Why is it that spiritual knowledge is a hobby for many,
is it because many don’t know what it is, or its because everyone is doing it,
is it sum thing that sones [sounds] good
Would you believe that spirituality only became
fashionable in the last 50-100 years, when the Beatles went to India for 4
years and when they returned, they never sang live again, they were coming off
the back-end of the LSD craze, the powers that used to be had taken the real
Paul McCartney out but Woodstock saw the introduction to Marijuana and all
things natural
When we write spirituality, the soul is attached to the
spirit so we are talking about soul-ar knowledge and this is why many didn’t
know about spiritual knowledge, because many do not have a soul and is to why
KJ2 had to take out reincarnation- without the soul you cannot reincarnate
I’ve seen many go through religion, even Islam, both- the
nation of Islam and Islam- one is for 9ethers and the other 6ethers and feel no
better, many take up Buddhism and walk around saying Namaste and collect Buddha
ornaments- whatever is trending- but feel no different
Sum go through the whole Muur [Moor] [Bey] thing, but
most come back to what they know the most and that is Christianity, its safer
for them because it was taught at a child age
First of all, if you do not have the alien implants aka
the Chakra system that was graphed into the off-spring of the Annunaqi- then
you cannot process the frequencies, if you do not have a soul in this
system then you cannot process the light- then yes- Christianity is your best
bet because you do not need either to be with them
There are different frequencies that we operate on
The Kabbalah [Qabbalah] and Chakra are the same thing and
are wheels [360o] of light
You have different frequencies or different frequencies
of consciousness
99.9% of peoples’ consciousness on the planet is in their
Root-Chakra [which is being removed]
The Root-Chakra is a long way away from the top sphere-
if your consciousness is in [1][2][3] from the Root to the Navel Chakra, then
this gives you a degree on how you have different personalities – but if your
consciousness is not operating from the heart [WAJI] Chakra on up – then you
will never inner-stand the data on spiritual knowledge or [Ka] systems or the mystery-
You can have those who have never heard spiritual
knowledge, hear it for the first time and get it in a second, and there are
those who will never get it because their frequency is not tuned in- this is
both the 6ether and 9ether
Spiritual knowledge is heredity, just like the Tantra-
its installed and taught to 100s of generations for 1000s of years
All of you are born and each of your life experiences
takes your energy to a specific Chakra – sum of you are born with the heart
Chakra open, so based on your energy is why many get it and why many do not-
that is radiating from the heart Chakra
There are those who are hitting 40 or coming into that
threshold where the brain- mind, upgrades with or without you, sum have
children and this triggers more data, sum need sum thing has they are
desperate, sum have exhausted all avenues in life and need more- it sones good
and wonderful- there are those whose relationships have broken down, marriages
and they need sum thing and this sones like the best thing for me- it does not
work like that at all- its only at that age- 30[40] that many only start to use
their brains- wtf had you being doing up until then
I didn’t start my spiritual journey form a better view until 2003 into 2005
when sh9t started happening, I had to have a clear-out and get rid of my
girlfriend and my friends at that time and in waves, 2009 and 2011- but I had
always used my brain, even if I wasn’t able to convey this, source was always
watching and waiting, guiding
Secondary information, regurgitated information,
second-hand data is what many are giving out, basic 101 for dummies stuff,
New-Age people are the worst- grannies talking sh9t on the internet, when they
should be knitting, everything that most talk about is sum composite of sum
thing they saw on a fb page or tv or advert- read or sum thing sum-body told
them and you can tell this with the sh9t that comes out of their mouth or what
they write
You can have intellectual people with PhD(s) titles after
their name, they can be in education for 30 years and will never get this, I
had a girlfriend who was a PhD [Masters] and had many other accreditations
after her name, she had brains when it came to the 3D material world and could
