Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Body Beautiful

You must maintain your 3 bodies [emotional] spiritual + soul and  [physical] because you are experiencing heavy energies and your bodies are taking the brunt of these forces, they are extreme and your body must be able to process these energies- for the energy will only continue to increase and you need to match this with your soul, mind and body [tri-system] 

If you cannot remember you dreams this can be because you do not have enough fuel to bring the dreams [data] back to Ki [earth]

You must watch your diet and give your body the right fuel to absorb and distribute the energies – your body is 70%+ water, you must consume at least 1.5lt of water over a day [recycle] or your organs will begin to shut you down, your body holds currents [M][W]

We are currently experiencing a shifting of energies and your bodies are adjusting to these changes, you must eat more vegetation, fruits, granola, grains, nuts+ supplement your diet now because the plant kingdom is depleting

If your bodies are not kept regulated you will slow down and in sum cases not be able to advance with the shifting of the energies and we have more adjustments coming up, these are extreme forces on the physical body, your nervous system, central nervous system

Rest when you can, sleep is for the KAANU [melanin] ether to repair and restore and replenish

You already look lovely on the outside but we are dealing with the inner, the inner you 

No more meat, no dairy products at all, no milk- what you get in dairy products and meat [protein] you can find in the plant king-dome, Google it in images – the 6 and 9 ethers bodies are built differently

Wrong foods or bad diets can also stop you from Magi [manifesting] from astral travelling, from Istal [Distal] meditation because your Mekaba does not have any poW-RA
Sun gazing will charge you- this is different and about your bodies

Spread your meals into smaller meals, many people eat when they are nervous, sum eat when they are HA.PI and there are comfort eaters, during this phase many people have been putting on weight, sum of this food is excess food and sum is from the energies getting clogged around your joints and in the palms of hands and feet- being blocked, causing build up in the physical body- you should be doing yoga, tai-chi – there are loads of positions on Google images or in YT uploads, you have to move the energies around your body and also dispense the energies- even if you listen to song and you dance to it- how long is that song, 4mins+ play it twice and that is 8mins, you nearly did 10mins exercise, it’s a start, you need to shift physically for the spiritual shift

Mudras also paly a huge role in your organs and chakra systems and your bodies    

Try dried fruit and nuts+, these are slow burning foods and they relax the mind, it is the mind that is in the driving seat when you go A.W.O.L and needs regulating, you can do this with food, soul-food or star food, light food, feed the light

[Almond- star food]  

Metabolism is the chemical flow, the regulating of the chemical process [Alchemy] within your body, when you are at dis-ease, emotions are all over the place your, your mind thinking, your Metabolism speeds up meaning your nervous system speeds up thus many eat more, a lot more, your Metabolism is connected to your organs- you get it now, so you have to watch what you are eating and taking into the mind and body

The body is under pressure and will shut you down in order to correct- protect itself [its-cells] you must obey your body- without the body the mind cannot survive 

This is very important in this phase now because many people will be bailing out of here because their bodies cannot take the nu frequencies that are being applied-   

Diamond Ice

Diamonds are Carbon after millions of earth years of heat being applied at a certain temperature

Space is Crystal water [liquid ether]  

What do Diamonds [Di-Amon-d] do- when plasma hits the ground the Diamonds, gem-stones, gold, crystals, minerals all react to the plasma, the Diamonds re-direct the energy around the planet- where she needs it the most

Demon [Amen] Amon [Damon] Diamond [Sol-o-mon] Sol-Amon [Phenomenon] Phen-Omen-on [Omen] Oman [Almond] Amon-d  

Amon means [Hidden] soul-ar energy

Arma [Amon] Amen [Amun] Amara-geddon means to reveal
Amun [Amon] Amen means hidden energy

You are a Diamond
Diamonds under UV [Ultraviolent] is under Purple [Plasma]

The Moon and stars and Sun are under the dome with us and manmade satellites are all in the Ska, not space-
Ozone layer [Dome] [Firmament] the Electromagnetic Field [Van Allan-Belt] is all the same thing, there are 9 dimensions

Buga or curvature of spheres as the rainbow is an arc of all seven spectral colours, appearing in the sky [1] red [2] orange [3] yellow [4] green [5] blue [6] indigo [7] violet, and these come from the direct rays of the sunlight, broken down or bent as in bow

