Monday, 26 July 2021


Baa [Soul]
You are comprised of [9] parts 

Ba [soul]
Ka [spirit] double
Khu [mind]
Khaybet [plasma]
Ab [spiritual-holographic-heart]
Akh [etheric]
Hati [physical heart]
Kha [body x3]
Sekhem [spark]

All of this was brought into the person as being twofold, or double

The two points of existence

[1] birth [2] death
[1] mind [2] spirit [3] body
[1] air [2] fire [3] earth [4] water
2 +3 + 4 = 9

The Dome is the Shell of the Turtle
The snake is the Serpentine [Kundalini] energy or the Milky Way 

From Latin >> Planum - plane, planet+
One plane [dimension]

From Latin >> Hemi- half
Half a dome [half a sphere] 

Energy Discs
Using the discs [planetary bodies] for energy

The spirit [Kaa] creates the mind and feelings and thoughts about how you feel about sum-thing and the spiritual knowledge about these things

Astrology- right brain [Hemi-sphere] and Astronomy- left brain- how to work in precision with it all at the right times in the realm of realities when these energies are on their most potent cycles [days]

What you seek to image [Magi] (manifest)- sum thing you want must be on cycle-days that match the transits in the Ska- they have a certain alignment and is how the Ska is feeling- so if you’re in thought and trying manifest feelings in your life- but your thoughts and feelings does not match how the Ska feels- then you are misaligned for you are not agreeable with the world that you are in- in that moment

The Metaphysics behind this, the [7] planets [9] with the Sun bringing visions- being able to see- heat, warmth- when you have a passion that you have not internalised yet, this is inside bubbling up- this is heat aka flame aka fire aka plasma, you cannot- image it, you are thinking about it all the time, picturing it- i-magi-nation, and you will be led to express it in sum way- shape or form

The sun allows you to view, to see what you are paying attention to
The Moon will have you observing, reacting, receiving

Based upon the house sign that these energies are in will let you know how to correlate that energy, all planets are discs and we can stream from these discs to sustain us

For example, the sun in Libra, the sun falls in Libra and this means not to take too much action when dealing with things, the sun lets you view and see these things, so you shouldn’t do things on action, step back and take a knee, many will see you has selfish during these phases but they are not spiritual and will see you being selfish when in actuality you are taking a knee- knowing you cannot react to an action, these are energies that you may need to relax on because showing too much of these actions or expressing too much of your viewpoints will make you seem that you’re not relatable and will seem that you is unbalanced when you give your view

So, while in Libra and with the sun, you take what you have been imagining and you take your viewpoints and view on what you’re trying to achieve into that spectrum [sun being in Libra] analysing or thinking sufficiently whilst initiating and creating new ways to think around what you are thinking about, see things from the other persons point- put yourself in that person’s shoes, listen to yourself, agree with yourself, see things from the opposite sign

Say the Moon was in Virgo, we deal with things that make sense, things that are mutable, being able to adapt to other people’s emotions and feelings, if you are a Virgo you would have to double watch yourself because you could create a Tsunami, watch how the energy works and create that energy, without taking any from anyone or thing

You want to plant good seeds, use good planetary energies and take them and create Magi [Magic] you take these energies and redirect them in whatever you have going on in your life [Chi] at the right time, because if the moon is not in Virgo that means you shouldn’t be reacting and responding

If you cannot feel or are familiar with what sum one is saying or you cannot relate or connect with what they are saying, its not sum thing that you can respond to or reminds of you of sum thing you went through previously in your life, then walk away, walk on-by

We are in margins and percentages and you must be selective in what energies you receive and get out, its that serious [Sirius]

In F1 driving, a fifth of a second or three tenths of a second could mean the difference between achieving or not achieving

Like for example, Mercury, whatever sign its in- you must think, analyse, communicate at that particular time- like a Mercury, sum times harder than others due to the fact that planets having debilitations and ascensions- rising and falls, aka the ascensions are exaltations which is another term for Christ [Karast] KRST

Monday [Mono] take it easy, Tuesday [Mars] warrior energy, Wednesday [Mercury] communication- good to talk in sum way with nature or connect, Thursday [Jupiter] magnification- don't argue or it will blow up like the Godfather, Friday [Venus] love thyself, love, Saturday [Saturn] prosperity, Sunday [Re][Ra] energy, S-E-X cycle day, with NI.BIRU being up there everything is magnetised and we will be in Venus(s)[Femi9] energy- transit until this cycle is over-begun     

