Monday, 1 March 2021

Role Reversing

Benjamin [Benyahmin] March [tribe colour: Black (ether)] Body part: Feet 
[tribe function: Elimination]

1.3.2021 [9] 

Big plasma [Gamma] is on the way, we are stable at the moment, we have these mono-liths everywhere
Star-family everywhere monitoring these soular flares from triggering major events, there was a mothership that took the burnt of sum of that huge soular flare a week ago and deflected sum away and let the rest in for designated places of interest, the planet is still on course for 5D, they are aiding us
Star family are here in huge numbers and are monitoring the desired outcome, remember this has never been done before and must be done correctly, the planet, this soular system, the universe and cosmos are shifting at one time [trappist] and the HuMin [HuMan] kingdoms, we have the plant and animal
kingdoms that also have to shift, we had shifts before but this one is different for things will never be the same again
We’ve had floods before to wipe out man [mind] no one would make it through a pole-shift if the poles were moved how star-family would previously have done so, have the poles moved before, yes from Poland [Pole-land] and is returning there once again
We are stabilised for a reason by star-family, energy is coming in waves rather than in one go because you would have pitted out had it been full on, all other soular systems will follow suit
However, there is still a lot of people who are not in alignment with this shift, we still have plasma and soular events coming, big ones and the major one, with many people, beings, others still to come off of this planet, not everyone is home and dry, many are simply not ready to reside on a 5th dimensional plane, heaven [haven] is Sirius and many people are simply not ready, many people(s) reality is different and when it comes to this shift, we will be on different planes, the truth be known many will not make the shift
This number 144,000 [144hz] is a small amount and now you know why, it’s a frequency and not everyone is going to make that number, you can see this by looking around you that many will not make the shift, star family already knew this

Think of sumthing that you know has been changed in your reality, sumthing that you know that wasn’t there before and is now or sumthing that was there and is not there no more, it could be a movie, could be monument, sumone told me sumthing once and when I brought it up with her she said that she had never said this, this is when I knew, the Matrix has you

Nelson Mandela was killed in prison, he died in prison in the late 70's into the 80's, do you remember this, the Mandela effect played havoc for many, speaking to people that said one thing only for them to deny saying or doing anything, people dying one year and alive the next, altered movies, dates, birthdates, they changed so much [in their reality only], there are many more examples but you must search your own reality and how fitting that they call it the Mandela Affect, infinite parallel universes, there are many people living in different universes

You know you create your reality, so while many are waiting for a craft invasion or star-family to come down here and start sh9t, or NI.BIRU to crash into this planet- its not going to happen like that
You have to create your way out of here, do you get this, if you don’t create your reality, you won’t be ready for 5D, you get left here, what you are manifesting is your reality

 Sum of you will be in a physical fight because that is what you want, sum of you will be in an area where an earthquake will take you out, sum of you will be in an area where devastation will occur and will take you out because these and more are what you are thinking about, your worst nightmare becoming your reality

 You are putting yourself on different timelines and different parallel universes, when the sun comes up you have the ability to put yourself onto another timeline, whatever you’re putting your energy into

If you see these people out here, people with masks on, those that walk 2 miles away from you when you come onto the same sidewalk, these people see a different world, limitations, they are the ones that are not feeling the high vibrations or nu frequencies

With knowledge [data-light] it keeps you grounded, knowledge brings in focus, there are those who still live in the same area that they were born in, that they have been for the last century, there are those who cannot create energy, there are those who just read a Buddha book, do yoga, meditate and don’t go beyond, there are those who don’t build on what they know and this limits them, same world, different people, different world, same people

Your energy vibrates when you’re in your own parallel realities in a reality, you cannot worry about what people have seen or what they are doing or what happened to them, fu9k them, share sum things but get this, many people cannot fathom what the 5th dimension is about, the 4D is for the HuMin race and the planet will be a house [Iy] that can house 4th and 5th

4th is your heart but the 5th many will not be able to grasp, you have to unlock the 4D first 

Are you training your mind or watching a tv, sh9t if you still have a tv you need to stop reading this blog, last week I stopped listening to the radio, I just about watch YT, when I post Melkeb, I always forward it to each caption at the bottom, just to see where and what, I watch on mute, this week I is thinking about stopping all the images that I usually post, me bored sh9tless and want the change, how the world should be, yesterday and today I watched crime-zone and missing people for 5hrs and 3hrs respectively, the amount of women who are missing [not talking about children or teenagers, just women], the USA is the capital of the world for women going missing, I did the maths from the 60’s into the 70’s into the 80’s into the 90’s into the 00’s, the USA is a h3ll hole and needs to be destroyed completely, I gathered my thoughts and the images of these women that were in these documentaries, I felt ashamed, I channelled my energy in reverse, this is not how this world was intended to be and no, that is not how life goes, these people, beings will not be allowed on the nu dimension [earth] I know that energy can never be destroyed but there are functions that these people who have done negativity on this planet will be transitioned into  

Be still and listen, find stillness

 What is presented to you is merely just a suggestion to you when you check it 

 Contradict the world for once, learn to see the world how you want to see it, you’re in the holographic universe now, you better start thinking higher

There is an extra-terrestrial in every family, at least one, many of you been here for a long time, time travelling

The Virgo [Mason] SHES.NU [Shesnu] Ma’Sem [September][Septet][Sirius] mind sees how sumthing operates and then makes from their own energy, they do not take the energy, only the essence and creates their own operation, they are the only house where this is their primary function out of many other functions

A lot of your energies will rise up with your parallel realties, its an activation on so many levels, you are world-class people now, you are [Gods] and [Goddess] now and you are creating realties within realities, pay no attention to what others have seen or what they are doing, [what are you doing] is the million dollar question

