moments are your memories

Memories last longer than people 

Like a Boss 

There is an end so there must have been a beginning 








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