Alpha Draconian
Typhoons, Babylonians are the dragon beings before the
soular dynasties in KHMT and were in Mesopotamia and is to why the negative
beings destroyed the recorders in Sudan with the Aswan Dam by flooding it
There are many different kinds of Dragons, different
sizes, the ancient ones, sum have wings, different names
Sum of the Annunaqi break away and created another avatar
[HuMan] which is like having one type of HuMin called the BMW and another
avatar called HuMan called the Ford
So, sum of the beings like the Reptilians [not all the Anunnaqi are Reptilians, sum are Kat beings and so on+] have to use the
Ford avatar which is a 6ether avatar and for others sum use the 9ether avatar which is
the BMW avatar, then they can be either positive or negative beings using both
avatars, sum are using albino avatars and sum are using KAA.NU avatars
Now there are so many different 6ether avatars, there are
machine parts-based avatars, clone avatars
Then you have an the 9ether avatar that is organic, it’s
a newer avatar, more spec
There are positive and agreeable and negative and
disagreeable beings
The beings that are agreeable do not eat meat or blood
sacrifice or do negative rituals or things
There are loads and loads of different lineages and
mixes, sum do not get on with others- which is key, sum work together, sum form
AN.U in records
tends to mate with other groups of beings so there is power sharing, all the
sh9t we see play out down here is what these beings get up to, sleeping which each
other’s wives which is why Set cut Osiris penis off, IN.ANNA using her Pum Pum
to get promotion, when she is Aset she poisons Ra into giving her his sacred
name, so there are dog-eat-dog type things going on, however there is order
I do not follow Yeho-shu-a [Ye-shu] Yashu because I'm not sure enough about the name and who they are referring to- me thinks its based on the word Yahweh, I know that Shu existed, when I write the
Most-High, I ‘am referring to the Most-High as in frequency, in Sumerian text
it says that A.NU is the Most-High, he is head of the Sedjet [9] his name
translates the Heavenly Father and is the reference for Our Father- who art in
Heaven in their Bible
EN.LIL and IN.ANNA and EN.KI [INKI] ENQI is mentioned everywhere along with many other higher beings but EN.KI which translates- EN means The and Ki is Earth, [EN] Lil translates the Ska and IN.ANNA would be Ki-Femi9, they are in KHMT has ENKI [Osiris] and EN.LIL [Set] IN.ANNA [Aset] and in Aztan [USA] and in [Nagalan] India+ with different names
EN.KI is part Reptilian through his mother and A.NU breeding with those postive races
This guy is shape-shifting and at one point in his upload
he has no Adams Apple
Nephilian are the Neteru [Annunaqi]
The Nephillian bred with the daughters of men who were
the Dogon wombman
The Ghouls [Nomos] Druids do have slit eyes and sum have the
eyes that flash like in the movie Predator
The Draco [Reptilians], Nomos, Kat-beings [Kammu] are all
Back in the day Ra wanted to destroy them but they could
pass off has HuMins with a slight difference [the shape of the eyes-oval]
There are beings that were sent to aid the HuMins crashing the Matrix, you have to discern between the positive and disagreeable beings, those sent are here for the positive outcome- so not all shape-shifters are negative, listen to their messages, listen to your spirit guides, ask them
Sum of the warrior Ghouls have the pony tail-lock; sum
Ghouls have the side-lock and sum have the dread-locks
[Its not so much that the 9ether is Black, its more that this symbol scares those that know the real history]
You see this on KHMT [funeral masks or on the Neb Ankh at
the back behind the Cobra hood- which are face chargers for when they went astral travelling and left their body on Ki]
The Ghouls rose out of the waters on a planet called
Yunus [Unas] which translates exhilaration on earth, as predators, warriors, their
leader was called Moolah
Ghoul [Nomos] can mean a lot of things but one
translation is the [God race] aka the Neteru [NTR], and teachers as well and Ghoul
can mean Gold [Nub] and later they were referenced to has the Royal House of
Sahu [Sah] which also includes seven other races which includes the Rajah Greys
and the advanced Huminoid Reptilians, the ones with the snake eyes, the Ghouls
don’t have snake eyes because the Ghouls take the host, the Huminoid Reptilians
look HuMin or we look like them [image] likeness
The Cobra is the Ghouls symbol
and the Bird is the Avian symbol
Both also indicate what dimensions they have achieved
Heru, Khonsu, Montu also use the Bird avatars
The Ghouls came out of the waters on their planet called
Unas, SA.HU is the capital of this galaxy, the Ghouls are advanced 4D serpent
beings and their Galactic symbol is the Cobra [Viper] Adder
[Uraeus] this is dealing with the Gold [Nub] bloodline
[Nub] translates Gold = Nubian [Nub-ian]
The word Kundalini is based on the word [Osumare] which
was originally from the Yoruba [Orisha] aka Alkebulan [Africa] and then taken
to KHMT [Egypt] and called the Uraeus and transferred to the Andamanese Indus
[India] Nagalan aka the Nagas
This process normally takes a couple of days to take over
the host [avatar] sum of the Ghouls are disagreeable; they are normally in the
avatar of a Hindu [not the Hindu of today] or an animal