These are all symbolic of the spheres, you have seven spheres, these are dimensions

[1] troposphere [2] stratosphere [3 mesosphere [4] thermosphere [5] ionosphere [6] exosphere [7] outer-space

Hemisphere [Hemi] is Latin for Half [half a sphere] half a dome

Your main 3rd eye has seven more smaller eyes in a row-type sequence behind the main eye and this allows you to see multi-dimensional realms, expanses, dimensions at the same time 

The word radiation comes from the Latin radiare, radiat, meaning to emit beams, from radius [ray] from whence they get the word ray, as in the sun-rays and emit backwards is the word time

Original image


Adjustments [contrast- brightness+] 

KA.T [KAAT] Fusion

Mirrored image

The first image you can see half of her face and then we get to see what is on the other side of the mirror
Spend time looking at this image, her 3rd eye and crown, around her head seems to be like a hood [pharaoh] sum thing like that, her face is humanoid, she looks more like a Leopard or Jaguar [Bast] the Kat beings

This image is remarkable and disrupts my impute and output signals, sum thing that once you truly grasp what you are looking at stimulates my mind, very interesting image

Femi9 Electron NRG is the most potent energy in the universe and is consuming this planet

Whoever controls the Ska, controls the planet and it is not man-

Sekhmet translates the Powerful, Mighty and her siStar Bas [Bast] translates Fire [plasma] and is talking about the Divine Femi9 Electron NRG [Red] they are from the same MAAT [Aset] complex

Orula her KHMT name is Sekhmet


[Sanskrit]1610 from Sanskrit [samskrtam] >> put together, well-formed, perfected, neuter of samskrta, from *sam meaning together from PIE root *sem-
krta- to make, do, perform, from PIE root *k(w)er- to make, form [related to karma] Kar-Ma [Ma] Maat

Sanskrit [Sem-Ma] is written by MA.AT [Tamil writing] [Tama-Re]  

Bes is part Lion

Lakshmi is connected with Sekhmet, prosperity and wealth comes when you stop worrying about money, follow knowledge and what you need will come forward to you

Shekina Gate

Sekhmet is the protector and later on she is called the Lion of Judah and she is also the Sphinx [Akur][Ekur]

If you want her protection, visualise Sekhmet standing behind you with her claws on your shoulder and you see her teeth snarling at your enemies and you say, protect me o-poWRA-ful mother Sekhmetr  

The battle for supremacy

Sanskrit is from pre-dynastic KHMT and was brought to India and was written by a wombman, we are talking about a time when she was supreme, she ruled supreme, she had a mystical system that was supressed by the later on dynasties- this is changing 

And although KHMT has one of the greatest wars between [Gods] Neter and [Goddess] Netert what many didn’t realise it that pre-dynastic KHMT was ruled by a wombman

This is not just historical; this is a way of action and there is sum sh9t that you can do

The Lion of Juda [Sheba] [KHMT] [Leo] Sphinx the siStar-hood 

The history of Ouidah aka Juda [Judea] Judah [Whydah]
Kingdom of Whydah crowning of the King of Whydah
The Kingdom of Whydah was a King-Dome on the coast of West Africa
The Akir [Lion] of Judah and the Akir of KHMT [Egypt] is one in the same

The number 19 represents the Sphinx and the Sphinx is in the middle of the earth, which is Heru on both horizons

That particular Sphinx, the animals in the world, sum can transform themselves, sum live underwater, sum live in the sky, since you were exalted over them, you were supposed to everything they do and more, and is called animal activism and the Sphinx can sit there in the middle of the earth which is the crown and conquering Lion of Judah which is the N.TU Sekhmet, which is Heru [Horus] on the horizon [or Allah on the horizon] which is broken to the number 19 meaning when you get your [Godhood] you can do all of that, you can disappear, everything you want to do, you can do, this is the mystery of the number 19 of the Sphinx, which is called animal activism, which is key to the number 19, which is [Allah] on the horizon which is Heru on the horizon which is the crown and conquering Lion of Judah which is how it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end, you are those people, the great works means the people who obtain the spiritual level of consciousness and also means in occult mystery, people who are born with it, melanin the great works is melanin, the primal material 