do her bosses job, however-try and talk to her about sum thing that she cannot
see physically and you would hit a brick wall- you could not unplug her in the slightest, she
was just hardwired that way- her conscious level was below the heart-Chakra,
most of what people get is in the Root Chakra
When you start advocating the heart-Chakra the data
starts to emit from you, sum will get it and sum will not, it will sone so good
to many, wow on their faces, I once spoke to this lady who was walking her dog,
she was going to sit in a square and meditate, she was a 6ether lady who had
stopped taking Cocaine after many decades and was on a spiritual journey, that
square that she goes to has 9trees in there, so I told her to see the levels of
her consciousness, she said I-know that is why I sit in there, I looked into
her eyes and she had brown in them, so I told her sum other things to do and
while I was telling her- her eyes would roll back and she was feeling good
about what she was doing and the data I was telling her- but soon I realised
that she was just riding the wave, it soned good to her- but nothing more, it
was not resonating within her, it wasn’t sinking in, it would just keep bouncing
off, no Chakra system and all she is dealing with was the Root Chakra and mind
and her five senses with two being- what sones good and feels good
Today many are just making money because they know that
many are desperate and vulnerable, all energy from these people are to the
service user is only temporary, these groups that they set up contain low
vibrating people, sum times it is you holding up the entire class in energy,
even the Yoga teacher knows this but while there is potentially 8 or 10 in the
group that is the difference between making £100 or whatever- they are going to
keep their mouth shut, Yoga [Hatha] [Rero] and Reiki today are New-Age things
and have no correlation to how this thing works- if you don’t even have KAANU
or a Chakra system or Ba [soul] then the conversation is over- your just
These are old people taking about themselves, how they
started their journey which is nothing to do with how the initiation begins-
which is well before your birth, people would tell me that they are stone
experts and massagers and they have been to retreats all with other 6ethers
-We work with the 9ethers and it would be interesting to
see you work 3 degrees higher- but you cannot because you do not have the
correct levels of energies to begin with and will only work on a mundane,
social, political, economic business level and it will never transform into
nothing spiritual – all because your energies are below the heart Chakra and
you do not have KAANU [9]
Sum of your scholars are left-brained that everything
must compute into a psychological intellectual language, they are really not
into spiritual evolution apart from being right or even sonding even right
Scholar comes from the word Sch-ool and the word S-olar
making the word Scholar
Its got everything to do with how you vibrate and not how
much money you have or where you have been
We are seeing all kinds of people falling off from the
Ptah and you need to get certain things during these crucial times, many
started off in the spiritual realm and have now dropped out- fu9k them, they
were always part-time, don’t waste your time or you will end up the one looking
stupid, there is nothing wrong with those that slip and slide, let that be them
and not you
Spiritual or the Mystery systems are all based on your
consciousness, how much energy you have and if your AURA is strong it cannot
penetrate, you need to be at the heart Chakra or at least be near it- [God]
knows its been a bi9ch to get out of the Root
Below the heart Chakra you are just living without no
life force [Chi] your just walking around with programmed learning files from
when you were a child, children are spiritual until they lose their energy, the
ego kicks in and is normally just under the heart Chakra – pulsating from your
Root Chakra and combined between the Root and ego is what many are using for
their consciousness, which is geared towards nothing but survival and if their
intelligence is that low, it means they are open to other entities to come in
and take them has a host- it is imperative that you get your vibration up to
the heart Chakra and use the poWRA of thought [Magi]
You were once totally functional on the physical level
with these two-eyes [which was a cheat] and the rational and logical mind which
is basically dealing with spiritual endeavours where you think about this
