Tuesday, 20 July 2021


Yuma [Puma]
Phoenix [USA]
Look at these names in the USA- in a county called Phoenix
Pumatallis is in Aztlan [South America] Pumatallis [Ollantaytambo] Peru [Heru]
Mutec-zuma who was the last emporia of Mexico
They are near enough all the same names 

The Puma is a member of the Kat [Cat] family
Lyra [AKIR] 
Sekhmet + Bast are siStars
Fire [plasma] in their eyes

The amber that surrounds the pupil which is KAANU is called the Iris 
-the ball of fire as the Eye [Ayin] opened from the world of supreme balancement, darkness, to let in the light to create the images
The Iris surrounding the pupil is Amber [Lucifer] Lu-Cell-fer] light 
Bio-light [natural]
Called Luciferin in Western science and is talking about Bioluminescent
Animals see in AU.RA fields   

Black is not a colour but is the essence from which all other colours emit from
You need darkness to see light 

Ether [Matter] (Mater) KAA.NU [Melanin]

The sun is a portal and behind the sun and NI.BIRU is the holographic-spirit world 
There is a docking system and city
The sun is made from Plasma and burns around the sun and at times covers the womb, portal
The only way to leave this soul-ar system is through the sun and Sah [SA.HU] (Orion) 

The All-seeing eye
He can watch you and watch through you 

The two eyes of Re [Ra] is called Uteti and is Heru [Wadjet] and Ra combined 
Heru and Amen are the same being and his name is INKI [ENKI] ENQI 

The symbol of the Iris of Re, the ball of fire as the Eye [Ayin] opened from the world of supreme balancement, darkness, to let in the light to create the images
Thus, the symbol of the sun with rays, or the eye of Re [Ra]

This is the birth of your sun

Yester-year we had the faint radio waves that was the remainder of the original fireball, [Re] whose tone vibrated as Aum (OM) (Sun)

The hand forms a Mir (pyramid) to open and close Ashutat A-shoo-tat (prayer) 9 positions
When those humans (humins) at that time ended their Ashutat they ended the energy by name
Amen (Amun) The Hidden One, Deity of Mystery, they said Amen

Atum [Atom] as mentioned is a part of a triad of three geneticists called Re [Ra] the all-seeing eye, which oversees the project, symbolic of the Iris of the eye, and Iris means rainbow or the rainbow project, this is where the geneticists set out to breed or refill this planet with beings similar to themselves, or Re-plenty the earth [replenish] the earth with HuMins and protect their frail beings from direct rays of the sun

All was done by creating a curvature of spheres as the rain-bow is an arch of all seven spectral colours, appearing in the sky [1] red [2] orange [3] yellow [4] green [5] blue [6] indigo [7 violet and these come from direct rays of the sunlight, broken down or bent as in a bow [sphere]

You have seven spheres [1] troposphere [2] stratosphere [3] mesosphere [4] thermosphere [5] ionosphere [6] exosphere [7] Outerspace

There are two more making [9]
As above, so below, this the Chakra system, this is the [9] dimensions  

This is a NASA image of the planet, that is a dome surrounding the top half the sphere, is in Ultraviolet with gold [Ozone-layer] surrounding the planet 

Hemisphere [hemi] in Latin translates half [half] a sphere [Dome] firmament] to which the stars are attached to and the Moon and are under the dome with Ki who is the size of Jupiter]
the bottom sphere is the Amenti world 

Nasa have never been into space because the electromagnetic fields which  they call the Van Allan Belts, Ozone-Layer, Dome, Electromagnetic Field- is keeping them right here hence why they have to send A.I or robots to go outside of the planets orbit, the ISS is inside the planets lower-orbit   
Just as a rainbow has seven colours, so does the environment, it also has seven spheres to protect the newly created beings from the ultraviolet and gamma rays coming from the sun
So, we will find out once and for all if the dome only went up when the 6ethers were created to protect them from the rays of Re, this field is coming down, there are beings dismantling the field