The idea of a race of Lionoid people [talking about the Sphinx] exalted from the Sirius complex in sum timeframe in a deeper implication of resident genes, who have inherited genes from their Syrian [Sirian] Lyrian forbearers [which means you have inherited genes from the people on the planet Sirius who is God] who were responsible for the growth and development of this soul-ar system in which we live

On earth manifests a personal group of racial genetic codes but for those who carry the Sirian gene aka the black dot, the 10[12] double helical structures of the DNA which your manifested in the melanin the Kat mighty crystal genes are the strongest [that is you]

The [13] 418 the [13] is hidden  

Ramesses said himself, I myself to be born out of Sekhmet, Sekhmet being the Sphinx in the middle of the earth, and the people born out of that are the [Gods] of the universe because there is a Sphinx on the Moon, there is a Sphinx on Mars, there is a Sphinx on every planet that fits directly in the centre of the earth like as us, the NASA man Richard Hogan even tells you in his books, Monuments on Mars and is talking about the [Gods] and is talking about you the [God] of the universe

They are letting man [you] know who is in control of this outcome, this is a very powerful message being projected – just look at the amount of detail – the eye is amazing and her crown, the symbols, the dimensions to this image is what is making my signals go static

Babylonia [Baby Lion] AKIR [AKUR] EKUR the Kat beings [Kammu] KAM.MU the children of Mu

The Alpha and Omega  

A few more from the Ska


Images from the other run through a filter
Red Oxide attached to these [rings]


Michigan [USA] formation 

He watches, she waits

Incoming CME- the sun is letting off - soular energy coming in 

Millions of Chinese residents lose power after widespread- they said unexpected blackouts; power company warns that this is the new normal

Adverts on the internet about energy suppliers, they are using Einstein to promote suppliers- this in not unexpected- they know they are being shut down- Tesla’s dirty harmful to humins [humans] electricity hasn’t been upgraded since the 1940s+ it’s the same system and they are all stacked on one another and when one fails, they all fail- EMP(s) have been taking out power around the world has we speak

Europe is under pressure, China limits power consumption and this threatens global supply chain

Over half of China’s provinces are already limiting power usage, with manufacturers warning electricity usage cuts will slash the output in the country’s major powerhouse provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Guangdong, which accounts for almost a third of China’s GDP

When China has no more power to give, then Europe crashes or is gliding in like when NASA shuttles return to earth without no power

This is what all this supplier’s news is about, each state will have to find their own source of power- and winter looms 

All those nuclear reactors are leaking or are at risk of leaking, land slides mean the ground is moving, earthquakes all present risks to the reactors, many are being and have been shut down- UV is on the ground and is coming up form the core [plasma] which is heat, they would need to shut them down to avoid big problems

Different things are taking place around the 3D world- 
Fuel, food shortages will see the army deployed to get the ball rolling 

They were given 77years [100 years] to rule- that has now expired

Euphrates River is depleting 

Birds see in AURA, I wonder what the planet looks like in UV to them

We will see AURA(s) in all four corners of the planet 

La Palma- Atlantis is rising, the last time was 11,000 [10,000] which fits in with Europe’s ice-age – bracket, history is repeating itself in more ways than one 

So, now they are saying that Arabs are the original people of Sumeria [Susa] Sumerian and yet they know the first king of Shinar is Sargon [Nimrud] who is the father seed for Cush and is a 9ether
Tic toc

Genetics - interesting mutation 

First clip is NCP he glitching- sold his soul, MK-Ultra - when his team mate says his name- he reboots and starts uploading data- this could well be the clone 

Kbal Spean is a river of thousands of lingams in Cambodia

Stone-laser cut objects were designed to create the path of the power of Khmer kings
They fertilized and purified the water used to irrigate rice fields, which gave rich crops

Other beings used this place [Nomos] [Ghouls] and practiced here at the stream on top of the mountain is a pitfall sculpture with thousands of Ling and Yoni tools

Reopened only in 1968 by the French

The legendary stories engraved on sum of these stones says that the prince of Nagalan origin fell in love with the local snake princess [Nagai] and from there the Khmer people were born from their union in the holy waves 


Yasuke is from Mozambique and is the Samuria MaStar
To be a Samurai warrior - you need [black blood]

Last image, what is a Samuria doing in Ulmec [Olmec] culture, there is no disconnection from the Africans [Alkebulan] they are not a one continent people  








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