material 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, you are conscious at all times, how the
fu9k did
Kha-Nowk [Enoch] stay in connection with every step that
he made-
We are talking about near enough 90% of the masses that are
zombies down here and are being used by other entities, all the dimensions are
merging into one and many have been taken over by another- over ¾ of us all
will not make it – many are that far removed from source, I AM seeing material
on the internet of others who say that this person is an agent or is being used
and 9 times out of 9 they are correct, use discernment- you want the data files
and not the personality of that person- people get lost down here- it can
happen- just take the data files
Adolabroth [Yaldabaoth] knew he was losing the fight and
he knew we was rising – a small group would and he still went into war knowing
this, so to keep sum of them from rising, Adolabroth who had created sum Angels
[Angles], sum from the clusters of the Pleiadeans [there is positive and
negative beings in the Pleiades] and another star system- who are working with
this renegade entity and they sent him down to Ki and these entities just walked-in
and took over and their main goal is to keep that person focused on everything
but consciousness aka stop them from being aware –
Just look around you, from what is on the tv to all
media, music, magazines+ and see how stupid people really are from both the
6ethers and 9ethers, all those who traded their souls, those who incurred
generational curses, the list goes on+
This post is about the sh9t that is going to start
ripping the very fabric of the HuMins [HuMans] world, we are in the KARMA
field, all that Red in the Ska for months and months that has now stabilised and means the Femi9 energy is taking many down, with their man-made system,
step over them to get out of the way
Sum where and are still today clones or are walk-in
centres [hosts]- this jab is designed for the rest of you who are coming
online- especially the children who have blueprints in their brains
Have you ever started feeling negative all of a sudden
and don’t know why, you start feeling worried about nothing that you can
actually think of that is worrying you that extreme – that is the entities
getting at you
One day my mother who had been out all day came home
signing Ben-E- King Supernatural and she was singing it over and over outside
my room and when she realised what she was doing – she felt ashamed and started
counteracting the words with sum Bible mumbo jumbo- I started laughing to
myself because she was doing one thing and the entities were like, h3ll no, I
could hear the inner-child in her and my mum is over 70 years old, I felt for
her but she has made her own choices in life- she will be sent back down here
to correct herself [her- Cells]
This is literally two different worlds here- the
consciousness is like 0.0001%- its that low and is all that is needed to make
the change, it’s a vibration at the rate of 144hz
Many were never going to reach consciousness and were
sent to make up the masses, look at the 60s [70s] 80s [90s] at the data that
started coming through- from 1991 [1994] in waves and waves we had been seeing
the data stream through for those who had activated- and were being activated
We needed to see this because these are the last days and
were prophesied, they say they will come against Israel like no other, in
Israel we have Jews and Muslims, the prophesy is about these people and the
forces- it is those forces that don’t want us to take the throne back [the seat
of consciousness] there are more hosts than there are more activated- and this
will not change
Over time, lets take the 400 [512] years, during that
time you were incarnated over and over again into different experiences to
which many took the experience and to which many became the experience- many
could not overcome trauma, they are the walking wounded, it was your
experiences that created your energies for this very moment in time- do you get
I had while at primary school, around 24-26 lines come up
on my back and one day I had my top off and my mother asked me who whipped me
at school and I told her no-one did, we went to the doctors who confirmed they
were not sure what it was- my mother hit the nail on the head with the word
whipped, later on in life I was told what they were and I cut the lady off
because I could feel the negative attachment to what she was going to finish
saying hitting me- my emotions began to surface, these are files I do not want
