Sunday, 4 July 2021

I choose you

The reversed elected
Backward [E]motion

-the chosen ones choose themselves; they are chosen to activate [awaken] and that means vibrating at 144hz [144,000 is 144hz which is a frequency] 144 is your spinal column and vertebrate 

To the chosen ones, who the fu9k chose you, I’m asking you, who chose you- the last time I checked- I chose myself- so who told you- that you are the chosen ones

In their Bible the words chosen-ones are mentioned 2,500 times

There is this wave, a new-age wave that started just after 2012 and became more prevalent in the last 3-5 years in which this wave is carrying the modern-day meaning of Masonic frequencies

This Masonic frequency are from those who call themselves; truth seekers, light-workers, conscious community and the new-ages, they are the first actually to be rocked to sleep by operational variables that they present to us by limited hangout websites, YT channels and shitty books, articles+

When people try to be too conscious aka too Luciferian they try to be aware of everything because they are trying to get their internal energy right- it turns into it being illuminated- so they start to use terms that get taught to you and this is the same in the terms chosen one(s)

Number one, who the fu9k chose you- knowing that -chosen one is a term from old Mason theology from individuals who elected themselves and told themselves they had charismatic gifts and that they had the light, their greater light prevailed the lesser light aka that their knowledge [light] taught the world about these big-lights that we see and is to why you call them lesser lights and your idea about them being a greater light

So when we talk about the elected or the chosen ones- this is old Masonic theology, so any type of description that describes is what a group of Masons and what their spirit went through and came up with and wrote down in your King James Bible

So, what [God] chose you, on the internet there are so many people coming up and out with spiritual things that when you read it – you know it came from a book or sum thing they read

When you were growing up you had trouble fitting in, you had trouble fitting in with family also but in actuality, it was them who had trouble fitting in with you, it’s the other way around, its in reverse 

You need a fully functioning 9ether pack to even start to be considered a [chosen one] if you are 6[7]8 ether then no sweetheart, you cannot hold greater light [data]

We have weak ass spirits and YT became the devil and now these people think they are empaths, these are people who are emotionally damaged that they don’t know how to control their own emotions- so every time they go into a nu environment they get overwhelmed by the environment because their own thoughts and feelings don’t know how to secure themselves in that nu environment because either they lack experience or they don’t have the conductor [9ether] to hold the light, either they are very nervous or they are passive, or an individual who doesn’t know how to take care of their thoughts and feelings- so this overwhelms them and they don’t know what to do

-we also have the Ashtar Command who have been telling people that they are chosen and now they follow what Ashtar tell them, that they are the chosen ones

Individuals got on the internet and YT became the devil, everyone thinks they are angels, everyone thinks they are devils, everyone thinks they are smart and everyone thinks they have intelligence- and all they are, are wannabes

There is a bunch of people who have read what others have said, they read descriptions from what others have written or said and they read it and have fitted themselves into that description- that is me, that is how I feel, shut up will you, I’m a healer- you couldn’t even heal your relationships but you can heal others, was that 6ether to 6ether- then maybe you can, all of a sudden we have seen an explosion of empaths on the internet and they are nothing more than a flunked-out person that doesn’t even know how to deal with their own feelings and emotions and they go and place that on everybody else

New-age empaths think they can tell everyone’s feelings and emotions but this is because that is how you feel- do you get it- you sit in a group with others and think your healing when everyone in that group is the same has you in that environment and since its extreme sh9t- that is how you feel

You are not an empath- you just need empathy from other low-vibrational spirits because your empathetic

Sum one told me once how she was inspired sitting with a group of women who were all having plastic surgery- and I thought you stupid cow- she mentioned that the surgeon was so good- which she didn’t think that the combined value of those women in that room was around $70,000, of course he was so good, she told me she was a healer and I thought you’re a commercial healer- another women I knew was having surgery and told me the same thing about the surgeon- this was alarm bells to me

