Red is a primary colour [energy] and is the energy
signature of [LAHMU] MARS- the warrior energy, and Red is the Red-Root Chakra [that is
being removed], and is the colour of the Destroyer of all that is negative aka NI.BIRU
[Red-Iron Oxide]
Red is the energy signature of MA.AT + HERU [MAAT- that
which is straight, balance, order, chaos, [Universal Law] and HERU the warrior-
read anything about HERU and he destroys, that is all he does- he destroys and dismantles
Red is the energy signature of the Femi9 electron energy
and is completely covering the planet- penetrating her and penetrating you
This is why the 6ethers fear the Red energy the most and
they know it, they have written about Red being in the field and what this
means for them and sum of the 9ethers
MAAT has not revealed herself yet– but she is here…
Daytona [USA] sunrise
Would you just look at that- rich
Texas [USA] colour coded Ska
Red-Green-ether is coming out of the poles
Colorado [USA]
Florida [USA]
No data
M6 [said it was M4]
Argentina again today M6+
Nicholas hits into Texas coast
Landslides- land moving, hail storms, earthquakes,
water+++++++ and heat, cold and ice, sink-holes, tornados, hurricanes, weather
systems+ and so much more continue to plague the planet, systematic
destruction, the climate is shifting all the while
Jupiter is a Gas planet aka a fuelling station, all the mother ships come here to fuel, for parts and components, Jupiter has many different types of fuels and is heavily guarded, NASA tried to bomb the planet a while back- if Jupiter was to blow up, then it would be good night once and for all
This image shows one of Jupiter's satellites on the left causing that shadow or eclipse on Jupiter, on the right is an arrow and you can follow it across and see that white-flash
This image was captured by a German guy who said he saw a flash of light and he said from what could only be a fireball [meteorite] at 22:39 on 13.9.21 he said it had to be a 100 meter meteorite striking the planet
Its not the first time Jupiter has been under attack, more so of late
NASA [NSA] had to have fired at Jupiter last night
Jupiter is the Granddaddy and has always been fully guarded and does have rings as well
The Galactic Federation are here, there are those who mind the soular system so this would be impossible to have taken place naturally- was that for Mexico
Sum one would rather have a soul-ar system radiation fall-out than to give her up
Star Wars has already begun
Psalm 2
Daniel 7
Revelation 13
Revelation 17
These are the 10 kings [Horns] which the beast will
subdue 3 of in the coming Ww3, all are kings without a king-dome, but they will
rule with the beast for one hour, who is that beast…
Petersburg- look at the angle of that craft in which it is positioned in
Crafts litter the Ska
Spites [Spitos] Spirits
Distortions around the sun- huge currents emitting from the charges in the atmosphere
The sun is hitting the dome- firmament
One plane
The Sun, Moon and Stars are all under the dome [EMF] with us and not 93million miles away
Many are starting to realise that we had been looping,
that the years are the same, this did happen for me within the last 5 years,
that I noticed that one year was the same as the other
This confused me greatly for a while, what you are going
through- for sum is the same, similar experiences or energies from last year or
the years before, even with the earthquakes or sum of the storms that are
happening the same has the year or years before- with more poWRA
Things that you think have already happened or are
familiar into similar
2021 [2012] are the same year [same frequency] and we are looping out the loop, its collapsing back into itself [past]
2022 [222] will be the present
We are going backwards because spiral [6] is death- clockwise and spiral [9] is life – counter clockwise- the rotation has been changing direction – sum people will be living the same day over and over again, the same experiences- the same energies, multiple Deja-vu means you are stuck in the loop
Autumn [Atum] Fall
The state of being within the earth is calling you to be
centred because sh9t is about to [fall] off, things that you thought you
needed, people you thought you needed, certain vices that you thought you
needed- and more+ are about to [fall] off
And what is needed from you is not to resist the [fall]
do not resist the [fall]
This is where we get the term seasonal-depression, this
is because when we [shift] into a certain season, energetically, emotionally,
mentally, spiritually they don’t align with what is taking place within the
earth and you cannot never go against what is happening inside the earth or
with the moon cycles, if all this is happening within the universe [above] then
it is also happening within us- but we resist it but in this [space + time] do
not resist having to let things go – holding on to too much things will weight
you down
You become supressed and then you are repressed and now
when you have this suppression and repression you then manifest depression, a
depression of energies [crown blockage]
There is no time but there are seasons
Orb nation, coming from the holographic realm [spirit]
Why do the higher beings have animal-headed avatars, one
is because they were into genetic spicing, sum of the higher beings spent time
in the animal world to shape them for life on earth
The Rigveda as all these creatures in there, we see
[mythical] creatures in many cultures, in ancient works, in artifacts, we see
[animals] creatures that are not HuMin [HuMan]
The same with the Book of the Dead, they have creatures,
monsters are featured, even in a book entitled Rebel of the Soul which will
have pictures of an Alligator, Snake headed beings and they would say that they are giving
you the aspects of the monster
They also talk about that when you go to a certain level