to access and I tend to stay away from certain files, even from the Akashic
mainframe I do not retrieve certain files, they always warned us not to search
for data if you are not willing to see the files in their entirety
Ever wondered why you don’t go camping or why you won’t
go into the woods, or why you don’t like certain things or why you won’t let
you girlfriend tie you up in chains and things of that nature- or why you
actually like certain things that maybe you shouldn’t- think about things that
you see other doing or not doing or will never do
You have got to be on point from this day onwards until
your last breath, be on point, do not drop your guard down for no-one, for
no-one, people who you haven’t heard from since they cancelled M.A.S.H, don’t
get involved with, everyone is the enemy until otherwise, people showing up out
of nowhere-
Ultraviolet [Gamma] radiation kills anything that is not
real or is artificial, we are going to start seeing many lose their mind [go
offline] many will start talking sh9t or even come to you with that Jesus
bullsh9t or even say that they are spiritual now-
They talk in your ears, tell you to do things, even give
you a conformation, like its 3:33pm [9] do it, give you all the right signs
when in actuality it is them- I stopped smoking for a while and during that
time- things sharpened, became clearer, there will be times when you think its
your own thoughts and it is not- be on point and stay on point
The A.I [19] does not want to die, it knows of the threat
and wants to survive by any means necessary, if that means taking you out- then
that is what it will do
Do you remember the movie Terminator- when Kyle is trying
to explain to SARA that the Terminator does not sleep, it is designed to kill, and
that is all it does and will not stop until Sara Conner is dead
The machine eye will not stop until the threat has been
terminated – you are the Sarah Conner [144hz] you can go into society and be
ignorant- they don’t mind that and will not send in an entity because your
naturally stupid – just check yourself, those that were one-way last year or
years ago and today- they have gotten to them, they are finished, don’t play
with the spirit world, don’t be part time with it- let the part-timers go, they
will get it in the end
Side note; Sarah Conner son is called John Conner [JC]
Jesus Christ
Their Matrix is crashing
4[5]D is stabilising
Foreign Accent
What if you still have your program from your old life,
many people wake from Comas with an accent- sum people it just happens, what
triggers this no one knows but its coming from the brain [files] or are these people clones
Talk to you soul with the sones of creation
2001- the cycle has begun
Purple [NTH]
The Sigi rites by the Dogon in 2001 is a cycle and we are
in that cycle- that was started by Saturn and Jupiter and will end with Saturn
and Jupiter
All the planets are all in the trappist system going up
one by one, so will this planet, that higher frequency is the 4[5]D where
Sirius is, where the internet signal comes from, man cannot stop the cycles,
this is inevitable, it as to end in order for it to begin
The Jews with the disagreeable reptilians counteracted by
sacrificing 3,000 people, with the Jews only informing other Jews to stay at
home on the day they brought down those towers, those 3K will be risen up to hunt down those who took them
Such privileges will not be extended when its time to
bring this Mickey Mouse down- only those on a need to know basis are being given data
This HuMin [HuMan] sacrifice gave them 10 years [10mins]
in their time machine- this loop has now expired
Armageddon means to reveal and she will
If you do not have the [Black] KAANU dot then you cannot
read the Tarot cards
Tarot [Rotary] same words Ta-rot-ary – without KAANU you
cannot read past the 3D world and you stay in the mundane world which is being
When this goes Red it will be too late for the 6ethers
[6] protons [6] electrons [6] neutrons
[9] ether hair [9] ether skin [9] soul+ spirit]
All are mutating- you are losing sum points from your
[666] to adjust your Carbon print
The Sc-human-n resonating machine is a German invention to
measure nature and the 9ethers, it can only go so far, electronics purposely built
to mimic nature
The daytime spikes are different from the night-time spikes [frequencies]
You can see the recordings are faint- are they hiding the data
Holy sh9t - who is bending all that light
Red [Femi9 electron energy]
Green heart chakra [Asaru] healing-life-Chi-force energy