Sum one told me how she would hug people and take their negative energy- I thought you read too many books, there are those who have Reiki certificates and have fu9k all poWRA

Even the 6ethers who have KAANU, the KAANU evolves every 3-5 years [this is now everyday] and means that the KAANU they have as now expired, its redundant and they cannot use it

EMPath = Electron-Magnetic-Pulse, many do not have a pulse and many are not on a Ptah, the pulse is fuelled by energy in motion or electron in motion 

Empaths are now getting ready to convert into psychopaths- they are two steps away from this

So- chosen ones, who the fu9k chose you

Don’t listen to those who use the words of their Mason teachings 

There is a wave and you must not join that wave, stay in your lane [Ptah], balance out these energies out here- two polar shifts going to war out here because they don’t know how to get it right in their own way, shape or form

When you have a problem in your life it is yours because you manifested [imagined] it
Its all based on each individual and its not based on placing people in cubes [boxes]

Know this and this will lighten you from trauma and emotional weigh into your next situation [stimulation] don’t past it onto your next life the same shi99y ideology or past trauma onto your next life, or when you see sum one that reminds you of past trauma, instead of you passing on the same dead energy, avoid it, don’t get lost in these old Masonic teachings, we are leaving them behind

One more time, who the fu9k chose you- ask yourself this question when you read or watch from these people, are they using words like- divine light, unconditional love, compassion, we, together+ if so, delete them, stop watching them and for heavens sake, get away from them

Bandwagon, piggyback, trend, sheep, followers, buzzwords+

When talking with anyone this year- when sum one askes you if you are spiritual- be wary of who you answer to- you may want to help them- but first help yourself and reply in nothing that will lead them to want to be with you, everyone is looking for you- suddenly everyone is switching- churches are going up in smoke, Muslims with their thumb up their ass, leave it alone

No one from the outside chose you- you chose your MF self [cell]
Re-evaluate your mind before you fu9k yourself up  

-And by the way; real empaths do not go around spilling their secrets

Stone holds frequencies, our ancestors worked with sone [sound], tone, vibration, frequency, acoustics

-how did they get these 4 tons down there in a space that only a small man-if that -could pass through, there are no secret rooms, the elite used technology to de-materialise mater and pass through mater, so how did they get these granite
 slabs down there

They are recasting Sumerian monuments to appear Caucasian
Sumeria was 9ether
The retouching has been going on since the rule of the Alexander the great
Most of the artefacts displayed in the middle east and western museums are fakes stemming 1000 years of retouching
All the original colours have been taken off of these pieces 

Every one of you began in the Dome where Amen dwells in the w-holy-of-holies on your journey to this dimension, triple blackness

You entered this realm through the Vesca Piscis or the Flower of Life if you will-
This MaStar sacred flower is known as a Vagina in the English language and Pum-Pum in the Jamaican slang language 
It is the most sacred organic re-enactment of the portal through which all became visible
The shape of a Vagina is the most sacred shape ever’

The Dome [Portal] Womb
The triple blackness of space 

[1] AtumRe [HaRu]
[2] AtunRe [Asaru]
[3] AmunRe = the Hidden One

Which are a part of the 3black-lights called;

[1] U.V. Rays 
[2] GAMMA-Rays
[3] X-Rays

Ultraviolet Rays, black-light, purple light, triple blackness of space [KAANU]

Amen [Amon] Amun is above all the [Gods]
Allah or Mohammed and Jesus and all the deceptive entities are masquerading as Imana the overall creator of the Universe, the personification of peace, wisdom and everlasting life

Speak to the divine in the original tongue where you can and you shall be free from the spells [Ghospel][Ghost spells] and [negative light] cast upon you by the seeds of the fallen ones, return to your roots and your ancestors’ truth

Amen precedes Ra

Mystery surrounds these deities because the sacred text from KHMT points to a very separate instance way, way, way before and during the beginnings of Ki [earth] when these deities became HuMins on Ki, even before the Anunnaki [Annunaqi] ANU.NAGA