Creating unlocks the 5th dimension, thinking outside of the box [cube]

All this around you is a collection of peoples minds and is merely a suggestion, take out and confirm what you 'know' to you has what you 'know' and the rest- let it go, what you have left over work with that, we are at different waves intertwining at times into one, being separated by consciousness only, different tiers

The plasma [Gamma] event is coming and everything is going to change after that, the ancient structures will make it through but everything that is artificial will not, this plasma [Gamma] destroys, everyone will be where they are supposed to be at the right time

Create your protective shield around you now, again; 'know' what you 'know' and confirm with yourself, accept and what you 'know' that is not truth, let that mother go, star-family have been warning you through others, they have taken their time on purpose so that you all can catch up, these are waves of intention

In the movie Knowing, they had the Pleiades in there, the truth is the Pleiades are Nubian, there are a few 'looking' albino ones in there who look [white] but they are all 9 ether, when reset [shift] takes place, many of you will be in shock from this alone, there are positive and agreeable ones as well as negative and disagreeable ones in the Pleiades, but they are all 9 ethers aka Nubian and for the Muslims, many are all female, at the end of the movie, the two children run through a wheat-corn field, wheat is not from this planet, Aset brought it here from...

The reSet is the plasma [Gamma] event 

During the event, do not be near machines, your cell phone should not be near your bed at night, your Wi-Fi modem should be off when not in usage

You need a certain amount of light and those that fall short of this will not make it through and you will go through, those leftover to the 3D, which will be no food, water, blasting sunlight, N.W.O, but the rest go through to the 4D[5D] this means transferred to another soul-ar system

Many of you right now are just simply picking up where you left off from your previous life, this is why you know so much sh9t, you are not meant to die this lifetime, you are meant to bypass the death process, you shed the carbon body and this is why it looks like you died, when you raise up in the 4D you don’t have no carbon [from 14 or 13 to 7 carbon] and we are losing one of the 6 electrons, 6 neutrons, 6 protons by going down sum in numbers to make the transition

If you go through to the 3D its not a negative thing, just means you need more spiritual evolution, does this mean you have to do this all over again, yes bit9h with more stipulations, so start manifesting what you want, make note of what your good at, what you don't want and what you do want 

Remember you asked to come here, its not negative at all, your spirit knows you do not want to go through the shift, it’s a learning realm, many of you like it here, losing your poWRA and gaining it back through stages, many won’t make the shift because they don’t want to

You are in the process of mutating, everything is, the 3 kingdoms are, this planet and you, the air is crystallising everything, so this process is happening with or without you, you can see the crystallizing in people, that shine, that light body, you have crystal in your body, you cannot hold a lot of light in the carbon body, wearing crystals and beads is good but they are just tools, don’t put your whole energy into these tools, know they are tools to the main tool, which is you, soul, mind and body, these outside tools [like wearing crystals] are just enhancements

Create your world and you will create a shield, don’t copy, be original, take on energy and make it your own, don’t follow sumones idea, but your own

You will have obstacles but you need them to know what you are doing, the universe tests you for strength on your reality that you created, she wants to know if your serious, if you really want it, you need the chaos for in chaos is order, go through the obstacles to get to get what you want, trade off, when its all good -that’s too easy, earn it

Re-read things, re-watch things for you have gained more knowledge now, many of you have accessed the Akashic memory files, the Law of Attraction, it does work, you just gave up when the obstacles came your way and when you gave up so did the universe, she knew you were not serious already, also give sum things up, they don’t have to be big things, start off small, but give sum things up, sacrifice sumthing, like if you eat meat three times a day, make it two, go without sumthing, its like a fast, test your will poWRA  

Isolate your talents, gifts and abilities and self-realise your true potential, unleash your true potential

Don’t be on the wrong end of the shift [reSet] know it, feel it, be it, you will see people again, there is no separation, we want harmony, isn’t that worth dying for….

[See you at the gates] 

From Russia with no love 

Brazil purple shaft beam 
Tachyonic [Plasma] above
Khayebet [Plasma] below [you] 

One dimension

The Greek word Sprites is from the other Greek word Spirit 

WAJI [Green] healing-life force energy 
Ultraviolet is Purple and when the energy hits the planet goes WAJI 

Fault-lines [you created the fault lines]

This is a photograph that the data is then translated into this frequency bar
This frequency is consistent for three days so far...

Russian town homes are frozen from the inside out
Russia was warned by the Annunaqi 

Giant mosquito tornado on its way to Argentina

Pay attention 

The shield keeps on warning you that its going to fail, negative for those with protection and positive for those with their shield, the shield is absorbing 90% of energies [radiation] and so are the ethers, one will be a positive outcome and the other will have a negative outcome  
April 1st will be the Nu energy on the planet and within those 3-4 weeks we will have a new turning point 

 All chakra energies are streaming through and reversing right back into the planet, this is relentless pressure 

In a Boston Museum [USA] and is over 10,000 years old and from KHMT and means that the first designers of women's attire are Nubian and you can find this type of dress today in 2021, fashion only goes around and comes back around because no one is designing, only copying   

Just like in KHMT they choose animal headed avatars, because this works with nature and because they could genetically splice correctly

Eran [Nagalan] India 

Same place Nagalan [India] 

Is this not a tree stump 

Two tree stumps

11 pool tanks, 1 [Iy] house and capacity for 40 people
Pool houses for reptiles, for fish-tailed HuMins [look at Lions rock in Sri-Lanka] these are ancient ancestors abodes 
How did they cut or move slabs of stone up there
Pay attention to detail

[Yes you are]


Eye to eye says everything..


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