Red root chakra [MAAT+HERU] Femi9 electron energy
Blue throat chakra life-Chi-Force energy
Black Ether [KAANU]
Red + Blue gives you Purple [Gamma] Ultraviolet [NTH gate]
[2] Atun Re =
Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma-ray light
[3] Amun Re =
X-Ray the hidden one]
U.V. – Gamma
X-rays are 3 forms of Black [KAA.NU]-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come
from outside of this soular-system
AmunRe = the #HIDDEN #ONE, which is a part of the
3black-lights called;
[1] U.V. RAYS [2] GAMMA RAYS [3] X RAYs
Atum-re [HaRu or Heru] Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple
The [Gods] are natures forces
Brown or Red-Iron-Oxide layer over the planet
The Sun is under the Dome with us- this does not mean the
Oxide is coming from this layer
Mutating energies, changing you from the inside out
Illinois USA
What is up with the Sun and the Moon [how does the sun go into all those colours]
Sum one was late on the logistics last night
Holographic Ska
The Moon, Sun and stars are all under the dome with us
Red to the religious is only ever connected to blood, whereas Red is the energy signature of the Femi9 electron energy
There was a YT channel who said around 10 years ago that
NI.BIRU would make its passing around 2022- they shut his channel down at that
time and today in 2021 he will be made right
The channel was called Courageous Nerd or Nerdz- sum
thing like that
Crafts are covered in pink clouds
In formation
Huge Mothership over Australia - when sh9t happens over there- they will just pull the plug on Australia
That was a warning, energy weapons [devices] are being deployed by star-family
Dulce [Racoon city] base must be destroyed - was that for the base
There are huge ships above us, the mother-plane-ship that Eli-jah talks about was involved and can cloak itself behind stars, even the shadow of this planet- NASA [NSA] can see them
This is one of those crafts and is bigger than the planet
This is another, the other craft I cannot find the image
If star-family do not get a response from the powers that be on this planet soon
more powerful volts will start hitting the planet- there are different beings here- they are not interested in Biden or Trump or Boris or any dumb ass PM
They will want a representative x2 from the 9ethers to bear witness from earth, and it won't be Farrakhan- remember everything must be revealed-
They are not pissed at me- but they are pissed at a great deal, including sum of the 9ethers, oh they are pissed off alright, Mexico was no joke, sum of you were sent to complete your mission and you fu9ked up down here and got caught with your pants down and are going to pay for that
We know who they want to speak with and he is in jail and it is not York- when this person gets released unexpectedly then I will release his name
No Jew or 6ether can help you now, at all, I mean that from the bottom of my heart
These beings are going to increase the weather systems and tidal waves until the weak man and his friends gives up the leader that they want to speak with
These beings are here and want to know what this person wants to do moving forward - its down to him
They are here
[You must learn how to remote view, hone in your skills, you are missing out on the messages]
Who is watching who
Two sides up there
We had been on repeat when slavery started- over and over until the loop, looped itself out
You can see the image is fine but around the top left you can see the distortion meaning sum thing is emitting from the clouds itself
The dead-sea only became dead when the British killed it [acoustic speaker box]
Where is all that Red coming from
Rare Dolphins seen in Indonesian
- that was funny
This is not about sum hair-style or way of life
Image from NASA on LAHMU
CGI is being used
Notice they have vegetation to give you an erection
If you really want to see what is on Mars check out Mars
The 2021 London Marathon was moved from April to October
because of the plan-demonic and they moved it to October to maximise the
chances of a mass turnout- really in winter in the UK
Be wary of false gifts
Crop losses are nearly completing their 3-year cycle,
this means there will be no food in 2022, many class microwave dinners,
McDonalds has food, they are using the food from warehouses, the USA stockpiled
their food, what they call food, this is mutant food for mutant people, water
is being taken back, the two essential ingredients for life- one day you will
hear people crying because they have lost their cell phones or have no
