Monday, 20 September 2021

Número Uno

 Trigger numbers, you need them more than ever, prevalent, yes, they are

Certain numbers are codes that will ignite the memory in you, grant you access codes that you hold, the sub-consciousness mind knows what you are searching for when these codes come up, when they bring forth that awakening that is taking place, sweeping across the planet

Codes that serve your long-term memory, dormant files that need to be access during this the most important year in the planet’s timeline, reSet is not just for the planet, it is for you also, if you choose so

How old are you, no you’re not, that is your earth years, we are dealing with the soul years, your soular blue-print [ether-print] carbon print [KAANU sits in Karbon] is way older   

Higher mind, the lower mind which is the sub-mind-the subconscious mind, these codes are laden within the subconscious mind that these numbers trigger the settings, factory settings of your mind, these codes are designed to change your level of thinking, they go off when signifying a shift in your mind, you will also hear the adjustments in your ear

Here are a few examples of code meanings  

[911] End of a cycle [9] endings [11] DNA Helix [911] endings [end of our old paradigm]
[1010] Binary sequence, our entire reality is ruled by number
[1111] The gateway-portal, it helps open the door into our psyche
[111] The unison- illumination, sparked intuition, channel to the subconscious
[222] Duality-polarity-reality is created by energy grid 2+2+2= 6 [flower of life]

[444] 4th Dimensions is the world of [Thoth], 4D Mastery of thoughts and illusion

[555] All elements, the pentagram, manifestation combined with action represents [5D]

[666] This is Re(s) imprint, creating the [Mekabah] [Mir-Ka-Ba] the Hexagram, the number of your elements of earth combined with spirit

[888] Re-birth [Infinity] Eternity, para-dise regained awakening to potential

[999] Karma codes ending, life cycles complete, it is the triple triad completion [heaven on earth]

You will have your own zip-files that only you know what are in these files, numbers that you filed yourself a long time ago for yourself 

[666] 6protons [6netrons] 6electrons [which is mutating]
You were taught to be afraid of [666] that it had connotations with negative when in reality it was the negative who realised that [Atum-Re] had embedded his imprint in his off-spring, fearing the outcome that we find ourselves today the likes, like the Freemason tried to open the door which was quickly shut down to them, now they walk around with numbers that belong to you, me, us, but not them

You want to be in an awakened state of mind, be aware of your surroundings and watch the numbers that are present in your life

See anything that adds to [9] [2:16} means universe wants to talk with you or that is a direct directive from source and you need to be in the moment, what was you were just thinking of to do or not to do, things of that nature, she is trying to communicate with you

Ganesh, he is the beginning and the remover of obstacles of both material and spiritual kinds, and is Shiva(s) (EN.QI(s) son
Call on these beings to aid you, find out what each principle [God] does for a living and break bread with them, you have to call [Magi] out their name, they are dormant but not dead, they are very much alive, the energy is around is now and you are urged to take full advantage 

Radiation [energy] streaming through

Chile [M7]
Russia [M7] 

The city of the Lost Angels, its time to go WAJI light, there is no more talking, Mama said knock you out

That was continuous, hitting over 100hz+ 
Volcanos are stirring
Earthquakes building
sum where is getting ready to get it 

No harmonic colours like in Thailand, two crafts over the domed state



All Micky Mouse sh9t is coming down 

The person who posted this forgets that she is part of the HuMans who are sick that does this to other HuMans, when they asked Prince Charles about Britons involvement in slavery he said that Briton was barbaric- is Briton not who he belongs to 
Either way, payback is going to be a bit9h 
HuMan Zoos were also in the forecourts of Parliament 

Who is primitive here [you] 

In the background the Pantheon
Minerva [Athena] Ben-Ben [Bennu] aka Obelisk
Rome [Carthaginians] Italy 
Venus [Isis] Aset  