Planets are Stars
Stella means Star 

Queen Bee - Artemis of Ephesus
Ishtar [IN.ANNA] Aset [Isis]

South America to India to Ireland to Sweden+ 
Worldwide, global network 

Tartar [Russia] Wi-Fi capital of the world
Natural energy
Many different designs around the world 

The sun, moon and stars are all under the dome with us all 

Distortions in the sun 

Tree of life, plasma strike that goes up 

South Africa
What is up with that snow
HAARP or Pole positions  

Data missing, we are rocking and rolling
Internet, satellites go down last night
Earthquakes let rip
Night time energy is very potent, you may be eating more+
Many places around the planet are at risked of becoming a sea, China, India, the Sahara Desert, the list goes on+ 
Lyra [AKIR] Lion(s) gate + Sirius + Sun energy  
Its a jungle out there 

Water [floods] and mud-floods are coming in everywhere 
Buckle up because tomorrow is promised to no-one

When you can't see the angles no more- your in trouble [Carlito Brigante] 

NI.BIRU controls the main motherboard
we are online

There is a projector beam that is holding the deathstar into position coming from a craft which they call Titan

On LAHMU [Mars] 
You can see a head and the arm almost looks like its mechanical 

Who are these beings with metallic breastplates, keys and sum have weapons in their hands- sum say these are the guards that come with the Ulmec [Olmec] 

Peter Tosh  
Old [Olmec] Mac-Donald had a farm
Ulmec [Olmec]

The Ulmec are pioneer builders- there architecture is up and down Aztlan, 9 cities in South America which was called Aztlan 


There is no disconnection the Aztec, Mayan [Ulmec] and Inca coexisted, from Mexico to Western Peru [Heru] 

All the [9] KHMT NTR are present in Aztlan

Tehuti [Thoth] also was present and taught the Ulmec, Incas and Aztec advanced knowledge like architecture, mathematics, spiritual attainment, space flight 

Through the Mali tribe called the [Mandinka] Inca [Inka]
Aztec [Aztlan]
Aztec is from the name Mutec-zuma who was the last emporia of Mexico
Mu-tec-Zuma [Az-tec] and Mu is from Muur [Maur] Muur]

Inca is a left-over word from the Spanish that they told the English that they were called when the name Inca [Inka] is from the Mali tribe called the [Mandinka] Mand-InKa [Inca]
Ul-mec [Olmec] is from Abyssinia [Ethiopia] and today are called Almade [Al-made] which is Ul-mec
Aztlan [Atlantis]

Mayan [Maya] is the name of their writing system and the breeds that came after the originals had been massacred on an industrial scale

Flying [hover] machines before the Spanish 

This was the age of the flying machine, both in Nagalan and Atzlan, we see flying machines, flying apparatus, unique designs, they were allowed to create their own air-space attire and machines, there is a huge deposit of Mercury at one of the space-ports nearby so that was the fuel for sum of the Vimana’s and sum was the natural lay-lines of the planet [magnetic fields], they also had access to machinery and many of these monuments have working parts just like in Nagalan, many are simply transformers, robots in disguise, they had levers for sum of their stationary stone machines 

Those are levers in both hands- what for, what is he or she controlling, operating  

What are they using their 3rd eye to do here 

Stone engineering feats 

Magnetic beams went around these structures, force-fields, stone holds frequencies
Portals and dimensions 

Look how huge they are against the HuMins

Telephone Booth

Chaco canyon, where heaven earth meets 

Image shows the Aztlan in their own cities, even bowing at the presence of foreigners to greet them, not knowing that the Spanish were there to destroy them
- who is really primitive here  

Lawn Jockey

Golf backwards is Flog

Every month the slave masters would organise an event which would mean the decapitation of one of their slaves after he or she had been flog-ged for whatever reason and the slave masters would among themselves battle to get the slaves head into a hole, using the Club

Whoever was successful was called the Masters [Green Jacket]

Persian is old Ethiopians
Sass-anian Dynasty is Selass-ieian Dynasty
Sass [Susa] Sumerian   






1 comment:

Smiling Faces

That light source is inside a capsule and you can see maybe six smaller light sources at the rim of the capsule - the lights look bluish whi...