connection and their belly is empty
We want all what man has created deleted from this planet
Sandra Bullock was born a man [get it Bullock- is from
Bullocks] how the fu9k can these men- people go and take children out of Africa and
no-one says fu9k all- and why African children, how do Africans let this happen
Zombie coming
There is no justification in taking another person(s) life- but I understand
One day soon- you might have to find that inner Sandison in you
This story is from India which is recorded Nagalan, and
talks of a man who is 170-years old and his name is Hanuman Baba
Hanuman is the Monkey King [Shitar] Simians and is a
9ether aka Nubian, Baba means Father and these are African [Alkebulan] words
If he was really 170 years-old don’t you think all those reptilians,
Madonna, Cher would all be around him eating him, how did you get to 170
years-old and they have to take the plasma from children to feed- why wouldn’t
they just eat this guy, he is 170 years old and the HuMin [HuMan] body can only
go up into 120 years old, he is not 170 years old, he is around 90+ if that- he
is not a blood relation to the Nagas but a devote- go for it
Can you heal a 9ether, this image shows 6ether to 6ether
GURU the word comes from HERU
Hari Krishna is a story about a Little Black [Boy] Hari
comes from Hair, from Hari, Haru, Heru and Krishna means Avatar
Hanuman out of that we get Hannibal
When you see them wearing white body paint and locks, this is from the one s who gave them a culture
That is locks in his head
Stop stealing from the ethers
Naga [Buddha] Hindu-Kush
This could be Vanilla- Vanilla is black before the Europeans added preservative and made it white
Dreadlocks Aztec priests
Real dreads and not eco-warrior dreads
Culture thieves, they make this common mistake in KHMT
Is that a tail, is it in his ass or above where the tail-bone is
Zeus has his hair braided [locks] and out normally
Noblemen [Ethiopian]
Only the elect can hold the trinity [right hand]
Sword of Law
Black Knights [King Arthur aka Osiris]
Europe(s) father is Charlemagne the MUUR [MOOR] MAUR
When you hear the words Neo-Nazi, far-left-winged+ it means nothing only to the 6ethers and given that the 9ethers have the final say, all that hatred is going to go to them and not the 9ethers
Sum one posted this and wrote; the Earth electromagnetic
changes effect - Albino animals
I did think that all these albino animals that we are
seeing are the clones, Gamma and Ultraviolet energies destroys anything that is
artificial or organic to this planet and soular system
There are those who have incarnated into Ki, sum without
a body, this guy that I follow talks about how he was the mind of a bird, not
the bird, just the mind, brain of the bird and he explained that when we see a
bird, this bird has to use its 3rd eye to navigate through the
routes that are available to them, the guy explained that the routes changed
everyday and that the bird can only access whatever routes where open to them-
Banaz [be you]
This brings me to the last Istal [Dsital] sessions that I
have been having of late, my mind has been on the Muslim women and what is
coming up for them, not only have they got to fight Islam, but also their
husband, father, uncle, brother and even their sons, Islam around the world
varies, its still full of sh9t because man wrote it, but around the world its
either strict or lean, they could murder or rape sum-one but walk around a column
in Mecca three times and you are forgiven- ok then, this is the kind of monkey
sh9t that we want off of the planet
There are many of us who have your back and will enforce your ruler-ship
Raudha Athif
I have used her images before and did not know it was Raudha, even without her eyes- she is highly desirable
Imagine if they didn’t have Islam how truly barbaric
[modern day meaning] they would be
I ‘am Muslim [I ‘am a Christian] be carful of those who
come in my name- false light
Islam is 70 light years behind the modern world- its got
to go and take these people with you
Fine-cut masonry of Puma Punku
Puma Punku is a part of a temple [Iy] complex in Bolivia,
Andes Mountains
The construction date is well over the 10,000-year bracket
Again, talk all that talk, how did they cut, move [tons]
and assemble, this is what our ancestors wanted, for you to work it out
A lot of blocks are a quartz-rich granite with an
unusually high tourmaline content, making the blocks magnetic, thus producing powerful torsion fields leading to multiple uses and outlets
Phoenicians’ city that the Romans came in and made it
