Saturday, 10 July 2021

Set in stone


The hand [mind] that rocks the cradle 

There are those with a mindset and there are those who set their mind on things, there is a difference

Distractions come in many formats, from family to internet to our daily routines, and this can cause us to not focus on things that are on our mind [Khu]

Your mindset is a set of [things] that are on your mind, sum times they are pushed to the back of your mind, sum times they are stored in the sub-mind [subconscious] but wherever they are, there are [things] on your mind

You will hear many say, I need to get my mind right or straight, I got things on my mind, what was you thinking of- i-know I wasn’t thinking right-my mind is all over the place+

What I just wrote is actually a mindset in itself

We all have the right intentions, we set our minds on getting things done but a lot of the times we just talk the talk and we never take the action or do the intention

Going to do sum thing is one mindset but actually doing it is another mindset, for example knowing that you have to do sum thing and knowing this and then knowing that you have to do sum thing and thinking this

What you’re trying to do, what you might do, what you’re going to do, what you should do, what you’re probably going to do, what you’re planning on doing- all this is you thinking what you should actually be doing and this brings us to the thin line of what is real and what is unreal

All because you can talk a good game

This is what we are dealing with in todays times, things that you need to do and things that your thinking of doing and getting your mind [Khu] to agree with you

You have those that set their minds on things and you have those who have a mindset, those who set their minds on things have the right mindset and there are those who never set their minds on things, yeah – I’ll do it, these are the ones who have their minds set on talking about it- there is a difference, they have their mind set on trying, on planning- but won’t do it

There are those around you who present this type of thinking and for you [if it isn’t you] you cannot have them around you in this energy field

Setting your mind and setting your mind to doing it are the same thing but is in two stages, many never reach the second stage

 This creates hang-ups, bad-breaks, let-downs and set-backs, you took a chakra and made it pay-attention to too much sh9t that you were previously doing that you don’t need to be doing- this could be your Root chakra which is your passion, your motivations, your desires and these areas are unfulfilled and so you experience a set-back because you took your situation or you energy or your relationship to do that and it didn’t play out like that and now you say oh- I just had a setback [which is like an internal retrograde]

Those who have their mindset set on things have a goal, they have an outcome, they have a direct intention because their mind is set in stone

You can play with them and they will play with you but you will never be able to stop them in what they have to do because they are now locked into whatever it is that they have to do, this can be observed and sum people will react to you because this scares them, they know you are serious and this intimidates them, this can also make them try their damn hardest to attempt to take you off your Ptah, remember these people can be your friends, family, lover-partner, those you value

The mind is a terrible thing to waste and you have to realise that sum one around you who does not have to be on a soul-spiritual Ptah to know you, all they just need to know are what buttons to press to disrupt your input- output signals, they just need to know how to distract you which is normally stupid things from the 3D world that you are involved in or your insecurities   

Where your mind goes your body follows, where your interest goes your body follows, where your energy goes your body follows and it is your spirit [Kaa] that is supposed to control all of those examples and more

You create a mentality first regardless if you’re in a male or female avatar [body] Kha [Khat] that is your [God] or [Goddess] body aka your mind [Khu] and it is your mind [operating system] that controls your body aka your onboard computer that you use to experience this world that you are in- this stimulation aka realm of reality

You can read energies, you can hear when sum one speaks [spheres] what kind of mindset they have, sum one that lies and you pick up on it lets you know what kind of mindset they have, you can tell a lot about people without ever sleeping with them, without even spending more time with them, eye contact can make all the difference, it can be a catch22 because you can still be blinded by sum one who has their mind set on things and knows how to cover sh9t up, then use your intuition, your [7] senses, your past experiences, do not override logic and reason or you gut [soular], your first impression is your correct impression- don’t make it your last impression, don’t wait a decade down the line for them to prove your first impression right- I knew I was right and that comes so far down the road when you could have dealt with them a decade ago, you were right about nothing