This skull is considered one of a kind find due to gold dental decorations resembling scales on a fish, where gold scales were found on the surface of the upper and lower incisors and teeth
In total, archaeologist dug out 67 skulls whose teeth were decorated with gold
Dental decorations, each type of ornament has a unique design
Who were these beings that were there well before the Filipinos of today and before the Spanish occupation 1521 



These tri-ba-l locks consist of two pieces arranged into a cross - the chest (vertical) and the bar (horizontal), equipped with a hollow into which a key will fit
The locks symbolize the creative waters and the four cardinal points
The locks are usually owned by women and symbolize the union of two people
They may be given to the woman when she has given birth to a daughter
The locks are personal property and can be transmitted to daughters and daughters-in-laws

One is 116 and the other is 170 years old
A lot of Indians say that Indian-blood makes you younger, yes it does, that Indian blood is Naga-blood or black-blood, the Indians like to leave out the Nagas [Buddha] and the HINDOO-KUSH
I have also heard [black] does not crack  
Whoever is the oldest person is, has to be Nubian 

Are you not glad the world is ending



There is a pool of [holy water] in what is now called RWANDA that belongs to ENKI, this particular area [water] was known as INDANI IWACU which is Sumerian text was deciphered by the Europeans as ERIDU which is in modern day Iraq [Libya] Syria [Turkey] Afghanistan [Greece]   

The place called IBUZUBA [what Europeans call ABZU] E-ABZU 

Ibuzuba was the name of Alkebulan [Africa] during ENKI(s) presence on Ki [earth], this was his domain
Abzu was never a name for southern Africa only but the entire continent and besides, North Africa is really South Africa- the plane was- is upside down

Ibuzuba means the Land of the Sun
Tamare means the Land of the Sun

ENQI(s) initial camp was in INDANI now Rwanda which was again a base within a wider area of TARA

Tara stretched from South Sudan to Zimbabwe

Tara meant kingdom of Light and is locally known as KITARA [KI.TARA] or GITATA [GI.TARA]

There were no Rwandans or [9ethers] nations as we know them today but unified [9ethers] families of mainly IRU [Bantu] that spoke one classic language known as Ikiru which sounded like Kinyarwanda or Zulu

This ancient Language gave birth to all 650 IRU dialects (Bantu languages) in Africa today
The term IRU means those Hu-Min(s) whose creators came from planet Nyabiru [NI.BIRU]
The Annunaki were locally known by the Bantu as Abanyabiru- because they came from Nyabiru, they were also known as Ibim-annuka- because they descended from heavens

They were also known as Abacwezi because they were (magicians and scientists)
They could fly or disappear at will and reappear instantly
They were also known as Abatara meaning the enlightened ones
They were also known as Abamana which means Gods

During the Ibimanuka's rule of Africa, 9ether people were classified in homogenous groups the way bees or termites socially live
There were workers and fighters, then hunters and entertainers, then palace caretakers
Most west Africans began as members of IRU collective

All IRU were known as ABANTU meaning those creatures whose image is in ANU(s) and ANTU(s) likeness

At that time the 9ethers society was like the way 6ethers society is, they had no tribes, the 6ethers have no tribes because they are a new humanoid compared to the initial IRU group of earlier

6ethers began forming tribes around 800 era

Tribes such as Igbo, Akan, Wolof+ came about a bit later after the great flood, before that all west African 9ethers around the world were IRU and subjects of the Ibimannuka serving them in constructions and war

This pool of holy water is now called IRIBA RYA Nkotsi meaning >> well of kings
[wishing well] or well- to be well [well-being] 

Every Rwandan king from around 400 had to bath in this water before ascending the throne
Today Rwandans pee and sh9t into this well after heavy brainwashing by the Europeans
This is the only lake you want to come and receive true blessings [blissings] from

Forgive them Father, for thy know not what they do….
ENKI is not interested in what you are, he is interested in what you have become