What is up with each side 
Double rainbow, without no rain, we don't need water for a rainbow
its a full sphere with a double rim
This is a reflection from the Dome that surrounds this planet
But planet is ultimately a star, a blue star

Not just Turkey, the Northern Hemisphere is roasting, South poles meets North poles, the spiritual poles have already moved 
Its the plasma energy that is hot and fully charged
You have to dispense the energy through your body, if you hands and feet [soles] are hot this means the energy is clogging, this can lead to heart and chest issues, spontaneous combustion will occur 
Electronic devices [cell phone+] will also be emitting harmful radiation, turn electrical things off, the grid will be tripping out, the grid worldwide will be tripping

The who planet for the last week+ is fully charged, black is ready to go and white and red means extreme-charging, having this amount of radiation in the ska, causes the planes to crash, this negative radiation goes into minds of many

Places around the world are being hit, I'm just looking out for the M9+ 

Earthquakes and volcanoes erupting, energy [pressure] is releasing around the planet, she also has a Chakra system

There are loads of quakes under the M5 threshold, many swarms around the world

59hz during the day

The night time Schuman is where all the action is, that is where all the energy is coming from and filters into the daytime

The sun does not rotate how NASA show you, the sun rotates exactly like a clock and that vent [sunspot] that they class has being on the far side, at the hand of 8'o'clock 

Re turns the barrel of a 9mm
Another X-flare would mean big trouble in little China
There is a craft up there that triggers the CME(s)  

Water, heat, plasma = currenSea

Sum one is heating the Dome, the ocean is baking hot, this is either all their HAARP machines or sum thing more profound, the planet must heat up to kill the virus, to produce more red cells over the white cells and is coming from the core of the planet and hitting the planet in a life-changing sandwich 

The energy is coming from the top and filtering down or another way to look at its is, its coming through the centre [one plane] inwards- and filtering outwards, the planet is one land mass in the physical world 

This chart is misleading with the colours and Hz range and what each frequency means, we are hitting over 100hz and 1000hz at times, Gamma is Purple 


Ultraviolet Cosmic
Ultraviolet Alpha
Ultraviolet Beta

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black [KAANU]-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system

The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on [666]

The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts;

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves

[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra] 

The world ended [began] with water last time round, this time the world will end with fire, that being plasma 

2012 [2021] it has begun

NYC is where the Draco have their headquarters and outside is pure undiluted ultraviolet rays, notice how the skyscrapers attract the plasma charges, these skyscrapers are their version of the Bennu [Ben-Ben], Gamma radiation [energy] destroys anything that is artificial

Electric charging (storm) Texas 
Look at the reflection, this is changing you from the inside out, on a molecular structure

Purple, Red, Orange, Yellow 

Blue and Green [Waji] Electron [6] 

Waji [Green] streaming from the poles, Ultraviolent goes Green when it mixes with the planers fields, red is inside the groove, you can see all the chakra colours and the arrows pointing back into the planet from the left side of her at night, these energies are going millions of miles into space and NI.BIRU [magnetic] is collecting and pushing it back into her 

The colours hitting the planet fields 

You can see the different dimensions in which the craft is in and this, the physical world 

Tachyon [Tachyonic]
Khaybet [you have plasma in you] 

Too much plasma will make many go offline
One group is practicing insanity and the other group are insane, mentally insane and cannot be cured, remedied 

Coming out from an underground MIR, or going into a MIR or the core- 
And looks like it runs in-front of the camera and continues down 

There must be a craft above this plasma beam 

Craft dispensing plasma

Can you see the flat straight line, could be a MIR
They are able to cloak themselves, be in one dimension while next to this dimension

Huge volts hitting the planet everyday 

Same craft with entourage, scout craft, probe, orb

Craft nation 

The Sun and Moon, the Sun has four spheres [crafts] around it
The Moon is out at the same time the sun is, sum-one is moonlighting, the Moon is in the same place for longer than usual 