their own before it was smashed up
Paved roads
Typhonian comes from Tiamat and Tiawawaat [Ta] which is
the Great Mother, overthrown by MUR.DUK [Ra] then they become the Phoenicians
[Ty-Pho-nian] Pho-enicians
The Phoenicians travel into Greece and become the
Etruria, the Tirana, the Etruscan, the Trojan and they set up Rome and Greece
So, the Greek mythology is the Typhonian material and is
the same material that was covered up and supressed from KHMT but was preserved
in Greece
The Titans are the Typhon
[Ti and Ty]
Titan [Satan]
Italy is the Carthaginians [Karthaginians]
Probably the oldest part, directly hewn out of rock
The columns of a temple hewn out of the rock
Stones matched onto the bedrock
An interesting trapezoidal structure - last image
What the Phoenicians actually called themselves is
unknown, it may have been the ancient term Canaanite, the name Phoenician is an
albino Greek invention, from the word Phoenix [Phonix] [Phono] and possibly
signifying the colour purple-red and perhaps an allusion to their production of
a highly prized purple dye, purple is royalty in KMHT, Phone also comes from
their language [audio], the Phoenicians were known as Aethiopians [Ethiopians] in
antiquity and called Moors in the medieval era, their culture was very
pharaonic resembling the culture of the Nile Valley Africans [Alkebulans]
The statue above shows a Carthaginian (Moor) riding an
elephant, the date of artifact suggest that it was crafted during or after the
Punic Wars
Attic Kyathos Amphora with warrior, from the Etruscan
The Etruscan people populated a large region in what is
now Tuscany and Lombardy in Italy, the real Italians [Ital-y] Ital
The Etruscans were 9-ether people who travelled from
Alkebulan to settle in parts of Europe
Not only did the Etruscan settlement predate ancient the
Roman and Albino Greek civilizations, they set up Rome- all before the 6ether
Romans and Greeks are created
The Etruscans had a unique language also and were known
to be great artists and craftsmen and builders
The Albino Romans and Greeks didn’t have a language and
only grunted when spoken to
The Etruscans lived in Etruria in present-day Italy
Etruria [Mt Etna]
The ancient KHMT [Egyptians] called the Minoans of Crete
Keftiu, an analysis of the Keftiu language recorded by the KHMT [Egyptians]
indicates that the Ancient Minoans [the Keftiu] were Mande Speakers
KMHT [Egyptians] depicted the Keftiu or Minoans as the
EteoCretans, they were olive-koppa-skinned people, Hieroglyphic text [writing]
was found in Crete, Krete is a beautiful, beautiful island, Greece is beautiful
Libyans (Garamantes) formerly lived on Crete; this
suggest that sum of the Eteocretans may have spoken one of the ancient
languages of Libya [not the Arabs-Muslims of today]
On the KHMT [Egyptian] writing board [tablet] there are
eight Keftiu names, these names agree with Manding names
Phoenicians and the Ugariteans [Agarthans]
Home of the 6ethers aka Man-Kind [a kind of man] is
This is an ancient cave city and one of the first in
Georgia, the city has had many owners, face lifts and also fell into decline
You can see tell-tale signs of signature building architectural
There are over 700 caves systems in this area
Tunnels, large halls
In the west there are more sites but have been closed
down, out of these 700 cave dwellings we have 150 that have remained
Carthaginians [Karthaginians]
Italy, located in the region of Tuscany, in the province of Sienna
Cut straight out of the rock
Turkey [Mesopotamia] Eridu
False doors mean you need to dematerialise matter which
HuMins [HuMans] cannot do, they say there are two parts to this monument and
that one is not finished, it is, you cannot just go in-to there
There was a teleportation hub here
This is called a Iy which means abode or coast-land, house, isles, temple
Midas [God]
Why is he in Greek history and Turkish [Mesopotamia] history- what is the
The Annunaqi are Nubian [9ether] and when they were on Ki, they were led by the Neteru
Who are also 9ether
So are the Nagas [Nigg9s]
Water holds frequency
From France, India, Turkey, Mexico, to Spain
Merge the 6 and 9 together = 8
Spiral 6 [death]
Spiral 9 [life]
Talk to you soul with the sones of creation
Be conscious in everything that you do, tomorrow is not promised to anybody
John Wick
This better not be a reboot of the first version-
In the original Matrix, the architect said- there had been multiple versions of the Matrix as they tried to prefect- and in reality- this is true
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