Sum one who has a mindset has goals, outcomes, and there are those who just have their mind set up on things, they have their mind set up on having a mindset and all they do is spend their time on thinking about things to have their mind set up on things- and that is it, oh yeah I think like that- when in actuality they do not, they cannot stay focused on one thing, their attention span is non-existent and only exist when you come around, they repeat things that you already told them or you shared to match your frequency, there are those who start one thing and crossover into sum thing else without finishing the first thing or their attention span is so low because deep down they didn’t give a rats ass about it in the first place

If you are around anyone- you want them to be the ones who have their mind set on things, the doers, the outcome ones, the long-term ones, not the ones that follow you on a day to day but ones that follow on a long term, you see this in their own lives what kind of mindset they have

Even the ones who have their minds on sum thing else and are open with you, they tell you or you can see what their interest are, that is still being real, they just need to be with sum one who is cool with that at least they are showing what kind of mindset they have- you just need to know if that is beneficial to you

You have to set your mindset up and set it in stone and not just have a mindset- anyone can do that, do not allow those with a mindset to fu9k you over or you are setting yourself up for bad-breaks, setbacks, let-downs and hang-ups, this makes you wanna holla

We can inherit this type of mindset from your parents, your family, your partner- especially those who have been with sum one from an early age [family, boyfriend, girlfriend] those people can have a mindset that was taught to them or they took on those attributes and they are present when you come along, its becomes natural for them to be a certain way- don’t get blinded by their light, don’t look at sum one sexually first, check their energy first, especially in these crucial times that we are in, people are desperate, many have been like this from day one and are struggling now, they have sum-one else’s mindset and 9times out of 9 these are un-accomplishing mindsets, they are un-successful mindsets and all they can set their minds to is being manipulative, they can only set themselves up to extract energy, extract emotions, sum have made mistakes in life and now they stream these mistakes [negative energy] out to others, don’t be their point of reference that these people set their mindset to, fu9k them, you don’t need them, so don’t feed them, don’t get rocked to sleep

These mindsets reinvent themselves over and over, pretending to be sum thing they can never attain

Choose in your mind if you want to be part of sum thing, use your tools to discern, is this beneficial for me down the line or is this going to be punishing down the line, do not go down by being guilty by association, who are all these people that you associate with, do you even need them, will they fu9k things up for me- when you meet sum one for the first time, always think- what does this person want, what do they really want from me, this applies in your relationships, in your life, in your business deals, everything that you are participating in  

If your making mistakes still- given the timeline that we are in- then you have problems, no point in saying down the line, its my fault, this is sum sh9t that you are already supposed to know, this is sum thing that your already supposed to equalise, not oh-let me see, know it

There are those who have a small universe, they are a sun and in their orbit are satellites [moons] that are stagnant, their mindset is small and right now- you do not want limitations, you’re a greater sun with a very poWRA-ful orbit, watch who is in your space, if you are attracting sh9t orbits then what does that say about you

Imagine a sun, that is you, you are attracting [EMP] and in your orbit is your mother and father, your grandparents, guardian- then you have your children or your brothers or sisters or your uncles or aunts, then you have your partners, for sum-including their ex's, the children’s father or mother, you have your friends, work colleagues, all these are moons [satellites] in your orbit- it will be vary for you all, sum of you put them in your orbit because you need them, and sum of you it’s the other way around, for sum of you- if you fade out, all the moons would leave the orbit and are only kept there because you are the sun that keeps them all together

You change peoples mind, not people changing your mind- I thought you were a [God] then act like one

We are moving forward- so do not go backwards, anything from your past should stay in your past, only take from what is in the moment, what is presented to you in the present   

Be wary of those around you with certain mindsets, the spirit will be bored around them, so pay attention if your spirit starts making up noise or leaves you for a minute, listen to your spirit energy

I AM not with that mindset, I AM not with what you are on today, that is not where I AM going

Stay on your Ptah and in your lane, set your mind on sum thing real, stay light, stay pure and do not let no one rock you to sleep with certain mindsets, when you recognise- break away from dead energy, your soul is strengthened when you do this and you will feel really good, that is what soul means, strength, poWRA-full, don’t feel guilty about telling others to fu9k off, you do not owe them nothing and besides- they are not going where you are going  