Siidiihis [Siddi]
Yellapur [India] Naagalan
The 6ether Indians of today tell you that they were leftover from slavery when slavery did not take place in India, India won its first ever track event in the Olympics around the 1960 or 1970 era, they deleted her win from their recorders because she is 9ether
One guy spoke how they are isolated, spat at and called names by the Indians today, you see their father seed [Siidiihis] he is here and is going to deal with you, India is already being flooded out, many are going to have prolonged suffering, [Creasy Bear] life for a life, we will never know the full extent of what these Ghoul offspring went through over the 400 [512] years, under Churchill's food program, millions died in attempt by the British to delete the darker ones- after breeding programs
-a food program is coming up for many in India, you had potential, even what you put your own women through, payback is going to be a bi9ch and you can see this, the water is coming in and will take many with it, all sorts of things are set to take place over there
Caste system, the lighter you are the more acceptable you are, the lady on the left [she is pretty] still has KAA.NU in her and more than the other two- but its not enough, in Tamil they massacred the Tamil Tigers, murdered them, Sanskrit comes from Tamil, too black, too strong
There are two types of Ghouls, one that takes the host
and there is another that it is agreed between the two parties to take over the
host, these ones are agreeable called the Tokra [not the ones in Syria today]
The disagreeable Ghouls need a body in order to survive
or they have to go back to the water
There are a lot of pool houses around the world, we see
in Nagalan [India] the water hubs
The Unas Reptilians, when the Ghouls came out of the
water, they took these beings has host first, the Unas Reptilians, and under
Moolah they migrated to Srya aka Sirius [Septet] and took Hindu clones when
they got there because they had a smaller brain and meant their brain capacity
could only go so far and they couldn’t evolve so they took the Hindu clones
hence how they left the Reptilian avatar and jumped into the Hindu avatar
[Krishna] [Hari Krishna is Heru-Krishna- the little black boy] and they left and made their way to Ki through Ra, and started taking
beings from the Afar people, this is why we don’t called them Pharaohs [Greek]
we call them A’aferti [Aa-fir-tee] which means the Choice Afer [Afar]
The original Hindu used Green [WAJI] and Nubian avatars; this is
well before the 6ether Hindus that you know of today, the Ghouls themselves emit a WAJI AU.RA
The Afar people have three nations, the good, bad and
neutral, the Tokra came about because they didn’t want to go with the
disagreeable Ghouls and became the Tokra, the agreeable Ghouls and then you had
the Ghouls that stood in the middle [neutral]
Sum Ghouls view the HuMins has primitive and have a lack
of compassion for them, the Ghouls are born with their genetic memory and their
past lives for the start, and their ancestral knowledge is also past down from
the start, once they are born, they retain all the information of all their
people, of their ancestors and memories and this will play are huge role in why
they are so egoistic, because they know
They do not have HuMin [HuMan] emotions like how HuMin
[HuMan]s do, they will get things done without hesitation and is to why we have
had to let go of our emotions and regulate while in this field because things
have to be done and we are seeing this, humanity is being destroyed, the plant
and animal king-domes also, destruction is present and sum people will get
caught up in middle and not see the overall objection
The Ghouls have taken many different races has hosts,
before they came to Ki they took the Hindu [not the ones today] to the Kat
beings [Kammu] (Egypt) and sum of them took the Reptilian for hosts and other
Huminoids from all over the galaxy because Sahu has a 2000 light year radius
with Sahu being the centre point and this is why they are egotistic because
they are only using a certain amount of their brain and they come here and have
to deal with a HuMin and the HuMan who can only uses 10% of their brain, and
they have no choice but to make you bow down because you’re not on the same
But that is not how its supposed to go, you got locked
down with your Metagene but that is changing, the Ghouls favourite race to host
was the Afar race, the Kush [Cush] aka Kushites[Hindu Kush] of the 9the gate of Aksum aka Ethiopia
and these beings are one of the oldest beings in Alkebulan
A-daam [Dark Red] translates Ah-Life Daam-Blood
NASA would love to be on LAHMU for creation tools [ENKI(s) laboratoris] are up there
You are not the body [avatar] its just a vehicle, your
sum where else, it was created so you could experience the stimulation
The beings that came from Rizq via NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] sum
go to the middle earth [Ki] they also mixed with the Afar tri-be [Tri-Be-ings]
the Afar and the Vanaki [Va-Naki = Nagi = Naga] who are called Siddi in Indus
[Nagaland] are directly linked to Ra, you can see them in him, their eyes would
change when their mood changed, sum their AU.RA would change with mood, remember
the Albino only came in the last 2,000 years
