If you see these people out here, people with masks on, those that walk 2 miles away from you when you come onto the same sidewalk, these people see a different world, limitations, they are the ones that are not feeling the high vibrations or nu frequencies
With knowledge [data-light] it keeps you grounded, knowledge brings in
focus, there are those who still live in the same area that they were born in,
that they have been for the last century, there are those who cannot create
energy, there are those who just read a Buddha book, do yoga, meditate and
don’t go beyond, there are those who don’t build on what they know and this
limits them, same world, different people, different world, same people
Your energy vibrates when you’re in your own parallel realities in a reality, you cannot worry about what people have seen or what they are doing or what happened to them, fu9k them, share sum things but get this, many people cannot fathom what the 5th dimension is about, the 4D is for the HuMin race and the planet will be a house [Iy] that can house 4th and 5th
4th is your heart but the 5th many
will not be able to grasp, you have to unlock the 4D first
There is an extra-terrestrial in every family, at least one, many of you been here for a long time, time travelling
The Virgo [Mason] SHES.NU [Shesnu] Ma’Sem [September][Septet][Sirius] mind sees how sumthing operates and then makes from their own energy, they do not take the energy, only the essence and creates their own operation, they are the only house where this is their primary function out of many other functions
A lot of your energies will rise up with your parallel realties, its an activation on so many levels, you are world-class people now, you are [Gods] and [Goddess] now and you are creating realties within realities, pay no attention to what others have seen or what they are doing, [what are you doing] is the million dollar question
Creating unlocks the 5th dimension, thinking
outside of the box [cube]
All this around you is a collection of peoples minds and is merely a suggestion, take out and confirm what you 'know' to you has what you 'know' and the rest- let it go, what you have left over work with that, we are at different waves intertwining at times into one, being separated by consciousness only, different tiers
The plasma [Gamma] event is coming and everything is going to change after that, the ancient structures will make it through but everything that is artificial will not, this plasma [Gamma] destroys, everyone will be where they are supposed to be at the right time
Create your protective shield around you now, again; 'know' what you 'know' and confirm with yourself, accept and what you 'know' that is not truth, let that mother go, star-family have been warning you through others, they have taken their time on purpose so that you all can catch up, these are waves of intention
In the movie Knowing, they had the Pleiades in there, the truth is the Pleiades are Nubian, there are a few 'looking' albino ones in there who look [white] but they are all 9 ether, when reset [shift] takes place, many of you will be in shock from this alone, there are positive and agreeable ones as well as negative and disagreeable ones in the Pleiades, but they are all 9 ethers aka Nubian and for the Muslims, many are all female, at the end of the movie, the two children run through a wheat-corn field, wheat is not from this planet, Aset brought it here from...
The reSet is the plasma [Gamma] event
During the event, do not be near machines, your cell
phone should not be near your bed at night, your Wi-Fi modem should be off when
not in usage
You need a certain amount of light and those that fall short of this will not make it through and you will go through, those leftover to the 3D, which will be no food, water, blasting sunlight, N.W.O, but the rest go through to the 4D[5D] this means transferred to another soul-ar system
Many of you right now are just simply picking up where you left off from your previous life, this is why you know so much sh9t, you are not meant to die this lifetime, you are meant to bypass the death process, you shed the carbon body and this is why it looks like you died, when you raise up in the 4D you don’t have no carbon [from 14 or 13 to 7 carbon] and we are losing one of the 6 electrons, 6 neutrons, 6 protons by going down sum in numbers to make the transition
If you go through to the 3D its not a negative thing, just means you need more spiritual evolution, does this mean you have to do this all over again, yes bit9h with more stipulations, so start manifesting what you want, make note of what your good at, what you don't want and what you do want
Remember you asked to come here, its not negative at all,
your spirit knows you do not want to go through the shift, it’s a learning realm, many
of you like it here, losing your poWRA and gaining it back through stages, many
won’t make the shift because they don’t want to
You are in the process of mutating, everything is, the 3 kingdoms are, this planet and you, the air is crystallising everything, so this process is happening with or without you, you can see the crystallizing in people, that shine, that light body, you have crystal in your body, you cannot hold a lot of light in the carbon body, wearing crystals and beads is good but they are just tools, don’t put your whole energy into these tools, know they are tools to the main tool, which is you, soul, mind and body, these outside tools [like wearing crystals] are just enhancements
Create your world and you will create a shield, don’t copy, be original, take on energy and make it your own, don’t follow sumones idea, but your own
You will have obstacles but you need them to know what you are doing, the universe tests you for strength on your reality that you created, she wants to know if your serious, if you really want it, you need the chaos for in chaos is order, go through the obstacles to get to get what you want, trade off, when its all good -that’s too easy, earn it
Re-read things, re-watch things for you have gained more knowledge now, many of you have accessed the Akashic memory files, the Law of Attraction, it does work, you just gave up when the obstacles came your way and when you gave up so did the universe, she knew you were not serious already, also give sum things up, they don’t have to be big things, start off small, but give sum things up, sacrifice sumthing, like if you eat meat three times a day, make it two, go without sumthing, its like a fast, test your will poWRA
Isolate your talents, gifts and abilities and self-realise your true potential, unleash your true potential
Don’t be on the wrong end of the shift [reSet] know it, feel it, be it, you will see people again, there is no separation, we want harmony, isn’t that worth dying for….
[See you at the gates]
Giant mosquito tornado on its way to Argentina
Pay attention
All chakra energies are streaming through and reversing right back into the planet, this is relentless pressure
Pool houses for reptiles, for fish-tailed HuMins [look at Lions rock in Sri-Lanka] these are ancient ancestors abodes
How did they cut or move slabs of stone up there
Pay attention to detail
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