People get scared when they realise you are one poWRA-ful spirit 

[Rockefeller] Rock a-bye, baby
On the tree top
When the wind blows
The cradle will rock

When the bow breaks
The baby will fall
Down will come baby
Cradle and all

This is about  KHMT [baby] and was corrupted by many, including the French, however for the purpose of this post we will use the corrupted version

Do not let no-one rock you to sleep in these crucial times

When you know your a bad MF

Universal Mind
Cosmic Web

There is a force that is controlling activity in galaxies that are millions of miles apart and these galaxies are being affected and are reacting to this force

Where is this force coming from the central galaxy and sum thing completely different like the
 Cosmic Web

The galaxies are synchronising citing and are all connected and are being controlled by the central black-hole

The Magnetic sun NI.BIRU [Neb Heru] and its presence in this soul-ar system and the galaxies and soul-ar system are getting ready to rotate in a number [9] and light years means instant, NI.BIRU our binary sun travels at light speed which are the exact coordinates to the Gaza-Sphinx complex- which is the motherboard, black-holes are called ether or mater or KAANU in KHMT [Egypt] the same liquid substance in 9ether people, look at the central nervous system of 9ether people and the universe and see the same thing, we are being upgraded but first Gamma radiation must destroy all that is artificial and doesn't belong in this soul-ar system, we have a virus that must be destroyed first before we connect to Sirius, the Atom nucleus and the soul-ar system are the same, as above, so below, UVC is being blasted to the core of this planet by the central black hole 

[1] Atum Re = Haru [Heru] and Ultraviolet
[2] Atun Re = Asaru [Osiris] and Gamma Ray Light
[3] Amun Re = X-Ray

U.V. – Gamma X-rays are 3 forms of Black (Kaanu)-light coming from Cosmic Rays that come from outside of this soular-system

The 3 types of cosmic rays which when they manifest in [cellular energy] as well as [chemical energy] are logged under [1] PROT-on [2] NEUTR-on [3] ELECTR-on

The 3 types of cosmic rays come in 3wave-lenghts being- 

[A] Alpha Waves
[B] Gamma Waves
[C] Beta Waves
[the 3hands or tri-ads of Re [Ra]

The universal mind is connecting to become one, this is Zer0 point energy and is an ancient subject that created everything that gave us supreme cosmic poWRA

Western science jargon words cannot replace what is written in stone

Womb [Pelvis] Mother Mind 

Whatever is on the horizon is getting closer 

Jamaika Ska
Purple [Ultraviolet] 

Huge mothership
It was the 9ethers in Kalifornia that was holding everything up and is to why Kali hadn't received more last year, but this year things have amped up

Italian ice-stones that are fashionably designed

Bodrum [Turkey] fills up in moments

Algerian Skies [the Mummy Returns] 

Tornados touching down in Europe, these are from the UK, you remember slavery, no, slavery remembers you, all tornadoes, hurricanes carry ancestral energy
We never had hurricanes or tornadoes until slavery started
All these systems follow where you took the Annunaqi off-spring in slavery

10am in China
Day turns into night-time
No beginning of days, no ending of nights [Alpha + Omega]

Tons of fish is removed in Florida after red-tide from Elsa
Places in the USA that have rich people, navy barracks, spaceX bases, famous people will not feel what is going on just yet, $10 for a box of cereal in places while in sum a small rise in petrol prices is all that they are seeing, it is coming, Florida is where the 6ethers came in when they came to Aztlan and places like that have sum thing special lined up for them

Maybe that is the right name, Death Valley, whoever is doing what here, people are going to die, water is evaporating at the same time 

Yellow, Red and White [holds all 7 colours which all the 7 frequencies] 
Karma codes 

Earth [Ki] facing 72hrs before soul-ar energy reaches
Remember the sun does not rotate how NASA show you, he rotates exactly how a clock does 