The Annunaki bow to Amen
Amen [Amun] A-moon, the Hidden One, or the Deity of Mystery, who is he >> A.NU or EN.KI 

AMEN.TA [the underworld is in this dimension] 

Sydney McLaughlin
She is only 21 and so fu9king humble 

-the Olympics was cancelled at the start of the lockdown and we may never see these record breakers in action for the summer Olympics which is 23.7.2021


If I had married in this lifetime, I would have played this track at our wedding if it was right between me and the person, also 90% of me by Gwen McCrae [Mac-Olmec]
I choose you, what a tune

Silvia, she has 9ether hair [brown] and brown eyes, you can see in her eyebrows the Naga hair
However, her eyes do not align, the pupils are not the same size, I told her and she became conscious of this
When you look at sum one you need to make eye-contact to see the persons soul, if there is no soul present then you are to read their energy
She asked me if she was broken, Italians talk in English and is a different way and she meant if she was put-together and I said yes, the avatar is- and she was offended
This is Roman avatar
Women with black hair and brown eyes and brown nipples and brown shades on their Pum-Pum and DMT are 40% 9ether, like they are around 7ether, they have 9ether blood running through their system and have more talent than other 6ethers, Sydney is mix-race and you can see she has the talent [not just through power of the ether than runs through her body] 
Silvia would kick my ass into Saturn if she knew that I had posted her images, these images are from 2010+ 

Fascinating rhythm, breaking into heaven, coming after you, history is written every-time we move, I’ll be with you every-time you need me, I’ll be there when you need me   

The 9 Celestial Orders of the Divine Angelic Hierarchy

[Spread the love (energy)]

According to ancient Christian theologians, the angels are organized into several orders, or Angelic Choirs

The Nine Orders of Angels: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels

First Sphere
The first sphere angels serve as the heavenly counsellors

Seraphim (singular -Seraph) literally translated the burning ones, the word seraph is normally a synonym for serpents when used in the Hebrew Bible [citation needed]
Mentioned in Isaiah 6:1-7, Seraphim are the highest angelic class and they serve as the caretakers of God’s throne and continuously shout praises >> holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory >> according to Isaiah 6:1-8, the Seraphim are described as fiery six-winged beings; with two wings he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew

Cherubim have four faces: one of a man, an ox, a lion, and an eagle (later adopted as the symbols of the four evangelists)
They have four conjoined wings covered with eyes, a lion’s body figure, and they have ox’s feet Cherubim guard the way to the tree of life in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:24) and the throne of God (Ezekiel 28:14–16)

The Cherubim are mentioned in Genesis 3:24; Exodus 25:17–22; 2 Chronicles 3:7–14; Ezekiel 10:12–14, 28:14–16; 1 Kings 6:23–28; and Revelation 4:6–8

Modern English usage has blurred the distinction between Cherubim and Putti
Putti are the winged human baby/toddler-like beings traditionally used in figurative art
St. Thomas Aquinas imagined Satan as a fallen Cherub

Thrones or Ophanim
The Thrones (Greek: thronoi, pl. of thronos) or Elders, also known as the Erelim or Ophanim [citation needed] are a class of celestial beings mentioned by Paul of Tarsus in Colossians 1:16 (New Testament)

They are living symbols of God’s justice and authority, and have as one of their symbols the throne

The Ophanim (Heb. ofanim: Wheels, also known as Thrones, from the vision of Daniel 7:9) are unusual looking even compared to the other celestial beings; they appear as a beryl-coloured wheel-within-a-wheel, their rims covered with hundreds of eyes

They are closely connected with the Cherubim >> When they moved, the others moved; when they stopped, the others stopped; and when they rose from the earth, the wheels rose along with them; for the spirit of the living creatures [Cherubim] was in the wheels- Ezekiel 10:17 NRSV