ERIU [ERIDU] E-RETH — modern day Abu Shahrein, Iraq — the first city ever established by the [Gods], and home to the Ancient Sumerian deity ENKI [INKI] ENQI

The ancient Sumerian Kings List suggests ERI.DU was in fact, the city of the first Ki-ngs
After the kingship had descended from heaven, the kingship was in ERIDU

In this ancient city, we find the ERIDU Genesis an ancient Sumerian text, which describes ENKI(s) breaks the oath, instructs Ziusudra [Noah] to build a submersible ship [craft]

The deluge sweeps over the planet; the Anunnaki [Annunaqi] Annunagi] witness the destruction from their advantage points

What lies beneath

An-tar-ctica [Tar-scien] parts of Atlantis is now being revealed, seems the melting is becoming benefiting, timing is everything, others parts (pieces) of Atlantis formed the Caribbean, like Jamaica Xaymaca, they have finished mapping the seabed in secret, under the Caribbean, the elite sent the bulk to be frozen in time

Atlantis is a special, special place, many of the Aunnnaqi off-spring [Mu] still walk the earth
Greenland, Finland all belong to Tarscien

The continent was broken up, parts sun into the ocean during the Great Deluge mentioned in Genesis, later it was flash frozen, global crustal displacement took place, where it was covered with ice until the Nazis learned from those like the Tibetan monks that Antarctica used to be Atlantis

The Nazis built Base 211 in Antarctica and started searching for all the flash frozen advanced technology which they tried to retro-engineer until the Americans took over the operation when Hitler went to the USA

The Americans took all the technology found then and later during Operation Deep Freeze with all the SS Nazi scientists back to the U.S.A. to keep retro-engineering all the technology in hidden in remote deserts [Arizona-Area15]

The ice is melting and those that know what lies beneath will be claiming back their technology

An antediluvian island continent paradise from where negative and disagreeable Nephilim overlords ruled the entire planet with great ruthlessness using occult knowledge that included things like Magi [Magic] and super advanced technology taught to them by their fathers - the watchers that fell in the days of Jared

Humanoid (many versions)
The Sumerian Kings List begins with the very origin of Kingship, which is seen as a divine institution >> the kingship had descended from heaven

The rulers in the earliest dynasties are represented as reigning for extra-terrestrial years

After the kingship descended from [the] heaven[s], the kingship was in Eridug [ERIDU]


Alulim became king; he ruled for 28800 years
Alaljar ruled for 36000 years
2 kings; they ruled for 64800 years

Sum of the rulers mentioned in the early list, such as Etana, Lugal-banda and Gilgamesh, are legendary figures whose heroic feats are subjects of a series of Sumerian and Babylonian narrative compositions

The early list names eight kings with a total of 241,200 years from the time when kingship descended from [the] heaven[s] to the time when the Flood swept over the land and once more, the kingship was lowered from heaven after the Flood

Sumer [Shinar] Susa [Sumerian] Mesopotamia [UT.NA.FISH.TIM] ERIDU

5 Cities, 8 Kings rule for 241,200 years

Sumerian, Sumeria, Sumer, Shinar, (Samaritans is a Bible ref) Mesopotamia, is all the same place or area, region, Mesopotamia (UT.NA.FISH.TIM) is where now; Turkey, Iran, Lebanon (spaceport) Iraq and Libya, Afghanistan, Syria all sit, in their time they spelt the area UT.NA.FISH.TIM.

Note: there is a civilisation before the Sumerians..