of spirituality you had to identity with animals, and these dog-headed, hawk-headed,
alligator-headed because this is on such a higher level until [humanity] does
not reflect its level and so in order to deal with these high levels you had to
come outside of your HuMin [HuMan] view on things and this is why we have all
these animal headed beings because once you go to the higher level, you can no
longer identify with a HuMin [HuMan] because its on another level
They modified it down in the dynastic period to animals,
in pre-dynastic period it was monsters and is where we get all that monster
material from
Watch the movie Small Soldiers, one of them had
dreadlocks, all they had to do in the movie was to get back home so they could
live in peace
The Egyptians [KHMT] say that when we are dealing with
the [Gods] higher-beings we put the animal heads, before the dynastic period
and predynastic was monsters- now why is it that many make monsters into toys
and give to their children, why do we have all those monster type movies and by
the 80s people were complaining how these monster toys were hideous- but they
said, the more hideous the more they sell
In KHMT they have AMMIT who is a 3-form composite of a
Lion, Hippo and Crocodile and she is a destroyer of souls- many of you will be
meeting him, she is usually found hanging out at Judgement sessions
All this is just the KMHT showing you sum thing above the
HuMin [HuMan] image and the HuMin [HuMan] condition and that you have to be
more than the image- you have got to become the monster
Now whether you put people on a lock-down, that is
different but the inception of that spirit was Moorish and was an actual
spirit, you can use that spirit for conquest or whatever but is just a war of
principalities but there is always a hierarchy, the 6ethers learnt all of that
from the 9ethers, they were taught well in that, if you are going to set up
anything it has to have a spiritual apparatus [ap-Para-tus] over
So, there is an American Spirit, they have put all of
these archetypes and, motifs in your mind at a certain early age, which can be
a form of mind control but then again on the other hand is still an American
Over the course of many years that spirit started to
deteriorate to the point where it didn’t mean anything to the people no more, I
have studied Rome+ and in there you can see why Rome had to get Christianity
because Romulus [Rome-ulus] and Remus with their particular material that they
were dealing with didn’t mean anything to them anymore thus the actual
government started to deteriorate and fall, so they had to come up with the
Christianity material by borrowing the Gnostics out of ancient KHMT and turning
it around and pasteurizing and homogenizing it – where Jesus becomes devoid of
[S-E-X] and the Christ figure lays the pipe- [S-E-X] is at the root of it
There is a spirit and they know once that spirit starts
to deteriorate the moral becomes low, people don’t [believe] in things no-more,
they understand that if you don’t [believe] in it no-more then it disappears,
if there is no energy- it deletes and is the only reason we have any reality
because sum-body has to have a certain mindset to it, like in the movie the Never
Ending Story, they said we don’t [believe] in Fantasia no more now that the
nothingness has come in and covered it all up, everything gets covered over by
the nothingness, the KHMT [Egyptians] told you that those [Gods] lived when you
called their names- when you called their name, because they are an
The moral was low [American Spirit] and they hadn’t
gotten into any real wars in years and this was giving rise to other things, so
therefore they had to renew their American Spirit and what better way than to
blow up sum buildings
There must be at least 20+ different fractions that came
about out of [9/11] to set that off but one was in order to renew, to make a
stand we need to renew our American Spirit and has soon as the buildings came
down it was American this and American that, flags out and make America Great
again campaigns and in came preachers and religion again, like with the Kat
falling into the America flag the other day, me not convinced that was entirely
a natural conception
Sh9t is happening on many levels, the spiritual war is
what we are dealing with on a mass scale
Balance your Mekaba [Me- MIR-pyramid] [KA-spirit] [Ba-soul]
As above, so below
As within so you are never without
As the universe, so the soul
Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you’re my only help
[Help me [Femi energy] Obi Wan Kenobi, you’re our only
help [energy]
-we must go to source, she will save us but you must go to her
Planet [femi9 entity] Universe [Omega- femi9] the
dominant energy is femi9
[ACM] all colours matter [MA.AT-TER]
Leia is in white, which holds all seven colours, with
RtD2 projecting blue-ray [life-force] energy throat Chakra
Primary colours [energies] [frequencies] merge creating
more frequencies
From Denmark to Sweden to Germany we see these stone arrangements,
you know the deal with stone and frequencies, magnetics+
If we think of Stonehenge and the spherical shape and here,
oval, there are different positions and two that look like they are arranged
into a number [8] infinity
Interesting places
During Ww2 [1945] the palace was damaged towards 1950 and
was then demolished under orders
1973-1973 this palace of the Republic was built over the
former palace
The original palace was not built by the new Germans who were still using horses and carriages or cart and why would you just demolish it after such a great building feat
And then replaced with that huge antenna
Stuttgart 2013
WAJI light- its like the
light had to meet the portal or there was a craft above and sum-one or being
was teleported out-of-here
ReplyDeleteI stopped watching this guy many moons ago, t-ankhs though..