Second Sphere
Angels of the second sphere work as heavenly governors

Dominions or Lordships
The Dominions (Eph. 1:21; Col. 1:16) (lat. dominatio, plural dominationes, also translated from the Greek term kyriotetes, pl. of kyriotes, as Lordships) or Dominations are presented as the hierarchy of celestial beings- Lordships in the De Coelesti Hierarchia

The Dominions, also known as the Hashmallim, regulate the duties of lower angels
It is only with extreme rarity that the angelic lords make themselves physically known to HuMins- at that time

They are also the angels who preside over nations

The Dominions are believed to look like divinely beautiful humins with a pair of feathered wings, much like the common representation of angels, but they may be distinguished from other groups by wielding orbs of light fastened to the heads of their sceptres or on the pommel of their swords

Virtues or Strongholds
The Virtues or Strongholds lay beyond the Ophanim (Thrones/Wheels)
Their primary duty is to supervise the movements of the heavenly bodies in order to ensure that the cosmos remains in order

The term appears to be linked to the attribute- might, from the Greek root dynamis (pl. dynameis) in Ephesians 1:21, which is also translated as Virtue

They are presented as the celestial Choir Virtues, in the Summa Theologica

Traditional theological conceptions of the Virtues might appear to describe the same Order called the Thrones (in which case the Ophanim may not be the same thing as Thrones

From Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite’s De Coelesti Hierarchia:

The name of the holy Virtues signifies a certain powerful and unshakable virility welling forth into all their Godlike energies; not being weak and feeble for any reception of the divine Illuminations granted to it; mounting upwards in fullness of power to an assimilation with God; never falling away from the Divine Life through its own weakness, but ascending unwaveringly to the super-essential Virtue which is the Source of virtue: fashioning itself, as far as it may, in virtue; perfectly turned towards the source of virtue, and flowing forth providentially to those below it, abundantly filling them with virtue

Powers or Authorities
The Powers (lat. potestas (f), pl. potestates), or Authorities, from the Greek exousiai, pl. of exousia (see Greek root in Eph 3:10), appear to collaborate, in power and authority, with the Principalities (Rulers)

The Powers are the bearers of conscience and the keepers of history
They are also the warrior angels created to be completely loyal to God

Sum believe that no Power has ever fallen from grace, but another theory states that Satan was the Chief of the Powers before he fell (see also Ephesians 6:12) poWRA is being installed now

Their duty is to oversee the distribution of power among humankind, hence their name

Paul used the term rule and authority in Ephesians 1:21,[9] and rulers and authorities in Ephesians 3:10.[10] He may have been referring to the rulers and authorities of humanity, instead of referring to angels

Third Sphere
Angels who function as heavenly messengers and soldiers

Principalities or Rulers
The Principalities (lat. principatus, pl. principatūs) also translated as Princedoms and Rulers, from the Greek archai, pl. of arche (see Greek root in Eph 3:10), appear to collaborate, in power and authority, with the Powers (Authorities)

The Principalities are shown wearing a crown and carrying a sceptre

Their duty also is said to be to carry out the orders given to them by the Dominions and bequeath blessings to the material world

Their task is to oversee groups of people
They are the educators and guardians of the realm of earth

Like beings related to the world of the germinal ideas, they are said to inspire living things to many things such as art or science

Paul used the term rule and authority in Ephesians 1:21, [9] and rulers and authorities in Ephesians 3:10.

The word archangel comes from the Greek ἀρχάγγελος (archangělǒs), meaning chief angel, a translation of the Hebrew רב־מלאך (rav-mal’ákh)
It derives from the Greek archō, meaning to be first in rank or power; and angělǒs which means messenger or envoy

The word is only used twice in the New Testament: 1 Thessalonians 4:16 and Jude 1:9.
Only Archangels Gabriel and Michael are mentioned by name in the New Testament

In most Christian traditions Gabriel is also considered an archangel, but there is no direct literal support for this assumption

It is also worth noting that the term ‘archangel’ appears only in the singular, never plural, and only in specific reference to Michael