The Anunnagi first hovered over the Persian Gulf, for the Earth was without form….
The creators were not HAPI with the Nephilim; so they flooded the Earth, wiping out the 5 cities and the 8 Kings

Nimrod is first king after the flood, the first King of Mankind, after the flood, they nuke the spaceport
Sumerians are different from those people of Noah

It is EN.LIL that closes the doors of the spacecraft (Ark) on Noah, even though they are part blood related, they are not HuMin, the Sumerians are mixed HuMins, linked to beings called Anunnaqi [Anunnaki] Anunnagi, who came beyond the stars, before the bible recorded them the Nephilim, the tablets record them; Enuma or Elish or Atra-Hasis in Cuneiform

For example, Nimrod Dagh (real name is Sargon) is a Gibboreem which means Mighty Ones, Giants-he is not quite HuMin

It is in the Sumerian story, the Epic of Gilgamesh that we are first introduced to Noah and the great flood, Sumer is the original home of sum of the people who will later become known as the Hebrews [Habiru], so there will be similarities between Sumerian stories and Hebrew stories

Nimrod and his Empires included Bab-el, Erech and Akkad (Agade), all of them in the land of Shinar (Sumer) Akkad was the capital of the later Akkadian empire

The Nephilim, Cherubim went to Mesopotamia, UT.NA.FISH.TIM
EN.QI is the overseer of Earth- the ruler of Ki

Cherubim, Cherubeem [Kaa-ra-beeem] means, those who are near, they can be in the form of animals, a Lion, half man half Lion, half Bird half man, and so on, we see them in communication with a cone shaped instrument [device]  

Nephilim means to fall down [you fell in frequency]

Nimrod Dagh [Nim-rood] from the root word Marad >> rebellious one [Sargon] the One who rebelled

So Nimrod is a new chapter, but just before the flood, how about these Kings who are 8 Kings and ruled for over 240,000, no HuMin could achieve this feat; we were maimed at 120 years, they had the technology, the Kinship is descended from the heavens, there are 2 Kings List, I’m going to write about some of their names and will give you an example of how long their rein was;

Alulim is King, he rules for 28,800 years, Alaljar for 36,000, 2 Kings rule for 64,800, Kingship falls, moved, En-men-lu-Anu rules for 43,200, En-men-gal-Anu rules for 28,800, Dumuzid rules for 36,000

3 Kings then rule for 108,000, kingship falls and moved, King Zimbir then rules for 28,800, another King then rules for 21,000, Kingship falls, moved, the next King Ubara-Tutu rules for 18,600, another King for 18,600, 8 Kings in 5 cities, lasting 241,200  

The Seraphim went to Tama-Re (Africa) with EN.QI by authorisation of ANU, and the Nephilim, and Cherubim went to Mesopotamia, UT.NA.FISH.TIM

Seraphim are the agreeable
Nephilim, Cherubim are disagreeable

Sumerian scribes wrote chronicles of their long past, when you read the history; Sumer and Atlantis share nearly the same timeline, advanced in architecture, military, specialist in vaults, arches, tanks, wheels with thread, huge army, hierarchical system of social classes, priests, kings, Lion hunts, recording crops, measuring fields, calculating prices, calendar, medicine, boats, more+, the Sumerians used ready-made types of various pictograph invention of printing, the fore runner of our Rotary presses the Cylinder Seal No high civilisation would have been possible, without a parallel system in Mathematics, just like how we depend on paper when recording contracts, tax records, Clay, the breakthroughs made it possible to combine lightness with tensile strength for clay products, reinforcing and firing that firing came with a kiln

Discovered in building materials they find copped reeds or straw, giving strength like we do today with concrete and iron rods
The Sumerians worked with metals, including gold, this gave birth to our Bronze Age, they had the fuels to fire the kiln, crucibles and furnaces, the fuels making Sumer technologically supreme were Bitumen, Asphalt, Petroleum products

For them was to combine 10 with a celestial 6 to obtain a base figure 60

This system is in sum ways superior to our present one, much superior to the late Greeks and Romans system

Enabling the Sumerians to divide into fractions and multiply into the million, a Mathematical system that gave us the place concept, as in the decimal system, 2 can 2 or 20 or 200, depending on the digits place, so could a Sumerian 2 mean 2 or 120 (2x60) and so on, depending on the place, 360-degree circle, the foot and its 12inches and the dozen as a unit, evident in our daily lives

