Friday, 17 September 2021


Biden meets with the man while [YORK] MURDUK was present [witness] in Colorado 
There will be no retreat or surrender
They are going to call for you not to join in unity the spiritual elements here, but its too late, the masses have said, enough is enough, even the ones they have on payroll are not helping them, there is nothing on the table at all that the 9ethers want other than them to leave 

Which Amon Ra is stepping up to speak >> there are so many Amon Ra(s)

Do not run unless you have to run
Heed to the message
We see the monsters, they are coming

The flood [Noah] is not a one off-this world has ended many times before- this is not the first time

There are many who have seen what is to come, many are seeing what is to come in their visions, sum of you have had these uploads sum years before

Watch the Ska, where you are

Do not run unless you have to- gather what you need, be ready to leave everything in 9mins flat when you feel the HEAT coming around the corner, your moment will not be the same has the next person, you can feel it in the air- you can sense the incoming, there is too much pressure and its very heavy, its messing with my body, my eyes, my neck and shoulders+

Neo- why does my eyes hurt
Morpheus- because you haven’t used them before- rest Neo, the answers are coming

All these cities, bases are coming back up, they will be pushed to the surface-

Sum islands are about to get hit- the Solomon Islands lost sum of their Islands a while back, but we have sum islands about to receive the death-penalty, we are seeing activity in Alaska, Seattle- Washington and the West-coast, there is sum thing in the water and whatever it is, she wants to come up, the water has been disturbed

We are still in our avatars so it is going to get scary – the sun always shines after a storm, plug-out when you can and force yourself, go to higher places, do what you need to but don’t run, unless you have to

Earthquakes are building, swarms are concentrating, all we can ask for is protection, healing, strength and guidance, sending it out to one and all

Mexico was the start and will go up through the west-coast into Seattle, Vancouver, what will come out of the volcanoes will scare many into submission 

May no weapon be formed against you will prosper; any weapon formed against you shall be destroyed

 When we [you] do the internal work, we get to see the external circumstances reflect the internal work, your external circumstances always reflect what you’ve done internally, the more these volcanos let off the more you release 

Many people want to stay on surface-level and not go deeper, universe is asking you to look at yourself, there are things that you haven’t let go of, there are things that you still farm out to others when at the age you are now- you are the result- and what do you see, what do you avoid about yourself, what have you become

I don’t care how many crystals you have or that you have changed overnight, what are your wounds, what is still healing, what do you still cover with a bandage, what do you still keep in bondage

Your internal make-up needs attention, whether they were handed down through your DNA, genetics, experiences, memory, regardless you still have to work on those files, you have them and you must own them- what have you become with these files, what have you accepted about these files or what have you accepted about yourself, what are the files that you don’t like about yourself, this is the grey-area that you must filter through 

Shadow work- acknowledge that you have been bleeding out onto others and that you are responsible for doing this, all because you are wounded and you haven’t healed from that- yet, how do you do this, by truly, whole-heartily, letting it go, you have to want to let it go, if you don’t want to let it go, you have to go through that scenario again in your mind has a reflection and you must truly accept certain aspects that you are responsible for, it does not matter if you lie or don’t acknowledge the truth to yourself for the universe can read all thoughts both conscious and semi-conscious [subconscious]  

No one likes change but with change comes growth

While others tiktok their way across, sum Zoom and Noom across, sum browse, sum lecture and debate, many would rather just watch others do the work
-others are doing like Nike, just do it,

You are going to get fu9ked by Nu and MAAT, they will leave you where you dwell if you do not merge with the frequency 

Change the things about you, better still, own the things about you, you don’t have to go to these people unless you want to, show Nu that you were wrong, she will know if you are preforming or if you really mean it, truth is a super-weapon, knowing when you are wrong is more poWRA-full than knowing when you are right, takes balls to admit sh9t, but this separates you from him or her, want the change, i-want to change- send out the command    

A few years ago, I was on the look-out for these female seers that were going to emerge and today they are everywhere, coming out now and telling their messages, the energy has finally filtered out the bs ones and the real messengers are speaking out, many are very emotional 

Red energy field has been on the planet for the longest and means its stabilized, she has your back now

The femi9 energy is not like the masculine energy, she cannot be tamed but you can be one with her

You are under no obligation to be the person you were 10mins ago, you are under no obligation to allow sh9t that happened to you from yester-year affect you today, end it here so that you can begin

1992 [RK] no-one forgets or forgives
All they are waiting for is the WAJI light 

That women is not over 300 years, but check out the melanin mutation 

Several strikes on the Schuman
They are still hiding data and recording them at a low rate
We still have constant pattern tones coming in
Its all frequencies

Says 200hz and 100hz 
53 volcanos are erupting 


Last night you could hear the adjustments taking place in the hemisphere [ear]  

Check all the colours- look at the across- that is millions of miles out in space and NI.BIRU collects the energy and returns straight back into the planet, no energy is being wasted 


Planes should not be in the air, the plasma is cutting them out- flight paths are different, planes have to take a different approach into airports- all planes should be grounded
Ww3 is already in earnest

Sum one posted these images from Gibraltar- is that the Moon
There is a huge hole at the top right-side 

Many are being activated and many will have [monsters] coming from them 

ABZU [South Africa] 



Huge volts of plasma is hitting the planet 

What was inside that plasma discharge in Brazil 
Inter-dimensional appearance
I'm sure we saw this a while back

Cape Town 

Mount Rainier 
scout craft 

Top image is a cluster of crafts
bottom shows a couple of crafts

The FEMA trains will take shackled prisoners to FEMA camps in the USA
Once there you will either take the mark of the Beast [jab] or be killed by one of the 10k or 30k guillotines that they purchased way back when, they are going to slaughter their own kind