KHMT is at least 450,000 years ago, you see Ra [Re] he is
disagreeable also, let me explain
Do not get the Ghouls mistaken with the Draconian races,
the Draco’s planet Maldek was destroyed, they mixed with the bird[Avian] beings
who had wings sum of the Maldek where on Pluto and Titan, sum of the Hindus
come and mix with them also and mixed with those on Pluto and created a whole
other Humanoid looking Draconian race, so there are different types of
Draconian Reptilians, so you have ones that look like Reptilians and sum that
look like HuMans [HuMins], the royals of the Draconian are Humanoid reptilians
like Tarnish [Apep] Apophis, these beings are not to be mistaken with the ones
who came from Rizq, the Ghouls are a younger race, the Rizq are around
76trillion years old, these are earth years which makes it seem a real long
Ra is the Yahweh [rank-there are many] of the Sahu group which is mostly
controlled by the Ghouls- who are also referenced the Ogdoad also called the
Nommos [Nomos] and Orisha but Re[Ra] is the highest of that group because his
mother was the Queen, the highest of that family tree, and his brother Apep is
older and the other brother is Sobek
Ra is born third, Apep is the oldest and
didn’t get on with Ra, Ra was A.NU(s) son and Apep felt that Ra was not full
bloodline and Apep was a full bloodline Ghoul from the royal bloodline
Ra is the son of A.NU and Ra father(s) name is
Raja, also Ra is also known has KHNUM
A.NU incarnated into later on Amun to help the HuMins
A.NU wanted the Ghouls royals to change their ways from
being disagreeable, which is why the Ghoul empire fell and they were all casted
A.NU made a treaty with the Ghouls by marrying Nuit
[Neit] A.NU had around 80 wives, he was making treaties with many different
beings to make them agreeable, and one of his wives was IN.KI [EN.KI] mother
who was part Hindu, part Humanoid [Huminoid] and part Reptilian
NIN.TI is A.NU(s) daughter and not to be confused with
Neit, Ninti is respected by all the women around the galaxy because she is like
a spokesperson for all those women around the galaxies at that time because
what you have going on down here you have going on up there [as above, so
below], a male dominated environment
If you haven’t got your stuff together up there, they
will take your avatar away, same thing down here, the Star Wars movie is real
in the field
Ra is Ninti(s) younger brother, Ninti is a great warrior,
when the women were born, if they were not of the warrior type, they would be destroyed
in the ceremony of fire, Ninti lost two of her sisters but she saved one of her
sisters called Nessa, but her first son was called Apep and Neit second son is
Sobek and her third son is Ra and her other son is Tutu and her other son is
Het Heru
That is a small fraction of their records, there are
positive and agreeable and negative and disagreeable beings here, there are
ones that should not be using 9ether or 6ether avatars
Gamma radiation destroys their shape-shifting devices, sum
of you have breed with them with or without knowing, they are in both the
9ether and 6ether avatars
You have to be real carful out here, you are going to be
seeing them real soon, many are wearing sun-glasses so you don’t see their eyes
and sum are wearing the masks around their mouth so you don’t see their lizard
teeth, Gamma causes them to trip out, those with machine pasts also get jammed or
cause them to jerk-shutter in their avatars
In the 80s version they were letting you know
NASA told you that they put all the data in the movies
Sata translates, he who walks on two legs
Komodo Dragons, Crocodiles, Snakes all used to walk
upright until they were casted down has punishment
Reptilian >> ‘Of, resembling’, or characteristic of reptiles 1846,
from reptile + -ian
Transferred meaning >> malignant, cold, underhanded
is from 1859
Dinosaur means in 6ether Greek >> terrible lizard,
the upright lizards and is a reference to the lizard, serpent, dragon, reptilian,
reptile beings + what you deem a Dinosaur in your mind from what you have been
taught in the conventional sense- are all part of the reptile family
Gamma radiation fu9ks with their devices that stop them
shape-shifting, so many people need to get ready for what they are about to see
here on Ki
This is the Draco-star-system [18th] soul-ar-system that
we reside in
The higher you go [dimensions] the higher the beings,
there is no getting away from this, the other beings are in those dimensions
are coming to this dimension [dome] the planet is in a dome, so there is no
such thing as aliens, its other beings, this planet is going higher
Sumerian [Annunaqi] ANU standing on a Bull [Taurus] which
is a symbol of the star cluster and a ring around his waist representing Sah
[SAHU] (Orion) which is the capital of this galaxy
A.NU is head of the Annunaqi, that means all of the beings that come under the Annunaqi
A.NU the Heavenly Father
A.NU is also Brahma in Nagalan, and Amun in KHMT, they all have multiple avatars and are using them when on Ki
The Shape-shifters are in the public domain, millions of nests from the USA to the Alps, to the land going down under [Australia] and many people(s) hearts will fail them when they surface, there are ancient ones down there in nests that have tails, wings, old school linegaes ...
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