The Sumerians are huge in size, taller than the HuMins

Major technological advances in Mesopotamian history, Sub-Kingdoms including Assyria, Babylon

Ancient Astronauts

So before the Kings list, at the time of the mining there was a mutiny against EN.LIL, there were only Elohyeem and Nibiruans, who are the Neter [Neteru] Neteraat [Rizq] same beings, No Nephilim at this time, who were the astronauts on Earth, the fallen angels (technicians and operators of scanning and spacecraft equipment, but Nibiruans are all the same) saw and began sleeping with the daughters [Dogon] of man and out of these forbidden actions were born the Nephilim giants

Not all astronauts on Earth were from NI.BIRU, there were other beings [aliens] E.T’S 100’s+ but when we speak of Tama-Re (Land of Sun) and Mesopotamia UT.NA.FISH.TIM, it was only the Anunnagi [RIZQ] who inhabited these areas

EN.QI as chief scientist was sent to the AB.ZU (South Africa) as it was full of potential scientifically
Man had not been created at this time, but the research for his creation had begun

So, the Nephilim mix with an early version of us, giving us the Gibboreem, note; When the Nephilian mix with us, there are variations within that mix, then that off spring, mix with us again, then we get something else, sum of the Nephilian also ate flesh

Anunnaqi means, those beings that ANU sent down from Heaven (NI.BIRU) to Earth
Anutu is the name of the Anunnaqi before coming to Earth- Anutu means ANU’s Beings
Anunnaki is Annunagi, so when the Annunaki leave Nibiru (heaven) and down to Earth their new title is Anunnagi

The Sumerians called Earth [GI]
EN.QI means ruler of Earth
QI= Earth
-his old title was EN.KI

Only long after the creation of the 14 first Tama-Re (African) men and wombmen did the Nephilim and Seraphim come about, they came about several millennia later, when the sons of [God] came unto the daughters of man
Right there is the explanation as to the battle of good over evil, positive over negative, agreeable over disagreeable

Positive-Good = ANU gave permission for the creation of the Black headed ones

Negative-Evil = ANU asked Enoch [Kha-Nowk] to round up the 200 fallen angels and tore chunks out of them in punishment for stooping so low, sum of the offspring of those unions survived the flood by being placed in the Caucus mountains and went on to become the Europeans

Kha-Nowk [Enoch] his name is also recorded as Adafa [AD.AFA)] in Sumerian and means perfected, he is also known as Idriys meaning One who studies and Kha-Nowk (Enoch) meaning, He who is dedicated, Enoch walked with the creators, he was their right-hand man

The Kings-List is 241,000 and there is an older Kings-List, let say that the other list is 241,000, add that together and we have nearly 500,000 years of extra-terrestrial rulers that man wants to forget about and talk about sum guy called Jesus or Mohammed

The planet was seeded by extra-terrestrials and they have returned for their plane and off-spring, the 9ethers 

The vertical weaving
Gran Pajaten PERU [HERU]
Mother [birth] and Male- in the images 


DNA is upgrading [666][999] 

You have your spirit guides, lineage, ancestors 

 use your kn-owl-edge 

WAJI [Heart] 

FEMI9 Electron NRG 


All siStars will come together, anytime we see women on the dance floor, all men will follow to the dance floor 

The planet is getting ready to shake it up baby 






    ( @ 25:15, the giants used body parts of their foes ( other giants ) as bricks apparently, Yah-Sun. This guy onto sumtin, mi think. Bless you brother

  2. After thought, Yah-Sun. Maybe not foes. Maybe body parts of their own tribes. Protection. Rituals. Who knows. Lol

    1. Its in records that many laid down and gave up their bodies, sum became mineral deposits, sum became mountain ranges, sum stayed here..

  3. Is there any way I could contact you?I have questions about the vibration and out of body experiences


Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...