Texas begs for help- its not even started- Texas have a huge debt to repay let alone worry about the Mexicans, your own government are letting this happen   

More than 200 birds were killed as they crashed into the World Trade Centre, NY last Sept 14, 2021
First, thousands of birds dying in Bali, Indonesia then another event in West Java
One too many to be coincidence

Here are four reasons why this world is coming to an end [crash]
there is a [traditional] hunt coming up for many..
-all plant and animal and HuMin [HuMan] king-domes are ATOL protected  

Images like this and footages of destructions are to confirm to you what is taking place regardless of what is taking place in the 3D world which is deleting, not the planet

These images and footages are to invoke you, invoke the spirit in you to come forth, Coming Forth by Day and Night, we are doing exactly what the scriptures say   

Why after all this time, its not because over 72,000+ crafts are inside this domain

The spiritual poles have already been moved, the physical move has already begun 

Utah is vibrating and begs the question, what was this former site 

Crafts around the sun 

Orb nations


Living’ stones that can grow and reproduce can be seen in Russia, boulders represent a special form of life


Lake Abruzzo [Italy] 
A large endoreic lake with no natural outflow or water reservoir, providing fertile soil
the Romans come in a drain the entire basin
Over 30,000 slaves manually dug out canals, tunnel systems, with the main tunnel over 3miles long, after the fall of the Romans and lack of maintained, its now part of a park 

Just look at this, beyond Human imagination, whoa

Ancient astronauts used these structures to land and to launch their space-craft known as VIMANA
This technology and practice existed in India and the Americas until Jesus was invented

The reason why they left abruptly leaving behind all these constructions such as those at Machu Pichu, Ellora caves in India, and Derinkuyu in Turkey is still a subject of inquiry for those who do not know the history 

We can pretty much relate to this mass evacuation from earth with the Ugandan story of the disappearance of the Cwezi [Original Jews] people around the same period

Also, take not that most of the Hindoo temples were constructed in the shape of a Vimana space craft and most of the ancient Kings crowns mimicked the same shape

It is Important to visit Indian ancient sites after you visit Kemet
Then you will learn that the builders of the Great pyramids and Hindu temples had an advanced lost technology that could cut through rock, levitate tonne of rock and liquidate rock debris from the site and these people were not ordinary humans of today

Sheep Cape, Sardinia, Italy 
I bet they were testing their laser cutting devices or chainsaws 


In this illustration, Ghatotkacha's corpse falls on one of the Akshauhinis of the Kaurava army during the Kurushetra war
He was about a Mile high in height
Ghatotkacha was born to the demoness Hidimbi and the Pandava Bhima
When traveling the countryside with his brothers and mother as a brahmin, having escaped the lakshagraha, Bhima saved Hidimbi from her wicked brother Hidimba, the king of demons of Kamyaka Forest
Soon after Ghatotkacha was born, Bhima had to leave his family, as he still had duties to complete at Hastinapura
Ghatotkacha grew up under the care of Hidimbi
Like his father, Ghatotkacha's weapon of choice was the mace
Lord Krishna gave him a boon that no one in the world would be able to match his sorcery skills, except for Krishna himself
His wife was Ahilawati and his sons were Barbarika, Anjanaparva, and Meghavarna
Whether he was a mile high or not, giants once roamed this land and they will again roam this land

[the guy or woman with their head in their hands]   

While the people of Mohenjo-Daro moulded themselves clearly as Negroids, they also moulded other types of Humanoids that lived with them that had [strange] heads that were either BIRD-like in appearance or INSECTOID

These strange headed Humanoids clearly had Africoid hips and bodies
They do not look NIBIRIAN but are the Bird-beings that are part of the Annunaqi 

Sum were depicted carrying their left brain and the right brain outside their bodies, this indicated that these beings essence surpassed the earthly Human body [like in KHMT with the Bird on 3rd eye] 

Angel and Angle are the same words, angle of light in which to shine
white holds all seven frequencies

 footage from that upload 

The first word ever uttered for the first time by mystery at the beginning of everything was OHMN [OHM] [OM] again this word is IMNNN
It is the name of that which we can call God
This same word helped man [mind] to identify self with as the English language adopted it when one has to say I AM [I’AMN] Bowban for example  

Rasta will say I and I [you get it] 

Basically, you start by stating your Godhood and then your given name
Its like saying my godhood is Bowban
You are inherently [God] and then your name
Notice that IMNNN is from [IMN] which is the name of God in ancient Egypt [KHMT] a
It became AMEN
Naga [Buddha] chant OHMNNN or Ihmnnn when meditating [Distal] Istal
Literary IMNNN means that I AM WATER
This tells us that [GOD] is water >> primordial waters >> NUN [NU] W[M]ater
The KHMT [Egyptians] used a feather [Shu] to represent [I] and zigzags [WM]to represent MN
This means that in the beginning there was word- [sone] tone [vibration] acoustic [frequency]- on water which is called currenSea, as above, so below…

That word was divine and light hearted

This Femi9 electron energy is gathering up all her kind, all them Salem women around the word, all the ones in Australia also, all them grand and great-daughters, all those women around the world are being given sum- the siStarhood is much stronger than many know 

-the unspoken truth is that [God] is a Wombman

This was how it was in the beginning and this is how it will be in the end...

Her story cut me, yet her heart still glows, she still loves because she comes from love- 
her last statement- were Marisol speaks of generational curses- she is on her Ptah
Ma-ri-Sol [Ma-Re-Soul] Mother soular- star 








  1. Replies
    1. O'lord >> well you told me you were drowning, i would not lend a hand >> sh9t is on the horizon


Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...