The poster said this was the Moon

This is from Colorado and the poster said it was sunrise

Sum footage of the [red sun] the lady says it cannot be the sun because the moon is right there and the sun is next to it, the moon is actually the sun in this footage and that looks like NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] the moon isn’t due to be full just yet, is this NI.BIRU- are they that close- the planet is the size of Jupiter for she has expanded, and is to why she has not crashed with the magnetic force from NI.BIRU, when they come close like this we see sink-holes while they equalise themselves out

If this is not NI.BIRU- then one of the satellites that travel with NI.BIRU, the red one called Kachina [Ka-Chi-na]  

NI.BIRU will not be smashing into the planet, there is no need to, NI.BIRU would have done that already and besides NIBIRU is the godfather and would not hurt her

NI.BIRU may pull up beside her- like this image

NI.BIRU does have an environment but is a spiritual vessel [Mekaba] used by the higher beings and they have been in an out of time-zones since they got here 

These colours are not because of fires

We are varying between Red, Yellow and Blue, the primary colours- energies 
The Sun is White in the core and emits all the colours, which are frequencies [rainbow] 
The sun is also blinking [Morse code] 
NI.BIRU is also in the mix 

ABZU [South Africa] 

Nemesis and NI.BIRU are the same system [binary]  

Pink Moon

The four corners will eventually merge into one but at the different times the Moon and Sun are not the same look in the other corners

The Moon, Sun and stars are all under the Dome, each star is each one of you, you are a projection from a star, this planet is a star

Signs and symbols in the Ska 

The North star is Sirius [Septet]

There is a land far, far away- where there is no night, there’s only day, look into the book of life and you will see- that there is a land far, far away

We have connected with that land

Signs and symbols
-whoever controls the Ska, controls the planet 

What happened here

PoWRA to you 

the Cube and Sphere are un-identical twins 
You have been warned, the last couple days the messages are letting us know the system is unlocking to change the settings, the reversal of the rotation 

Mosquitos’ swarms
Lights out [wild fires]
Putin was warned by the Annunaqi, the king of the North [reptilian commander] was told to step down but he refused- the people of Russia will know what time it is, like China and India- that landmass is going to shaken and stirred

Everywhere looks like Lebanon from the 80s and Syria from the 20s  

The world is ending, not the planet, learn the difference
Tornados, hurricanes, weather systems+ are all fuelled by ancestral energy and are pissed off, this is shown in the damage left behind, a tornado comes in destruction but leaves in total silence 
You will not be able to live in peace and comfort for the remaining time you have left on this planet, tenancy agreements are now void, nature turns bailiff 
She is systematic, this causes fear, the unknown, almost like how her offspring must have felt when they were murdered, we are in creasy-bear times 

Cats never get lost, they just left you, they know where all the portal are, they protect the environment, this is why they roamed in KHMT, they can save themselves, the other guy with his material things, his personal possessions, do you need them where you are untimely going
Different priories in this image or one chance- take what you can, having had a dog- I AM not leaving her, sh9t I would be back-flipping down that water to reach her
You do not own animals, if they were not fed by you from an early age they would know that you are not their feeder, this wouldn't create a dependency with you

These new water channels allow other marine life to stream up what was former streets, like Crocodiles, snakes, sharks, while many will be on roof-tops and water rising

Komodo Dragons all got trapped on 5-islands in Indonesia, you better hope the water does not recede around that region or the planet tilts further  
Water, heat, plasma = currenSea 

Make sure you watch the first upload and the last one 

Ark systems need to be in place, water is coming in
Aqua-rius [water 
All these man-made dams caused a slight delay in the planets rotation, either way- they are coming down, nature will be removing them all