Concrete tombs, the planet has already been scanned above and below, you are going to die down there

100km is around 62miles
Sum strikes are to loosen the plates and sum are to crack their tombs open and let in the water, miles and miles of tunnels down there 

Indonesia is near the Philippines and Vietnam, Australia and Thailand, all will be heavily punished for what they have done over there and to what they have done to Papua [PNG]- you are existing on borrowed time  

The secret [7] are a group based in the Philippines that do negative things, they did a ritual last month that backfired into the universe which is causing different distortions in the universe and on the planet that is causing all types of sh9t and is what is causing sum of all this negative energy for the last month  

The secret [7] are a child-trafficking [sacrificing and raping children] group, organ trafficking group
What they did has backfired at the beginning of June  

So the [star-seeds] [indigo] released Magi to undo the secret [7] negative magic that they released
Many people had been having toxic dreams because you have been in the astral realms fighting them, this can play out like negative dreams

The toxic negative energy in the atmosphere belongs to them [7] the ritual that they did backfired and hasn’t been balanced out and many of you will be experiencing this as let-downs, things not coming through for you, not going right for you, out of balance, out of sync, fights, confrontational situations, feeling tired,

Waking up tired, strange weather, its moody weather in certain places around world, it is the manifestation of this negative energy ritual that they but out and we are at war with them

Three of the seven are dead and the rest have a hit put out on them, they are using the children and many children over there are missing,

So when you see sh9t happening to certain places, let it be because you don’t know why or what is going on in the astral world

Protect yourself because their toxic energy is in the air and can consume many weak-ass people

The [7] were in power and they are upset, they don’t want to evolve, they like things how it was, they don’t want to change frequency, they are the Pilipino branch of the Cabal and are attacking the star-children across the world

They cannot send physical being after you because you are divine and protected [you have your shield of consciousness] this is astral warfare

What they are using is similar to Magi [Voodoo] KAANU Magi [Black Magic] but is a Pilipino version of the Magi, I don’t know what their system is called

They don’t want change, they want to keep things how it was, they are archons

Toxic energy is in the air and is blocking the frequencies, many people are being attacked, suit up and boot up, they are attacking the USA first because the bulk of the star-seeds are over there, the energy was really high on the 4th July and they repeated the same ritual which was 6 days ago, so check your dreams, fight these [MF]

Charge up your stones, get Purple plates, stay away from low-vibrating people, use mind-control in the astral realms, lay down salt in the four corners of your room, house, talk with your spirit guides and ask for the protection

Morpheus is the [God] of dreams, use him to protect your dream-space as well

I felt out of sync all last week and I went into a forum that many elders use and this confirmed what is going on with the star-seeds

We have to take the reminding four down then we can purify the energy, they were probably one of the last big branches left on the planet so this will be a real battle, watch yourself in the astral realms

Jakarta [capital] of Indonesia has sunk 5m in a decade and is an example to its neighbours and now is below the sea level like New Orleans which is also below the sea-level

All you are taking with you from this world is your memories 

C.G.I [Computer Generated Images]

The entire movie Gravity is C.G.I and only the two actors’ faces are real, their faces are superimposed
We are residing in a stimulation [matrix] a computer-generated program
-wake up Neo

For 150 years they have been testing on albino rodents and this means one of the races has the same immune system, you not going to test on animals that don’t have a biological genetic make-up has them
How do they test on monkeys and rats, who has rat and monkey immune systems 

The Animal and Plant and HuMin [HuMan] King-Domes are ATOL protected and you are going to pay for violating their God-given right to exist  

Punt [Plut] lan [land]  Rameses land 

5 countries with 5 dead presidents
Zuma in jail [ABZU] South Africa

Haiti President, Jovenel Moïse

Still think that is a coincidence, what about Maduro who they also tried to take out 

Alkebulan [Africa] will only have one chance to become one and delete the 6ethers in the motherland, many PM(s) are corrupted by decades and centuries of foreign policy, the only CV cases in the motherland are from the 6ethers in Alkebulan, there are over 1million Chinese alone in Alkebulan, how did they get there, you let them in and now you will have to let them out