Sum Christian faiths take this to mean that Michael is, in fact, the only archangel
Gabriel is Female

The name of the archangel Raphael appears only in the Book of Tobit (Tobias)
Tobit is considered Deuterocanonical by Roman Catholics (both Eastern and Western Rites), Eastern Orthodox Christians, and Anglicans
The Book of Tobit is also read by Lutherans, but not by most other Protestant denominations including Reformed Christians and Baptists
Raphael said to Tobias that he was >> one of the seven who stand before the Lord, and it is generally believed that Michael and Gabriel are two of the other six

A fourth Archangel is Uriel whose name literally means, Fire of El [Light of God]

Uriel’s name is the only one not mentioned in the Lutheran Bible, but plays, however, a prominent role in an apocryphon read by Anglican and Russian Orthodox Christians: The second Book of Esdras (fourth Books of Esdras in the Latin Vulgate)
In the book he unveils seven prophecies to the prophet Ezra, after whom the book is named
He also plays a role in the apocryphal Book of Kha-Nowk [Enoch], which is considered canonical by both the Ethiopian Orthodox and Eritrean Orthodox Church

Another possible interpretation of the seven archangels is that these seven are the seven spirits of God that stand before the throne described in the Book of Kha-Nowk [Enoch], and in the Book of Revelation

The Seven Archangels are said to be the guardian angels of nations and countries, and are concerned with the issues and events surrounding these, including politics, military matters, commerce and trade: e.g. Archangel Michael is traditionally seen as the protector of Israel and of the ecclesia (Gr. root ekklesia from the New Testament passages), theologically equated as the Church, the forerunner of the spiritual New Israel

It is possible to make a distinction between archangel (with a lower-case a) and Archangel (with an uppercase A)
The former can denote the second-lowest choir (arch-angels in the sense of being just above the lowest Choir of angels that is called only -angels) but the latter may denote the highest of all the angels (i.e., Arch-angels in the sense of being above all angels, of any Choir

The seven highest Seraphim, Miyka’el [Michael] being the highest of all

Sum Christian groups, such as the Seventh Day Adventists, believe Michael the Archangel is another name for Jesus

The angels [angles] or malakhim, i.e. the “plain” angels (ἄγγελοι, pl. of the Greek word ἄγγελος, angělǒs, i.e. messenger or envoy), are the lowest order of the angels, and the most recognized
They are the ones most concerned with the affairs of living things
Within the category of the angels, there are many different kinds, with different functions
The angels are sent as messengers to HuMins and Mankind, a kind of man 

The heavenly host, the Elohyeem, the Serapheem [Cherubeem], the Nephileem, the Ghibbore, all these terms are of beings that were supernatural and are recorded as gods, angels or mighty men and came to Ki [earth] as his or her own son, and his own self and it became Jesus Christ, god incarnated, a concept borrowed from the Nagas [Hindus) as Krishna or an avatar, an incarnation of god in flesh, the gods or god that predate the Bible are many

Christ is a Godhead energy from the Ethiopian word Karast [KRST]

Atum was head of the Angelic forces [9], these children were Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Asaru (Osiris), Sutukh (Set), Aset(Isis) and Nebthoot (Nephthys) 

-and the [9] principles of adverse forces are, Satan, Anzu, Shaytaan, Dragon, Devil, Lucifer, Ibliys, Jaan and Azazel

Later the [9] Angelic beings became-
Miyka’el, Gabriy’el, Rapha’el, Uri’el, Uzzi’el, Izraa’el, Zamar’el, there was originally 9 but two fell, Azazel and his son Sama’el of your Bible and Koran

Same stories with different names and turning points in history, they are the Neteru or Annunaqi and are dealing with the forces of positive and negative energies, Masculine and Femi9 energies or good and bad, negative and positive  

The Akir is coming..

I like this guy, just doing his thing- Dom did a London ride a little way back, the poWRA to influence many, nice one- 







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