Monks are not the real Monks of yester-year
Monk comes from the word Monkeys

The chief of the Simians, a breed of Lares [Lars], monkeys, whose ruler [Urat] female ruler was Zirah, they had inherited from their superior parents the gifts of intellect, you call them Big-foot today

The chief was called Lard, then became Lord- the master Monkey or boss

Hanuman [Tehuti] Thoth

Lares were head monkeys, from which they create their word Monk today

Todays Monks cannot do nothing for they have no power or are connected to source, all that chanting is the wrong Om 

Dalai Lama is on the CIA(s) payroll since he was 16 years old

There is nothing that him or his races, followers have or can do, where are they now, and you wonder why people knock mediation and spiritualty, because dildos like this are not from source, if you saw what are on the walls of the temples that they are based in, you will see nothing but 9ethers on the walls of these temples

The negative and disagreeable reptilians will be going 

When I saw this image, this brought many things home

I cannot pray for another, instead I think about them while the universe watches with me, the emotions are readable, so I let my feelings be known, my concerns, my woes, both personal and for the world 

the heart is home, come from your heart

Ivory carving from Benin
Now housed in the Met Museum

Sumerian [Annunaqi]
Mastiff is a French word, the Turkish [Anatolia] called the dog the Sheppard Dog
This particular breed has been here for over 241,000 years 

The 6ethers took the Apex predator and turned the wolf into the domestic dog, they reduced the Apex
The Pug and Bulldog have to suffer from multiple problems, genetic mutations after slicing and splicing

The moat is 16m wide
You know sum beings went around that and laser- cut out and then they carved the stone out

Interior of Whale House

The capital of the 9 cities set up by the Ul-Mex [Olmec] is called La Venta
Landing site
MIR [MER] MA.RE [Ziggurat]  

Mesopotamia [Utnafishtim] [Etna-fishtim] 
Phoenician [Etruscans]
Before the Romans got there and built that Christian church and their trademark columns

Tukey [Mesopotamia]
Nimrud [Sargon]
Nimrod is EN.KI [another one of his avatars]
Before the Romans got there 

Awwam [Iy] Temple
Sanctuary of the Queen of Sheba, the sanctuary is called E-ANNA [Abode] or Iy in Sumerian text 
SHE.BA is a region, where the 12 tribes were based in 12 provinces
Sheba would be Makada and means she soul = Femi9 energy

This site is in today called Yemen

Shaped in an Oval

[8] or [9] Bennu(s) Ben-Ben (Obelisk) which became the light-house, minarets or steeples- pillars at the entrance, erected on a high natural platform and oriented towards the rising sun, all the structures within this site all link with the exterior structures - huge power of energy at this abode 

Statues of bronze bulls, horses, and humins used to be attached to the entrance gates of the temple until the Romans got there and destroyed-housed them in museums  

Many aspects of the decoration, geometrical and figural paintings, sculptures, large and precisely dressed stones, finely carved inscriptions painted red, and beautiful ornamental friezes on the wall's exterior

The paved courtyard revealed multiple South Arabian -[El] Ghor- inscriptions- everything must fit within the 2,000 [3,000] 10,000 year bracket because outside of this Jesus or Allah [Mohammed] does not fit, these are sites are at a minimum 241,000 years old 

This is a soul dimension on Ki, a place to connect, tune up - tune in- heal 

This is also from Awwam [Iy] Temple
Nanna [Nannar] Stele
She is from the Annunaqi [Mesopotamia] Babylonia [Typhonian] era

I wonder what animal skin that was making up his outer garment 

Turkey [Mesopotamia]
Stone homes, your current home is made from bricks
working with nature for nature

The seat of the soul, conscious, the seat of consciousness, connected to the eye 

Only found recently in Nagalan [India]
Ganesh is from Ghana, it says so in Sanskrit

The Ishtar [IN.ANNA] Gate in Babylon [Baby-Lion] Babel
Excavated in the early 20th century, and upper parts [satellite] now reside in the Pergamon Museum
This is the principal entrance to the city 


















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