Alkebulan is not the be all and end all, far from it, Gan [Eden] is ATOL protected, the horn of Africa is breaking away so that ABZU [South Africa] can be flooded, the Arc [Ark] is already made safe

The Annunaqi have already taken those selected genetically bred individual for reproduction and replenishing in smaller shams to mother crafts and then those genetically calibrated for transformation and transfiguration suited for NI.BIRU(s) environment will be transported there
Whoever is left, many will not survive the cataclysmic calamities that are befalling the planet, many will simply expire

Those taken into crafts that hover in the air, sum within the planets atmosphere and sum outside of the planets atmosphere until this planet is repaired and the selected returned [5D] to replenish the planet, this is exactly what happened before, when crafts came and hovered while the planet was covered with water and there was total darkness with the only light coming from the red-eye [infrared] [NI.BIRU]             
Many 9ethers are going down with this frequency, no one is immune from the wrath of A.NU and crew, this Wendy House, Micky Mouse sh9t is going down, and so too all ethers who failed this time round, just because you are 9ether does not mean your passage is assured, oh no, many of the 9ethers were worse than the 6ethers down here and it shows, we know your name, shame on you

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned
Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do

When you see things taking place where you have say Muslims states or Christian states and water and heat is consuming them I wonder what do they think, their [God] gave them everything in the material world, and yet [he] is doing this to them, do they think it’s the devil doing this to them or is [God] great, is [he] working in mysterious ways or is this another [God] whose doing this, who are they praying [begging] to- to stop this, one day they will get it, that they have no [God] and that the real [God] is a Wombman and she is not playing

We cannot get in the way of [Gods] work, s-he is taking care of business in her own way, peace be upon him, no bi9ch there will be no peace until Shiloh returns 

Amani [peace]
Hotep [peace]
Salami [peace]
Shiloh [peace]

[El] Hiq [the Sceptre] can only be held by ANU.NAGA [Annunaqi] royalty, and not by blue-blood reptilians hands [claws]

When Neo goes to see he mechanical eye, the eye says what do you want and Neo replies, peace
If peace is in your heart- then you shall receive peace  

This is why homosexuals must not preside over the Femi9 energy and children, because they have no connection whatsoever, like them having King James [Homo] presiding over Femi9 energy, it is wombman and man and child, not Trevor and Steve
They have got to go because long term they cannot offer this planet anything, there is another planet they can go to where all their desires can be met 
This is a family friendly planet, there can only be one ruling energy 

Before the Romans started using it to sacrifice 

Sri Lanka
You notice all these pools, what are they- cesspits, reptilian- Naga water pits 

Everything that Western sciences find they call a tomb, yet there no bodies found, they make out that everyone was obsessed with burial ceremonies which isn’t the case
All stone sites are structured on the lay-lines of this planet and are standard in providing healing, Wi-Fi connections, colour code bricks also play role in the frequencies
Sum pieces are moveable, sum secret rooms are only accessed through de-materialise mater which they had gadgets to walk through walls, sum pieces in Ulmec [Olmec] pieces are stone based but are transformers and can change shape
There are teleportation sites, space-landing ports, sum pieces interact with 9ether people because they have ether in them
Petra is empty now but once contained interior that is in private collections, hidden in underground vaults, you only hear about these things in movies or from those who rub shoulders with the so-called secret societies   

Before the albino Arabs came out of their caves 

The land was different back then, it was not a desert
Sumer is older than KHMT

This was built before their Jesus and before they came out of their ice-age, ask your holy people how this was built and he cannot reply meaning they have been cut-off from this advanced knowledge, why is this because they are lying to you  
Saudi Arabia is called [El] Ghor

Nimrud [Sargon] is a MaStar builder along with his off-spring and they built all the way across this planet 

The Ul-Mec [Olmec] are also pioneer buildings [out of the Ulmec we get the Muurs]  

Nice and Jazzy











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